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About WidowMaker816

  • Birthday December 31

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Naked (1/5)



  1. Please, please, please release this for the Xbox simultaneously with the PC :-) I am curious though how well that speed boost and jet pack will work with the already horrible frame rates and disconnect issues around large structures. What happens if I disconnect while in mid-air using the jetpack... do i fall to my death and possibly lose my fancy new gear? All jokes aside - the Tek Tier armor and abilities look really amazing, I can't wait to have an army of Giga's with Laser Helmets and Tek Armor.
  2. Considering you send the patches to Microsoft multiple days in advance you guys had to have known the Halloween event wasn't coming to Xbox. Who cares about the Evolution Event... I was looking forward to this event for weeks - something different for a change.... Looks like I'll be spending my time playing Battlefield One now instead..
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