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Everything posted by AKDestroyer1962

  1. Oops! I didn't see the post from Santaclaus470, but yeah!!! Let's vote up this creature!!! Also, I don't know how my submission became a reply to @santaclaus470 post, but I'm good with that since his came in before mine.
  2. A sea serpent straight out of the ancient past, and Norse mythology! This thing is HUGE and when disturbed from his deep depths, spits a bloody poison that spreads in the water in the nearby vicinity, killing all living creatures (or at least delivering damage) caught within its effects. He is so big and fierce that he evokes memories of the serpent allegedly thrown into the water by Odin. As a tame, he can be ridden by many members of a tribe, enabling them to shoot from his back at water bases (PVE) or ocean dwelling creatures. His image has long been used on the prow of ships and some say Nessie is a distant relative. (Image generated by starryai.com)
  3. So since Stadia is tanking, will we be able to move our game to another platform (XBox or Playstation or whatever) with all experience, crafted goods and base, and dinosaur? Like, just join the same server I am in on Stadia but from XBox and all my stuff is there? Experts are only giving Stadia a few more months.
  4. I am fairly new to this game and finally found a server I could build on. I have spent hours learning and building and putting up with the worst lags and glitches I have ever seen in a game. I can't count the number of times I was kicked out of the game with an error message. But now the worst! It seems na official the island 892 server has completely disappeared!!! Has this happened to any one else? Will it ever come back?
  5. Is this why na Official The Island 892 just disappeared? I was just playing last night and this morning it's gone!!
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