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Everything posted by Dinobros2000

  1. No one thought to copy some coding for QOL... like if it wasn’t already a feature somewhere I’d get it but... I mean, Ctrl C Ctrl V!
  2. Oh right, also WC, please continue letting us activate all events after they are finished insted of just removing them.. it makes the Activate Event tab 100% useless..
  3. Hmm wish I’d heard oh out this game earlier.. maybe before I spend 60 on JWE...
  4. Yes, it should be perma buy, and we should get to perma keep our decor. I don’t think chibis should be perma keep tho.. and plus, I really like flak armors look better then a Tshirt with 50000 dinos on it.
  5. Ahhh another event I’ll never get to fully enjoy, for some reason, these events always seem to be just when I’m starting a new survivor, or are short and I never have time... also, for me this marks 2 years of ark! I first started on a Xmas event!
  6. Well with Gen 2 chronically you’ll have a full set in 3 months...
  7. Wellllll... Anime can either be a shortened version of animation, meaning things like sponge-bob, and Mickey Mouse are anime’s, or using the definition, a style of Japanese film. So really it depends on your understanding of what the word means...
  8. Whoooooooopppp! Yeah!!!!! Double exciting crunches! One thing tho, does anyone actually care about the swim suits? Ik they are super easy to make, but, to me they seam kinda Meh....
  9. Some of this also relates to people yelling WC is ruining the story with social rights.
  10. Step/adopted brother or brother figure?
  11. @Darkholis IK mods are awesome and great and can tremendously help out games, but this is the first mention of it, it’s more then a year from release, just chillax and find out what happens, if A2 dosent have mods, well then A1 still does and people can enjoy any mods there, if it does, well great! Sure hope there will be a fair amount of forward compatibility! Sounds like 4.26 will. But please stop being a party pooper for people.
  12. Wow, you should look into a job in paleontology. Also all of these differences can be explained very simply using arks lore. The humans that engineered the dinos had no clue what a dino lookes like, these dinos have actually been alive so long, the have naturally evolved, and random light element mutation.
  13. Never died, he escaped it seems, his body was never found.
  14. Gerard Butler plays General Gaius Marcellus Nerva, a brutal ancient Roman despot. Devery Jacobs plays Alasie, a peppy 17th century Inuit teenager, now finding her place on the ARK. Cissy Jones plays The Gladiatrix, a formidable commander in Nerva's army. Madeleine Madden plays 21st century Australian paleontologist Helena Walker, newly awoken on the ARK. Deborah Mailman plays Deborah Walker, a 21st century Aboriginal Australian activist, and mother to Helena Walker. Zahn McClarnon plays Thunder Comes Charging, a 19th century Lakota warrior who leads a thriving community on the ARK. Malcolm McDowell plays Senator Lucius Cassius Virilis, a manipulative aristocrat during the reign of Caesar Augustus. Juliet Mills plays Chava, a wise healer and village councilmember. Elliot Page plays Victoria Walker, an idealistic humanitarian aid worker, and wife of Helena Walker. Ragga Ragnars plays Queen Sigrid, a bellicose 10th century Viking warlord. David Tennant plays Sir Edmund Rockwell, an egocentric 19th century scientist harboring dark ambitions. Alan Tudyk plays The Captain, a crusty buccaneer who profitably sails the dangerous waters around the ARK. Karl Urban plays Bob, a recent square-jawed ARK arrival. Jeffrey Wright plays Henry Townsend, an 18th century American watchmaker and Patriot spy. Michelle Yeoh plays Meiyin Li, a 3rd century Chinese rebel leader, known on the ARK by her reputation as the formidable “Beast Queen.” Ron Yuan plays Han Li, a 3rd century Chinese rebel leader and brother to Meiyin. With Russell Crowe playing Kor the Prophet, an eccentric ‘dino-whisperer’ hailing from a time before recorded history. And Vin Diesel playing 24th century ‘Mek’-pilot, gearhead, & freedom-fighter Santiago. ok so this proves it’s not the same lore, which is intresting, it also says something about family genetic extraction or whatever, meaning it’s mulch easier or more successful in certain family’s, also it seams like San Diego will be on the island and/or SE. at least assuming each ark will be at least one season, as they said 2 seasons, right?
  15. Also might wanna check on UE forms, and search up cross engine compadability
  16. Yeah curious about this too, I assume it wolnt all be compadiable, but will all our models and maps still work and not have a new system we need to use? And to you dark, it wolnt go in the trash, it will just exsist as an Ark 1 mod, which without a doubt will be diffrent then 2 and some people will obviously prefer it.
  17. I think the minions are 1 of three things, a tribal like being that misevolved, a species on one of the arks and this is earth, or a species on the arrival planet. I do not belive that it is corrupted, as they don’t look much like that
  18. The time approaches... anyone know if they say it at exactly where it starts, or later on?
  19. Hu, it shows up as a black box for me, like an unrecognized emoji
  20. YouTube channel https://m.youtube.com/c/thegameawards/videos?view=57&flow=list&disable_polymer=true&itct=CBMQui8iEwjRm--ylsTtAhUSvsQKHTfkA20%3D website: https://thegameawards.com/
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