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Everything posted by CosmicSkeleton

  1. You assume it will do that. No one here, you included, knows what it will do.
  2. Thing about cheaters though is that they'll inevitably find a workaround. It's an arms race. An incredibly stupid arms race that makes me both shudder in fear/shake my head in disgust at the wasted potential at what the cheaters could do if either interested in more malicious deeds or had they turned their talents and effort to more positive endeavors, but an arms race nonetheless.
  3. I'll admit this gave me a good chuckle, namely because I know improved graphics will be wasted on the pvp players who'll go "huh, neat" before immediately turning down their graphics to the bare minimum to boost performance.
  4. Well I assume initially it was supposed to ease burdens of feeding in game by allowing creatures multiple options for both feeding and harvesting. Say if you had a dire bear to feed along with, I dunno, a thyla and a stegosaurus. You could either meat run and berry harvest at different times OR use the bear for both. Why they didn't expand on that is beyond me.
  5. "Lol" Said wildcard and nearly every company in the history of humanity upon being asked similar things "lmao"
  6. Oh don't mistake my statement as me being happy about the constant carnivores, frankly its goofy how skewed the in game biodiversity is. With how many carnivores there are compared to herbivores and how little use most of the herbivores actually have the game desperately needs to change things up a bit. An idea I'd always had rattling around in my head was making harvestable vegetation in the sea and implementing something like protostega to feed on it (also maybe make it immune to Cnidaria/able to harvest their toxins since modern sea turtles will munch on jellies).
  7. Realistically it'd be infeasible given the sheer amount of people that would go cherry flavored ape sh!t over it. Speaking of apes, ironically we would've had less carnivorous creatures had wildcard not inexplicably made dinopithecus a carnivore rather than an omnivore. In that same vein (pardon the pun) had they made desmodus purely hematophagous rather than able to eat meat that's technically also trimming down the meat eater roster
  8. Man you're a better man than me, after a certain point I just started throwing a crisp 50 smackers at the family members I actually like and pointing out that most of my budget and gift buying energy when towards buying and cooking the food everyone shoved down their gullets free of charge to the rest. Briskets and all other assorted meats and enough eight cheese Mac and cheeses and collards and yams to feed 20+ people ain't cheap. They'll see me dead 5 times over before I slave over a smoker in the dead of winter or heat of summer for 13+ hours and then turn around and go gift shopping.
  9. Depends on where you live guv. Around my neck of the woods scalpers still have a firm grip on the proverbials of next gen consoles two years later. It'd be impressive if it weren't so irksome.
  10. Chaos will remain inherent yes, but at least now not seeing who's in what position stops people from more readily spite voting or throwing shade at the current leader.
  11. Glad they do that now honestly. The very first vote let us see how it was going and it was chaos.
  12. I blame joe. He spilled coffee all over the map again and we missed like three turns.
  13. If we're talking QoL changes then the devs really need to be more consistent with aggro. I can ride around on a dinopithecus and nothing smaller than an allo will even look in my general direction for fear of a rajang tier slapping, yet for some godforsaken reason a shadowmane, managarmr or fenrir all of which are more than twice the monke's size and fives times as dangerous will have me slapping around raptors like it's going out of style because their aggro coding makes them go "yeah, I can take on that giant murder machine that just nuked a rex".
  14. That's why you learn talk trash as if doing so in high society or in an office job. Once you've mastered the art of "I'm sorry you're offended" speech the world's your oyster.
  15. Something something resources. Something something hardware constraints. Im massively boiling it down here but those are parts of it. Personally I still subscribe to the notion that it's major driving force is a less than subtle prod from snail onto WC to make people buy ASA.
  16. Don't forget man, I was in the same trenches as you saying no thanks back when everyone clamored for the carchara. Even now my biggest gripe about it's addition now months later is that rather than at least scaling it as the in between for Rex and giga they said to hell with it and made it not only giga sized but objectively better than the thing it's supposed to be competing with. Not a true rival, not a side grade, just flat out better.
  17. Oh without question. Some of the suggestions I've seen for creature abilities in each vote over the years have ranged from needlessly complex and overpowered at best to 'if this was a person it would need floaties to eat soup without drowning' stupid at worst. Not going to name specifics because I'm not that big of a jerk; but by god some of the ideas people can come up with and post in full confidence that they're fair worries me.
  18. Oh make no mistake, I'm more in support of the moa than anything despite not voting since it seems like a neat concept. I just have a soft spot for bugs after having owned and occasionally bred mantids and assassin bugs.
  19. What quantifies having a soul? Arthropods are more interesting that you give them credit for, at least those that have something one would consider intelligence like mantids. If we're talking game then yeah they're pretty bland outside of bloodstalkers (though tbh they seem more like cephalopods than arthropods), but some have their uses.
  20. Valve as a company tends not to kill off their more lucrative properties, namely tf2 which has been going for a very long time. Presumably the idea here is if wc got bought by valve then ark would have the same longevity. Granted given how valve refuses to acknowledge the number three we'd also be safe in assuming ark would never become a trilogy.
  21. Therizinos aren't birds though. They're theropods and more specifically theropods that are closer genetically to tyrannosaurids to birds. You also left out arthropluera and miscounted on currently available rideable avians. Of the rideable sort we have argies, pelas, and terrors. Compared to arthros, stalkers, and soon rhynio there's not as wide of a difference as you think. If we add in arachnids then the Arthropods beat out the avians in rideable tames by one with the scorpius and araneo. If we go purely by looks or otherwise and ignore whether or not a creature is tameble as you did with titan and mega then you also have the fly boss on fjodur, the broodmother, bees,and the mosquito swarm on gen1.
  22. That's pretty weird. Also not sure who told you that but I've got certain seen tropical eggs (granted the server's settings are tweaked). From my experience embers have the highest egg rate followed by bloods and then tropicals.
  23. I feel like that'd take a ton of work to pull off since you'd have to hold a vote for every ability. With how bastion was before the OP more or less got harangued into finally scaling it back down to something closer to its original concept I can't even begin to fathom that headache. Then there's the issue of people intentionally voting to make things crazy overpowered unless they leave out the more game breaking abilities in the vote
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