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Everything posted by TheTyrantKing

  1. Hold and then drag with the stick to transfer items. I hate that I can't just hold A like in evolved.
  2. I want to know peoples thoughts on my creature as well before the lost island submissions start. The dossier showcases most of its abilities but ill get into more detail when I make the actual submission. I have more art showing those abilities as well, I feel this creature could really change the way the map is played.
  3. ASE's graphics would give me migraines, but only during the day time even with bloom and light rays turned off. So the graphics are the biggest thing for me along with dino ai and base building improvements.
  4. I reckon Wildcard would wait a month after ASA's launch to do another vote so maybe late November or early December. But I hope its sooner, I've done all the art for my creature and now I need to wait longer till the lost island vote arrives to submit. That's if there is a lost island vote in the future.
  5. The dossier for my creature is ready and I want to show it but I'm unsure if that will make it ineligible for a creature submission vote. After the community crunch it seems like the lost island submissions wont be for a while but I want people to see the dossier now and see how people react to it. Better to ask now than to regret it later.
  6. I'm making a creature for the lost island creature vote when that arrives. Here is a sketch for what I have at the moment, might need to change the legs a bit.
  7. I mostly play single player and I reckon I was close to fighting the boss on the lost island map before I stopped playing. I just needed to tame another high level rex and breed an army. Will my single player progress from evolved cross over to ascended?
  8. Ok thanks. So I can make some creative liberties when thinking of abilities, mechanics and creature design as long as its not too outlandish? Also I need 6 posts on the forums so can I just post pictures of my progress in the gallery to get those 6 posts?
  9. I have an idea for a creature in ark but one of the rules says 'Must be a real-world extinct/prehistoric creature'. I've seen many creatures in past votes that are animals living today but supersized and or have odd abilities these animals wouldn't have. I know its a game, I just want to understand how flexible that rule can be for when I'm designing my creature. Is there a loophole where I could post a supersized version of an animal that went extinct a year ago or even last week?
  10. Just joined the forums cause I want to submit a creature idea for the lost island for ASA but the guidelines say I need 6 posts on the forums. I do have some questions so ill ask them in general discussion.
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