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spicy! Edmontonia ignitus: The Powder keg Tanky Anky! (Taming Updated!)


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This could be good as an all purpose gatherer. Horn attacks could gather stone, metal, wood, and the tail attacks could gather flint, thatch, spark powder, and charcoal. Since the horns would make big chunks, and the tail would shred what is hit. But with the tail being the ignition starter, I figured charcoal would make a bit of sense. Getting a weight reduction on these would be a nice obvious bonus. Especially if this creature is much bigger than the starter gatherers. This would be more of an end game gatherer. I would even think that it would be cool to be bigger than a stego, and closer to the size of a mammoth.

An end game gatherer would be nice. Especially one that has some fun extra features, such as a flaming charge where it lashes its tail in the cloud trail of powder as it runs, creating a halo of fire around it, with a short trail of fire behind it to burn any pursuers. Or doing a puppy shake to disperse a bigger cloud of powder that lingers for a bit, and maybe give enough time to puppy shake another cloud before a tail crack to ignite the cloud around it. Although this idea would require a saddle that protects the rider to some extent. Especially if that second cloud is gun powder. 

Edit: I could also see using grenades, and torches during the taming of this creature. It becomes attracted to your fire, and plays with you by running around you, and leaving powder trails. It would be up to you to light it without burning yourself. Or it shakes, and you light its cloud for it while it is in the cloud, by using a grenade. Finding ways to utilize flairs, oil jars, grenades, and torches in the taming process would be interesting, possibly fun, and also obviously meant for someone with more experience with the game. Even though you can get those things pretty early. The idea of seeing this creature become happy when it sees its first grenade explosion, sounds cute. And it would be a precursor to how it enjoys being inside the gunpowder explosion move I mentioned. Since it never before experienced that kind of fun without your help.

Edited by BlakeEIves
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