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Early Birds
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  1. So I guess we ps4 players still have our settings resetted after starting the game. And I guess the many anti mesh points on abberation are still available.
  2. Aberration on ps4 (pve-797) at blue area, near spawn the edge 1. About 50/50. Is there a chance to get the animal back? My tribemate had 5 disconnects within 40 minutes. This map is kinda full of bugs, problems and not playable!
  3. You forgot aberration mate. This map is still such a blue screener and still full of bugs.
  4. So there is also no announcement about the bug with dropping the cryopods. What happens to all the dino we all lost because of a mistake from you?! If you transfer your char with a cryod dino and open it, you'd lose em. But we also lost a giga and a wyvern without changing the server. And to communicate that we use duped dino and we just should stop duping is crap. Own bred dino due the event are lost just because you aren't able to present a bug free game after almost 3 years of frigging release. I really want a good answer what happened to the cryos and how we could get back our animals.
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