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  1. What a surprise... SE release is a fail too. I keep trying to stay optimistic but since you can't keep your own map release dates why bother...
  2. Heh yeh we all paid for the game, so how are we killing it? it shouldn't be too much to expect what they reckon they were going to deliver. if they hadn't killed our original Ark servers/progress it might not be a major issue but c'mon... I want to play....
  3. So as amazing as before The Centre was to be released in Feb and Suprise Suprise no it has not... can't even play single player without the game crashing... gg
  4. acyd86


    I'm still keen in general but I enjoy other maps, gaming news reported better results and honestly if they were going to shut down the original servers, they should have corrected many of the issues. All we can do is wait but I imagine there has been a massive reduction of player interest due to the problems that really shouldn't exist in an upgrade for a game that took years of polishing originally.
  5. So the original servers were killed. The upgrade was announced with all maps available Fail! Scorched Earth was then supposed to be released in December... Fail! The graphics are awesome yes but no wonder people are pissed about purchasing immediately especially those that paid the huge price then it gets reduced... DILO!
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