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Everything posted by yekrucifixion187

  1. It was a trying weekend in Ark. I was super excited to do some light raising and some good taming this weekend. I actually had a lot of success in some aspects but sometimes Ark bites back. I did my normal Saturday prep for Sunday hatching. I only had some Carno and Argy and was thinking about doing a few Tapes too (a guy gave me a great gift tape with 800 hatch stamina) Since I have 3500 hatch hp, 525 hatch weight, and 434 hatch melee I need to work on that a little. Plans changed though when I hatched an Argy with a new weight mutation. 800 weight. I was very excited about that and she ended up being the only thing I raised this weekend since none of the Carno's got the combined stats. I will now get my best stats together (4088 hp, 1400 stamina, 800 weight, 424 melee), get a breeding pair and hatch the mute eggs I've been sitting on and get the stats onto them then open up my line to the market. Jumping forward a bit, i tamed a 150 male argy the next day and it tamed out with 800 weight. Looks like I can reset my mutation count (even though it is only 3). Also on the taming front I went out to tame some Yuty's and see if I can find some higher stamina or hp. It was Monday when I finally got out to tame so I was short on time (2x taming) but I was able to put down a 135 and 140. Last week we tamed up a few sheep since Kentro kibble is still the dumbest kibble in the game and yes it is dumber than Quetzal kibble for a Dime. I decided to just tame up the Yuty's since we don't use mutton for anything else and they spawn often enough on Rag. The 135 tamed up but had nothing. it was actually kind of bad. The 140 tamed up and it tamed out with 2184 stamina. I currently have 2184 stamina. I kept it to have that stamina clean but will continue hunting for higher stamina which i know is out there. A lot of Ark was spent running caves for drops. I pulled a lot of nice stuff but not what I am looking for. Think one of my favorite pulls was a MC Flak Helmet BP with 340 armor and 547 durability. The alliance decided that we wanted to run Beta Tek Cave so we needed to run Beta Monkey and Dragon. Loaded up the Rex's for the Monkey fight and chewed him down fairly fast. That helps too since we needed to top off some tek gens. Next up we prepped for Beta Dragon. Our set up was 1 Rex (to fight off dimorph's and ptera's), 1 Yuty, and 18 Theri's. Theri's were statted with 21k hp, 700+ melee, 95+ saddles with a few max saddles. We placed 2 stacks of veggie cakes in each Theri and ported into the fight. I did whistle commands and moved the Theri's up. We don't cross the lava stream and make the Dragon come to us. The Dragon was flying around and unlerashed a fireball when boom, our Yuty driver gets hit by the fireball and dies. Wait the fireball can hit you off the back of your dino? (we've taken direct shots on rag so this was news to us) While we were still processing that another fireball and my Rag tribe mate gets hit off the back of his Theri. The Dragon lands and instead of moving the Theri's back and mounting the Yuty i whistled attack and the Yuty went on in too. Dragon was burning but I figured on his first take off I'd move the group back and mount the Yuty but the Dragon stayed down longer and the Yuty went down. The Theri's put up quite a fight but in the end we needed more veggie cakes and the Yuty buff would have helped. They started dropping one by one. My personal ridden actually had 100% hp until the third land and we were down to 6 Theri's. I felt alright enough the entire time until my Theri started getting hit and thyen ran out of veggie cakes. We were down to 2 ridden Theri's, 2 guys on the ground using shotguns. My Theri finally went down but I did not bring a weapon so I ran to the back looking for one of the dead bodies to grab their weapon. it was down to me and one guy when i got the first fire breath. i somehow rode that out but then decided to capitalize on the opportunity. i ran up and punched the Dragon. add it to the list. he toasted me right after. We got the Dragon down to 10% and no doubt the Yuty buff would have put us over the top. we've already formulated a couple different plans on how to approach the next run. people did feel deflated. Most of my alliance first started playing upon official release. They've died in caves, they've lost dino's to glitches but up to this point they had always been successful in boss fights no matter how dicey it got. To see so much time wiped was a big shocker for them. I've loss stuff in Brood on legacy a few times but otherwise have been successful too. So it still shocked me as well. I will build up the Theri eggs over the week and hatch a bunch of them this weekend to replenish the fallen. Lack of veggie cakes definitely seemed like the biggest downfall. I also think splitting groups to give time to heal may work, I'm also going to breed up some deer. i tamed 4 bees on the island (have 4 on rag already) and a Phiomia. We'll tame another couple of dung beetles and veggie cakes will not be a problem next run. Rest of the week was swamp cave, easy water cave, and ice cave runs. Alright stuff, nothing epic but we are starting to build up a nice stock of bp's. figure we'll do a massive bp sale soon. This weekend I'll hatch Quetz eggs to see if I get the next weight mute, I'll hatch some Yuty's looking for specific color schemes, hatch the Argy looking for weight mutation and stat combination, hatch the Theri's and breed up the Deer. We'll recover in short order i believe and take the next step of progression in Ark. Until next week.
  2. Dragon can not get stuck, nor Manticore. They fixed that ages ago. They go transparent through your dino's now. In this particular case our Rex's ranged from 25k to 35k hp, 600+ melee on all though a lot of them were 700+ melee. Old breeds from 12.5k hp, 414 melee hatches to a few 13.6k, 449 melee hatches. Saddles are also a mix bag on this group. 80+ armor on all, many 90+ a few 100+ though saddles don't mean jack against fire. Dragon is a different beast. Sometimes we can hammer it down and sometimes it gets the better of us if it is taking off more. Last night we ran an Alpha Rag fight and the Dragon toasted a large portion of our Rex's. All 35k+/700+ melee with 100+ saddles. He took off 4 times (which is a rarity). We still beat it but it proved to be a a heavy loss fight. We ran a second one afterwards (replaced Rex's, healed others) and my tribe mate got dimorphed off the Yuty. I had to jump off my Rex since the Yuty was right under the Dragon and mount him and everybody else in the fight was an ally and couldn't mount him. He was down to about 6k hp (from 40k) but once i got on him the Dragon went down and the rest of the fight went according to plan. Sometimes Ark happens. We've run the Alpha Rag fight where we finished with 28 minutes left and we've run it where we finished with 6 minutes left. Different fights every time.
  3. It's harder than any of the other regular Gamma fight's but not overbearingly hard. I guess it scales accordingly. I think we'll tackle beta in fairly short order, raising dino's as we speak, so I'll be sure to update when we do.
  4. I had a fantastic weekend in Ark; I took Saturday off to maximize the breeding event. I was happy with it, the server performed quite well, and i think it went exactly how it should of. Thanks for that Wildcard. I hatched probably close to 100 eggs on Saturday morning but per usual, only the strong survived. No Quetzal raises. I am done raising non-mute females so all future breeds will be for weight mutations. I had about 36 eggs saved up but none made the jump. I did hatch 14 Yuty eggs of which I kept 11. 2 had stat/colors I was looking for, for 100% eggs and the other 9 I figured I could sell and boy was I right. I posted them to my Facebook trade group listing as only artifacts I'd be selling them for and all 9 were put on reserve quickly. People love the combo of stats and colors. They were at 91% this morning so they'll finish up overnight and I can start moving them out Friday after work. I sometimes forget they get big and of course most of them decided that they wanted walks for their imprints. I love Yuty's. I also raised 4 more Theri's as I continue to expand my Theri army. I also worked on trades to acquire some top notch Carno stats (we had the 4.2k hp, acquired 1620 stamina and 384 melee). I was able to get the hp and melee together on a male but have not been able to transfer the 1620 stamina over yet. I feel that stamina will be of great use in the swamp cave which is where these Carno's will go. I held off on any Rex hatches. With it being 2x taming I also decided to go and see if i could add to my Yuty line. I know there is higher clean stamina out there and would like to find that. My allies tamed me a few sheep as I decided I would just tame any 140+ I knocked out and just kill it if it didn't get a good roll. I didn't end up hunting near as much as I wanted to though and only tamed up one Yuty. She tamed out with 7.5k hp and 2054 stamina. Solid Yuty but nothing there to add to my line. My allies said lets bring it over to the island to use in a run through of the tek cave so if we lose it it doesn't matter. I also raised a beast Thyla in the ice cave. I had gotten a good Thyla BP out of the swamp cave (92 mc) so we used a crafting character and got 4 saddles over 100 armor including a 122. Thyla's shred in the drop runs and I pulled several top of the line BP's over these last couple of days including a 104 Allo BP and a couple mc and asc desert pieces. I spent a fair amount of time on the island once the raises were juvenile and we brought some additional dino's over to help us acquire good drops and artifacts. We built up a nice water pen to store some squids and basil's (we are right above the easy water cave) and I ran the swamp cave several times though haven't pulled anything amazing lately. Decent bp's/premade stuff though. Finally after talking it over with my allies/island tribe mates we placed a teleporter up at the volcano and one down by red ob (where we store our rex's) so we could move things easily up to try the tek cave. We proceeded to do gamma Dragon to get the head and even that killed a few Rex's. I was lucky on my Rex (only lost about 6k hp) and we were able to put him down. Then we did it. Gamma tek cave. The first run was a bit of a cluster but we brought 6 people. They really need to change the entering a cave graphic until further down the tunnel. We had several instances of blue screens (hence dino's getting stucked in the doorway preventing other dino's being moved in) and with only 4 min and 33 seconds to get stuff moved (when I looked at timer anyway) it was quite a hassle. One person got left outside and we had to wait for 2 people to log back in before proceeding. I think we were able to get 22 or 23 tames in and 5 people. I rode an old breed Theri with a primitive saddle (9.2k hp, 396 melee) and we also had several Rex's, a Yuty, we missed out on the Daedon but it's ok because we had a Bulbdog. lol. We made our way down the cave killing everything as opposed to doing an aggro to the lava thing. We loss some Rex's to the lava but ended up with about 15 dino's for the final boss fight, including the Bulbdog which traversed the cave on foot. What a fantastic final fight the overseer is. Great energy. We lost some Rex's to the Dragon and it was a close fight but were able to triumph and ascend. The Bulbdog also didn't make it through the fight. RIP Tek Boss. We had one issue after ascension. My tribe mate ascended and was a yellow name survivor 1 male character afterwards. His character is a tiny female level 98 named Candy. It was weird because he could still access all of our stuff including the tek transmitter and we were still able to knock him out but he had no implant or engrams/tekgrams. No data at all really. I had him log out of our server and load into a server he didn't have a character then when given the option to download his character to that server. It worked and his character downloaded with the new implant. Then I told him to jump back to our server and download and it should give him the option to overwrite the survivor 1 character but it didn't. It just loaded him in as his character and survivor 1 just laid in our building. He beat survivor 1 until it died. Very weird but it lets us know what to do for future tek cave ascensions. 1 guy died in the final boss fight so the next day we brought the ally who got locked out, another ally, and him and we ran the cave again. With an idea of how it works things went better. We brought 2 Theri's, better saddles, and veggie cakes, many Rex's, 2 sabers, a Bulbdog, a Yuty and ended up with about 33 tames able to get in. I brought the unriddens down this time, as opposed to clearing the way, and while a few went errant I think we got to the bottom with 28 tames left. The Bulbdog fell into the lava this time but both Sabers made it down. On this run I rode a Saber as well as my ally and we shotgunned the overseer. It made a big difference and we lost nothing in the second fight. Everybody got to ascend. It was such a fun weekend from that alone and it has rejuvenated many people who were losing interest. They have renewed focus and have started looking earnestly into what we need for beta, alpha, and eventually the Rockwell fights. What a great weekend in Ark playing with friends and achieving a big part of the game. Until next week.
  5. Came out of the swamp cave with a 104.5 ASC Rex BP!!! This week in Ark; I had a blast this weekend. I did indeed live in the swamp cave with no less than 50 trips through. I pulled several high end items. My carno puts in great work and she currently sits at 10k hp with 670 melee wearing a 112 armor saddle. My vulture also puts in work as he sits on my shoulder. He's currently at 2400 hp and 614 melee. It's a formidable combination and great fun. Playing on the island has reinvigorated the game for me. Say what you will about the beauty of Ragnarok but The Island is a great map and it helps that it is known to me. It also performs better when it comes to lag. So i hatched a few Rex's, a Carno, and some Theri's as well as Vultures and Argy's this weekend. I kept 2 of the Rex's. The new stud male that hatched with 13.6k hp, 472 melee and a new fighter with 14k hp and 461 melee. I'll get that hp on the 472 once I start breeding more. 3 of the Theri's got the 9.2k hp and 419.8 melee. I'll keep hatching those and build up a 19 Theri army. None of tbhe argy's got a weight mutation. 2 of the vultures, a male and female, hatched with the 1125 hp and 378 melee. I gave the male to my allies as well as a guaranteed egg. One Carno got the 4200 hp and 1530 stamina. Another female though, 336 melee is on a female, so more breeding to do. We helped some people with their Beta Rag fight and myself and my ally used Theri's and they were magnificent again. 21k hp, 700+ melee, 124 armor saddle. I was deep under the Dragon and he did knock a lot of hp off me with his fire attack. Down from 21k hp to about 2k as I took 3 shots but with the veggie cakes, I finished the fight down only 800 hp. It really is the way to go. I used a new Theri so it will get 800+ melee. The other part of that fight was my tribe mate's antics. lol. We ran back to back fights. He came in on foot with some flame arrows, a 240 damage crossbow, a rocket launcher, and missiles. We of course expected him to die but he put in work on the Golem's. I stayed out of his way and when the Golem's popped he fired rockets until the launcher broke. The Manticore stayed in the air quite long on this fight so eventually we all got irritated and with the Golem's so damaged we went and killed all of them. My tribe mate survived too. The next fight we loaded him up with more rockets and launchers. He came in on foot again and the Golem's didn't stand a chance. When they popped we grouped them together and I got out of the way as he just kept firing. We didn't even get irritated and just made it a priority to kill the Golem's. That may be a new strategy we fine tune for the alpha fight. I ran a buddies alt character through the alpha fight as well with the normal alliance. Just a single fight this week. One guy brought in his Reaper which was funny to watch him jump through the air and bite the Manticore while it was flying. It went to sleep though. limited hatch level will keep the torpor fairly low, believe his torpor was 10,000. Dragon took a little longer but we didn't lose any dino's despite them being very beat up. The same buddy I merged with on his island server which was my trade/crafting server. With the move to the other island server, with my rag alliance, I decided I didn't want to maintain that base. He got a nice crafting/trade base near an ob plus a few extra dino's and materials I had. I took my Golem, Argy, Mantis and 190 lightning to the new island base. He kept my character in his tribe so I can pop over and help him out from time to time. He's just getting into boss fights but is a solo tribe so I can help him when he wants to run. I did hunt some more Carno's but didn't find higher stats however my ally did put down 342 melee. Last night I took to Facebook and turns out some of my old trade partners have some better stats. I'll be getting a 1620 stamina egg and am in discussions to get 361 melee. That'll be an insane Carno, combined with our 4200 hp, for the cave. One guy has already asked for a future egg for his Abberation server. I planned on stepping back from the trade market but took inventory of the Yuty's and put two on the market that sold very quickly. Full set of rag artifacts for each. It also netted me 3 orders so looks like I'll be raising Yuty's this weekend. I touched on it above but the swamp cave runs were quite successful. In addition to the 104.5 Rex bp, I pulled a MC 92.1 Thyla bp, an asc 91.8 Tapejera bp, a 56.4 ramshackle Rex bp, and a bunch of other pretty good bp's. I also pulled a lot of pre-mades including a 83 jm Rex saddle, a 93 asc Megatherium saddle, a 92 asc Megalania saddle, and a slew of other items. We also got an insane amount of gps, advanced bullet, and advanced rifle ammo bp's. lol. Oh and electric cable bp's! Come on loot table! One of my allies created a new character on that server and spent 3 hours just living as a noob. His commentary was funny. "Oh, narcoberries. I can eat these for food." He stayed hidden and eventually when he was ready I came and picked him up. I wish I would have taken a screen shot but this guy built this beautiful log cabin on the water in that 3 hours. I picked him up, brought him into the tribe, and took him back to main base. He got there and the base was not complete and his reaction was priceless being as he is such a good builder. "No. no. I can't even...give me an Argy. I can't stay here. No." I'm laughing so hard. He starts looking at the build. "Why the...he did not put 2 foundations on each other! Why did he do this? What is the ceiling's purpose?" Lol. I was dying. He spent the entire next day rebuilding the base. We farmed him the structures and it's a great build. Fully enclosed and secured now. My tribe mate, also a great builder, is going to build our water pen. So the entire alliance is in a tribe over there now. We called ourselves noob island and we are having a blast working together. We are keeping the tames to essentials. Rex's, and eventually Theri's, for boss fights, personal flyers, a little base defense, and farming dino's. Rag is still our main server but I see us spending a lot of time on the island running caves and prepping for Ascension. It seems the focus is back and I am very pleased with that. Upcoming; I will be raising Yuty's and of course hatching Argy's and Quetzal's looking for the next stats. I'll raise some more Rex's with the new stats as well as Theri's. I may do some more Vultures too. I'll work on the Carno's to get everything together and it'll be determined how I feel if I do anymore deer. Until next week.
  6. @d1nk @Jabnlab 3k stam is pretty good for Ape and Brood. Less movement and less need to defend yourself in those fights. You want between 4k and 5k for Dragon, Manticore, and Rag fights as they are more open arena's and have a lot more moving waiting for the bosses to land and may want to consider a little melee for Dragon and Rag fights as you will be fighting off dimorph's, ptera's, and griffin's. Manticore in particular likes to go after the Yuty so have stimulant on him because while he reduces the fighter's torpor with courage there's nothing to reduce his.
  7. 1) you consider that lavender? I thought this was lavender and that was magenta. Either way, if it doesn't sell I will look to try and get those together and see what it looks like but it does work pretty well itself. Thanks. 2) No problem. Bary's are another good method. They have higher base hp and higher melee but you can't force heal them unless you fill them with fish prior and their aoe isn't as big as a Carno. The vulture though just works wonders. 3) Surprisingly no. It was weird because once they were in they went and tried to hide behind the one wall and then they logged out. We actually would have finished the fight in our best time, manticore was one chomp away at 34 minutes left, but we searched for the player to kill them. Now we're not sure if since they were still in there and we completed the fight if they get the Dragon engrams or not. Pretty sure since they died before we put down manticore they don't get them but the dragon engrams are the most valuable in the game with transmitter and teleporter. I don't know it's a petty thing since it was no detriment to us but it's scummy too on their part.
  8. Not sure how I want to continue my log. It's become less story and more list which is boring. Part of that is work has been picking up so i haven't had as much time to really formulate my thoughts. The other part is some of the things I enjoy doing in Ark have been tedious and/or frustrating lately. I put in a lot of effort to my dino's but the people (not all, there are some real good traders) want to get them from me for next to nothing. I don't know. It has to be the player population of console (PS4 specifically) vs PC because I see stats I have go for more in egg price on PC then I sell my full grown's for, or attempt to sell my full grown's for. Lol. Right now the trade market is not working for me so it's back into the shadow's and hand outs to my friends/allies. I did do several raises this past weekend and walked away with a lot of cool stuff. I think my favorite is my first Argy weight mutation. I've hatched well over 500 eggs looking for a weight mutation and was fortunate to get twin males. 784 hatch weight, up from 768. This gives me only 2 mutations on my line so there is a lot of room for growth there. I'll use the 2 males to alternate breeding with the females which will reduce cool down timer too. I acquired a grown female Theri, or did I raise it?...I can't remember, from an ally that had 419.8 melee. I had better hp with 9.2k so I gave her that in return. I hatched a few eggs this week and got triplets in the purple body color and another with a green stripe all with the 9.2k hp, 419.8 melee. The new line. I also hatched about 32 Quetz eggs. Kept 3 females that were clean to add to the breeding pool. I got another weight mutation on the 1648 and it popped with pretty cool neon green wing colors but I decided it wasn't want I was looking for and let that one pass. I hatched a few vultures and got one with the 1125 hp and 378 melee. I named him Vulturex. I'm looking for a female next so I can get my allies some eggs. He's already put in work to help me out from a few dc's and when I get knocked off by raptor's on my next raise. A Carno. Ms. Swamp Thang. I got a couple eggs from an ally so I could raise my own swamp cave runner. It hatched 206 with 4200 hp, the other did not, and 319 melee. I like that health. I raised her and have pranced her around the preserve to gain some levels before taking her over to the island server. I can't seem to trade for a 100+ armor Theri or Rex bp so I plan on living in that cave this next weekend. This did give me a new breeding direction as I have started to knock out Carno's looking for higher melee and higher stam (she only had 1050). The first Carno I knocked out tamed out with 1530 stamina so I'll get around to breeding that in. When I'm not running the cave this weekend, I'll be hunting for higher melee. Finally mated some deer. This is gonna be a chore. 6 hour gestation and then 7 hour baby timer. I know I raise Quetzal's and Yuty's, and Theri's and Rex's. lol. My preconceived notion was that of an Anky though. I kept 2 females that pulled the high hp to add to my breeding pool. I bred and raised some new Abberant anky's. 439.8 hatch melee. Got a mating pair. This let me move some of my clean females and an guaranteed egg to my anky buddy so he can work on the next melee and the stud male to my trieb mate for breeding on his Abb server. The guy I got the stud male from just got 451 melee over the weekend too. I told my buddy I expect that and more by end of next week. lol. Finally I got some color combo's I had been looking for on my Yuty's and one I did not but found great. The magenta came from a weight mutation (up to 790 now)and it pulled the 10.3k hp, 2184 stamina, 331 melee. So I put it on the market, even though it's the only one and still raising, if it can net me a Theri or Rex BP but no hits. That's fine though because I'd like to try and breed that magenta crest/tail onto my lavender body. The other color combo's; Finally got the pink crest/tail on the bright yellow. I desperately need another stripe color though because it really messes with the pink. Kind of obscuring it. I also finally got the yellow crown on the blue body. Now I just need to pull in the dark blue limbs to that. I may throw some feelers out for the regular bright yellow and dark blue eggs. A couple people reached out to me about them. So breeding wise it was a very successful weekend. Other than the breeding I didn't do too much. I helped my tribe mate farm metal strcutures as he was rebuidling his abb base from essentially the ground up. I jumped to my anky buddy's server (I am in their tribe) and helped them raise their Giga's, Mammoth's, and run the swamp cave. Using that Carno made me realize I needed higher stamina on the Carno. They had 1350 and it still went down fairly fast. For anyone wondering about that cave. You want a good saddle on your Carno. If you can, 10k hp, 500+ melee. Wear only a gas mask and put a high melee (don't need to worry about hp) neutral vulture on your shoulder. The Vulture takes on the mosquito's while you can focus on the spiders, centipedes, leeches, megalania, and boa's with the Carno. An imprinted Carno is even better but really it depends on how many times you are running it. If it's a mad quick dash, well I haven't lost more than 2k hp from one loop so stamina and melee will probably be more important. If you are gonna spend some time, higher hp is needed as well. I rebuilt an area of my base with some metal structures I had been holding onto and redid my greenhouse too. Tamed a Phiomia, finally again months after the first one was killed, and increased veggie crops. If we're going to be raising Theri's we'll want access to mass veggie cakes for the fights. Overall there was some tedious times but i really liked when my tribe mate was over and we worked together, even just farming metal, crab/anky combo for the win. I enjoyed running the swamp cave a few times. We did run another Alpha Brood and Alpha Monkey to get our rag buddies some additional engrams unlocked. Last night we ran back to back Alpha Rag. Someone snuck into the second fight with us so I brought some Golem's to them. I did lose another Rex under my allies control's. So weird. Maybe I need to bump their hp up to 35k. I run with all 100+ saddles so they must be getting toasted by the Dragon early. My tank Rex's are fine. Last night after run 1 they were only down 2k and 3k. The one I was riding also got the Manticore in the 2nd fight. Tried to tell him, the Manticore, that it ain't no chump. lol So this weekend is a normal 2x event. A lot of people are going to be raising. I'll raise a little but am focusing on easier raises. Carno, if i can find good melee, Argy, Vulture, probably some Rex's with the new 14k, 461 melee line. I also have a friend throwing me a 472 egg which is very nice. I'll bypass Quetzal's and Yuty's this week. I will run the swamp cave in between feeding and imprints, and will come out of there with one of my saddle bp's. Until next week.
  9. On official servers we had one with just a primitive platform saddle, 15k hp (maybe 18k can't remember) and like 350 melee and when it was time for it to go I walked it down to the Wyvern cove while my tribe mate kited Wyvern's my way. I believe it lasted through like 8 or 9 Wyv's until it finally succumbed. Including a couple 190's, 180's and 170's. Yours will beast even though you have max higher level dino's to deal with. We leveled that thing to about 3k weight since it was a berry collector and that would black box it while allowing it to still move and so we pumped speed and stamina. Black box berries in 5 minutes, no lie. lol.
  10. It's a bug and they fixed it in the latest PC patch notes so next console update should fix it too.
  11. Had a fun weekend in Ark Officials got 1.5x breeding so i wasn't sure how much of it I would get with Mother's day on Sunday but my mother was going away on Sunday so we made plans for Monday instead and I got me some quality hatching. I popped a lot of eggs I had stored up but as usual only a few made the cut. First with the 1.5 event my current crop of Quetz and Yuty finished a bit sooner. Which was good to make room. I traded several of them away too which I'll cover next. While hatching looking for my complete Quetz mute color i got triplets. They pulled the green beak, the orange head, but they also received an oxygen mutation and it changed the wing color to a color like this. It was a very cool color but looked terrible with the head and beak. I decided i didn't want to try and breed that color out as color's aren't my focus anyway and so i killed the triplets and kept on hatching. I ended up with 4 Quetz keepers. A new 0 mutation female and a male and two females of; The full color set. This allowed me to move all the mutes that got me to this point. I'm very happy with this and may even go outside of my line to find a nice body and a nice neck color. I also received a gift from a friend. 419.8 melee Theri egg. I hatched and got a female. she has a green stripe down her back so I am going to combine her with my purple male and maybe a cyan male (too see what it looks like) and pull in the 9.2k hp and 1710 stamina I have. She only has 20 total mutations so if i can get a male I may be able to even build on that melee/hp. I hatched a few abberant anky eggs looking to get a female with the 439.8 melee I had acquired in a trade, discussed last week, but was disappointed when a 424 melee female popped. I immediately contacted the guy. It seems like he grabbed the wrong anky and it is getting sorted. I should be able to pick up my male tonight/tomorrow. Here's a story of stupidity and a reason for hatching. I contracted swamp fever. I know you can use a lesser antidote to heal but mistakenly thought you could die to. since i was further from the base that houses most of our stuff i went to a side base. Put away all my valuables and went to die. I was in the highlands so i was running to the scar when i heard a Giga stuck in an enclosed area. perfect. i ducked under the gate ran up to the Giga and punched it. "You were killed by a level 140 Gigantosaurus." What happened next shocked me and saddened me a little but also gave me a reason for my next hatching. "Your level 303 vulture was killed by a level 140 Gigantosaurus." RIP. Totally forgot he was on my shoulder. Purple body. 2k hp, 598 melee. Has saved me so many times when I DC. Worst of all, was it was in vain as I still had swamp fever. I had my tribe mate make me a lesser antidote. I teleported over to a different location, and healed myself. I went back to base and dropped a few vulture eggs as I know I had 1125 hatch hp in the fridge. I also reacquired my vulture from allies who had 378 hatch melee. one of the eggs popped with the 1125 but it was female. So i also hatched an egg looking for a male. a purple male hatched. i raised both of them up on 1.5x and when finished I bred the male with the 378 female and got a blue male (378 is on a blue body, blue head bird) and raised him up. he just finished this morning so I will breed him with the 1125 hp female and get a few eggs from them to hatch for Sunday. I didn't hatch any Yuty eggs. I wanted the last ones to finish up so i could take stock and sell off and figure out breeding patterns. i got that sorted and resumed breeding to gather eggs for Sunday. I hatched more Argy eggs but no keepers. So it ended up not being any more of a normal breeding time from me besides for the reduced maturation timers. Trades; I had several trades and inquiries about trades this weekend. Traded a male Yuty that hatched 9900 hp, 2184 stamina, 355 melee for 4k poly and 2 artifacts. Traded a female Yuty already leveled up to 38k hp, 4100 stam for a full set of Rag artifacts Traded another Yuty for a 140 tamed Basilisk. I just kind of wanted one. I asked my tribe mate if he wanted it for farming on Aberration but he did not so I am going to turn it into a killer instead. It started with 9k hp and 276 melee. I traded a full grown adult Theri 9.2k hp with 408 melee but leveled to 21k hp, 715 melee for 28 glowtail eggs. This was again for my tribe mate. He hatched all of those and we picked through and kept 7. They are raised so he'll move them over to Ab to start combining the stats. Could end up with a line that has 874 hp, 944 regen, 430 capacity, and 353 range. I assume that's good. lol. I moved a breeding pair of mute Quetzal's for two Tek behemoth sets. I also moved another mute Quetzal for a Tek behemoth set. This will go to my flyer barn as I start to turn that over to full tek. I believe i moved another Yuty as well. The rest of the Theri's didn't sell so I gave a few to my allies and killed off most of the rest. I did have a trade set up to get 8k poly for another mute Quetz but that player turned out to be on legacy. 2x taming, xp, harvesting. Last night they gave a special 24 hour event for 2x and I made sure to take advantage. I stocked my fridges for the week (long work week) and to help finish off the Quetzal's. I also started to tame my breeder females for the Megaloceros program. I expect to start that this Sunday as well as I have had several people inquire about it since they know I am going to work on it. i haven't found better base hp so will just need to start it and get it through mutes. The taming yesterday added 3 females for a total of 4 to the breeding pool. Three 135's and a 140. Rest of weekend; No boss fights as my allies attended to outside Ark stuff. I added a third floor for the Quetzal's in their section of the flyer barn and I added a second floor for two Wyvern's in the Argy breeding section of the flyer barn. I also began to replace the pillars and the ceilings with tek. We'll do some fights during the week. I also jumped over to the island server we plan on ascending from and moved the Rex's off of red ob. One other crew stores their's up there and it's rude and a cluster. A small area had opened up on the beach below red so I brought over some gates and turned that into the Rex storage area for fights. It also makes it easier to feed them since i can place troughs there. I also took a Theri over there and sorted out some of the stuff. One of my allies allies are moving permanently to PvP so he is in a tribe with them on their island server and is going to merge with them on our rag server. We're not incredibly established on our current island server so we may just go over to his server where they are very well established. The tribe moving on is incredible builders so I can only imagine what their base looks like. lot of options to discuss there. I also bought and watched Black panther. What a great movie. Chadwick Boseman does a good job but Michael B Jordan's Killmonger was done great adding the right amount of humanity to the villian. Marvel rarely disappoints me. Coming up; Start the Deer program. Get my shoulder Rex hatched, continue with the Yuty, Argy, and Quetz programs. Boss fights. Fun. Until next week.
  12. Fairly busy and entertaining week in Ark A big part of my week consisted of more trades than normal. Actually my last two sessions have. Trading always draws me back in. Trades; Traded 20k ingots and 8.4k crystal for a raised 265 hatch melee Giga that came with a 123.3 armor saddle. I've been against going for a Giga but the price was too good coming from a buddy of mine. I am getting the itch to raise one of my own. I'll probably wait until summer as I want to do it right so want the time and I think there is a chance 300 melee will be on the market for PS4 PvE by then. If not, I'll raise a 295 hatch melee. Already discussed terms of a deal on that. I store the Giga out in our desert base away from the main base and kentro spawns. With a teleporter out there I can get it wherever I need it across the map in seconds. I've been trading several excess blueprints for poly and artifacts last couple of days. That helps me tremendously since I have noticed despite my relative success in cave's I don't really enjoy running them all that much. Acquired a 439 hatch melee Abberant anky. love that trade. used some excess BP's for a male. I traded two of my 10.3k hp, 2184 stamina, 331 melee Yuty eggs for a tek behemoth set. I'll add that to the flyer barn as i continue turning that into an all tek build. Got a good offer the green beak mute Quetz and it'll net me 20 artifacts. Happy with that. Also got some artifacts for some pre-made Rex saddles. I was running low and still need to acquire a few others to make sure I have complete sets but it lessens needing to farm caves/rely on my allies farming caves and so i can contribute properly in boss fights while taming and breeding the things I really like to do. Probably some other trades plus trades on the docket. Taming; I tamed a nice pre-tame hp Direwolf. It got a bad roll in hp though so I killed it. I also have been hunting hard for a hp bump on the Megaloceros' but 0 luck there. Raises; I hatched 93 eggs this weekend. As per usual I only kept a select few. Currently raising a new clean female Quetz. i'll add her to my breeding pool. I got a hp mutation on a male Quetz. (9996 to 10.3k hp). I am going to hold him for future breeding especially since my footprint is offset with the green beak mute being moved and I am taking the original orange wing female over to my buddy on his island server, orange is his favorite color. I also hatched and raised a new male breeder Argy. he pulled in the new clean hp (4015 to 4088) as well as the 1300 stamina and 768 weight. No weight mutations though yet on the Argy line. I raised a new higher melee Anky (prior to acquiring the 439 melee) that I got from a buddy. 408 hatch melee. I'll use him as my primary farmer for the time being and start selling/killing off my old breed. I also raised 2 female Abberant anky's off eggs I got from my tribe mate. They are strictly breeders to get the 439 melee guaranteed so I can hand out eggs to my allies. They'll go to my buddy who does nothing but anky's once I get the 439 guaranteed since he keeps hatching Abberant males. I am currently raising 5 yuty's. when they are done i'll need to Reevaluate my Yuty stock and sell some of them off. i got a lot of different markers that made me keep 5. A low mute male (5 mutations) 3 are legit the other two are bad breeding but it gives me enough room if i want to start stat mutation breeding for my own giggles. He is 10.3k hp, 2184 stamina, 355 melee. A male with the blue and yellow. I now have that color somewhat guaranteed with the stats as I have 2 females of the same. Still open mutations on both sides though so it could change. A blue male that finally got all the stats together. I can now kill off the one I got the color from and try to pull my yellow crown/tail onto that. A male with the dull yellow, pink crown/tail, and blue limbs. This gives me a male and female with the good stats with the yellow and pink. I will actually be crossbreeding them, trying to pull my bright yellow on. A new color and stat mutation. Went from 355 melee to 367 melee and pulled a very nice lavender coat. I'm not sure what direction to go with this one or what color's to try and add in but with that melee upgrade he's a keeper. Rest of the weekend; Ran a couple boss fights. Two for my alliance and two to help out some other friends. We won all 4 though my other friends took a serious hit on their Rex's (loss 14 total). They need better saddles. I am giving them access to my blueprint. Satisfying week overall. I'm not sure what's on the docket but am excited for the next round of hatchings to continue my lines growth. Until next week.
  13. This week in Ark was a bit lazier as I had several things to attend to in real life so I didn't do any major hatchings. We ran a couple boss fights and got some friends through for engrams. The above picture shows my role as I tank the Golem's. No losses this time though the Manticore was being particularly annoying on the first run. The second run went smooth as can be and we finished with the most time we have had left to date (27 minutes). Raises: The Quetz and Yuty finished and I moved them out and bred them to get some eggs but I only hatched some Argy eggs, keeping one. A male with the 4015 hp, 1300 stamina, and 768 weight. I kept him because he bred without any of the event colors which means I can rely on natural mutations with him as my main breeder. He was at 81% this morning so will finish up a little after lunch. I'll breed him tonight as I continue to look for that weight mutation. I figured out I need 2 weight mutations to hit 800. Once I hit that I'll work to breed in the high melee and will hatch the color Argy eggs, I have, to breed the stats on them and then start selling the eggs/adults. I clear so many resources with an Anky/Argy combo right now they should be big sellers. Trades; I did a little more trading than I have been. I traded a 96 armor Giga, 95 armor Giga, 95 armor Tuso, and a 97 armor Yuty, all BP's, this weekend. Walked away with 4k advanced rifle ammo and 12k crystal. I also moved one of my full grown yellow mute Yuty's (the one not of my bloodline) for a Reaper. The Reapers cool. I may use him as my new meat runner as he harvests a lot of it. I have to check his aoe though to be able to fight off Dimorph's when I eat rare flowers though I am thinking the tail whip might make short work of them. I did a late trade last night. traded 97 Theri kibble and got 9 different color Yuty eggs. The one I want the most is a magenta tail with a cyan back stripe. Not great stats by any mean but I can breed in mine and have a colorful army to parade around. I set up some future trades. Artifacts for some pre-made 90+ armor Rex saddles and one of my Anky's for some poly. I got a new Anky egg with higher melee from a friend last night so I'll hatch that soon. I'm also about to auction off one of my mute Quetzal's but I am trying to decide if I want artifacts or tek building pieces. Particularly vacuum compartments. Rest of the weekend: Really was a weekend with little direction. Farmed quite a bit. Built a few things. The alliance still works well together but one member of an alliance tribe has quit ark it seems and one of my other alliance members is starting to get bored and pull away I can tell. I have been relying on them pretty heavy as we share resources, land, everything but it looks like i may need to go to more of a solo mindset. i can do it just need to readjust a few things and that was one of the reason's that not nearly as much got done. I'll need to do more research on the caves so i can continue to get artifacts to run boss fights and i have to figure out the best way to solo them (thinking 10 vultures with 2500 hp and 600+ melee). Upcoming: It'll still be not quite as much since my normal Sunday hatch day will be postponed in lieu of Mother's day. My mom enjoys the Marvel film's so if she wants to go see Avenger's we'll do that (it was awesome) or if she wants to catch up on some of the ones she hasn't seen yet we'll do that. Her day. Monday will probably be my hatch day that means as I pop more Yuty's and Quetzal's and Argy's and the Anky and Vultures to build that army up. Until next week. Edit: This Sunday is not Mother's day. Business as usual for the hatches.
  14. Had a good weekend in Ark. Got some good hatches, a few decent trades, and a lot of farming done. Trades; I’ve mostly taken a back seat from the trading market but every once in awhile find something I really want to acquire and go for it. This week after a few months of searching I finally came across my 90 armor Argy saddle BP. After quick discussions with the guy I uploaded the payment and created a new character (my standard protocol to prevent character lost) on the guys server. What a great trader. He brought me into his tribe to pick me up with the Argy, I gave him his payment, and he gave me the BP but there was a 37 minute upload timer. To pass the time, he let me use a Carno and we ran the swamp cave and he said he gives his trade partners whatever is pulled out if it doesn’t surpass what he already has. That brought the timer down to an easy 9 minute wait. I really enjoyed that trade. I traded some bp’s of my own for crystal, mostly on server but do have a visitor coming over after work today. I traded with this guy before so it’s always a smooth transaction. Farming; Outside of my raises I really just wanted to get some farming done, which i did. The problem is I farmed mostly metal and obsidian. Lol. I really enjoy the combination of the crab/anky/ravager and with the teleporter it makes it too easy to just zip over to obsidian island and clear it of both in an hour. I did farm a bunch of sparkpowder too. Two trips around the preserve netted me 25k flint with the mantis and the crab with two 1600 weight doedics on auto harvest netted me about 16k of stone. I turned that into 2 ¼ vaults of sparkpowder. I ended up hitting the charcoal trees just as 2x expired though so was only able to grab enough of that to make 2500 advanced rifle ammo. I traded for another 2000 from an ally too. They have a guy who mostly just runs the desert drops and makes bullets. He fills what he calls the “2nd amendment” vault and the rest of us in the alliance put in orders from him. I traded them a red mute Bary egg that I will probably never hatch so it worked out great. I live close to the Wyvern cove and have a lot of Argy in my area so I keep turrets on the roof plus we use assault rifles in the Rag boss fight so bullets are a big priority for us. I didn’t end up making a lot of structures like last week so I didn’t really farm too much of the basic stone, wood, thatch or CP to make metal structures. Raises; I was very fortunate in several of my hatches this week. I was unfortunate in the Argy department. Hatched probably another 25 eggs or so but still no weight mutations. I was hoping to have two weight mutations by now as the TLC drops for PS4 today. This will give me an idea at least as I am sure the trade market will be flooded in short order. I did keep an Argy with the hp, stamina, and weight stat and gifted it to an ally. He plays more than even me so we will share breeding stats at this point and between the two of us hatching I am sure we’ll get the argy line going fast. I have some nice colors (egg form) to breed in these stats but I want to get to hatch 800 weight before I do that. I did hatch my new Rex. 14k hp, 2484 stamina, 461 melee. All white and he’s a male. He’s a beast and my new top breeder. He was finishing up this morning before work. I’ll breed him several times but probably just store the eggs unless something tragic happens in a fight. I seen PS4 PvP is selling 508 melee eggs right now (typically means there is two levels higher) and I know of the breeder on PvE that has 15k hp already so the new servers are already knocking on legacy’s doors for Rex stats. I hit several spouts of good luck in the Quetz and Yuty department. For Quetzal’s I got a male with the 1680 weight, combined the orange mohawk and orange wings as well as the green beak and orange wings. I also was able to hatch another unmutated female. When she is done that will give me 4 unmutated females and my new top male breeder. The building project consisted of me putting a second floor in the Quetzal section of the flyer barn to increase the storage capacity to 10 females with 1 male. This will give me my best shot with the limitations official PvE, and my own stringent rules, has to get the next weight mutation. I’ll also breed up the colors to get that last piece there. I have a male and female with the green beak/orange wing combo and can breed the female with the orange mohawk male. The orange mohawk/wing combo is also a female so I can breed her with the green beak male or green beak/orange wing combo male. I’ll do a lot of inbreeding with that line to lock up the mutations then start selling eggs/adults. I was just as fortunate with the Yuty hatches to an extent. The pink and yellow hatched with the top combined stats (10.3k hp, 2184 stamina, 331 melee) but is female like the last one. Still this will make breeding the stats into a male with the color easier. The yellow and blue received the 355 melee I tamed over the easter event bringing it’s stats to 10.3k hp, 2184 stamina, 355 melee but is also a female (giving me 3 females with that color). Really melee is mostly a wasted stat on Yuty’s but they do get attacked by dimorph’s, griffin’s, and ptera’s in the dragon/ragnarok fights so it helps to be able to fight them off a little. Plus it popped 246 so, “yay for the hatch level!” The last one is my stat line (though I do have to revamp a little) and sits at 9900 hp, 2184 stamina, and pulled in the 355 melee. It has 1 mutation on the line from an early breeding mistake but I’ll breed with the current 355 tamed male to get a male and then breed that primarily for myself and my allies. Rest of the weekend; I played on my crafting island server a little more this weekend but also took a little extra time from Ark to watch some movies including the new Jumanji. Very funny. I actually really enjoyed it. It’s not a mind blowing excellent film but it’s very funny in its own right and kept me entertained. Other than that I watched certain Marvel movies in anticipation of Avengers Monday or Tuesday. Upcoming; Simple as boss fights, which we will do sometime this weekend as I host my crafting island server allies, a little building, farming, trading, taming, breeding, Arking. Until next week.
  15. I would suggest the area around Green ob to build. redwood mountains has some good obsidian and metal nodes, very good for meat runs, lot of flat buildable area. Red is a bit safer but lacks resources. Blue is rich in resources but adds additional dangers plus isn't the best terrain for building and traversing minus a flyer. I'd do bosses on single player. Taming and breeding on UO Rag.
  16. Yeah that could be a bit of a pain. If you go to the west side of the peninsula and walk north towards the Wyvern cove and stay along the beach with really one water crossing it's not so bad (I have to deal with behemoth gates from another base there but luckily have a transmitter and teleporter at this point.) may run into a Wyv or two but a decent Rex can handle them and then you might run into some Allo's and other Rex's on walk up to green ob but all you'll be doing is getting levels really. Alternatively you can fly west with your Rex on a Quetz platform and if you go to about center of bay before heading up to green ob and fly close to the ceiling, you usually bypass all the Wyv's. For my server it's the last good Rex spawn as both green ob and blue ob are built heavy so some of the Rex spawns have been killed but in your own world, blue ob and green ob produce many good Rex spawns and would be more convenient for transport. At green just be wary of the occasional Giga spawn.
  17. That whole peninsula is where I reside on official. Tons of useful dino's to tame. Rex, Allo's, Carno's, Saber's, Argy's, Anky's, Raptor's, Doedic's plus if raising a Wyvern it's easy to kite a female to a trap on the hill closest to the cove. My little slice of Ark heaven.
  18. Changed direction at the last moment this past weekend in Ark. I took a break from the breeding and despite no boosted rates decided I'd just harvest, tame a little, and just kind of play Ark lazily with no real direction in mind. It was both fun and frustrating at times. Tames; I don't remember all what i covered last time but i'm pretty sure I didn't have an Argy i just tamed. Was a 145 female. i dropped her on a rock and made use of the forcefield to protecte her which is a nifty little thing as long as you can place it. i put her down on the peninsula so no issues there. She had a pretty good hp so I figured either way it gives me a new female for my breeding program. She stood up with 4088 hp. My new unmutated high. I've been knocking out Megaloceros like crazy so I'm not sure which ones were covered. I think I have a new one to add which was another male that tamed out with 1400 stamina. Slightly better than what I currently had. So I currently have 2620 hp, 1400 stamina, and 378 melee to work with. I want 3k hp so am not going to start breeding until I get frustrated with the hunt or get it. Raises; Again I am not sure of everything i covered and am not focused enough to look over my past posts so I know i got a hp mutation on the Argy line from the 4015 hp which took it up to 4160 hp. I just stored him to the side for the time being, i think i did mention that. His red feet is what is left over from the christmas event colors. i pretty much was able to breed out the green and yellow and most hatch with the red feet and red wing tips. i like that look. I also did hatch a few more Argy eggs and came away with my new top male breeder. he pulled the 4015 hp, 1300 stamina and 768 weight. I hatched a few more eggs after he finished and was bred but still no weight mutations. Most of the rest of my time was spent harvesting resources and promptly using those resources, lol. I built 10 metal behemoth sets with no plans to use them. 25 stone behemoth sets. 200 metal ceilings. 150 metal walls. 200 metal pillars. I harvested 2k crystal. Spent probably 80k ings which I replaced almost immediately. Harvested about 7k obsidian, converted only some of that over to poly since when I went to run the beaver dams they were already harvested. Filled a vault full of wood, stone, thatch. It really was fun though. no real direction. Just me and my dino's of choice taking in the landscapes. i even bought a few dino's, something i normally don't do. i like my dino's but an ally of mine was looking for metal structures, what luck, and had some nice statted and mutated ravagers for sale. I bought one from him and pumped it up to 2500 weight. I now walk around obsidian island with the Ravager in one crab claw and the Anky in the other and in 3 trips I'll clear every node. I'll teleport the Anky back to base and dump it off in that forge until it is filled then place the rest of the metal in the forge at ob island. I'll bring CP out to ob island and empty the Ravager in there. I haven't taken the ravager out to help harvest crystal yet but with the TLC upcoming for PS4, I can't wait to grab an Anky and a Ravager on my almost 4k weight Argy and just stockpile whenever I want to. We ran a few fights as well including Monkey Alpha to give our allies the rest of the tekgrams and Rag Alpha to farm a little more element. I can't speak highly enough about how well we all work together and support each other. We also decided to run the Skylord side of the labryinth and that was a bot if a bungle. 4 of us went in but only 2 of us emerged. (this would have been a lot angrier yesterday which is why I did not write) While doing the lab a lag spike dropped my one buddy in a spike pit killing him. I went to get his stuff (full tek suit, 280 long neck, 290 shotty, 200 element, just a bunch of stuff) and his body just disappeared. No bag. Big loss from a game glitch. Our other buddy who died faced the same fate though not as big of item losses. lag spike and he fell into a spike pit. The Skylord never respawned despite waiting about 15 minutes after the last surviving ally grabbed it. Rest of the run went smoothly, we both got a massive and devious but that 1st part was real crappy. The next part was extremely irritating. I woke up the next morning and my buddy who lost all that good shot was on. I told him I'd bring the BP's we've been using so he could grind during the day, jump on his crafter, and replace his items. i teleport over and he's waiting for me. after everything renders i drop a bag, always drop a bag because Ark likes to eat stuff, but lo and behold Ark ate my bag. Just gone. i checked inventory, checked underneath teleporter. Teleported back to base hoping to render it in and be able to grab it but nothing. just gone. 252 ASC shotgun BP. 226 JM Shotgun BP. 247 ASC sword BP. The biggest loss though was the 252 Long neck BP. I have a 247 MC Shotty BP yet. I have a 251 ASC Sword BP as well as a few other 230+ sword BP's yet but I have no other long neck bp much less one of that quality. I hit share and save as video but haven't looked over it to see if it caught the moment so i can file a ticket. I've been looking hard to trade for a 240+ bp since, all of one day, lol. No hits yet though an old trade partner did find a 232 bp for trade. It's close but with what I'd be willing to trade I want a higher tier or that 232 to be MC cost. Freaking Ark. on the docket; I will resume the Yuty and Quetzal hatching as well as Argy this week. I also was given a 14k hp 461 melee Rex egg. though I probably don't need additional Rex's, I'll hatch and raise it. Hopefully it's a male and I'll replace it as my top breeder. I'm also going to keep grinding as I love to make the tek stuff and play around. I am currently in the midst of designing Atlantis. I hate building but I'm going to try my best to make something awesome for an underwater base. That is a very long term project though. Until next week.
  19. This week in Ark It was at times a trying week but i think it was because i was a bit ill so the grind part was annoying me. i felt a bunch better yesterday and the grind part was enjoyable. Lol. lot of good stuff happened though. Tames; So I decided not to do Megatheriums. I was knocking them out and I suddenly realized they are primarily used for the Alpha Broodmother but I've already done the Alpha Broodmother. It's a not a fight we'd continuously farm when the Monkey gives more element and is easier so I decided to put that project away and have changed directions to something fun and easy. Megaloceros. Megaloceros have a lot of attributes that people don't realize. Good for both caves and the Dragon boss and maybe even the Ragnarok fight. They have a higher base hp than sabers, base damage in line with sabers, ravagers, allo's, and wolves. Easily obtainable high end saddles (i have a 100.2). Veggie cake heal. They also are real good to cut down onyc's and dimoprh's before they get to you. I began the hunt this weekend and have walked away with a few decent stats. 2620 hp, 1372 stamina, 378 melee. I'll keep looking around for higher stats (know I can find a better stamina as that pre-tame stamina was 1148 so I only got 8 levels added) and want a high weight stat (currently sit at 347). Still it's a nice start. I am going to have to invest in some more dimorph kibble though. Otherwise I didn't tame too much of anything. I knocked out a few dino's here and there but wanted to keep my focus on the deer. Raises; Some big successes here this week. Some humor too. A couple posts back I said I need to avoid the distractions that are tapes.Ii had 2 tapes at that moment. 6 tapes later with 2 eggs to hatch, I am weak. lol. I was gifted a tape egg in a trade so I hatched it. What a beauty. 3.1k hp, 434 melee at hatch. The event tape I knocked out has 675 base stamina and I have my first tape which has 3.1k hp and 525 base weight. I'ma have a bad Tappy when it's all together. Hatched several Yuty, Quetz, Theri, and Argy eggs. None of the Yuty's got a combo or stat I was looking for. Two of the Theri's got a stat combination. They now sit at 9.2k hp, 1710 stamina, 408 melee. They were at 67% this morning. I finally got a mutation on the Argy's but it was health. 4161 hp. I decided to keep him, raise him, and then put him off to the side since I do want to mutate hp eventually. I won't keep any other hp mutations though. Still nothing on weight. My biggest success was in the forms of Quetzal though. 3 different mutations. 2 were food mutations but came with color. The last was that weight mutation I've been yearning for. 1680 from 1648. Female so a bit more breeding when she is done to get it to a male so I can make him my new main breeder. I was very excited to get that. The goal to 2k hatch weight is now one mutation closer. The entire line only has that 1 mutation too so got quite a few open spots yet. The Quetzal's were at 49% when I came to work today. Boss fights; We decided to a double header. We'd been lax on the fights a little so my allies were in desperate need of element. One ally loss 2 Rex's and our Yuty took a beating but overall it wasn't bad fights. The technique is sound as long as they can get their Rex's moving and out of that first fireball's way. My tank Rex's can easily handle the Golem's for the duration as they never lose more than 10k hp. I just need to get the guys on board with the Theri's and I think we'll end the fight even faster. 270 element from the two fights so I finally decided to play a little. I built two teleporters, a forcefield, a generator, and a vac compartment moonpool. That last one has little purpose other than to have, lol. I still need to make some tek behemoths. The teleporter's are amazing. I can teleport to my allies bases and them to mine if set to public. I can bring people with who don't even have the tekgram if allied at least (have to try it with a non allied person). I set one up at the obsidian island base and placed a forge next to the one at the home base. I can now overload my anky using the weight wyv/quetz and then teleport back to my home base and drop the metal right in that forge which is right next to the tek replicator and some vaults instead of transporting back a ton of ingots. My allies each put one at their bases and one out at my allies desert metal base. My favorite tek item to date. On the docket; I plan on continuing to hatch and look for color combo's/stat mutes on the Yuty's. Stat mutes on the Quetzal and Argy's. Continue hunting for the best non mutated base stats on Megaloceros', and I'm sure run some more boss fights. I am going to try and plead with my allies to finally face the lava golem too. I have 150 rockets that need to explode. Until next week.
  20. No but there are Giga's and Deathworm's occasionally and an abundance of mantis', centipedes, scorpions, boas, and vultures. It can get hot too. Pretty straight forward line for the deep desert drops. You do get weather effects if in the section closest to the wyvern cove (that sections middle has one drop). The only real weather effect though is sandstorm in that section. The biggest worry is a sneaky mantis springing at you so just be careful when in the area. You'll see any Giga's with enough time.
  21. Desert drops drop them pretty frequently both pre-made and bp's. I have about 6 ASC BP's and all my Queztal's (5) have ASC Platform BP's but I haven't made one myself. All pulled from drops.
  22. With such low weight you are probably better off hitting in the area of 75 47 (hill top here has a few crystal nodes) and 64 60 (hill top here). from personal experience you'll have some bugs and Theri's to deal with at 75 47 but they are rarely on top of the hill. You could also hit a few nodes right in the beginning of the hunter artifact cave 80 53. they are right in the entrance before you get to the nasties. Again some Theri's, Troodons (so no go at night) and maybe a Carno biggest obstacles but for a quick hit it'll at least save you some time until you get a higher weight bird to make the trip to the Volcano worth it. I also see you posting, so just so you know there is a post limit on your first couple of days. So if you hit it don't fret, come back tomorrow and keep posting meaningful content and you'll get out of early bird soon enough.
  23. All points should go into melee and the percentage is of their base damage. giga base damage is 1000 so 45% of that rex base damage is 62 so you need 726% to equal your giga currently phiomia base damage is 10, I'm not even doing this math That being said, it is a bit of a worthless tame at that level but really it is still very strong and will be alright for simple meat runs in the swamp. Just don't use it to fight other giga's, titans, alpha's, and avoid kentro's with it else it will rage and eat you.
  24. Quick blurb; We ran the Alpha Rag fight last night. Mixed results. The technique for drawing the Golem's when they popped up was great. I discussed with my allies how/where to move their Rex's as I moved by with the tanks to grab them up. So that worked fairly well. My ally did lose a Rex. Rex's got stuck on themselves and he took a direct impact from the dragon. It's Alpha level and even with reduced impact damage, the DOT attack after significantly hurt his Rex. I don't know if it was a Golem pop or a Griffin hit that did that Rex in. My tank Rex's performed great. 12k hp loss on the one I rode, 18k loss on the unridden one. No Yuty buff this time. I told my tribe mate to stay with the group. 116 armor saddles, mate boosted, 100% imprint. 40k hp. It works. Same as before I stayed on the edge, no harassment from anything. I just sat there and fired off rounds at the Dragon and then the Manticore. The only time the Manticore messed with me was after I pulled all the Golem's. Think we have the dino's, resources, and know how to farm Alpha rag now as an alliance which is significant with the amount of element we get from that. I think a few more fights and we can start selling the fight. It's highly sought after for the tek transmitter and to a lesser degree the transporter unlock. Edit: Forgot to mention a new milestone. My tanks took down two of the Golem's this time. They still have level's to go and sit 647 percent melee in addition to the 40k hp. They'll hit 700 soon enough. Just thought that was neat since I've wanted to kill a Golem in the fight.
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