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Everything posted by argonautoracle52

  1. i wonder if the oasisaur is going to be tamable or if it's going to be something like the reefback leviathan from Subnautica, in that it doesn't care about you and follows a random/pre-set movement path, but you can build a base on its back. It may also just be a huge desert titan/titanosaur combo which would also be cool (my only question in that case is how you would tame it since it's so big)! additionally something so big would either need to have a larger map to facilitate it's size (bigger scorched map???) or a very low spawn rate, the only downside from a low spawn rate would be that it would be a highly sought-after prize and that would make taming one on any server (pvp and pve alike) very very difficult, because given the fact that there would most likely be a spawn cap for them there would only ever be three or four at a time which means that they would all be tamed quite quickly and there would be none left for the main player body on most servers (i know that you could just kill one but A. its a walking landmass so it's going to have a massive health pool, and B. that you won't be able to kill it on scorched in pve because it's a very large animal and all of the bodies of water are to shallow to drown a creature this big making it unkillable because you cant directly hurt a tamed creature in pve unless there are other methods that i don't know of (there probably are)). all this to say i'm looking forward to seeing how wildcard deals with this problem and if they'll use a completely wild version a tamed version or some hybrid (such as a bait-guiding system(throw bait and it'll go toward it) or a giant carrot on a stick)! would love answers/feedback!
  2. i think that the new carno saddle looks AWESOME. double seat, feather plume thingy, horn covers. awesome-ness. and the new supply drop model looks really cool i'm looking forward to seeing the next community crunch and the full game release
  3. ok the original design was really cool i loved it it would have made a great addition to scorched. but what you did with a design that was made with effort and nearly won the creature vote is honestly shameful. i suggest that everyone here who wants a new insect moves on there are far better ones than this copy of a legend. maybe try the opsiobuthus or another idea that was actually thought out. id still love to see the original bastion beetle in the game it would've made a great addition
  4. awesome idea! i love this design and i think it would be an interesting idea to add to the game. the only problem i have with this design if any is that the creature vote is for historically accurate creatures and i'm concerned that the taming method needs to be more universal (you can borrow my idea for taming from the obsieobuthus platform-utility-scorpion)and dodo-wyvern-fury ability are not perfectly accurate. my only other greivance is that it might not fit in on ark survival ascended since this will be the first creature added to the game and we don't yet know if wyverns are available on the new arks for that game. again i love this idea i'm just hesitant to give it an upvote because it doesn't follow the guidelines exactly ancd it may not be tamable on new arks. if you can fix that you've got my vote and my support!
  5. wow this is such a cool idea id love to see this added to the game as a fellow creature creator (the opsieobuthus utility scorpion if you want to check it out) my only concern is that it doesn't have any true offensive ability. it can incubate eggs which is a great idea and it has a platform saddle which are awesome but theres no reason for a player to use its speed or housing features when its sitting down incubating eggs. so maybe add some sort of light ram ability or something like the snow owls heal feature.
  6. whoa cool these look som cool thanks for the easy dossier creation template!
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