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Everything posted by GirlsThatGa

  1. Absolutely love this creature I just wish it was a glider not a flyer. And I think an element addiction would also add in a nice touch (think ferox).
  2. I love Anti-flyers especially on maps where flyers are heavily used as a "safe" means of travel. Also he looks so dorky i love it
  3. I agree i saw a youtuber break down and compare the Ark 2 release to a bunch of other games and by now WC should have released at least in game screenshots or other actual gameplay footage (like a decent amount). There's other things but thats to me the thing that sticks out the most.
  4. GirlsThatGa


    I also feel like a wave mechanic in the oceans would be top tier especially if it had an ambience sound. Bigger props if it had ripples in puddles when large animals walked by or stepped in them
  5. Bronto all the way we have so many other Herbavores that got upgrades i think the bronto needs one too. It would be an awesome dino if it had some special abilities.
  6. My expectation is to be blown away tbh from the trailers I'm seeing a more "horizon Forbidden west" type of gameplay which Im on the fence about tbh and unless its like totally spectacular I'm not sure if I'm going to play it often (I average 2-6hrs on Ark a day) and I dont want to end up having to find a new game.
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