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Everything posted by TyranntX

  1. Okay, then why are you asking for wild card to do it if you already know what it's going to look like? Why waste time showing that off (and thus putting in less time making sure ASA has fewer issues than its predecessor) when some one else already did the work for them? You don't seem to understand that even those "dudes" took weeks or possibly even months to do what they did to make ASE look they way it does in their port in UE5. Maybe not all of their assests have been ported over to the new engine yet? Maybe they giving more creatures a touch up? Perhaps we are getting some new TLC's to creatures that desparatly need them? Maybe they're working on some of the new features they promised to give in ASE, but couldn't due to time constraints and engine limitations? the lest goes on, YOU don't know what's going on at the studio so you don't get to be anywhere near as entitled as you sound right now.
  2. It's only been 3 weeks since the announcemnt, chill out and be patient it takes time to program even the most simplistic of games never mind an gargantuen one like ARK
  3. Given the BARREN state of officials, I find that doubtful
  4. Given how many people are still crying about controversy and threatening to "not buy the game", nope I don't think they will be. Can't build excessivly if you aren't around to build at all.
  5. Luckily, MOST of those kinds of people claim to "not be buying ASA" and won't be on any of the servers of the remaster... Only time will tell if they will make good on those "threats" (not that they'll be missed either way). So now instead of seeing the brain dead strats of massing the big dinosaurs and building frame rate destroying bases, we may end up seeing people who are ACTUALLY trying to have fun by NOT ruining it for others. So in the future maybe we COULD see some more gimicy/fun/interesting creatures that aren't Kiaju sized clones of something we already have.
  6. Now you know how I feel whenever I see a carnivore in the votes. I'm not entierly opposed ot the idea but we got SO many already and most of them feel the same... just "A Big Lizard that goes bite bite, lol!" and not much else. At least be original, and stop trying to be "better than what-ever's end game teir"... Sadly a number of posts still just feel lke a copy-paste of either existing creatures or a mod. I still shutter at the concavenator suggestion (which was literally just ARK Adddition's concept) and it didn't even make the top 10.
  7. To be fair, we DID just get a bug last vote. it would be pretty tasteless to get another right after.
  8. Just crazy propaganda from the people spreading misinformation all over youtube. so I wouldn't bother taking them seriously, considering they struggle to read. Agreed, Though I'd becareful when it comes to calling them out like that. They tend to CRY to the moderators when they are reminded on just how much they're unliked.
  9. I'm hoping for either Moa or gigantoraptor, because we don't need another big carnivore and and everything else is just Ew.
  10. Do you want to see the smae outrage we got from the carchara announcement?
  11. Again, would they? So many official players have stated they are drawing the line and NOT getting ASA just because of this incident, so it's really about how many of them mean it and how many will get outed for having double standatds and bullied off the servers. Not to mention many of those "tyrants" will have to compete with other veterans, other players they may have harassed for funsies for the past 8 years, grudge matches will no doubt be a thing and the alphas of old WILL be vulnerable for the first time ever. And that's IF any of them make a return, which given the demeanor of what's being said (if any of them actualy can be taken for their word), they probably won't. I play Unofficial anyway to avoid such absurdities, So again... nothing really affacts me in this situation other than Karma being on my side for a good long while. I'll will test the waters of the official servers with any interested buddies but we won't stay long either way because the grind in official ASE was already just plain bad even without 9 year olds being jerks. Either way it will still be a good laugh to watch idiots prove why no one unironically likes official servers.
  12. Still don't know the definition of "entitled" I see. i'll just ignore you then. won't be seeing you around the servers of ASA anyway.
  13. This is an 8 year old online game and much like every online game their servere's aren't going to last forever, nothing does. So it really shouldn't come to anyone's surprise that it's coming to an end in the near future, people are naive to think otherwise. Yeah sure it would be a nice thing for the toxic players to be warned of this... But should they be? There ARE the same people who turned official servers into an unplayable wasteland, and would GLADLY do it on repeat should more servers open up for them to do so. No, they have been warned enough already. I'll be elated to watch the official servers go down for good just to watch said players burn and wither as all thier work (some of it stolen from people they didn't have to steal from) get reduced to cyber dust.
  14. Will they though? Will they take a finacial hit? We've already established that despite WC's lack of a spine to stand up to their publisher, people are still going to support them. Some of them reluctantly so because of how horrible Snail is, and some out of hypocrisy so their complaining can stay relevant. Heck, people are still going to buy ARK 2 simply for being die hard Vin Deisle fans, They don't care if the game turns out to be a deaping pile of dung, do you have the slightest clue how many people are STILL posting "Family" memes in ARK 2's steam discussions? MORE than zero, which is telling of just how much people honestly don't care in comparison to how many do. Again, this is completely SNAIL'S fault, full stop. WC TRIED to douse some fires, but entitled people are going to keep being entitled until it bites them in the butt, tears it off of them, and has it handed back to them. Ang Again, Even if WC COULD legally do anything, their still a company, they aren't the friend to the comunity like everyone here SEEMS to believe they are. They need to make money if they are to keep on being a company, and they aren't going to accomplish that be meeting any of the communities unreasonable demands such as making ASA free or by taking down ASE from all store platforms. I already own a next gen console so this doesn't really affect me either (and it's not going to),what I do gain is the satisfaction of knowng that all the toxic official players are going to be gone and out of the way (maybe finally letting some decent f*cking people a chance to play without getting spawn killed by an alpha tribe for giggles or coming across a sea of metal pillars and no where to build.) WC coulcd have handled this better, granted... but were they ALLOWED to? Seeing as things panned out the way they did, my guess is "No". At the end of the day, it's still the community that's the bigger issue, an issue that will seemingly disapear in ASA (because the ones causing the problem won't be there without proving themselves hypoctites), and honestly I say good f*cking ridence.
  15. Said the one still crying over this situation... and possibly trying to devolve this into a fight... Maybe you should look up what "Entitlement" is.
  16. And you want to know what happened after each and every one of those votes after they were all good and done? The people who were unhappy got over it, this won't be much different even IF there's a price tag attached to it. Because at the end of the day these "People" (I can't call them what they really are because they'll get upset and CRY to the moderators) only want to find something to complain about and never truely be happy. Wild card has been pretty on point with letting people know what's going on through in game annoncements, but with the remaster still a whole TWO SEASONS away from launching, is there really any reason to yet? ARK is STILL a great game as is, and making a few extra dollars (which they could funnel into future development of both the sequel AND the remaster) is a smart idea from a business prespective. Also, need I remind you that was all SNAIL GAMES' idea in the first place? They were the ones who want to make the "underhanded" deals not WC. Yet you and a number of other people keep lumping them together. Wild Card have done what they could with their hands tied the way they are, and even IF Snail didn't play a part in this the Remaster was never going to be free. They've stated why the upgrade to UE5 couldn't simply be a free update, the project is simply too big for a game ARK's size AND its essentially like building a new game. At least now we can get features we didn't have before, ones that were promised but weren't doable due to engine limitations and time constraints. So sorry to say, but all this anger is pretty unjustified. so again I say to all the entitled users... Either Buy the game or don't. It doesn't get more simple than that.
  17. Seems like the entitlement is still raging on, disapointing but not at all surprising. Either buy the Remaster or don't, it's as simple as that. Seriously it's no onder other game communities see dinosaur gamers as immature.
  18. Okay all things considered, this tame sounds like it's going to be pretty freaking dope. I would have liked to have heared a bit more details on ASA this week but what we got last chrunch and the one before are worth their weight in gold, despite the entitlement of the comunity as of late.
  19. Well, Bison didn't win... But at least we aren't getting YET ANOTHER big theropod.
  20. You know looking at it twice, it looks more like a Giga COSTUME than it does a creature. Bad enough this thing was a giga re-make (and an unneeded one) now it's a look alike too.
  21. Surprise surprise, it's just bigger Giga with a touch of Yuty.
  22. Hey, Wild Card! Give us the option to play in 1rst perron, because that's What ARK is known for and what everyone and their grandma is used to. do you WANT to lose another gargantuan chunk of your player base? Are you trying to go bankrupt? Seriously listen to your fans more, We don't want a 3rd person only game. that's going to make WAY too many things more of a headache than it has any right to be.
  23. Like I said, I have no clue why people believe I am the only one "complaining", as again I am no doubt the most vocal be not the only one. you and cosmic are prime examples of that. Congratulations, you missed the whole point... AGAIN. It is not the fact it is getting added anyway... it's W-H-Y it's getting added that has people upset. If WC TRULY wanted to add this animal WITHOUT causing an uproar, they should have announced it AFTER the release of the new map AND make it a surprise update. THAT would be doing fan service, THIS is just caving to entailed children.
  24. Titian maybe, but I'm not so sure about a giant bug. From the sound of it it's just a living version of the Skiff
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