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Everything posted by DisableCaveBuilding

  1. Oh and they also block the lootcrates so they have all the great blueprints and we cant get anything🙃 I dont even care about the other caves. But OB's, dungeons, lootcrates and artifacts should be a build free zone!
  2. Not only PvE. PvP is also a mess and they claim all the artifacts aswell so you can never do bossfights and never get tek.
  3. So even on small tribes there are tribes with 20 members. They play 24/7 by sharing their accounts. I mean this could be fine in normal servers but smalltribes should be just 6 and no more. I joined small tribes specifically because I have a small tribe of 3 or 4 members. We can play well and raid but not against a tribe of 20 players having tek first day and 100 good stegos and even preventing everybody else from getting TEK by blocking the artifacts. Not sure how this prevention works, maybe like a 2FA or something idk but this 20 man tribes on smalltribes is just not fun anymore. It was a huge problem in ASE and now here aswell. Within a a few days they manage to destroy the server by blocking caves and having TEK already while we struggle to get good tames and heavy turrets with enough bullets. They showed me their base and its insane. Ice cave fully blocked with tek turret wall and great breeds of stegos and more dinos, 10k element and what not. Within a freaking week! All because they know the game and play 24/7 with 20 people, AND cave blocking is allowed. Its unfair, they should be banned for this. For account sharing and artifact blocking. New players or just normal people like us (experienced, but just small tribe) can never stand a chance against these players. It destroys the fun of ark. Please make ARK great again by removing tek, or at least cave building and account sharing.
  4. I agree, its very unhealthy now. Some nolife big tribe ( Even on small tribes) claimes 3 caves with tek turrets. How will you ever be able to raid it without tek? My 3 man tribe can never get Tek now because these artifacts are blocked. Hence, litteraly all caves are blocked. People already start to spam build the ob's Cave building, at least all the artifact caves should be NON BUILDABLE. Hence, any place what has any POI for the actual gameplay and its progression should be non buildable. It ruins the game. You cannot get Tek, you cannot do bossfights, nothing. You can only build a giant base with heavy turrets, but hey, these cave blockers can just shoot your turrets down with Tek rifles, WHICH WE NEVER CAN GET. How unbalanced is this man. They just deny you from getting TEK. I quit ASA after a week because of this, same poop with ASE, thought this would be different and a fresh start, but no. Still unbalanced as F.
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