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  1. Ragnarok 397 EU PVE Down 72 hours As title says, please fix
  2. Im so glad we had the chance to celebrate arks anniversary with them with this awesome event and release on epic games! Im sure the devs are all extremely happy with the release and it sure has been put out there what a great company Wildcard is! Goodjob on this flawless release!
  3. Ragnarok 397 EU PVE - Dead So... servers been down for 24 hours and 40 minutes. The status has been set to dead. I think there's a green button next to the server menu that should say "start server" if you click that, the server should restart and turn back on. Can someone do this please? Would greatly appreciate it.
  4. ^^^ 16 and a half hours now. CmonBruh, that lean got the devs raptored up.
  5. Ragnarok 397 for the past 3 weeks has been crashing. Now its going to 6 hours down a day
  6. Ragnarok 397 EU PVE **Edit** This has been going on for several weeks not just since the dlc update. Can the server Ragnarok 397 EU please be looked into? Every 1 - 2 hour the server is crashing and going down for 30-40 minutes at a time. Just look at the server outages https://www.battlemetrics.com/servers/ark/6497548/downtime There's a lot more than that obviously, the past 2 days its been down a total of 12 hours, the crash happens and it'll be down for 30 - 40 minutes and then when its back up it will have rolled back 20minutes, it's virtually impossible to play on. Please im begging you to look into it. Sorry if wrong section.
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