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Everything posted by Dinobros2000

  1. Right above that, *5 months later*
  2. Also really want to be excited for event, but Ik there is a 100% chance that I will not be able to play it cuz my life is weird. Cuz I can NEVER play on events, just cuz luck. Not cuz lag or anything btw.
  3. So are we getting Gen chronicles? If so will there be chronicles 6? Cuz delay? Or how’s dis work.
  4. Know something funny? This has NEVER happened to me. I’ve spent countless hours on Ark and I’ve only had 3 crashes and 2 player losses(these were my own fault and a power outage) (I mostly play unoffical and SP) almost like the problem is with offical only. Don’t panic, you own the DLC, you just need to install it, AKA update ur game.
  5. Stop asking WC, they can’t do anything, complain to Xbox and PS4 who force this setting.
  6. Yes, explain PS4 and Xbox. Nothin to do with modders.
  7. So what woulda happened if moron orc hadnt pulled out the the as(which is a really bad idea for a few reasons) 1 it stoped him for a bit before he ran, 2 he’s gonna bleed out. so if he hadn’t taken that out and just ran, he likely woulda made it, and if he did, then what? Can they see in the dark? Would they all die. Probably.
  8. I’m still mildly disturbed by our new platypus friend.
  9. Then don’t play it! If you don’t like it, it dosent change your gameplay! At all!
  10. Also, just wanna point out, this guys about to fall on his but for like 4 reasons 1. They are sliding to a stop in a fashion that has 20% chance you baseball slide anyway. 2. They are firing a gun while doing this, which appears to be full auto, which gives a good kick 3. They appear to sliding to a stop on water... 4. From the other side, there’s a shotgun aimed at this dudes chest. While this isn’t gonna thrown em backwards, it gonna 1 hurt and 2 damage some major stuff, making standing fairly difficult
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