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Posts posted by MMaas

  1. 6 minutes ago, Donastator said:

    Thanks for all the feedback, I'm aware of the 2x2 with ramps leading into it, I didn't realize that works with theris though.

    If you can get yourself a raft and a crossbow, go kill some jellyfish! Biotoxin is very effective to keep torpor up or make shocking tranq darts if you got a longneck rifle.

  2. 5 hours ago, Dreadcthulhu said:

    I think PVE needs some more dangerous E portions that specifically target large advanced bases, while ignoring smaller ones.  This sort of thing is even supported in lore; the backstory of Scorched Earth has the City of Nosti being destroyed by the overseer for getting too large.  Not only would this encourage more modest bases to improve server performance, it would also provide more of a late game challenge - you could have a big base, but would need to put in constant effort to refill turrets and repair stuff.

    Another thing to consider is the whole mutation system; right now the best way to get better tames is to have a ton of breeders out while hoping that the RNG fairly blesses you with +2 on the right stat.  So people will have tons of tames out.  If that was changed people would have a lot less tames around.  My personal suggestion is to ditch mutations or strictly limit them, and instead have rare substances in the dangerous caves that provide one time stat boosts to your lines, similar to mutagen.  

    If there would be a mechanic that rewards smart and pretty base building over massive lifeless bunkers I might be on board! When ARK 2 was mentioned I already had an idea/hope that decay would be tougher the futher away you where from the core of the base. Also I had some brainstorms about a maintenance monkey to help you keep a base in shape as long as you provided him with the materials.

    Mutating should degrade by age of parents, this will make sure the lines need rejuvinating instead of the mass bulk breeding that is the way to go now.

  3. 7 minutes ago, wildbill said:

    So it sounds like you are saying, Greg ported ARK to UE5 in less than a month and WC took much longer, so ASA must be much more than just a port to UE5.

    Not realy sure he ment to say that. To me it seems that this rough (partial?) port is saying that an "Early Acces" version should have been able to show a bit more than we have seen sofar.
    What DID tell me it's more than just a port is all the talking about wild tamable babies and some other stuff.

    • Thanks 1
  4. @Highcommander, to be fair I'm not interested in moving to ASA at all but a fresh, back to roots start might actualy hinder experienced players more than new players. Every now and then I spend some time on Prim+ and actualy like the planning element or the natural cap of don't tame/breed more than you can support. Most mistakes I make there are based on the way I'm used to play on official and fresh players don't have develloped these (in this case) bad habbits yet.
    The only new players that might suffer of the throwback are those that see ARK as an alternative for Fortnite or COD and studdied 500 video's before jumping on a server, begging for help and starters.

    What you see as possible negative is the one thing I see as silver lining: Learn the game instead of speedrunning it.

  5. 12 hours ago, Donastator said:

    To make this simple trap, there are 2 ways.

    1 takes 4 stone dino gateways, and 2 dino gates.

    2 takes 4 stone dino gateways, 2 dino gates, and 6 stone foundations.

    For the first method, place down the 4 gates, with roughly the players width in between. Place the gate on the first and last gateway. You should now have 4 gates, in a straight line, forming a tunnel with the ends closed. Next open one gate, attract the theri and once its in, slip out the hole you left in the side. Finally, go around and close the open gate.

    For the second strategy, first place the foundations in a 2x3 arrangement. Put gates on the 2 snap points in the middle, and the 2 on the edge. They should all lead into a straight line. Then it's the same as strategy 1!

    Please let me know if you have any feedback!


    Too complicated, a generic open box with ramps is way easier and safer to use. Use fence supports in stead of foundations with a wall to snap the ramps on. A pillar might be needed to provide a grounded snap to get the ramps down far enough.
    And clean it up after you are done taming.

  6. 7 hours ago, Riot87 said:

    We'll see it. We just wont see it till early 2024. I don't understand how people can hate on the game so much even tho we haven't seen anything yet. Just because we got a less than exiting crunch doesn't mean the game is bad.

    Do you understand that "calling out" is not "hate"?
    After months of not getting answeres or even a decent response, do you realy think trust is deserved?
    Most of us are fully grown human beings and the fact we like to play a fantasy game does not mean we believe all fairytales.
    Our doubt is not because one less than exiting crunch, it is cultivated by WC/SG behaviour over the years: One always missing deadlines, the other one abusing it's power and cheating.

    But you do you, dream of a perfect game in 2024...

    • Like 4
  7. 3 hours ago, Cyberra said:

    I'm not as worried about the levels on my wild tames since I tame for color, it's my top stat lv 411 shadows and wyverns that pop at lv 335 (I only just succeeded in getting 20k hp 800m onto my solid light yellow blood crystals and bright monster tropical crystals. No console commands can give me those back

    From the ARK wiki:

    SpawnExactDino <DinoBlueprintPath> <SaddleBlueprintPath> <SaddleQuality> <BaseLevel> <ExtraLevels> <BaseStats> <AddedStats> <DinoName> <Cloned> <Neutered> <TamedOn> <UploadedFrom> <ImprinterName> <ImprinterPlayerID> <ImprintQuality> <Colors> <DinoID> <Exp> <spawnDistance> <YOffset> <ZOffset> 

    see description and more commands here:


  8. 1 hour ago, Bulldogfrag said:

    Sony, Microsoft, or whoever can’t possibly track every game on their platform.

    They can and they have to. As online store they do have their own responsibilities.

    1 hour ago, Bulldogfrag said:

    As for the Mod who’s in full defense mode for wildcard, your correct it doesn’t state that they’ll provide online service to just that can be played online but for someone that’s played from the beginning that’s exactly how they presented the game.

    Exactly this: They don't state specificly you have to take care of your own server so it is only reasonable to expect the product is ready to use as sold.
    On console the owner of the platform should give additional information if a subscription is needed but quite a few online games do not need a subscription. Just to name a big one: War Thunder does not need a PSN subscription and can be played without any additional cost.

    Tl;dr: New players should be warned about the state of the game and servers well before they click on "pay". This is the responsiblity of WC, MS, Sony, EGS and/or Steam or who ever is selling the game for whatever platform.

    • Like 2
  9. 21 minutes ago, Duffmek said:

    When is ASE get shut down? the same time? later ? if later then WHY is CS getting shut down first?

    CS never worked in weekends, in this way they have their desks cleaned in time for the friday afternoon happy hour without us piling up complaints about "snapshots" not working. Saturday the servers will crash. I mean "sunsetted".
    Sidenote: "intended snapshots". Don't be surprised if the intention is not possible due to reasons, we are used to hollow statements by now.

    And yes, any DECENT company would keep CS up and running untill the aftermath is cleaned up.

    • Like 1
  10. 3 hours ago, DirkInSA said:

    So I am by no means a lawyer however I wonder if this:
    includes an "Early Access" or kinda beta release. I would personally think not. Which means Oct 31 is really crunch time. Publish or be lost!

    The state of release is not defined and CC did mention the phrase "Early acces" already a few times, so to meet the conditions any kind of releasse is valid and I expect nothing more than just early acces on PC, and a full release on other platforms later.

    2026 or so, just in time to get sunsetted before ARK2 goes in early acces on PC...

    • Haha 1
  11. The "vision" as presented to us sofar seems to be a hollow mix of hype words from all gaming news outlets in the past few years, combined with someone know for a car stunt movie franchise.
    My expectations are below zero given the fact none of these ideas is backed sofar by anything more than just a trailer, nearly 2 years old by now. Also the (complete lack of decent) communication about ongoing projects (ASA, official snapshots) lowers my expectations even further.

    If only they co-operated with that guy from "Pitch Black"... Fighting alliens and surviving on a weird planet...

  12. 4 hours ago, StudioWildcard said:


    Make sure to check our Twitter on September 11th for the RankedVote link!



    Customer Support for the official ARK: Survival Evolved networks will end on September 29, 2023, at 1:00 PM PST / 4:00 PM EST, in accordance with the scheduled sunsetting of Official Servers. We appreciate your support and engagement  throughout the ARK: Survival Evolved journey. Stay tuned because we can't wait to see you surviving and thriving again in ARK: Survival Ascended!



    To recap previous announcements, we have taken save games from the Official Network and have provided the files to you so that you can host your own server and continue the progress you’ve made on the Official Network.

    We have already taken one snapshot and intend to take another during the week of the Official Network Shutdown in September in preparation for ASA’s October release, with more details to come at a later date!


    Twitter: twitter.com/survivetheark
    Discord: discord.com/invite/playark
    Reddit: reddit.com/r/playark
    Instagram: instagram.com/survivetheark
    Twitch: twitch.tv/survivetheark
    Steam: steamcommunity.com/app/346110
    Youtube: youtube.com/survivetheark
    Facebook: facebook.com/survivetheark
    Threads: threads.net/@survivetheark
    Official Wiki: ark.wiki.gg



    At first: Twitter? Try treating your forum a bit more serious instead of refering to vapour media that has a new name already for a while.

    Second: AFTERCARE! Do not shut down your support until after you know the loose ends are tied up properly.

    Third: "Intend to take another..." INTEND??? I might have missunderstood a few things but this sounds like you are planning on missing it.

    Make that snapshot and share it, consoles as well as PC, without the need of renting a Nitrado server. We might not be able to run it on console now but we might want to continue on a PC.

    Oh, and make sure not to include your users IP adresses visible to everyone with a text editor this time.

    • Like 1
  13. 6 hours ago, Bulldogfrag said:

    Why are you still selling this game as an online multiplayer game in the PlayStation store if you’re shutting down servers in less than a month? You’re fleecing people who don’t know! Add a disclaimer letting them know at least…. the very least. We understand this has been an ongoing business model for you and business is business but this is a new low.

    This is a question to ask Sony: Why still allow this in your shop with all the information since march?
    Shopkeepers do have their responsibilities too when it comes to sharing information of the product they sell.

    (just don't expect a proper answere from Sony)

  14. 3 hours ago, Frack said:

    looks like I was off by a bit....  20 days 18 hrs 


    Customer Support for the official ARK: Survival Evolved networks will end on September 29, 2023, at 1:00 PM PST / 4:00 PM EST, in accordance with the scheduled sunsetting of Official Servers.

    Customer support does not work in weekends, the 29th is the friday before closing.

    (Any decent company would have support open until after that weekend to tie up loose ends but lets be fair: It's not worth it anymore as we the gamers have given up on them)

  15. Only if you like solo play and don't mind dealing with all glitches without customer support.
    Hope you have a 4pro, on the base 4 it looks not good.

    ASA will be for PS5, no one is sure when it will release. PC is set to launch in a few weeks in early acces.

  16. 3 hours ago, Noa said:

    Please don't give bad ideas to developers.


    Btw in game chat is already constantly trolled  by individuals who are selling top stats  tames, all resources, all crafted items, infinite amount of tek structures and entire bases. All that via discord links. You just need to have few dollars to pay and win. And if you guess why are so many areas pilared - in most cases is for future sales.

    If there was a form of subscription the money would go to actual developers instead of some online traders/cheaters. That money could (read: SHOULD) be used to police servers to prevent these "trolls".
    The idea is not bad, it's just that WC sofar has proven not being able to support official servers to a standard that they can charge for it.

    • Thanks 1
  17. 7 hours ago, Herbapou said:

    I wonder if the game would be better if they could find a way to add an optional monthly fee somewhere.  A constant but optional flow of money could motivated them to better maintain the game and police it.  MMO have being doing this, its a good business model. Examples:
    * On official, ?$ per month so you're stuff doesn't decay.
    * in game purchase of something : maybe tek structures like walls, floors, ...
    * In game purchase of chibis or other cosmetics gear.
    The important thing is it should always be optional.

    There was a time I would fully agree with a subscribtion for official.
    BUT.... I already pay Sony for online acces and neither Sony nor WC is doing a good job at customer support.
    Also there are other games showing neither is needed. Take Warthunder: No subscribtion, no PSN. Yes, they do sell boosters and skins but never felt the urge to buy any.
    ARK however is a paid game wich I would have considdered being worth a subscription if not for their underperforming support and failing to keep promisses. As long as WC does not regain some trust I'm no longer considder paying any form of subscription for it.

    • Like 1
  18. 38 minutes ago, gingai said:

    I have loaded official server 21 backup in singleplayer mode and claimed that breeder cheated dino;

    Below here is a snapshot of his mutation counter




    This is just what a few people tried to explain you, stacking the mutation counters until they go negative.
    And yes, you are not completely wrong to call this an exploit but by now it is just a general accepted mechanic. Up to you if you using it or not, do just the 20 mutations and call it a day or take the extra efford to reach this number and go for max mutations.

    Having this all said... Man, you are as stuburn as a donkey!

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