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  1. General information: Tarbosaurus was a genus of tyrannosaurine dinosaur from Asia, specifically Mongolia and China. Living 70 million years ago, it was around 33ft long, 9.8ft tall at the hips, and weighed 4.5 to 5 metric tons. It was the top predator of its time, feeding on large hadrosaurs and sauropods. Ark information: Common Name: Tarbosaurus Species: Tarbosaurus vastatio (vastatio means “waste” in Latin so it’s name translates to “alarming lizard of the waste”) Time: Late Cretaceous Diet: Carnivore Temperament: Aggressive, but somewhat lazy Wild: From a distance, one might mistake this predator for its larger cousin, the T.Rex. But on closer inspection (or only as close as you want to be) it’s clear that Tarbosaurus vastatio is a very different theropod. While still large, it’s not as big or stocky like it’s relative. Its slimmer build allows it to travel through these wastelands surprisingly fast for an animal of its size, although it does get exhausted very quickly. I frequently see packs of them stopping and napping after a hunt or after they travel long distances. Tarbosaurus have a very affective hunting strategy. Once the pack locks on a target, they will mob it and deliver powerful bites to they prey’s sides. The goal is to cripple the animal so that it can’t get away or put up much of a struggle. After the target is brought down, the pack will gorge themselves until they can’t stomach another bite. After a good meal Tarbosaurus become very sluggish and will straight up ignore anything that comes near them while they lounge around. But once they’re hungry again, I’d definitely stay away from them. Domesticated: Its lazy nature is actually the reason why survivors have come to tame these predators. Once a Tarbosaur lays down to take a nap, carefully throw any kind of concoction into its mouth to forcefully wake it up. Waking it up before its nap is over will bring it closer to completion exhaustion. By prolonging it’s much needed sleep long enough, the mighty theropod will eventually pass out. Surprisingly, tamed Tarbosaurus don’t seem to have the need to take naps unlike their wild counterparts. You can however give them the same items you used to keep them awake during the taming process to give them a boost of energy. Don’t overstimulate them though cause they might pass out if given too much. A tamed Tarbosaurus is an amazing animal to have at your side. These powerful predators are perfectly suited for fighting animals far larger than they are. It seems that the larger the opponent they face, the stronger they become. So it’s definitely better to use against the larger creatures that have been affected by the Element corruption than the smaller ones. Either way it is still a great beast to have fighting for you. Its crippling bite is probably its best attribute. Being able to immobilize an enemy for either an easy kill or a quick escape make’s Tarbosaurus vital in these extremely dangerous wastelands. Tabrosaurus would be a mid to late game carnivore mount similar to that of a Rex or Spino. Having a good amount of health, damage, and weight while also having high movement speed for a tame of its size. However, its high movement speed comes at a cost of having low stamina. Players would tame them by waiting for these dinosaurs to fall asleep and feeding them Energy Brews. After keeping it awake long enough eventually it will completely pass out and which point it can be fed Exceptional Kibble. While possessing a normal attack like other tamed of its size, Tarbosaurus has a vital ability that makes its stand out from others. A crippling bite. This crippling bite is an attack that does less damage than it’s regular attack, but stuns and immobilizes the target for a short time. This stun affect last for only 10 seconds and the crippling bite has a 20 second cooldown before it can be used again. This attack would not affect bosses or titans. Tamed Tarbosaurs can be force feed Energy Brews to give them a buff which decreases their stamina drain and increases their movement speed at the cost of raising their torpor dramatically. Use this boost sparingly, otherwise they will pass out. Its damage output is based on drag weight. The higher the drag weight of a target, the more damage a Tarbosaur will inflict on it. Images are not mine
  2. General Information: Torosaurus was a large ceratopsian dinosaur that lived 68-66 million years ago in North America. At 30 ft in length, weighing up to 13,000 lbs, and having a 9 ft long skull, it was one of the largest of the horned dinosaurs. Ark Information: Common Name: Torosaurus Species: Torosaurus iratus (Angry perforated lizard) Time: Late Cretaceous Diet: Herbivore Temperament: Aggressive Wild: These behemoths are not something you don’t want to be on their bad side. Torosaurus are very similar to the other ceratopsians I have come across on these Arks, with large horns and a long frill covering the back of its neck. Unlike the Triceratops or the Pachyrinosaurus, however, it was much larger and lives a solitary lifestyle. If you find two of these beast together they are almost always fighting each other. Torosaurus are very territorial and will fight anything or anyone that it seems as a challenger to its turf. There are very few things that can stand up to one of these beast once they start their charge. Torosaurus also have a habit of sharpening their horns before a fight to make them even more dangerous. If you run into one of these dinosaurs, I have one word of advice. DO NOT RUN! Running will trigger it to charge and it won’t stop until it tramples you. If you want to survive a Torosaurus encounter you have to stand your ground. It will view you as a challenger rather than a target to mow down. Once it sees you as a challenger, you either have the option to fight or back down. While backing down might be the safest option, fighting it is the key to domesticating them from what I’ve been told. Domesticated: Those who have tamed a Torosaurus are some of the most hardened survivors I have ever met. They have told me that by standing their ground and fighting, the dinosaur eventually calmed down and they were even able to hop onto its back. It would try to buck them off like a rodeo bull before eventually soothing it with food. Once it has relaxed, the real challenge begins. By leading the Torosaurus to new challengers to fight, the survivors were eventually able to gain their trust. The brave survivors who have tamed them no pose a near unstoppable animal of war at their side. A Torosaur’s charge is powerful enough to plow through lower quantity structures and severely damage high quality ones. They are also impossible to stop once they get going. I’ve been told the only way to stop them from charging is be throwing explosives under their legs. Its horns are also a force to be reckoned with. With the ability to sharpen its horns, it can use them to cut through armor and gore anything that gets in its way. When its horns are blunt, they are more suited for crashing through walls and knocking enemies off their feet. Surprisingly, Torosaurus isn’t just a good war mount. Its powerful legs are also useful in travel and it can carry heavy loads quite well. This animal is also great at scaling rough terrain and is even a fairly good swimmer for a creature of its size. Its temper also seems to heighten its fighting capabilities when it’s in the presence of large animals. Torosaurus it a very versatile creature to have by a survivors side. Torosaurus would be a late game powerhouse herbivore. It would be cable of damaging structures up to metal tier as well as take reduced damage when attacked from the head like the Triceratops. Its main attacks would be a charge and a horn attack. It’ll have two separate modes: Sharpened Horns Mode and Blunt Horns Mode. Sharpened Horns Mode: This mode is activated by Torosaurus scraping its horns on the ground. When this mode is activated, Torosaur’s horn attack deals increased damage and add a bleed affect to the target. Reduced knock back on both attacks. The buff last for 1 minute and has a 2 minute cooldown. Blunt Horns Mode: The natural state for Torosaurus. Charge attack deals more damage to structures and targets. Increased knock back on both attacks. Torosaurus also possesses the Rivalry ability of a Triceratops. Its taming method will be a mix of a Reaper, Amargasaurus, and Carchardontosaurus. First you must damage it bellow 10% health, then hop on its back and guide it towards creatures to fight, feeding it either kibble or healing items periodically. (images are not mine)
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