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About Soulyouth

  • Birthday 07/13/1983

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  1. Great crunch, sucks I've been to busy to submit some ansels
  2. great crunch, sad I didn't have time for any Ansels this week, just a old freeform one I never submitted that I thought I'd throw in. Gratz to all the winners
  3. Transfers go against the best part of ARK verse Rust, Server Community. Rust you could hop from server to server being a real turd and it made the game have little to no community apart from some of the large servers. Pre-xfers you got to know people on your server, if your were a jerk while setting up you paid the price, there was some accountability for your actions. Our server started out as most pvp officials did hostile as hell, after a lot of wars and alphas being dethroned we got a tribe that laid down some fair ground rules. no building on resources, no blocking caves off, or building in them, no killing of passive tames and if your caught raiding your open to be raided by the whole server, these rules have lasted through 3 alpha tribes. With this change any #50stronk@7am tribe can just rock up and ruin the community we have fought for a year to make, then what ? They just leave for another server after ruining the community that one, a lot people play on these peaceful pvp server as it like pve without pillar spamming passive aggressive jerks. A lot of the players here started in big tribes but there friends quit like a month or two after release so there is a lot solo tribes with bases and tames with 2-4K hours of work. I know most will take getting wiped as the push to finally quit with their friends or leave for unofficial/single player. Scorched Earth should have worked like a extension for Island and Center maps, each server having their own Scorched Earth, that you would have to build a gateway in your base to get to the new ARK, that way both maps would have the same community. This is early access and changes are very fluid I know nothing is set in stone but this is kinda huge, those tribes that had been duping items now can go to any server with the items they made from the mats of those dupes and wreck havoc.
  4. @ZenRowego for it man, these are all 3 http://imgur.com/a/FiC6j that I did for it, only ended up submitting the giga one if you want the full 15360x8640 rez ones rather then the downrez'd 1920 ones just hit me up
  5. Ansel only works in single player as it pauses the whole world and lets you move around and freecam, so most dinos and items are spawned in, but that opens it up to make some great screenshots. Also nothing is stopping you from jumping into single player for a hour or 2 a week and having some fun building something crazy for arkitect. I only play official for multiplayer, but once or twice a week I jump in single player and have some fun spawning stuff in and playing with new mods
  6. I used this http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=689838254
  7. Soooo pumped for the Tek Tier, was so glad that this game has a amazing modding community that I could use some mods to get some Tek ansels. Mods I used were http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=793692615 Antinode, for the grid skin on dinos http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=689838254 Tactical Tek Armor & More Ver: 21, well for the armor and buildings http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=796549655 Bionic Giga, for the giga skin Give some love to the modders, even if you only use them in single player. @Jenalso Don't blink has the wrong picture attached should be
  8. sweet Ansel back, gratz to the winners, noice to see my mate Riddler make it in
  9. Wow a win all all 3 Categories I was uploading another 4 as this came out, guess I'll save them for next week Thanks guys the old 760 has not been handling all these huge res SS's luckily I've won enough now to replace it thank you wildcard
  10. Minas Tirith is amazing, must have taken along time to build that. Sorry Jat with the mix up with links on 2 of my emails, will submit them next week
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