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Early Birds
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Everything posted by Shixynazz9548

  1. Just as the title describes, us PC players that've been on Crossplay servers (NA PVE Gen2 Crossplay 1626 for example) How the heck do we save our snapshots? I havent found a thing thats helped me, it's insane how many people dont know about this yet, ARK should REALLY put an announcement tab on the main menu screen to warn people its all ending soon. So How does a Microsoft Install crossplayer on PC save these snap shots for single player?? ANYTHING HELPS!
  2. Wait so its time now, what the heck do i do? i have 4TB hard drive ready, im on PC crossplay with Windows install. Hows this supposed to work??
  3. After playing ARK since release, suffering Legacy un-support, dealing with 100000000000 bugs, losing everything 4 times back to back... Now your shutting down these official servers? Does any Dev even read this thread or is this just a troll lol. Can't believe me and thousands of other people get to lose out on everything grinded and built up just to play single player and pay for the game AGAIN. Studio Wildcard and Snail Games REALLY know how to completely BUTCHER a gaming community. FYI NO GAME creator does this. Only ARK. Why am I not surprised. Gotta get money from your dying game community one way or another right? Smfh. Unfortunately almost everyone I've met on ARK is NOT getting ASA or ARK2 because of this, so many wrongs to the community. What a disgrace.
  4. Another Classic AFK from WildCard. Thanks for thinking about your Gaming community so much! You've killed off almost all the dedicated players with the August Update coming
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