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  1. Dont play on crossplay servers. Stick to console only if you don't want to be at a disadvantage.
  2. Could you take some screenshots and upload them so community members and the devs can see? It's an important issue that really needs to be put under the spotlight and addressed.
  3. Yeah that's just sad. All these "changes" that were supposedly coming set the expecations high, especially my expectations. The main deciding factors as to whether id buy this game is that they fixed meshing, added really good collision to prevent pokers, meshing etc and the end of spam by adding very short decay timers for them. And judging by responses from you and others, its still the same as ASE. Not good at all. Really not good. I just wish I could tag and dev and ask them why? Because these things are really not okay.
  4. Well they can't hurt those that won't buy the game at least. Especially if after months of believing and hoping there were alot of positive changes coming, that there are in fact none, and nothing that we hoped would be fixed and or changed has happened. This is a big fat RIP for ASA.
  5. Us console peasants in the crowd: 🙋🏻‍♂️?
  6. Are you kidding me? They haven't fixed or actually added raft collision? So i can make pokers again and poke the raft graphics through someone elses raft and blow it up from inside?
  7. I read a comment earlier on mentioning spamming the map off. I honestly hope to god that spam doesn't return. It's ugly, broken and stupid. I remember before the ASE servers went down, i saw an island map covered with spam. Completely covered. There were no nodes, no trees, rocks, bushes etc. It was disgusting. Spam should not be allowed, make spam decay alot quicker please
  8. Still think it's dumb that it's free on steam and not consoles..
  9. Aaah bro if that screenshotted city by FaTaL was on an official pvp server, id totally be the first person there to destroy it and turn it to dust!
  10. Lol are wildcard serious? This week's community crunch is dreadful. No evo event. Links to youtube videos of some dude accompanied by SWEET CAMERA STRAFES telling us what we've already seen on Lost Island, AND (my favourite), a video on how to trap a t-rex... 🤭 ... ...🤣🤦🏿‍♀️ Silly drawings. Some random dude's screenshot. Wildcard scraping the bottom of the barrel trying to find something to post. Personally i think they shouldn't have even bothered. It's so bad.
  11. Why was the Car dinosaur even in the polls if they planned on releasing it later anyway? All those wasted votes on the Car dino could've changed the results and we could've had a different winner. Wildcard IQ is shockingly bad.
  12. The bison is far superior than the Charizardsaur dino or whatever it's called. Id rather milk, epic insulation and unique fertilizer, than another boring carnivore dino.
  13. Right? Shouldnt have been in the vote at all if this is what they had planned anyway
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