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Lobsterbrains last won the day on March 31 2021

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  1. Black is not a color though, go get ur kindergarten money refunded
  2. So flesh and blood bots? just copy pasting premade messages, is kinda bot´ish Im sure you also got fired for not cheating people at Enron, so im not really seing how that is relevant to them being arrogant, they abviously do not take other people in to consideration in their attempt to make a living...... arrogance.
  3. its not LIKELY a copy paste, its guarranteed a copy paste, notice the wording, and how it does not really get specific about anything, thats a dead giveaway, Wildcards support is a bot
  4. No blame, just stating the fact that Wildcard is run by arrogant people. And its not the army, so following orders is not really an excuse, its still your choice to work there and in that manner
  5. GM ChivalJune 24, 2020 00:49 Greetings Lobsterbrains, We are sorry to hear that you have experienced an issue with the game and as a result lost your items. As a fellow survivor, we know what it feels like to have these things taken away and how frustrating it is. Please know that if we could, we would fully reimburse you for your loss. Sadly, due to our current internal policy, we are unable to adequately compensate you for your losses. We have notified the engineers, so you will hopefully not have to encounter this issue in the future. Should you have further questions or concerns regarding a different matter, please do not hesitate to contact us again. Thank you for your continued support of ARK: Survival Evolved. Have a Rex-cellent day! Sincerely, GM Chival Studio Wildcard
  6. Wildcard will actually write you a mail saying, they do not help players as a result of internal policies, its arrogance at its peak, with these guys
  7. Nothing will happen by raging i forums, Wildcard does not care about anything but the bottom line, yeh its sad, but thats how it goes when moneymen arrives at a field Sign this, and hope for the better, EU has had some succes regulating the online markets. http://chng.it/nN8wfLSDkM
  8. Where do you get this from? is it just guesswork or is there something to back it up ?
  9. Give me the fee any day, running your own server is nowhere near the same as oficcial servers.
  10. LOL bumped in to the oblivion of a 71 page long thread. GREAT!
  11. Official servers crashing So whats the status on getting those constant 30 min+ downtimes on official servers fixed? its happening 3 - 4 times a day now. Mainly writing this in frustration, its a lot of work and a lot of time wasted since the downtime is so long and the constant rollbacks ruins and attempt at timing anything in the game, and progress is reversed. Games are not supposed to be added stress lol, its supposed to be recreation Atleast give som regular updates on whats being done to fix this, because there seems to be an idea in the community, that it is not being adressed at all, give us the updates in the Steam client or something, it is impossible to find anything in this place. :)
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