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Everything posted by KingBreaken

  1. Below I've posted the interviewing discord. We have over 50 members. We're always recruiting members. Cross platform. Preferably Xbox and pc. Ps is welcome. However we need numbers up on people who can play as soon as possible. My discord is @Hazah The Great. Dm me if you're interested please.
  2. We have 50+members dm me I'm trying to get something huge going. Discord is @Hazah The Great.
  3. If you're interested please dm me on dc @ Hazah the great
  4. Come join us in Death Watch we have 60 plus members and growing. Dm me on discord @Hazah The Great.
  5. Just curious if you're wanting to join my mega tribe dm me on discord if interested. @Hazah the great
  6. Hope all is well and look forward to speaking with you!
  7. If your interested in joining my mega tribe spread the word. Send me a dm @Hazah The Great on discord
  8. Is there a section on this web page anywhere for people to ask questions? I'm jw so I know. I've been playing shortly after the game came out. For newcomers though especially. I think this would be very helpful. If it hasn't been done already.
  9. KingBreaken


    If you submit your question. I will post it/ or answer it if I'm able to. If I'm not able to. Hopefully a vet can answer for you. Message me on discord. @Hazah The Great.
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