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Early Birds
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Everything posted by Vilue

  1. Hi this has happened to me twice now, they can give you back leadership and your imprints ( just make sure to tell them you need it done) and make sure they are not in pods. Time wise it can be two weeks or a month depending on how busy the GMs are. So I really hope you have tribe mates that can re invite you to the tribe while you wait. If you are solo your out of luck, best thing you can do in that case is to hope you most of your tames are podded up and wait till you can destroy the foundation the fridge is on to collect what you can and rebuild.
  2. 459 ext has also been going down every 10-15 mins, cant really do anything on it cause of the server kicks. I'm wondering if it has anything to do with the box tribes using the owl heal glitch to raise a ton of babies without having to feed them.
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