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Everything posted by yekrucifixion187

  1. I started off the weekend as normal with some planned hatches but quickly changed course after popping a few eggs. We have secured a nice spot in the farthest right corner of the rag desert. It has several high rock formations (I snapped a screenshot but forgot to transfer it around so I could include it), is right near the ocean, metal, obsidian, crystal. Really a good area. I put our newest tribe mate in charge of this area from the building perspective and said I want a palatial Persian feel to it. We are going to build out of adobe (which looks so good) besides for our outer perimeter which is metal to keep Giga's and Rock Golem's that may be kited at bay. This same tribe mate is also our Abberation guy so along with the bridges he brought over some zip lines to connect these areas. We spent a lot of time grinding out clay so yesterday was more of a play around with the ravager's and zip lines. It's definitely a lengthy project. Just building some behemoths and the bridges we probably used about 4 or 5 vaults of clay. Luckily i have a weight wyvern (2300 weight) so gathering thatch/cactus sap is easy) though I am trying to figure out a better way to harvest sand. We have a real good doedic but even over burdening to about 1700 weight with sand still takes a fair amount of time and grind. I think it's going to be worth it though. My other tribe mate has been fairly busy but did start to work on our new flyer barn on the cliff side above our water pen (see previous post for location) and it is coming along great. I traded a couple of yuty's for tek doors and tek dino gate sets and they are awesome. We decided we need tek behemoth sets to really make this flyer barn optimal. I'll see if I can scrounge up a couple of trades until we get our new rex line set up to make our own. Raises; So after getting the magenta Anky's last week I bred the male with our female with the stamina a few times. I kept 2 of the eggs. One was a male that got the stam, weight, melee but the old hp and not the color but now with a male with that stam I can breed with the magenta female. The other one was a female that got the stam, weight, melee but got a hp mutation on the old hp and introduced a new color into the line. I am calling it abberant green. My abberation tribe mate invited some of his buddies over to look around and they all said they could see that thing walking around over there. The great part is the magenta and abberant green are on different sections of the spikes so there is a chance we'll get that combo as well as the whole collection of stats. Popped a few more vultures and kept 3. All have over 925 hatch hp and 325 melee with the best being 975 hatch hp. I also hatched a gift egg with some nice blue feathers but it doesn't have the greatest stats. Easy raises so I am going to raise it and try to get our current hp and melee with that color. I also started trying to find some head colors to add into these. PS4 PvE so if you know anyone who has yellow or green heads on their vultures, drop me a line. i probably didn't cover previously but i have been looking for a male thyla with decent melee and 0 mutations since we tamed the female with 6440 hp. people want exorbitant amounts for Thyla's and most have littered mutation lines. I get the kibble is fairly expensive ( i was willing to pay 200 ing an egg from one guy but we have a friendly relationship so he did it for 150 ing an egg) but knocking out and taming a Thyla is not hard at all. After they opened the desert I was flying back to base one night and spotted a 145 male Thyla. I had time until I got off the game so I knocked it out and was rewarded with 240% melee pre-tame. Tamed it up and it came out with 338% melee. Not a great stat roll but since I was only looking for 350% as a starting spot i was satisfied. I bred them this weekend but the baby pulled the worse hp and melee from both parents. I'll try again next week. I did get some luck with our saber line as we birthed a level 240 female. She got our hp (2250) stamina (980) and melee (387). I am glad she is female too since our weight we want to breed in is on a male (364). I have seen better hp and stamina out there (stamina I have seen is mutated) and weight (seen 404) but I haven't seen better natural melee yet. I have a few people inquiring on doing some breeding but the melee jump for them would far surpass the hp or stamina jump for me and I live in a saber rich area so I'll just keep knocking them out trying to get it ourselves. None of the Argy's popped with all stats so we'll try more of that next weekend. I did hatch a few Thorny dragon's looking for either a stat mutation or trying to pull our green spike mutation onto our weight and melee stat. I didn't get either of those but did hatch another level 249 Thorny with all the stats (including 2k hp and 1540 stamina) so I kept him. He's juvenile right now and should get to adolescent by lunch time today. I mostly just cooked eggs down and plan on doing more breeding this next weekend since it is my 4 day's off however I made a mistake last night. I was cooking down a Rex egg and my tribe mate called me over to an area so I went, ended up messing around a bit and when I got back, sure enough the rex had hatched. Le sigh. Popped 280, got the 12.5k hp, pulled our 2226 stamina and 940 weight, got the 414 melee and got the Cyan coloring. It also would have cleared up the paternal side for additional mutations. If it was male i probably would have taken the day off of work, lol. It was female and it was too late since I start my 4 day work week so it got the shotgun. I'm sure we'll get it back. We have an egg cooked down in there so maybe that one has the same results but as a male too. Trades; I moved a few things this week. Completed the boss yuty mating pair trade for the tek doors and tek dino gates. 10 sets of each. They are excellent. I did have to rebuild a few small sections of the base to place them in but it was totally worth it. I love just flying the tape right through without stopping and how we have the one area set up for meat runs, it made transferring meat to the fridges so much easier. Love them and kick myself for not building them and using them on legacy, lol. Guy on my rag server was selling a decent Quetzal for cheap (4k ings) as he was just trying to lighten his excess. I snatched that up despite not needing it, moved it to my island server and resold it for 3.5k poly (roughly 7k ings by our value). I need to find more deals like that. I moved another mating pair of red belly ravager's to a previous buyer. I cut him a previous buyer deal (same guy I got the mute vultures off of as well) for 200 metal walls. Ravager's are not as big of seller's as I was hoping so while I will try to breed that 3.1k hp with the 240 melee I am mostly content with what we have and probably will revert those to breed to order for future sales. The 200 metal walls is going to help us as we build a new Golem taming trap in the new desert. We already got the metal gates up but someone else tamed the 150 we spotted but we were able to set them up right near a Golem spawn. I moved a couple of basil's and a boss yuty egg for some wyvern eggs and a mc yuty saddle bp I can make in our 2k weight thorny. It's nice with 84 armor and our tribe mate is a crafter so should get that up higher. The wyvern eggs were two 185 ice and a 185 lightning. Guy got decent basil's in return. A 150 mutton tame female with 18k hp and a 145 kibble tamed male with 19k hp. Good starting points for breeding. We still have our 145 kibble tamed female with 20k hp and our 135 mutton tamed male with 320 melee for our own breeding. Moved some additional eggs. A quetzal egg and two thorny eggs for 4k poly. That was a great deal. One that had been in the works since last weekend but the guy had to postpone. he got a hold of me and it turns out while he is based mostly out of an island server he had set up a base on our rag server and I had even invited him over to our base to check out our sabers, as he is also a saber breeder, previously. He also gifted us the blue feather vulture I am currently raising. That made for an easy transaction. I moved a full grown Thorny with our weight and melee stats too for 2k poly. We're pretty set on poly for the time being now and I may be making more ammo, crystal, and metal deals for the future. On the docket; This will be a more raise centered weekend. Will pop the wyvern's, rex's, probably quetzal's to get a male with all the stats, theri's looking for a stat mutation, maybe a few more yuty's since I am doing quetzal's, try the thyla again, try to get the weight on the saber line, pop the anky's and the argy's trying to get full stats, and anything I may make a deal on during the week. I have two possible trades but don't plan on adding more unless a great offer comes across. I'll try to help with more mat farming too so that my tribe mates don't get the whole builds put on their backs. I may postpone the desert build and have my tribe mate focus on his Abberation base. I don't want him to feel obligated to work on our stuff and neglect his. I'll add some pics into this dissertation as well so it's not all hum drum. Thanks for reading, catch you all next week.
  2. So since I am still hoping to hold to this statement let me get the bad out of the way before my weekend. The last PS4 console update turned half of my protect dino's passive at my base so imagine my surprise when across my screen comes level 242 Rock Elemental killed by level 55 Allosaurus. I went running out my door to see 3 allo's working on my top non mutated Rex next and was able to hop on my Wyvern and dispose of them. I have declined to use overbearing behemoth, dino, and base walls because of Wildcards choice of server's, hardware, whatever that causes such massive lag when trying to load in even a normal size plain and boring square building which is what my base is. This should not be a problem because I had a 242 Rock Elemental (140 kibble tame)with 14k hp and 282 melee, a level 301 Rex with 25k hp and 700+ melee, and a 135+ kibble tamed Xmas Rex that I currently have at 540% melee with 12k hp set to neutral. On my roof I park a few Quetzal's and Wyvern's and have some of our 25k hp 650-700% melee as well as a few auto turrets to take out Argy's and if someone kites any Wyvern's to us. These guys are set to ignore group whistle so it wasn't errant whistling. Now to clarify when I say half I am going to show you a crude drawing. I can't prove what my dino's settings were so there is no way to file a support ticket that will get me results. I can only know what I know and that is before the last update my Rock Elemental had killed a kentro, some allo's, and a saber that was attacking me at various times after the previous patch. I know this thing has soloed (without a rider just set to neutral) a 135 Alpha Rex that was around my area when I logged in one day. I don't know if it is related but I do know that side of my base is affected by the rag desert heat wave. I do not know how far down the peninsula that weather affect extends but I do know my Water Pen at the end of the peninsula the Basil's were still set to neutral (right side of photo, also same side as passive dino's at main base) as well as the Rex's up at the Rex/Breeding/Wyvern trap barn(left side of photo). Hey Wildcard, While I want the difficulty of the game to be increased from the wild dino perspective, changing half of my dino's settings is not what I had in mind. Can you stop finding ways to kill my crap by breaking your code and running insufficient servers? Thanks, Yek
  3. It was quite busy and frustrating at points this weekend. The trade market is back in full swing. lol. The thing I wanted to avoid, as we did it so much in legacy, but my server is very hard to trade on. It's a mixture of vets already set, noobs without the resources needed, or people who play essentially single as they never talk in chat. I don't see a lot of mid-tier players which comprises the biggest buyers in the trade market so I started looking outside and we have had very good success. I do enjoy the trading aspect of PvE (I could never trust someone on PvP though I see successful PvP trades all the time) but I am trying hard not to go overboard like I did on legacy where it was at a point that 70-80% of my play time was jumping to different server's or picking people up for trades on my server. Still I acquired some nice items this week; Trades were very numerous so it's hard to remember everything. I know I moved a breeding pair of Xmas belly Ravs and received two magenta colored vulture eggs with 925 hp and 325 melee as well as 1k crystal and 3500 cp. Pleasant fella and look forward to more trades with him. I moved a couple of our mutated Doedic's in different trades for various items. One got me a Cyan 12.5k hp, 414 melee Rex egg. I'm going to breed a line with these just so we can unlock some tek engrams but my main Rex focus is still going to be our very own line from Rex's we tame. Still knocking out every Rex 135+ I come across. Banner week for our Yuty line. More people are now starting to get to the boss fight point so they are looking for Daedon's and Yuty's. Our Yuty's hatch at 9900 hp, 2184 stamina, and 331 melee. 4 levels gets you to 3k stamina (my preference) and then you can dump everything else into HP. Our top male currently sits at 36k hp and he's only 35 or 40 levels in. I have gotten orders for eggs and have even pre-sold a mating pair for 10 tek dino gate sets and 10 tek door frames. It is sometimes difficult explaining what goes into raising a Yuty as buyers fail to realize it has the same baby/raise time as a Quetzal. So here's where I use a segue. I popped some Quetzal's Saturday morning early to great success. A 233 male hatch and a 220 female hatch with our HP, Stam, and Weight stats (9996 hp, 2400 stam, 1648 weight). The male finally gave us our guaranteed breeding pair as I had raised a female prior. The 2x of course helped speed everything up (though while it helped with some imprints it caused disappointing results on other imprints as being even 5 minutes behind cost you but I digress) but with the 2x maturation it brought additional people to the server as well as introduced 100's maybe even thousand's of new dino's thus millions of additional calculations and the server's started to experience crashes and roll backs. I believe it was Sunday evening/Monday morning and the Quetzal's were at 35 to 40 percent done. I had hit every imprint on them and the Yuty's and the next imprint was in 2 hours and 30 minutes. I was raising quite a bit at that time. 3 Yuty's, 5 ravager's, 1 Vulture, 1 Rex, 1 Sabertooth, and the 2 Quetzal's. I had moved 2 Rav's and 2 Yuty's to a different section and gave them their own troughs to feed from because Ravager's are ravenous. I set my alarm for the 2 hours and 30 minutes and just wanted to catch a quick nap but i put my alarm to close to me I suppose so i turned it off and kept sleeping, still I was only offline for roughly 5 hours maybe 5 and half hours. I was ok though as I left the troughs topped (3 with Raw meat/a row of spoiled for the vulture in one, a 4th with cooked meat/jerky on the Quetzal side) as well as my normal inventory buffer on raises of 1 1/2 rows of cooked meat with 2 jerky's and a stack of preserving salts. I logged on to not even bags from the Quetzal's. Spoiled meat in all the troughs (only like 3 or 4 stacks in each and the cooked/jerky trough down to one row of jerky. I immediately filled all the troughs and then went to make see if the Quetzal's had glitched under the floors. Finally I pulled up the tribe log and it was confirmed they had starved to death. How? How did they starve to death after only being away for 5 hours? I am away during the week, when I work, for 8 and 6 hour time spots and it is never even that low on food when I check on them at lunch and again after work. So I started looking at the tribe log harder and that is when I seen the day stamps. My tribe mate got off the game around 9:45 PM but shortly before he got off the game we tamed a Sabertooth that was close on melee stat. It didn't get the roll we wanted so we killed it right away and the tribe log dictates all of that. i exited the game around 12:30 AM and got back on around 5:45 or 6 AM. An Ark game day is 48 to 52 minutes. The Quetzal's starved to death/I logged back in on day 3104, we tamed the Sabertooth on day 3098. At the 52 minute day interval that encompasses 5.22 hours of time but in real life the time frame passed was closer to 8 hours. if take into account server lag which costs us an hour a day roughly that still leaves 2 hours unaccounted for. The game rolled back to before I topped the troughs and it cost us dearly. I was furious. I logged off and considered deleting the game. I went to the store and did some food shopping, came back and made a nice breakfast, watched a couple episodes of HIMYM but I am an Ark addict and despite my anger I still had babies to raise, trades to complete (being dependable is a big deal to me), and in my sick nature I popped another Quetzal egg to hopefully get it through the majority of the baby phase before 2x ended. She hatched level 233 with all the stats. She was at 41% complete when I came to work this morning. While I am glad i got another Quetz with all the stats, it still denies me the guaranteed stats i am seeking to be able to market the eggs as well as sell the full grown's knowing they will pop guaranteed. I have an egg cooking now that I will most likely hatch Sunday morning to get it through the baby phase by midnight. I can only hope it is a male with all the stats and we don't have a 2x maturation event as the server's can't handle that. I have more to cover so we will not end on a down note. To Be Continued... Part 2; Outside of the Quetzal fiasco, I enjoyed my time in Ark this week. Raises; 3 Yuty's with our top stats of 9900 hp, 2184 stamina, 331.6% melee. Here is a weird thing. So two of the Yuty's are twins that hatched at level 230. The other is a female that hatched at level 237. the only difference in stats between them is 30 points in oxygen and there are no stat mutations. Anybody know how 30 points in oxygen equates to 7 extra levels as using ark wiki it did not calculate to that. is oxygen an important stat for Yuty's since they use their lungs? I finally decided to try and breed in our new Anky hp of 6580 and was immediately rewarded with a HP and color mutation on the Anky's. I got a dark magenta/purple shell tip plus face color with an increase to 71(40?) HP, the Anky kept our 460 weight and 387 melee as well though it did drop the stamina. Once it was done raising I popped another one and got a male of the same variation so I now have it semi-guaranteed (still many mutations can be had). The male is big as the female is the one we had with the stamina so now it's time to do some breeding to get either females with all the stats until we get the color or just the whole shebang. With Anky's I'm not as worried about stacking mutations though I will keep the 5 mutation male in case we ever decide to really expand that breed. I bred and killed a few saber's before I finally got a male with our top HP and melee though it dropped the stamina. Luckily I have 2 females with the stamina so when he is done I can start working on that. He popped at 243 so I was happy about that. (2250 hp, 980 stam, 364 weight, 387 melee is our top stats, once I get the stamina bred in I can start focusing on the weight). I went a little Ravager crazy and popped and raised/am raising 10 Ravager's this weekend. People want them though despite less than overwhelming stats (1920 hp, 240 melee, either 708 or 840 weight) because they are new plus ours have the red xmas belly. Our abberation tribe mate also traded for a significant HP upgrade (3100 hp) so I can breed that in this upcoming weekend or whenever. I like to take out the pack and play with them. I am getting them to about 4k hp and 340 melee in short order. Magenta/purple colored vulture hatches with 925 hp and 325 melee, level 249 hatch. Not the greatest stats but I enjoyed using it this weekend and it soloed two Argy's level 60 and level 100 when they attacked the Ravager pack. I had him at about 1400 hp and 380 melee at the time. I just got him to 405 melee and 1500 hp in about 20 levels. I plan on getting him to 2k hp and then putting the rest in melee. I will try to tame or trade for some better stats and then raise 5 or 6 and take them into the ice cave with me. A few Doedics and a Thorny dragon specifically for trade. I am currently working on getting our mutated green spikes on the Thorny bred into our stat line. That'll take a few tries I am sure. The Doedics have been bred enough at this point to guarantee the stats and colors. I don't even put them down anymore in the wild. 100% imprint will get them to 461% melee and the high 500 weight category which in turn will get them to 1600 weight. Cyan Rex with 12.5k hp and 414 melee. these will be enough for medium bosses and Alpha Manticore if we decide to jump to SE for a fight at any point. It's littered with mutations so I will probably breed it with our clean line at some point to isolate that and see if we can get a few more mutations. I hatched but didn't keep any of the Theri's, hatched a slew of rex's (probably 50) but didn't keep any of those either. We did raise a 185 ice, 185 lightning, and 180 lightning Wyvern too. Got 100% imprint on all of them. I tried to sell the 185's on server at a discounted price of 8k and 7k ings but had no takers. I jumped them next to the island server and sold the 185's in 5 minutes. Ice 9k, light 8k. The next day I sold the 180 for a discount of 2k electronics (roughly 5k ings based upon our mat values). Map plays a huge factor in pricing and need/want. We tamed a few things that were close this weekend but only kept a few eggers we needed. tamed two trikes and 3 stego's. I was tired of trying to trade for the kibble/eggs and people asking for what I deemed too much for the ease of the tames (I had a guy ask for mantis eggs for stego eggs)/ The only reason i didn't have them was to try to ease the dino cap burden but I'm not missing imprints because you want to overcharge. This weekend I will be hatching and raising some Iguanadon's for eggers as I again am not going to be held to the fire when I want to tame a 150 Daedon. If we reach server cap again, I'm not offing my eggers again either. I tried to do my part but if no one else is going to cooperate, I'm not going to be that sucker left holding the bag. This weekend I plan on breeding the Cyan Rex and just furthering the certain breed projects we have going on but I was cooped up pretty long doing these raises this week so I am definitely going to get out to explore the desert which just released on consoles and I may start my center map base for water tames. I made a trade with some old legacy pals who have set up on a lower populated center map so since I already have a character over there now and I killed an 140 Alpha Carno while there giving me 52 levels, lol, I decided it was a good map to set up on. See ya next week with some hopefully positive news across the board.
  4. Kind of a blasé week. Didn't really progress towards a boss fight too much which was a bit disappointing. I have felt that even when it was a down week we always made some progress towards a boss fight and right now we are so far behind everybody else. I think the crazy Wyv hatching week we had may have set us back but I'm not sure my tribe mate is as interested in doing the boss fights as I am. I want to keep our Rex line going but I may trade for some better eggs to tide us over and get us to the boss fights a bit sooner while we continue to work on our own breed. Was able to finally breed in the new wild/clean hp into our clean line. Now I need to get a male and a few females with these stats. This one needs to finish raising first I suppose, lol. RNG is a son of a gun. I put down two 150 Rex's and both had the same exact HP and melee. 5280 hp, 200% melee. I didn't tame either as the bounce would have to be super favorable in either to top our current highs. I'm considering breeding the color mutated Rex's we have a bunch and then offing them. They are just clutter right now and I think if I get like 6 eggs from each I should be able to get that mute back. I may move them over to the island server and use one as a mount and try to sell the rest. Speaking of that got most of our new island outpost set up. Found a nice piece of land near Green ob that won't kill many spawns (some trees). I am going to keep it small. I may still find a water area. It's a decent market since a lot of the fresh faces start out on the Island. I chose this server because I have done several trades with one of bigger tribes on the server and ended up conducting a few more trades over the weekend with other resident's including two Wyvern's and a Golem. Added bonus was I have 3 tribes on there, the new guy and two from my Legacy server, that were able to vouch for me off the bat. That helped ease transition and I've already have other Golem order's as well as Ravager orders. Since I mentioned Ravager's I did get some babies from them this weekend. Triplets popped out. I sold off one of the babies right away but kept a male and female that got the red xmas belly from their mom. I can now breed them up but I want to level them and take the pack out once and see how they fare. Not the greatest stats out there but I'll keep my eye out and in the mean time breed for some stat mutations. As can be seen in the picture I also got the high stam and melee from our saber line onto a male xmas saber. That works out as a female has our high HP. I also raised another Thorny for the Island server. Having a 2k weight thorny over there will definitely help with the plan there. So here's the full plan for the island character. Crafting character. I think between 800 and 900% once I reach level 100. Offer up services to craft BP's for people as well as custom consumables. The low spoilage time is fantastic on these (especially when trying to stay fed while waiting a transfer upload timer) plus they just give you more food, hp, water, stamina, whatever. A familiar place that is more compact for cross server trades. some people don't want to come to Ragnarok to do trades and I don't blame them. It's a gorgeous map but it's very big and so spawning in right, finding, picking up and taking to the ob is a headache on both ends. Also with no real water drops (outside of the extremely random loot crates), water dino trades are frustrating. You have to make sure you hit the pirate ship just right really to have a chance. The center is probably best for that to be honest and if we ever get going on Basil's and Angler's I may set up shop there just for water trades. I'm not really there to tame. I'll be vocal in chat because it's what I do but I don't plan on adding to their tame cap outside of trade animal's and a few farming and transport animal's (I have two Golem's one for trade one for base defense, 1 Wyvern, 1 Argy for weight carry, 1 Tape for passenger transport, 1 Theri and Doedic for farming needs, 1 Bulbdog to show off my Bulbdog. I may bring over one of the mutated Rex's just to have that land mount that can handle anything outside of a Giga or Titan. I may opt for a Bear but I can get knocked unconscious from a Theri on a Bear. I don't plan on raising anything over there and if i do I'll use one of my allies breeding rooms. It may be nice to have something imprinted specifically to that character. That's down the road though. The base set up is simple and I am currently statting myself more as a builder than crafter. I'll mindwipe once I got what's needed built. So right now, I have a metal platform, ran wires and generator underneath, traded for a chem bench and industrial forge (so I can accept raw metal as a payment form), have 4 smithy's so I can craft multiple items at once, a greenhouse with the 4 veggies, old school compost bins (I'll trade for fertilizer if needed), 1 fabricator though I plan on adding 3 more, 1 vault though I plan on adding 10 more at least, and it is all open no enclosure. Ramps all around to conceal underneath but also so people can fly/walk up their delivery method to the vaults. I definitely need to grab a picture. I built a small two wall high square stone house to put my character and off of one of the dino gate entrances I built a small enclosure to keep the Theri and Doedic. I may still build off on of the behemoth's as a place to store the bird's but I haven't decided or scouted that yet. I placed a sign that details our raw material conversion rates. I also plan on distributing our coordinates in all trade markets so people can come by at any point and check our wares which will have signs with their prices listed. I kind of wanted to go away from the trade market this second time around but running a store of sorts, appeals to me. I like knowing I have stuff other people want and are willing to trade their hard work/best stuff for. So just a quick recap of this weeks dino's then i'll let you rest your eyes a little. Lol. Tamed a 150 Argy that had 32 points in HP and 30 points in melee pre-tame. Neither rolled to a higher stat than we had so after being unable to trade him, I offed it. Tamed a 130 Golem. Technique was flawless, every hit counted, still not sure why it's not taming to perfection according to Dododex. Guess they are off as our last 130 tamed out to the exact same level. Have a buyer for one of the Golem's and then the other will become our island server defense. Tamed a 145 female Basil. Right after the Golem tame we found her by her lonesome kind of stuck in the water below our trap. I ran back to base grabbed all the Theri kibble and then swam with her for a bit. She tamed out with 20k hp which bests our current of 18k. Tamed a 145 male Basil. Swimming the female back to the water pen I spied this guy in the open ocean. I had our new tribe mate with so i gave him the female basil and then grabbed another one from the pen and went to show him how the tame goes in the open ocean with manta's and sharks to deal with. He got a little overzealous trying to fight off a shark and almost hit the 145 male but luckily missed. It didn't have anything that tops what we currently have so I will try to trade it. Raises: Real basic. People like our mutated Doedic's so I have been raising them. Did a purple spike and a red spike this weekend. I did the Sabertooth and the Ravagers pictured as well the Thorny I mentioned and am in the process of raising the clean stat female Rex. Coming up: I have some trades on the Horizion as well as a best offer for a 170 Xmas Lightning Wyvern. So far I've been offered a 50/50 blue Giga egg and 2 grown mutated Spino's. Another guy offered me a full grown mutated green Giga and three 270 melee hatch Giga eggs. I don't even think those exist on PvE yet so I am cautious about that. The offer runs until Sunday at 5 PM EST so I will be fielding offers for several days. He's definitely top so far but that is just the Facebook page. I will probably raise the Yuty's and Quetzal's this weekend, more Rex's, some Anky's (get the new HP on the line), Ravager's, Sabertooth's (get the HP and weight hopefully together), Thorny's, Doedic's if requested (have one order outstanding so far). I'll also clean up and add a little to the Island server, more vaults as I prepare further to open for business. See ya next week.
  5. If on official, don't do this. It keeps the server cap even if unclaimed. Just harvest them for meat and hide. Feed the old to the new.
  6. I took a break from the forum over the holiday break but not Ark so a decent amount to cover but I'll try not to right a novel. More of a novella. The last of the bases went down on our peninsula so the Dead Goon Game Preserve is now officially secured. We have placed 3 public Rex traps as well as made the oil pump public. We have started to spread out our dino's to try and create less lag in the entire area. So many wild dino's spawn there. Useful stuff too (from a PvE perspectiove). Rex, Allo, Saber's, Argy's, Hyena's. With the way lagreen and bluescreen ob are built up on our server it really is the last good Rex spawn on the map. We got into the Wyvern raising business and it's a blast. my tribe mate started running the scar and we had some great luck nabbing 190's, 185's, 170's, and even a few decent 165's. People are always seeking out Wyvern's so it expanded our trade market. We have raised and tailored a few specifically for scar running (we like a Lightning. It is immune to lightning, we feed it wyvern milk to reduce fire damage, and poison shots are easily avoided) by pum[ping it to 25k hp and 2000 stamina with a natural 350 melee after imprint. We tamed a level 150 Christmas Daedon that we keep at the scar base and just change them out and let it do the healing. Did quite a bit of raising and taming over the break. We also invited in an ally to our tribe. He has a key redwood base as well as some other nice builds. He primarily plays abberation so he actually created a new character for our server that he is making a crafting character. We will now be able to open up our market even further by breeding and trading abberation dino's on the regular Ark maps. Taming: A slew of Christmas dino's to breed into our stat line; 150 beaver that actually has better base weight than our 234 born one and is a male (we have a female). 145 male argy that tamed out with 408 melee, Our new high 150 male argy that tamed out with 850 oxygen. New high and it will make the hatching higher just for show. 170 Lightning that hatched with 11.2k hp. Christmas Wyv and a beast? Yes please. 145 female wolf that tamed out with 2.9k hp which isn't bad and beats our current high of 2.5k. 150 male daedon. He tamed out with 12.6k food so not bad. We also tamed a few dino's to either change out if an egg layer or just to breed in the Christmas color. 135 Anky, 135 f Argy so I could trade guaranteed Christmas eggs, 145 f scorpion, 45 f scorpion, 50 female raptor, 145 m saber, an acid trip jerboa. We tried to keep our tames to high levels 9killed the only Christmas Thyla I seen because it was a level 50 and also killed two Christmas Thorny's 135 and 140 because we only have enough Morellatop kibble for one more tame so we want a higher stat over the color. Overall we were pretty reserved compared to people on our server taming anything with Christmas colors but it was an event and server's been pretty good with tame cap even with new people playing because of lots of people leaving for Abberation or to other server's during tame cap. Raises: 237 hatched Yuty. I believe we hatched 12 eggs and this was the only one we kept. It is male and had all the stats. 9.9k hp, 2184 stamina, 331 melee. I got 96 percent imprint on him and he finished out with 11.4k hp, 2184 stamina, 394 melee. I only take Yuty stam up to 3k so I can dump the rest into health and I think it'll reach 35k or 40k hp. I may need to restat for rag fight as i have heard the manticore seems to target the Yuty making him run around more. I'm happy that i can guarantee the stamina on this line now but need to pop a female so I can guarantee the entire line. 233 hatched Quetzal. This one is a female. Grabbed the 9996 hp, 2400 stamina, 1648 weight. We hatched 4 eggs and kept this one only. i can now guarantee the weight but need to get a male so i can guarantee the line. After imprint this girl was at 11k hp, 2400 stam, and 1968 weight (96 percent imprint as well). She's going to be a beast. After some grinder leveling and killing crap Wyvern hatches she is already at 6760 weight. We also raised 2 Rex's. One got a health mutation to 11.2k hp with the 2226 stamina, 940 weight, and 396 melee. He has 4 mutations so we'll breed him with our clean females and look for the next stat mutation. the other got a stamina mutation so sits at 10.7k hp, 2320 stamina, 940 weight but only 385 melee. he has 4 muattions as well. he'll sit on the back burner for now as we are targeting hp and melee mutations. We did tame a Rex that has given us a new 0 mutation hp starting point of 10.12k hp. It's female so it'll take a while to breed that into our clean line with cool down timer. Additional Tames; Tamed a 150 Thyla that tamed out with 6.4k hp. Nice starting base. Been looking for a high melee male but haven't found yet. I was pleading in chat for Titanoboa kibble and finally (first few days of Christmas event) offered up a 140 Christmas Argy we had tamed. Someone snatched that up so good deal for us. Tamed a 140 rock Golem. We have our technique down and Golem's always sell. 308% melee on this tame so it was a nice one. Trades; Traded a 130 rock golem on an island server for 5k poly. i set up a small trading outpost on this server as some alliance member's from my legacy day's are set up here plus I have started a great trade relationship with a guy here. He runs the swamp cave constantly and pulls out high level BP's. I obtained first an 80 armor Rex saddle from him and now a 91 armor Rex saddle plus he gifted a few BP's. He made out too getting a breeding pair of our Yuty's 99.2k hp female, 2184 stamina male) and a male Boss Theri with cyan coloring (9.2k hp, 396 melee). Very cool dude. Traded a 140 rock golem on my home server for 4k poly. I let the guy use our trap to try and tame his own but it ended up dying. So I offered him up this one for trade. Since they are available on rag the price is of course reduced. Traded a 150 rock golem for a breeding pair of ravagers one having a red underbelly coloring from his 135 lamb chop tamed Christmas father. These will sell like hot cakes on the island just cause they are new. I took them out and went after some stego's. Eh. Maybe once imprinted but right now I prefer our sabers and especially Thyla's. Easy raises so will probably start that project this weekend. Breeding pair of our Orange shell, green body, purple spike doedics. Got some 300+ armor flak bp's. Happy with that. Unleveled 185 fire wyvern. Got 1500 tranq darts. Guy said he has a buddy also interested on his server. We'll raise more this weekend so I told him our price in shotgun shells. 175 Ice Egg. Got a made pair of 434 armor riot leggings, 367 armor riot chest, 277 durability gas mask, 234 durability gas mask, and 197 durability gas mask. Great for our scar runs/milk grabs. Two 534 weight, 300 melee thorny eggs. Received an 83 armor basil saddle BP for these. This was my island buddy. Those eggs will give him 2k weight thorny's which is great for his 105 armor rex saddle as he gears up to take on some bosses. I may ride with him and bring one of our Yuty's over just to get some Tek engrams unlocked. 80 armor Rex saddle bp. Received 6k crystal for that. Since our closest crystal spawn is blocked off (until they open the desert on console) this trade worked well for us since we had gotten the new Rex saddle bp. Trade in the work: I'm raising one of the doedic's right now to complete a trade. Trading our orange shell purple spike line, 2 thorny eggs, and a 165 lightning wyvern that ended up with 366 melee after imprint for a 251 long neck, 252 pump, and 250 AR BP. i'm very happy with that trade and I believe the guy is too. Doedic will be done by Saturday so we'll complete that trade Sunday. Overall I was happy with the Christmas event, especially the 2x and 3x taming as we were able to take a few more shots on dino's at a decreased cost. Never would have gotten the 10.12k hp clean Rex stat if 1x because it had the same wild hp stats as one that tamed out with only 8.5k hp so probably would have passed on taming it. RNG man, lol. I probably would have never put down that argy we got if it wasn't Christmas color and now end up with a new high melee. People were able to grab additional and better BP's which is something I like to trade for or were able to grind out the poly/crystal/ing I ask for the trades when materials are involved. On the docket: I will finish setting up our island trading outpost and leveling my character over there. He is going to be a crafting character so I will offer my crafting services on blueprints and custom consumables plus continue offering our wares from the Rag server. We'll also do some more Wyvern raising, Golem taming, will continue to try and improve our Rex line, and I am sure conduct more trades. I may try to get a male Quetz and a female Yuty with the stats to get our guaranteed breeds. I've been seeing a lot of requests for Quetzal's and I think we may have the most complete stat line on the PS4 PvE market from what I've seen offered out there, finally we will start our Ravager program. Man I love Ark.
  7. Busy weekend. Raised four Rex's. Three for boss fights and one for our clean 0 mutation line with all the stats (9.9k hp, 2226 stamina, 940 weight, 385 melee). Tamed a 140 golem. We built a nice metal building and placed the cannon face level with the Golem. First attempt we had the cannon sticking out and the Golem destroyed it. We lured the Golem away then constructed so the cannon is more protected. Brought the Golem back to the trap but it actually came around the trap while we were distracted, lol. It hit the Wyvern's so we jumped on and took off. Aggroed it back around and into the trap then I sat below the trap with a 10k durability riot shield to keep it's head steady. We better farm more crystal if we are going to keep taming Golem's. lol. We also tamed two Mantis'. A 135 female and a 150 male. The male was just a tame of opportunity. My tribe mate built a Mantis trap and while he tamed the 135 female I flew around looking for another female. Found the 150 male and well, 150. I tamed him the old fashion way. Ghillie and bug repellant, following him around. I only aggroed him once and still got perfect tame. We now have 2 females and 2 males. We keep the one male at a side base then keep the others in with our egg layers. We are going to need more if we want to keep taming Golem's though. Seen a 150 female basil. Traded for Theri kibble to tame it up. My tribe mate was at dinner so I wanted to wait for him but he was away longer than expected. I'm sure it is still out there somewhere so I have to try and get it before Saturday which is when I plan on doing some breeding in preparation for the long time off of work coming up. Trapped a 145 griffin. Didn't have anything on me to knock it out so I went back to base to grab a rifle and darts. Gone 1 minute. Despawned in trap. Lesson learned. We tamed up a new high weight Thorny so I bred her up with our male and we got every stat. Level 249 hatch. 2k hp, 1500 stam, 534 weight, 300 melee. We even got the high oxygen and food stat. We also knocked out a 150 saber. He was good but didn't surpass any of our high stats but we needed a male breeder so since it was 2x we tamed him up. Bred him with both females and got a nice born saber. Grabbed father's HP (2100) but mother's stam (980) and melee (387) so perfect for what we were looking for. Now I can breed him with the other female who has high HP (2250) and same melee. Started doing cross server trades again and came away with some good items. Traded a mating pair of Yuty's (9.2k hp, 1728 stam stamina female/ 2128 stamina male) for a 80 armor Rex saddle BP. Delightful guy. Very accommodating. He is on an island server and has 5 other Rex bp's including his personal 101 but also a 95, 78, 66, and after the trade we were still chatting he pulled a 91 armor bp. He'll be able to make some great trades with those. I also acquired some cyan mutated boss Theri's. The girl I traded with was equally delightful. Her base is just full of mutated Theri's, Tape's, Thyla's, Argy's. She also has some red spike doedics. I traded her one of our Orange shell doedics with green spikes for two eggs. I felt like she overpaid but she was very happy with the doedic. I'm going to raise her a male with orange shell, purple spike, and green body as a gift though. Her Theri's are Cyan with 9.2k hp and 396 melee at hatch. Monster's. I hatched one egg and got twin males. Mutation count is high but we got two clean females we can breed with to clean up a side. We'll hatch the other egg this upcoming week. We did some building too. Trying to reduce lag in area and two bases went down this week so we expanded to spread out dino's in a render range. Built a worker barn at top of hill. We are keeping our weight Wyvern and our extra Fire up there. Also keep our power Theri and delicate Theri, our Mammoth, a few Anky's, a few Doedics, our 1500 weight Beaver, and an Argy. We acquired an oil pump as well. I unlocked it for community but placed a building around it. The plan is to keep it open for the community but if we happen to lapse on replacing it and someone decides to place their own I will shut the doors and it will never be opened again. I let them know it too. We also built a few traps in area for Rex's, Allo's, and Saber's. My tribe mate usually uses his Wyvern to tank Rex's but we had some dicey moments and it feels like they hit harder which is fine by me personally. I like the added danger. I'll use the traps occasionally but I prefer positioning or firing off the back of a saber and running away. We had too many Rex's die by fleeing to the water though so it's actually a good idea. We are leaving these traps public as well since our area is one of the last Un-built Rex spawns. We probably dropped 20 to 30 Rex's over these last 4 days. All 135+ but none of them had anything to add to our current line. I did tame another scorpion because some were close enough if we had more kibble I'd probably give them a shot and hope for a favorable roll. I may tame one more scorpion. I got decimated by the ice Queen twice this week. I guess I can't solo her anymore. I may breed up some vultures or dimorph's if I do decide to solo her. I also am trying to trade for some ravager's to run the basic section with. I can raise them in the tunnel's. Either that or I may do a Bear. Everybody else is doing Thyla's but that's boring. Lol. Plus bears add insulation which will be great as I prefer flak/riot armor over fur (though the Fria curry has helped). I have off from the 24th to the 4th so a lot on the docket but the biggest thing is big raises. Quetzal's, Yuty's, Basil's, and if we can get our hands on some in the next few days, Giga's. I will say I hate these 8 hour imprint timers. I'm getting worse imprints now then I did with the 3 to 4 hour timers. 83-85% on the two Doedic's, Thorny, and Saber I just raised. Rex's are looking like they may be the same. Two weeks ago with similar set up I got 100% on two Rex's, a Doedic, and a Saber, and 99% on the other two Rex's. Maybe it'll help out with the longer raises like the Yuty's, Basil's, Quetzal's, and Giga's. Guess we'll find out. I did not get Abberation as my single protest to Wildcard leaving so many issues on their official server's but my one ally did. he brought us some bulbdogs and climbing picks as gifts though i wonder how well a climbing pick will work on ragnarok. He is also bringing us over some wing suits. The bulbdog is awesome. First shoulder mount I am continuously carrying. it alerted me to 3 150 argy's, 2 150 anky's, a 150 doedic, and 2 150 saber's last night. I dropped all of them and they didn't add to our line but what a great tool to have. he also alerted me to a 150 megalania, scorpion, allo, hyena, ptera, pelagornis, paracer, and dimorph. The light helps too at night. Pretty cool dino and yes that is a bulbdog skin on a mask placed on a bulbdog. I'll add a few pics in a bit. Sorry for the dissertation.
  8. Another good weekend. Finally got all the Anky stats together (6160 hp, 945 stam, 460 weight, 387 melee) and that beauty hatched at level 261. I'm happy with that and we'll keep looking to add. I can not find an upgraded male saber right now. means the female has to just sit there for the time being. I ran the ice cave solo. I made a bunch of recipes (lazarus chowder, fria curry, enduro stew, health brew, and shadow steak saute) threw on my best flak, took an extra set, took 2 assault rifles (199.1 % and 193.2 %) and 1000 rounds. I had one flak set break on me but was able to farm about 13 deathworm horns before finally realizing my last set was at about 80& and i wanted to fight the Queen. Entered the arena but stayed back while I ran to the bathroom. Came back ready to fight and no queen. Seems like it despawned. Farmed the red drops (MC Plesi Platform BP best item but that nabbed me 1k crystal) and grabbed the artifact. Gonna need to see if I can build a small spawn spot at bottom of waterfall exit with storage because getting out of the Canyon on my server is impossible with how they have it built and blocked. Had an ally scoop me up. It was still fun. Definitely gonna run that again, maybe tonight. Tamed my first two rock elemental's this weekend. A 140 and a 130. 2x helped with mantis kibble which we traded for. I sold the 130 for 3 BP's and 31 mantis eggs. Definitely gonna find a 145 to tame and probably use that to get a 80+ armor Rex BP. I also tamed up a level 140 Roo for a guy who wants to mute them and he traded me a male Mantis for it. Need to get me a couple more female mantis' if we are gonna start taming Golem's. Got me interested in my to tame list yet; Arthropluera, Baryonyx, Beezlebufo, Chalicotherium, Compy, Diplocaulus, Diplodocus, Dung Beetle, Electrophorus, Equus, Giganotosaurus, Gigantopithecus, Hesperonis, Kairuku, Kaprosuchus, Liopleurodon, Manta, Megalania, Megalosaurus, Moschops, Onyc, Paracer, Pegomastax, Purlovia, Thylacoleo, Titanoboa, Titanosaur, Troodon, and Tusoteuthis. Underlying theme, swamp animals and passive tames. Some of those I've knocked out (paracer, thyla off top of my head) but didn't have the stats I was looking for so haven't tamed them up yet. Others have little use in PVE which is probably why I have decided not to waste resources. They are on the list. Hatched two female Yuty's with our high stam (2128) so when they finish up I can mate them with our high health male (9.9k hp) and hopefully get 100% eggs and start trading them. I put down another 145 yuty this weekend too. Had great pre-tame stam (1700+) so I was excited about that but alas RNG was not favorable and it only tamed out with 1900 stam. I am fairly certain the 2128 came off a pre-tame 1600+ stam so what you gonna do? Just trying to find the highest base line before mutations in everything we have at this point. For the rest of the week we'll mate the Rex's, Yuty's, and anything else that drops eggs to cook them down, I decided to trade for a female Quetzal since I can't find a good mate for the male so I'll pick that up tomorrow. We'll farm more and trade for materials and bp's and maybe run around and grab the easy artifacts as we get closer to running our first boss fight on the new official server's. We'll also set ourselves up for a few more rock elemntal tames and maybe go kill the low levels i seen yesterday to try and get high levels to spawns (Our Rex's with prim saddles can handle at least up to a 95 we found so far). Until next week. Below is our highest Rex hatch so far. Melee is mutated, everything else is natural.
  9. It was a fairly decent weekend on official. Popped a bunch more Rex's and kept 4. 10.7k hp, 2226 stam, 396 melee on 3 and the 940 weight bred in with those stats on the 4th. They finished up this morning. Two with 100% imprint the other two with 99%. I picked back up the breeds i had put on hold mostly. Popped a Doedic that got our green mute body and orange shell and our 445 weight and 387 melee. I 100% imprinted that too so mine. lol (pic below) I finally got the high stamina on the Anky but it's missing the melee. Popped 240 with 6160 hp, 945 stam (think I wrote this wrong last time), and the 460 weight. It was male so I kept it because I can breed with a couple 387 melee females we have increasing our chances of getting it all. Without the stam we were popping 250+ so I am excited to see what level it'll be when we get it all. I sold a few Argy eggs and hatched two myself but they didn't get all the stats so they had to go. Finally I got the HP and weight on our Thorny's together (2.3k hp, 516 weight). That and the Anky are at 89% but I returned to work today so will only get about 85% imprint. Still it had over 600 weight which means it should be able to get up to 2k weight. I was out hunting for a weight bump or a melee bump but didn't find anything worth it. I'll keep looking. I did drop a lot of different animals this weekend but only tamed two and they didn't get a good roll so I killed them right away (1 rex, 1 saber). ran the ice cave and got destroyed again. Worm popped up behind me, I turned to bring up shield and the lag stopped me from bringing up shield before it got two hits in. i was so close to dying then and it killed my ally and tribe mate so i just started hacking at it until it killed me. I traded for a good MC BP for a riot shield with 10k durability and we decided to just use fria curries and go in with high armor flak instead of snow armor. We'll run it and complete it next time. No doubt. 3 more Rex's needed for 19 for the boss fight. We'll pop those this weekend. We'll run caves and get the artifacts and probably in 2 weeks be ready to run at least 1 boss fight, possibly more. This weekend we are going to attempt our first golem tame with an ally. He has a good Paracer and we have a block of land on the scorch island to set up a trap. We have been careful not to aggro a 130 we seen. It's still there but now last night I spotted a 145 also close to our area. We may switch focus or if we can somehow purchase enough kibble, do two of them. We don't even want/need a golem but it'd be an experience to tame one ourselves. We could probably trade it for something we do want/need like a Rex saddle BP. rest of this week will be finishing raises and acquiring more eggs as cool down timers finish so we can be prepared to hatch and raise anything we want. i have 3 shots at 9.2k hp/2128 stam Yuty's and can breed them again tonight for a fourth egg. Depending on if we get any evo event and what kind will determine a lot of how we progress. Excited for the weekend.
  10. It's been awhile. could write forever so i'll just detail some stuff. Current top stat Rex line; 10.7k hp, 2226 stam, 396 melee.It has 3 mutations. I know one is melee not sure about the rest. Current clean (no mutation) Rex line; 9900 hp, 2226 stam, 940 weight, 385 melee. the 2226 was the last wild stats we found. It's been a lot of dropped Rex's with no improvements. our server is in a constant flux with tame limit so some projects have been placed on the back burner including Argy, anky, doedic, saber. Still have some really nice stats. Current Anky line; 6160 hp, 460 weight, 387 dmg only a color mutation. Stats are all natural. Plan on breeding in 980 stamina at some point. Saber; 2250 hp, 383 melee. Have 980 stamina to breed in here too. Doedic, HP is not great but we have green body mutations (one on a blue shell and one on a white shell) plus I got a mutated orange shell to try and get that green body on but we currently have 445 weight and 387 melee. I can't remember Argy stats exactly but using smart breeder I know we have 44 points in HP, 1280 stamina, 760 weight, 52 points in food (makes babies hatch nice anyway) and 372 melee. we also got some green and blue mutations here. We got a few different Rex mutes as well. Full Red's, Red body with blue belly, Blue belly with red stripe, lavender belly, green stripe, and green stripe with lavender belly. Only the full red's are full mating pair. We'll hold them and get into color raises at some point. Have my Yuty project. tamed a female with 9.2k hp and 1700 stam, tamed a male with 9900 hp, and tamed another male with 2124 stamina. Had a female baby that got the 9200 hp and 2124 stamina but my tribe mate didn't log on this morning to top troughs like he normally does (I top them before I go to work around 4:45 AM, he tops them around 8:30 AM, I top them again around 12:15 PM and then most things are good until one of us gets on around 6:30 PM) I hope he is alright but I'm disappointed too. I raised a 100 percent imprinted 185 lightning Wyvern. My go to flight mechanic though I do get great fun out of our Griffin's on occasion. We did some Basil's too. Tamed a 150 f that had 18k hp and a 135 m that had 320 melee. Pretty good Basil's. I hatched one that popped out at 225, got both stats. I got her up to 39.8k hp, 1400 stamina, and 505 melee at only about 39 levels. Went all out and got 100 percent imprint on her too. I don't typically go that far anymore but it was my first basil hatch and I had the time so i really wanted that 100% imprint. My tribe mate also popped two. One popped out at 227, a female, so got a mutation somewhere not sure where but had the hp and melee. The other one popped out at 198, a male. Got the lower HP but the melee. Got 86 percent imprint on them. We sold the original tamed male and put the original tamed female on the market. Discussed starting a Basil breeding "business" like we did Quetzal's on Legacy. Unfortunately I was overconfident and overzealous. I took the Basil out and grabbed the Devourer artifact on Ragnarok as we are about ready to start attempting the gamma boss fight. While down there I noticed a level 85 Alpha Tuso and decided to test my Basil's mettle knowing I could just surface if it became overwhelming. It was a good early battle and even when a second Tuso joined the fray I wasn't worried. I was handling business not taking much HP loss (70 armor saddle), 30 percent damage resistance, 30 percent damage buff. A third Tuso joined from behind, one I hadn't seen and I became stuck. I tried and tried to escape and maneuver but to no avail. I just started chomping as best I could. Hoping to damage one enough to get it to break off and get unstuck. I look back at some of the other things i could have done (jumped off and swam with it following me may have worked or putting less points into HP and more into melee) but ultimately not engaging the Alpha with another Tuso in the area would have been smartest. I lost her in the end. I somehow escaped with the artifact and swam to shore, died twice by piranha's but ultimately recovered my stuff. I'll raise another one, stat it differently, get that 100 percent imprint again, maybe even find a different wild to add into the mix but it is still a bitter pill to swallow. You can see the picture I snapped once I resigned myself to her fate in the accompanying link. Not pictured is two more Tuso's that came in at the end to finish her off. One of the worse moments, as I swam away looking back, was seeing her dead and mangled body as the Tuso's just swam away. Not even the decency to eat her. Just killed her for fun apparently. I declined to take that picture.
  11. A lot happened and it's been and is still crazy at work so just some fine points. Me and one Tribe mate (from legacy) split from our other tribe mate (Legacy Ally) since our directions were different and so the resources weren't going to where we wanted them to go. It was a hostile flare up between them so I played middle man. It turned out to be fairly congenial in the end without any type of deceitfulness. We spent last weekend building our new base and just have been adding a little bit during the week. I'm in the dimetrodon business. Bred the ones we had before we left, raised those eggs got a m and f, raised another one, another f, Now are raising two more, a male and female. We'll keep the female and sell the male then breed all 3 and keep 1 more female then start selling them. Always one of the hardest kibbles to get for people and the torpor timer being :47 seconds turns a lot of people off of taming them so there' s a market there definitely. With our base just needing cosmetics at this point plus small expansion's (will do water pen this week on my 4 days off) we started hatching again. Finally got all our current high stats on one Anky (8th generation). 6160 HP, 840 stam, 460 weight, 375 melee. It's male so that helps too. 254 level hatch. Then we hatched a female with same stats though lower level due to lower food (232 I believe). So we can guarantee the most important stats but we'll breed that male with all our females. We'll keep looking for higher stats as well plus maybe get some stat mutations. Hatched a Rex (well kept one hatched Rex is more accurate), she got the HP (9900) and the stamina (2058) but not the melee (382 is high she got 355) or weight (920 is high she got 900). Still we have found it hardest to transfer the stamina so we'll keep her. We'll hatch the Quetzal and two more turtles today. The dimetrodon's will finish up so I'll breed them all and probably hatch those eggs as well. I'll harvest more stone and thatch (took mammoth out for wood last night) plus our daily trips to mine metal and obsidian. I need to tame two female Raptor's to finish our kibble farm and other than that drop every high level Anky, Rex, and Doedic that we see to try and improve those lines. Plan on doing first mammals tomorrow. Bears and Sabertooths. I'm excited for that. I started using Ark Smart Breeder and I can not recommend it enough. Tremendous program for your breeding. Hopefully works calms a little and I have some good tales for next week.
  12. you can upload them in any sky loot crate beacons that land in water and download them from the same place. check the Ragnarok and island maps on Ark wiki. You may even be able to force a drop in single player. I know for certain there is a drop on the island map at Draco Cove and another at the mouth of the green ob river. A squid can't be brought out of Draco Cove but it would be able to be downloaded at the green ob river mouth drop. I also believe there are some beacon drops on the other side of red ob if going towards blue.
  13. I pre-wrote this to edit parts of my anger, lol. It is long so sorry about that. feel free to skip on by. The resource grinding weekend did not go to plan. I did get some work done but not nearly as much as I could have without server issues. Saturday night I harvested a vault full of fiber and crushed down some more obsidian and metal. The 2x event was a nice boost and since it did not include breeding I was able to get on my server with no issue. Staying on the server was a different story. 5 rollbacks in about 6 hours of game play.I harvested probably close to 9k obsidian but actually only came away with 2.5k because of the rollbacks. It’s so frustrating to put in the work and not get the reward. One of the the players on the server had tweeted at Jat and Jat said the issue could be related to our server being on temporary hardware. The new stuff was ordered and should be delivered sometime next week (this week in real time). Around midnight I was frustrated and called it a night with the hope to get on earlier in the morning and make up loss time on Sunday. Sunday I got on around 7:30 AM. There were some dino’s to take care of (A Bronto, 2 Anky’s, 4 Rex’s) but we didn’t go overboard on the breeding. I went to work back over on obsidian island and changed over the 2.5k I harvested Saturday night to poly. I filled the fabricator and two storage chests with obsidian in two trips to the island. It’s a great place and as of right now it looks like only 4 tribes know about it. One tribe pillared the areas that spawn obsidian but it’s a network of islands so there is still places to build when other tribes discover it. I did a Rex loop, found a couple 135+ and dropped them but no stats to add to the line. I did the same with Anky’s but again no improvements on stats. I also put down a 145 female Bronto. We love the bronto’s berry harvesting but lack of stamina and speed makes it a chore. We found that if you get to about 2.5k worth of berries you reach the 300 slot limit so we are going to breed and raise Bronto’s that get to about 3.5k weight, 18k HP, and 340% melee after imprint then we can put all level’s into speed and stamina and have the ultimate berry harvester. We are currently at 16.5k hp, 3k weight, and 305% melee so we are close. That is a male we are raising so looking for a female that has a boost on one of the stats to breed with. This 145 female did not qualify so she became meat. I did harvest 3 fridges worth of mejo’s and a fridge worth of narcoberries too and we made some narcotics. I harvested more metal and did egg collection. I took the doedic out and harvested a lot of stone. I filled the stone vault twice but turned everything into stone walls and ceilings. There is a new area of land coming up for grabs when a base expires Monday morning so we want to be right on top of it. It’s on the hill next to us so we will build up there and spread the dino’s out which should hopefully cut down lag in the whole area. We’ll put our flyers and harvester’s up there and keep our current base the hatchery and egg farm. Around noon the rollbacks started again (I am actually unclear on the time frame but Wildcard definitely knows because they got a lot of server outage reports from myself). I can’t even go into details how much work was lost but I can definitely say we had at least 25 rollbacks over an 8 hour period. I submitted 12 reports myself before leaving the server. I went to our secondary server but was very unmotivated to do anything. I watched a movie and some shows. Got some house work done and then jumped on a single player Ragnarok server and explored a little. Finally I jumped back on the Ragnarok server and did a little work before calling it an early night again because I was so frustrated. I am convinced this is not just a hardware issue. How for 5 hours was there no issues but suddenly your hardware acts up? We never reached server capacity. There was maybe 43 survivors on when the rollbacks started. Standard big base lag was present but no disconnects nor any rollbacks but suddenly we go into a 25 rollback rampage? Dupers have most definitely infested these new server’s and it is costing WC’s new fan base to leave the game because they don’t understand what is happening and they can’t get any answers. I even seriously considered moving to a private dedicated server but I just don’t think I can start over for a third time. We gave up a lot on legacy, trusting Wildcard yet again when they said they had new servers that were free from dupers and the lag issues and full customer support but all i see from them is about their new DLC. I considered quitting altogether. Very much thought about deleting the game and going back to Battlefield 1 or looking to see what else is out there but I’m hooked. I love the concept of this game so much and therefore I am one of the problems. Myself and players like me will continue to take this lackadaisical attitude from Wildcard and so they have zero motivation to actually improve this current Ark. I love the community feel and the competition that comes with being in a community of breeders and tamers and sellers so single player on a regular basis is also not an option. I have already resolved not to get Abberation or the season pass so when my time in this Ark is finished I am officially done but that could be months or even years from now. Monday I was up fairly early and started the day by checking on the raises. We’ve had some inter tribe troubles lately which I won’t detail but it does relate to the lack of resource grinding I was able to get done. Brief synopsis is one of the tribe members and the owner of the tribe has been hatching stuff despite not being able to adequately raise it in a separate base. This is not an issue until he leaves the game for hours putting the workload on us. Since in this tribe it is a partnership we need to discuss these raises beforehand as crappy imprinted dino’s, crappt hatch stats, and long raises are going to cost us time and resources and will give our market a bad name if we try to sell. Death toll from neglected raises this weekend at side hatchery includes 3 doedics including one that got a 410 weight stat mutation which was our current highest, 4 yuty’s (triplets in one egg) including one with a yellow stripe mutation and a Rex (crappy stats so not a huge deal). This morning you can add a 5th yuty to the list though that one was an accidental hatch. While two of us are breeding for stats he is currently breeding for color mutations. The communication is an issue so this is something that will brought up in the next few days. I continued my harvesting run with wood and metal but did take a few hours of family time this day after about 4 hours. I got back on around 2 PM and decided to take a trip down to the swamp and get some clay. I was down there checking out dimetrodon’s, considering taming another female because I can’t trade anything for one when the rollbacks started again. It was about 4 over a 4 hour period this time and it says something when we consider that not to bad. The rest of Monday and all of Tuesday was a combination of more harvesting, building, raising babies with no real stories. I was able to trade a rex (150 kibble tame) and an Anky (hatch 420 wt, 355 melee) for about 3k CP which was helpful as despite having 7 snails, there’s just not enough CP. Tuesday we got 2 roll backs after 4 PM so I guess the dupers had an early night. Wednesday I focused mostly on the raises and breeding to get eggs for the upcoming weekend. I harvested a little but was kind of burnt out and wanted to enjoy the map and explore a little as well as get some additional things done around the house including shopping. We get a server shutdown notice for hardware update a little after 5 PM and everybody is excited. I log about 15 minutes prior, make some dinner, watch a movie then log back in around 9 PM. I had taking about 5k Cp over to obsidian island and began to change everything over to Poly prior to the server update so I decided since the chests were mostly empty, i might as well fill them up. 45 minutes and we get a roll back. This especially sucked because my tribe mate had just found a level 140 male Doedic with 390 base weight and knocked it out. I got back to base, grabbed some spike walls and narcotics and met him, he was in the middle of meat run, and was going to sit on it for rest of my night. It rolled us back the full 45 minutes so I parked the Anky and went right back for the doedic. I knocked it out this time and put spike walls around it. I decided to help with the meat run plus clear any dangers. We got a 3rd roll back and it was too late. I told my tribe mate i had to log for the night and he also was just going to try and get the wyvern back to base. I shut down for the night just dismayed at the incompetence and general denier attitude of wildcard. Your new servers are infested Wildcard. You want to stop duping? Stop the rollbacks. Just crash the system and if people and animals die then so be it but as long as there are roll backs people will continue to dupe. Stop the roll backs then you can just focus on the DDOS issue. My tribe mate did get the wyvern back to base safely (1 or 2 more roll backs from what I understand). I logged on this morning and topped all the troughs at both bases but then had to go to work. I did get some work done but can only imagine what I could have achieved if not for the broken servers Wildcard is currently touting as new and improved and fixed and dupe free. I need to evaluate some things and decide if i want to continue pursuing my Ark conquest at this point.
  14. Quick line update over last few days; I already started my harvesting rampage. Have managed to gather a vault full of hide and about 3/4 of a vault full of chitin. Also have gathered half a vault full of poly. Surprisingly we are super low on Fiber. I may grab the bear and go get that done tonight as well as more obsidian/poly. The island on rag we found is so peaceful and really clutter free. It's rag's version of herbivore island plus rich in obsidian. I may take over a better Anky tonight. One I am imprinted too and leave him there. We have knocked out a few rex's and had gotten enough eggs for one 150 tame which we used last night. 260 pre tame melee, so an average stat roll should have gotten us to 390 melee. it looks as if we got a below average stat roll as it ended with 382 melee but is still our current high. I had to get off before it finished taming so my tribe mate finished it up. We also down a 140 female that probably would have given us a stamina bump up but not exactly sure by how much. (This was also pre-150). We decided that HP and Melee are the most important stats right now since we have 2k stamina but if we had more eggs I may have considered taming it. Luckily we didn't since shortly after we found the 150 and the new melee. The 150 F tame from the other day may go over to the island server we have a small base on this weekend. People are interested but don't want to tame a F Dimetrodon because of the 47 second torpor timer. well we have pretty much everything we need outside of a second one of those so i will see if I can trade her on the island server and if I can't she'll be my mount over there (only have a trike so far as it is a distant secondary base to gather mats to build a boss fight staging point only). Then I'll tame a F dimetrodon. It is so much easier on Rag because there are a lot more of them plus the swamp area is so clear that you can see anything coming to attack and have time to prepare. I may tame a few (plenty of narcotics and access to mutton) and start trading them or their eggs. The doedic is glitched. i have found if you try to knock out a doedic after it has been attacked it takes a ridiculous amount of darts and sometimes that still doesn't work or it even dies. i saved a 150 doedic yesterday from a Scorpion swarm. After I cleared the area i hit it with at least 86 darts from a 193 dmg long neck rifle and it did not go down. This isn't the first time this has happened either. On legacy i stopped a carno and two terror birds from killing a doedic. i put over 100 darts and 40 tranq arrows into that thing before it went unconscious, another time on legacy i stopped a doedic from getting killed by a scorpion, level 100. i shot it with 120 darts and it died. early into the rag server we killed some allo's attacking a doedic then started tranquing it with 132 crossbows. after 50 arrows we stopped, came back like 45 minutes later and after 20 arrows it dropped. something in the game makes them impossible to tame after being attacked for awhile. i'm going to need to send something into WC. 1 1/2 more days of work then i can get some good harvesting and breeding on this weekend.
  15. Nice. Though from my experience, while wild babies give more polymer I believe tamed adults are supposed to give more polymer. I am not sure how true this is since I really only used my Kairuku for kibble for Angler's. Also from perusing posts here one of the best ways to harvest organic polymer using the born and die approach is with a Moschop who's harvesting specialty is organic polymer. The post's I read said to just leave the adults on wandering so they will constantly breed, babies hatch, babies die, Moschop harvest's and with specialty as organic poly you will constantly have some.
  16. While my time on Ark single player has been limited I've never come close to lag or blue screening. I am actually surprised you get that on single player at all. Perhaps it is the Ragnarok map as I am not sure about the center, island or SE on the new server's but rendering dinosaurs is a lot more atrocious on Ragnarok in my official server experience so other underlying problems could exist as well even in single player mode. While I have dc'd plenty the only blue screens I have encountered was once around blue ob which is massively built up on our server and once when trying to load back in after a disconnect from host. On dinosaur rendering, when I am flying with my Wyvern 80 feet off the ground, I can pick out a lystro no problem but I have to get with in 50 feet of a Bronto, Rex, or Wyvern for it to appear on my screen? What's that?
  17. They do. When they had the server's down when they first released ragnarok for PS4 I spawned into south zone 2 in single player and right there on the beach, a Unicorn. I grabbed some berries mounted it, got knocked off, then got booted into unconsciousness. Lol. When I came to it was gone.
  18. Had a nice weekend in Ark despite some server issues. Tames; 145 M Bronto- We've gotten into taming and breeding Bronto's on the new server. We are only berry taming them currently but if you find the right stats it is possible to hatch what you need for Thatch/Berry collecting right off the bat so you can put it's levels into speed and stamina. That'd be a beast and cut down on a lot of grind. 140 F Anky- Added another Anky to the line. This one tamed out with 460 weight so is our current high. Luckily we have a male with our high current melee, 375, so we can breed her and try to get that weight and melee together. 145 F Anky- Had I think 32 points in HP pre-tame and finished with 6160 HP. Just wow. Maybe I'll try that boss line of Anky I always wanted to attempt on Legacy. She's a nice start. 150 F Rex- May be the worse 150 Rex ever. Lol. I had been up for quite awhile and was just finishing up a few things around the base before logging when someone said they spotted her. I asked if he was going to tame her and he said no. I said I was on my way. There are 3 huge (ours included) bases in our general area so getting out is always a glitch fest. I froze on the Wyv and was stuck in air for about 5 minutes. The freeze finally cleared up and I got out of base and flew up and into this guys general area. He also has a big building but not much else but the guy on the hill above him has a big base. (common theme here). Just as I entered his area I dc'd. I was irked and feared that I would probably fall right into the Rex's waiting jaws but actually more feared for the Wyvern. I know if my Wyv would have gotten attacked the guy would have killed the Rex, most likely, but that would have sucked too. I logged back in and found myself actually back where I had initially froze coming out of our base area. I hopped back on the Wyv and finished flying to his area. I parked the Wyv out of the way and headed to a high point but the Rex was in an awkward position so I got on even ground and the guy provided a tank with his Wyvern. I was tranquing her when he posted "No" in global. Apparently where she had gotten stuck she was being hit by a sabertooth and couldn't hit it back. I changed my focus to the saber and put a dart in it's hind side. I had rushed out of base so I only had the darts and rifle and the saber made a bee line for me. I ran up the hill towards my Wyv and the saber kept hitting me, my HP was dropping fast without armor and I rounded the corner and got on my Wyv with about 50 HP left (I have 500 HP). I killed the saber and flew down to re-position myself since the Rex had gotten free. I started starving at this point and with low HP asked for food. The guy flew to me and dropped some cooked meat. I ate all 22 pieces and we now set up for a better attempt. He provided tank and I just kept tranquing. He posted in global a few times to hurry up. Lol. Nothing I can do to make her drop faster. I had the best rifle we had to put her down (193 dmg). I appreciated the help but I could have gotten her down without him risking his dino's if he was that worried about it. After 50+ darts she finally dropped. This was the same area where the stamina Rex got hit so I cleared the area of hyena's, sabers, argy's, and anything else that was living. I hopped off and checked her stats and immediately considered killing her and saving myself 33 kibble and 1 hour and 45 minutes. 32 pre-tame points in oxygen. How wasteful. You never know how the numbers may roll though so I decided to stick it out and tame her. I returned to base, made the kibble, armored up, grabbed food, and returned on the bear. I stayed far from the Rex, mostly, and just did an initial torpor and food check. I always let them starve down because I don't want to waste any kibble. I will kill or let wake up and knock out again (most of the time) rather than tame at less than perfect efficiency (as perfect as allowed). I approached once to drop 100 narcotics in it and then watched from afar until the timer was ready. Placed the kibble, checked to make sure efficiency was right and let her tame out. She had barely over 7000 HP, 317 melee, 1300 stamina. Nothing to breed into our line at all. She finished with 880 oxygen. So wasteful. The guy wanted to breed with her cause he liked the color so I left her in his care, as I was dog tired, and went back to base to log for the night. 135 F Direbear- Was out hunting for Rex when I came across her. I tend to put down most things 130 or higher. I chased her around a bit and finally got her down. I think she had 28 points in melee pre-tame. Got a nice stat of 323 melee after tame. My tribe mate put down a 150 dire bear yesterday that tamed out with 3300 HP so we'll try to breed those two stat lines together but since both are females going to take a little bit of time and a little luck. 150 M Rex- Tribe mate spotted this over at our secondary base. I was on a meat run on the other side of the map but made a bee line right for the base. By the time I got there he had already started tranquing it. It was bloody as I guess it had gotten into a battle with three Bronto's including a 145 and 130 which is why he went ahead and started tranquing it. He pulled it away from the Bronto's, got it stuck in a water area, and then used his Wyv to kill the Bronto's. It was already running when I showed up so I pulled tank/re-direction duties as he followed and tranqued. He put it down and I had our third tribe mate bring some spike walls over from the main base. I said I would sit on it since it was the last thing I'd do before logging. 32 points in HP pre-tame (7700) so we were excited as even an average stat roll would get us to 9900 and our top HP, currently. Once I placed the walls I ran the numbers. It only had 9 points in Oxygen which gave it fairly good stats across the board with 11 wasted (speed) points. I returned to base and made the kibble and grabbed the bear for a speedier return. Luckily the Rex was right outside our other base so I was able to run out to torpor it once and other than that I hung out in and around the base and did some work. Cleared a little metal, fast traveled to a bed to clear a little obsidian, came back and made some walls and other items we'll eventually use. When the timer was ready I placed the kibble and waited anxiously. When it finished taming I was happy but a bit disappointed too. We got an average stat roll in HP. So we got the 9900 but a part of me wanted an above average roll to get over 10K (particularly over 10.7K HP which is current tops on our server unless someone is keeping something higher close to the vest). I left the bear at the other base so my tribe mate could mate them today and walked the Rex back and did a meat run in the process. He had alright tamed melee too at 332%. I had 10 levels to distribute when I got back to base so I dumped them all into HP and got it over 15K HP. My other tribe mate will mate him this morning (has mated him) with all of our current females so we'll cook those eggs down and hatch them this weekend and try to get that HP with some of our other stats. This morning one of my tribe mates dropped two more 150 Rex's. M and F, both white. None of their stats surpass what we currently have but he wants to get that color. We are probably out of kibble at this point (150 eggs down to 18 from four tames) so Rex taming is going to have to take a back seat for now. people aren't giving up there Scorpion kibble for anything so even if we drop one it'll be hard pressed to get kibble and at this point we need the top taming efficiency if we hope to improve our blood lines through wild stats. Raises (highlights)- We hatched a bunch of Rex's. Killed a lot, kept a few. All the ones we kept had at least two of our current high stats when we raised them. Most had 8.5k HP, 2054 stamina, 920 weight, and 355 melee. A couple got the 366 melee. One got the 9300 HP. We had one rex hatch at 242 though (was current high). Had 8.5k HP, 920 weight, 2054 stamina, but got it's own melee mutation to take it up to 366. It was male too so we very excited about that as we have 2 females with the 9.3k HP. Sadly it did not make it due to a couple circumstances but ultimately my fault. Short story was when my tribe mate logged off I was out exploring and hunting and I forgot that it was still in baby stage. I was out for about 2 hours but my tribe mate had only put one row of raw meat (good for about an hour) into its inventory. We did this to conserve spoilage which was my suggestion when we first hatched it. My inattentiveness/unawareness cost us our future male breeder by about 5 minutes (9 minute timer on inventory bag when I showed up). 221 M Anky- After hatching approximately one million Anky's I finally got a double combo when the 6160 HP got together with the 440 weight. It was a male and we have two females with the 375 melee so I was happy for that as I have taken the Anky lineage under my direct care until we get all three stats together and 100% eggs. This was pre-460 weight tame as well. Edit: Checked on raises at lunch and he was done. 90% imprint was reached and his HP is up to 7720. What a monster. Re-edit. I read the HP wrong. It is 7270. Still pretty nice. 240 M Anky- I got a bunch more luck with this one. I bred the 460 weight with our 375 melee male right after taming her and hatched the egg right away. It came out with both stats and is male. This is great as original 6160 HP belonged to a female. Once he's done raising I'll start working towards that combo. I'll also breed the new male Anky with our 375 melee females and 460 weight female. He finished up this morning so I'll breed him tonight. Server issues; They are getting worse and duping may have come to our server now. For two days we had 5 and 6 rollbacks, respectively. it could just be the server is taxed as we regularly eclipse 70 people on at once during 2x events. I logged the appropriate report using the google doc and put the information as to how to do it in global 3 or 4 times to encourage everybody else to do the same. Wildcard did restart the server at one point which seemed to help out on one day. Collectively as a server we discussed taming some Golem's for the Ob's so we can place them over the Ob consoles when these issues arise preventing at least three of the major sources. We don't want to do that but we want our server to stay clean and not leak into the realm of legacy and if Wildcard is unable to fix this issue, we need to do what we have to, to try and prevent it or at least make it more difficult. We have enough people on this server from the days of legacy that are bitter and disappointed that they had to give up all they worked for and we are determined as a community not to let it happen again. Upcoming; We'll do some raising but I think my main focus is going to be super grinding. I want to fill at least one vault full of every resource we'll use on a consistent basis. Ing, Poly, CP, Crystal, Sparkpowder, (silica pearls are done as we took the angler out and collected 16,000. We are actually using them as trade currency currently, as not many people seem interested in the ocean on this server), Stone, Thatch, Wood, Gas, Oil, Hide, Fiber, so on and so forth. We found some great area's and placed spawn points and extra gatherer's where we could to farm. I may still go out and look for that high female Megatherium I have not been able to locate. We also may go for a Theri as my tribe mate tamed three Megalosaurus' and we have enough eggs currently for a 150 Theri. Thyla's are also on the list. It's my long work week but that also means starting Saturday night it's my long break so the Arking shall be real.
  19. That is an amazing stat. Our 145 tame on the new servers had 8.3k HP which was better then anything we had on Legacy and we were hatching 218's with 7.6k HP which was good but not great. What was the stamina? We always statted ours for boss fights with 3k stamina and the rest HP (22-25k usually) combined with a 79 armor saddle we only loss one legitmately to the Alpha Brood because the rider got stuck on the Rex's and killed so she couldn't be ridden. 3k stamina will allow for a consistent screaming buff for as fast as she can do it.
  20. I figure I'd do a small update. I did a meat run for the new Rex's we are raising but the lag was super bad on the server making flying on the Wyvern difficult so after the initial meat run i took our bear out to continue and performance was much better. I came across a level 100 Rex. i drop anything level 100 and above in the .0001% chance it has like 40 points in one of stats but this thing was an average 100 rex so i harvested it for meat. One of my tribe mates had gotten on and he messaged me he had just dropped an Anky with 390 wild base weight. I told him I was just finishing up a meat run so i'd come join him in watching the Anky. Our current best weight, after tame, is a 440. We traded for that and it was a raised Anky (no mutations though) so not sure what the parents base wild rate was but we were pretty excited about this Anky's possibilties. Our other tribe mate got on so we were all in chat and he had me look up some 2x kibble for a Castoride's since they have such a fast torpor timer. 40 minutes and 11 kibble so next event we may put that on the list. We need another Dime too so maybe we'll do a fast torpor time run of what we don't have (minus Theri until we get kibble) on next event. I also looked up mutton time for a level 100 Angler on regular rates and then it was time to make the kibble for the Anky. I flew back to base, made the kibble which was pretty reasonable for a 130 Anky (23) and flew back out. My tribe mate had grabbed my last raised Anky and brought that up because we spotted some metal and obsidian nodes. I popped the kibble in the Anky and started mining some nodes. We cleared the nodes and our third tribe mate had joined us so we transferred some of the obsidian to his Wyvern, we will be raising one this weekend for strictly weight purposes, and we went to collect the Anky but it wasn't done, it was out of food, what the...? I checked my app and oops, I changed the dino back to Anky but had left the level as 100 after checking the Angler. We decided with that weight it was worth it to let it wake back up and knock it back out so I flew over to the Megalania islands and was harvesting some meat, considered working on the Titan that's been there a few days but I think we'll make that a group activity. no one else seems willing to work on Titans since the first one the one tribe on the server went after killed 2 of their Wyvern's. Bad tactics and not cutting your losses were chief culprits though as I watched them and they weren't staying in the air and were in the Titans AOE. I continued harvesting meat and i ran into a level 55 Alpha Rex. Score. I had my one tribe mate come over and we tag teamed the Rex and took it down fairly fast. His Wyvern is imprinted to him but mine is a trade for so was actually surprised we took as little damage as we did and got it down that fast. I got 3 levels for the Wyv, stamina, and flew the prime back to base. I threw that on the grill, made the correct amount of kibble this time and flew back out to the Anky. It was awake so we knocked it back out (it was in a stone building we built around it to keep it safe from the Argy's and Sabertooth's that patrol the area) and since it's food hadn't climbed we only had about a 30 minute wait to place the food. We know technically starve taming doesn't make a difference except for the case of this where the Anky needed to be knocked back out. If we placed the kibble right away it would eat that and if it needed to be knocked back out we be on the hook for the whole drain time again as opposed to a 30 minute timer. We harvested more meat and then placed the kibble in the Anky and I flew back to base to see if I could squeeze in one last imprint on the Anky I was currently raising. It was at 99.9 maturation with 20 minutes until imprint so looks like it was going to finish with 82% imprint. Finished with 421% dmg and 512 weight before levels so I am pleased with that. We can now breed the new base damage (374) into this line and get an even better Anky and possibly get a better weight stat in a few moments (current 440). The Anky finished taming and....410 weight. What? How? RNG strikes again. lol. Not even our second best weight. it was a huge let down and disappointment. People aren't buying Anky's right now so my tribe mate killed it with the fire Wyvern and it was time for me to call it a night. My tribe mates went off to harvest crystal and I did a last egg run around the base when I seen in chat someone asking for mass narcotics and mass tranq darts/arrows. A tribe we had made several good deals with. They were offering high Allo eggs but we have no need for those. I discussed it with my tribe a little and sent out the offer of 2k narcotics and 623 arrows (half narc, half regular) for any 170 wyvern egg which they were happy to take. They had found a level 145 Giga and had it trapped. They gave a 170 Fire Egg (my tribe mate had traded for a 170 poison and 165 Lightning earlier) and I dropped all that stuff plus 100 tranq darts just to help out. I wish I had Quetz kibble to help them even further but we don't have more then one female Quetz right now so we only have 1 egg at this point. My tribe mate called dibs on the first fert egg and we all laughed as they said no doubt. I then logged for the night. I'll be interested to hear what those Giga's stats are tonight.
  21. I love the oops stories and have committed a fair number of them myself. I'm glad your Ptera survived the onslaught. The first time I stole a Bronto egg was on herb island and the Bronto sling shotted me into the Ocean from the cliff side. I got lucky and was able to get to my raft and get out of there before it could attack me anymore.
  22. Tames this past week; 145 Female Shark 140 F Rex with 2058 stamina, a bump up from the 1638 we currently had. Would have been higher but she got hit by an Argy when the guy who's base I had dropped it outside of came over to look it at and the Argy attacked him. We used kibble so it still tamed with 89% efficiency. it was my fault for A) not killing the Argy though I seen it, B) not putting spiked walls around it to keep out people from approaching. He didn't do it on purpose though. He actually assisted by not killing it with his Wyvern who was getting attacked and even being a tank while I littered it with darts. 135 M Rex. He had good base HP so I was hoping for a nice stat roll but he only finished with 8.3k HP, below our current top of 9.3K HP. I'll offer him up for trade over the next few days. 135 Griffin. Was actually trapped by someone else who had two other's trapped and only enough mutton for one tame. I had kibble so she let me tame it up. We built her a chem bench when she wasn't the level to do so. See nice actions sometimes come back in the future. 50 and 55 mating pair of Plesi's. We were actually out looking for a Basil when these guys spawned. I normally don't like taming such low levels but even with the increased level spawns, on Ragnarok, decent level Plesi's are hard to come by so we dropped them for speed runs. Two M 95 Basils. Were tamed while I was offline. A M 150 Basil. He only had one manta accompanying him. Easy clear out and pretty good tame with Mutton. That first feeding interval is killer though. had to clear out 3 sharks during that time. A F 150 Sabertooth. Now have a breeding pair with the 145 M. I'll breed them this upcoming weekend. A 140 F Anky. She had high base dmg and we got a nice roll as she tamed out with 374 dmg. That's higher than even our Anky line on legacy (369 dmg)and our top current which was 363. A 135 M Anky. He had a nice base weight. Tamed out with 420 weight. Our anky line will definitely trump what we had on legacy. A M 140 Mammoth. Easy tame up in snow. A bit nerve wracking walking all the way back even with my tribe mate providing protection with the Wyvern. A F 95 Quetzal. tribe mate tamed this when he was up in snow biome because it had gotten stuck in a tree. A F 145, a M 20, and a M 50 otter. First otters for us. A F 145, A M 140, and a M 25 Ichthyosaurus. It's damn shame on these though. We tamed them then as we were placing them in our pen the 145 started to get attacked by Piranha's which hadn't spawned in our river bed for over a week. I couldn't whistle neutral for fear of some of the water dino's beaching themselves so I was facing away from the Ichty and down and was piking the one Piranha when it said I killed the Ichty. You know when I am facing a slew of Sabers head on I don't get that kind of hit box but let me be near a low Hp tame and there you go. Ridiculous. The 25 also got killed by piranha's because someone had whistled passive to it's Shark protector's so we are down to the 140. SMH. A couple additional egg layers including 3 pachyrhino's. Need to replace our baryonyx. I probably dropped an assortment of at least 20-25 130+ dino's (Allo's, Rex's, Anky's, Doedic's) but they only had average or low stats so I just harvested them for XP. Raises; Raised 4 Rex's. 1 M and 3 Females. We had done a crossbreed with a different tribe. They had a stud M with 355 melee we in turn let them breed with our M Blue belly mute. We got a nice stat mute on the one female as she bumped up to 366 melee. I got 91% imprint on these so they all finished with above 10K HP (8.5k base) and 400+% melee. M Argy. What a beast. Hatched with 2700+ HP, 365 dmg. Lower stamina and weight but with that melee and Hp I can distribute most of the levels in those areas. 100% imprint on him so he finished with 3000+ HP and 400+% dmg. Sadly with the acquisitions of Wyvern's and Griffin's the Argy will have limited use so I am not sure if I will tame anymore or breed and raise them. I would if our cross server trade business would still be something but those timer's have pretty much killed that. F Anky with 363 dmg and 410 weight. This was prior to having the Anky with 420 weight to breed into our line. She finished nice and harvesting metal, obsidian, and crystal is such a big difference with an imprinted Anky. Think I got 95% imprint on her. Currently raising a m Anky with 363 damage and 420 weight. I went back to work today though so his imprint will probably finish in the 80"s. My tribe mate popped a bunch of rex's last night. We were able to get the 2054 stamina and 355 dmg on the one and another got the 366 dmg but both are females leaving us with limited opportunities to further cross breed. Our top current stats we are trying to consolidate. 9.3k HP (we haven't got this to transfer to another Rex yet and is a female so one opportunity every 2 days), 2054 stamina, 366 dmg, 920 W (haven't got this to merge with either of the other stats either) Trades; Traded one of our un-leveled 198 M Blue belly Mute rex to a tribe for a 140 kibble tamed Griffin. What was great is that we also sold the kibble to this tribe. They were going to keep but the tamer had grown fond of his 135 kibble tamed Griffin so he decided to move on even though the 140 was better. We were looking to move the M Blue Belly rex since we have two of them so win win. Traded for a M Anky with 440 base weight. We'll breed the newly acquired 374 damage F Anky and this one to try to consolidate that. The 440 is now even higher than what we had on legacy (429) so once we consolidate we'll have the best Anky line we've ever had. one of my tribe mates dropped an anky with base weight of 375 last night but we got a crap roll as it tamed out with 410 weight. That'll just be a sell. Traded 6k ings for a 165 Lightning Wyvern. That gives us two Fires (for Alpha hunting), two Lightnings (for Titan killing), and an Ice Wyvern. One of the Fires and the Ice are imprinted on tribe mates. I'll need to buy or find a Lightning egg to raise for myself. Did some smaller trades as well. Traded a good Ptera (145 tame) for a JM shotgun blueprint. I also traded one of our Anky's (420 wt, 299 dmg) for a premade MC sabertooth saddle, App Shotgun BP (I can trade), and a premade JM Beezlebuffo Saddle. could not find a buyer for our 150 berry tamed bronto though. It's currently level 245. Quite a monster but the one's who expressed interest are located on the other side of the map and I understand not wanting to walk this thing all the way back. We'll keep putting it on the market though. Game issues; Some of the problems from legacy are starting to creep into these new server's and I am less than pleased. They essentially forced us to abandon all we had acheived on legacy with promises of support and fixes and for the first couple of weeks it looked as if maybe they were finally keeping their word but I experienced a bunch of the fatal flaws of early access this past week. I blue screened by Blue ob. Luckily I have 500 HP else I would have died as i fell right into the water and was drowning when i got back into the game. We don't have a spawn point in that area yet so coming from the beaches closest to Green Ob, I am not sure i would have made it back in time to save my stuff. I will never complain if i die legitimate in the game but blue screens is a game issue. That needs to be addressed and fixed. I DC'd several times luckily I fly close to the ground or I was not in the midst of a battle except once. I had just started fighting a level 95 Rex. Our bear is monster though and even though I couldn't get back into the server it was able to defeat the Rex and my tribe mates were able to locate my body and the bear, getting him safely home. Experienced yet again constant 70/70 server's even climbing as high as 77/70 during the weekend. this also needs to be addressed. we are given incentives to raise and play but then we lose dino's and progress due to Wildcard's inability to support the increased influx of players during their peak usage. i have many people on our NA server from the EU and Oceanic land area and it is unfair that NA player's can not access the server's that provide the best connection. I have had many great dealings with these EU and Oceanic user's and I think most of them are great asset's to my server of choice but I want to be able to play the game I spent my hard earned dollar on, on the server designed for my region and I think I deserve to do so. So either start making these server's regional accessed, create more server's that direct new player's too them, or open up the server limit. I don't care which just fix this issue. The big issue. Last night we took out our new basil's to hunt down an Angler at "world's end" as we call it (53 06 map locale). We ran into a level 140 tuso but with basil's we had no problem fighting it and it eventually raced off (the new ink mechanic is crazy dark and the slowing effects is crazy too). We continued fighting other stuff and eventually came across a 130 M Angler. I protected my tribe mate and we were close to knocking the Angler out. it had started to run and was going towards a cliff face when we experienced high lag that eventually turned into a DC and what we feared the most a roll back. The game rolled us back 20-30 minutes and both myself and my tribe mate died to the level 140 tuso we had already fought off. We feared for our Basil's as they were on passive. We raced down to worlds end fast as we could (he took the Plesi, I was slower on the other Basil) and luckily the Tuso hadn't started to attack our Basil's yet. He whistled neutral and they chased off the Tuso again. We spent 30 minutes scouring the sea floor trying to find out bodies but there were no green death lights nor bags on the ocean floor. I personally lost a Ramshackle crossbow 132.7% damage, 200 tranq arrows, 21 kairuku kibble, 6 primitive Scuba Tanks, A primitive Flak helmet, primitive flak Leggings, 60 pieces of cook prime meat, and 700 narcotics. Overall the losts weren't incredibly great but it is great enough at this early stage and this game is no longer in early access and I am on a new official server that is fully supported that I submitted a ticket about the incident. I expect a timely response from wildcard on this matter. I will give them 48 hours before I go on a crusade. To do list: Keep trying to find better Rex stats, tame some Thyla's, tame a high level female Wolf for a breeding partner, tame some Angler's, still find a suitable mate for my Megatherium, raise some Rex's, some Anky's, and the Sabertooth, keep on Wildcard about the server rollback until they provide me with a suitable solution.
  23. Over the last week I have felt overwhelmed with keeping the Legacy server going while also trying to be a contributing member on the new official server so after talking it over with my legacy tribe mate we chose to let the Legacy server go. In that aspect; I took one of our Giga's out and killed a Wild Level 40 Giga. Lost about 13k HP to that one. Our Giga had 424% melee and 34k HP with a 109 Armor Saddle. I also killed a level 85 Giga with the same Giga. Lost about 21k HP to that one. I had plans to take some of my Boss' Rex's (those with the 45k HP and 700+ melee and the 86+ armor saddles) into the snow biome and hunt down a Giga to see how they'd fair and also hunt down a Titan to see how they'd fair but as I'll explain later it didn't happen. I walked our one Golem down to try the hard water cave but I got lost on the way, was down to low and got caught in a small area between the barrier and some rocks so i just left him there to despawn. I swam into the cave got hit by an eel and died in a few minutes totally expected though. I set our three thyla's loose on carno island, 5 wolves loose in redwood, 3 allo's and two of the giga's loose in the swamp, our 4 dragon's I set them for AI to use elemental attacks and actually took them into the air then jumped off of them and had them fly and do whatever they wanted, I did the same with several Quetzal's. I had planned to do so much more and test stuff out but was frankly exhausted at the idea of collecting and positioning these dino's just so to attempt things. So I took our best 3 Boss Rex's (45k hp/800% melee) and our best Yuty(turret mode is awesome by the way and 26k hp/3120 stam) had them all follow each other and sent them to reek havoc around Green ob along with one of our Golem's and then just whistled everything else to follow one Yuty which was a glorious cluster of madness. I destroyed all of our vaults and equipment with stuff in it as well as storage boxes. I did a quick survey of each vault and to my knowledge it looked like I let despawn about 250k ings, 400 to 500k Hide and fiber, 10k crystal, and probably 90-100k poly. It made me kind of sad (maybe not the right word, defeated and exasperated are better descriptions) seeing all that we had worked for go away like that. BP's and fert eggs yet to be hatched including some that may have given us a cool black and white Quetzal to add to our color. Thinking of running the caves to achieve the last artifacts we needed for monkey and dragon and knowing I'd have to devote at a minimum another month of my time to legacy to reach that point properly made this decision for us and even though it was tough i think it is going to be the right decision in the end. I did do one positive thing. A kid I traded with several months ago was always looking for a Giga egg but could never get the mats needed together due to some of the worse luck in the world, like internet outages and lost materials during server jumps, and let him know I had pin coded a small storage box on our server with a cooked down (less than 1%) 18k hp/180-230 melee/50% blue mute chance egg that he just needed to come and get. he sent a great thank you and then I bid adieu to my legacy server. I can now dedicate my time to the new official server completely and regain what we had and I believe surpass it as our 3 person tribe complement each other's skill sets very well but are well rounded enough in everything to be assets no matter what needs to get done. Onward and upward. Edit: The new Ark: Refreshing Evolved DLC kind of sucks. My first attempt at onward and upward consisted of me refreshing my new server for close to 2 hours looking at between 77/70 to 70/70 servers. I realized how much of an idiot I was and proceeded to watch Netflix instead though being sour while doing so. Maybe I'll get to try onward and upward tonight. By the way when I woke up for work at 4:00 AM this morning the server was still at 70/70. First time I experienced that difficulty getting on the server. Never had to wait more than 30 minutes previously.
  24. PvP...as soon as you spawn in start gathering materials and go in land. Don't stay on the beach else you'll be toast. Don't use global chat. They already know you're there and they will probably be looking for you. learn sleeping bag and small chests. Find thick foliage to hide it in and place small items and some spawn points. Build small and hidden to start. You are going to die a lot. HP and fortitude are your friend. PvE...don't ask to join a tribe. prove yourself as a solo player first (unless you are joining with friends or if you see someone actively recruiting) Don't ask for free stuff. Work your butt off that is how you get rewarded. Try not to build on the beach. Some valuable resources and walking paths there. Build a small hut to gather materials but eventually scout and locate a good spot to build. There will be a lot of pillared spots so keep searching. They haven't got it all but be aware of resource spawns and certain dino spawns. Use Ark Wiki and here to find valuable info. You will die here though probably not as much. Just keep plugging away. Start taming dino's and learn about kibbles. Don't get too attached to your tames early. They will be slaughtered while you are out by wild dino's. Grind and then grind some more that is how you grow.
  25. It was a good weekend on Ark. A lot of tames on new official and some good raises on both legacy and new officials. Saturday through Tuesday Legacy; Took half a day at work since it was slow and got home and hatched 7 Rex's (kept 5). I left 6 eggs for my tribe mate because he doesn't have his own imprinted Rex's with the 15.1k, 537 melee stats. I was very anxious to hatch the two from my main male breeder and the 140 fresh tame to see if i got a stat roll. I did not. The 1st one hatched with the females stats exactly so it was harvested but the second hatched with the females HP (9.6k) but the 537 melee. I kept this one because it still has a side with 0 mutations and is a female so i will change her out with the 140 wild tame and try again. I didn't spend a lot of time on Legacy and the Rex's suffered a little for it. Most ended up with just 70-75 percent imprint. They'll still get to 45k hp and 800 melee but I won't be riding them. When my tribe mate logged on we did some grinder leveling. got both of our Daedon's above 50k food with one to 74k food. Also grinded 4 Yuty's (all to 22k+ hp and 3000+ stam) and 2 Rex's until all the new hatches reached juvenile. Did some meat run's and they we popped over to the new server only coming back over for imprints and one or two additional meat runs the rest of the weekend. New official's; I could literally write an entire novella but I am not trying to create 3 posts like last week. So i think i'll touch on breeding and trading and probably just list the tames i can remember. In the breeding category we popped 4 Rex's. The one I claimed came from a 135 male who was partially kibble tamed and prime meat tamed and a 140 female who I believe got the same treatment. The baby popped with 325 percent melee (mother's stats) and like 7k hp. Not bad for the first hatching. Because of my duty (lol) to legacy imprints and the ridiculous 80/70 server at times, it's imprint finished around 73 percent just like my legacy Rex's. she was the only thing I raised this weekend as I spent most of my time out taming. Tame list; 150 male Megatherium (honey tame) and man was he earned. During the middle of taming him some ants got in the mix giving him a bug buff so I had to dip (Bears are super fast and strong people. Definitely get some plus you can fire off their backs) and wait it out. We traveled quite a distance back and forth but I finally got him down. Normally with the kind of torpor timer he has I'd just place him in some spiked walls and come back but i wasn't risking anything so I sat on him starving him down since we were using honey for the full (after 2x is when I found him) almost 2 hours. 145 male Argy and let me tell you how irritated I was here. We have a nice female (135 tame) but our males were bleh and this upcoming weekend I want to hatch some. I like Argy's a lot. Strong mounts, good carriers until we get a Quetz but with added bonus of great defense. So he was another after 2x tame. Anyway I wanted to kibble tame him as he had some excellent HP and Melee wild stats (2270 hp, 240 melee) but when i got back to base after dropping him i could only find 16 stego eggs. I checked the kibble fridge and didn't see any pre-made kibble. My tribe mate was giving me crap because it's imprint kibble but if we don't have anything good to raise imprint kibble means jack. I put out in global chat i was willing to trade other harder to get imprint kibbles for the stego eggs (terror bird, gallimus, pretty much anything but dime as we only had 4 of those eggs) but I couldn't get a response back. frustrated and stubborn I started gathering prime and prime/raw meat taming the Argy. My tribe mate put out he was willing to trade a lower level doedic (level 90) and someone finally responded but I told them to hold their eggs cause I already started prime meat taming it. Then my tribe mate said he found 10 other stego eggs. He put them in with the kibble fridge but just hadn't made them yet. The Argy tamed out to 191 and got Hp rolled to 2720 and melee rolled to 343. I bred him immediately upon return to base. I'll probably breed him again tonight if the timer is up. 150 male Bronto (berry tame) no story here. Was done while I was sleeping. 145 male Sabretooth. He was mostly kibble tamed (6 out the 7 bronto eggs we needed) and finished with prime meat. Average stats across board but I am going to breed him with the 135 female we had tamed previously. 145 male and female bears, 135 male bear. (all were honey tamed). The 135 and 145 female were bred and that baby was raised right away as well. The 145 male was just found last night. He'll be bred with the female this weekend. 135 female doedic and 145 female doedic with the blue shell.(kibble tames) On legacy island the blue shell doedics were always low level when we found them so this was kind of a we have to tame it thing. The 135 female was bred with a 140 male we had previously tamed and that baby was raised. That baby hatched with 410 melee and 450 weight. It's male too which is good because my one tribe mate took both doedic's we had (70 tame that is now 90) and the 140 male out to harvest rock and he had the 140 on follow. It got stuck on some rocks and he didn't realize and it ended up drowning. Poor thing. 145 female Allosaurus. She was mutton/prime meat tame. She had eaten about 3 pieces of prime meat and I was out looking for more when I came across an Ovis. Chomped that down and finished her with mutton. 145 male Ptera (kibble tame). After the 147 hatchling (covered below) I realized we needed a better male as the female was also 140+ tame. So those are simple tames and the high level's are plentiful on Ragnarok. 20 female, 20 female and 25 male Gallimus, 55 female, 20 female, 20 male Terror birds, 20 male and female dimetrodon's, 25 male and 30 female ichthyornis', 25 female and male and 20 female dimorphodon's, 55 male Diplodocus, 55 male Spino, 25 female Morellatop, 25 male pachy, 20 female and 20 male Oviraptor's. There may have been more tames but they escape me. (edit: 3 snails and 3 dung beetles as well) Raise's (not already covered). 212 hatched female anky. She hatched with 320 melee. 3 additional Rex's. One hatched with 8k hp but the rest of them all had less than 300 hatch melee. Definitely need to tame a few more. 147 hatched Ptera. 154 born Direwolf. Base expansion continued. We have a huge building now to house the dino's and we have started to build our breeding area better. We installed more plant species X which is great for our area. We killed at least 20 wyvern's this weekend. There's a drop we hit and a lot of time's there are wyvern's near it so we hit it and race back to base on a low level expendable ptera. I usually walk a Rex out there and between the species X and the Rex we normally take down the wyvern following. A 165 poison got the better of me yesterday but the species X (probably have about 50) did its job. Lost our good Bary this weekend to a squid sadly. We were out hunting for an angler and Dunkleo and we ran into a squid (buddy was on the shark). We surfaced and got away then swam down the ocean about 300 yards before submerging again. That squid must of been traveling in the same direction and he called in a buddy. I tried to surface but it caught the bary. I hopped off and whistled follow all to the bary and started to surface myself. The red death announcement followed shortly after (202 bary killed by 50 squid) and then I got hit by some eels, tank broke, and I drowned. my tribe mate was able to get away. Lost flak helmet, 5 scuba tanks, flak gauntlet, flak leggings, 200 silica pearls, apprentice crossbow. The scuba tanks probably hurt the worse but we know a few good obsidian spots and with the amount of snails we have now poly won't be an issue. plans for the weekend; New official; Tame a 140+ female Megatherium, tame 1 male and 2 female Pachyrhinosaurus, raise baby sabretooth, bear, direwolf, argie's, rex's, allosaurus', pterandon's, anky's, doedic's, Bronto (buddy said he downed a 140 female last night), and get a few more female dimetrodon's and go get some bee hives to sell. Build water breeding area (need more species x to kill off Piranha spawn's) and maybe breed the sharks right away. Have trade set for a 170+ lightning wyvern, acquired a 165 fire wyvern egg yesterday. Once we get the full grown lightning we'll be able to get milk easily and can raise that. gonna go and track down some tapes too so we can get a Quetzal. Legacy; Hit cave runs. Finish leveling rex's and maybe do some boss fights. Little further out; get an egg from the hatchling of 135+ mutton tamed Quetzal's and the opposite gender parent from that hatchling. So if there is a 2x that should be middle of next week when we get that egg. Happy arking.
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