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Early Birds
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X1SpEcTeR's Achievements


Naked (1/5)



  • Open Tribe  ·  652 members  ·  Last active

    My Ragnorak tribe is expanding to extinction and I'm looking for a lot of new tribemates who are experienced grinders! let me know if you want to join either tribe or both!

  • Open Tribe  ·  330 members  ·  Last active

    We are the Anarchists. Join us. we are a mostly laid back tribe. We have one simple rule, don't take more then you give to the cause.

  • Open Tribe  ·  136 members  ·  Last active

    Looking for members for official Xbox server. Already started so got a little base and few Dino's but looking for people to help tribe grow. Gamer tag same as here so message me for invite. Currently on a cluster server and looking for new people to come join me. Can be on all maps if needed but would like to have one as main and then maybe if enough members have some on all the cluster maps working as a team

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