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Aerosteon: The Forbidden Zone Phantom

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Welcome survivors!

Introducing to you, Aerosteon: The Phantom

(ART DONE BY ZCI5250, known as crab, he´s great) (Also go vote for Zheny by TaronCapala!)


Common Name: Aerosteon

Species: Aerosteon Phantasma

Time: Late Creatceous

Diet: Carnivore

Temperament: Aggressive



Found in the incredibly dangerous Forbidden Zone, Aerosteon phantasma seems somewhat out of place among the rampant hordes of corrupted creatures. These large megaraptorids can be seen taking advantage of the vertical terrain to move around and will often try to avoid combat. I am guessing that the only reason these dinosaurs live here is that a small population was trapped here and forced to adapt. And adapt they did, to a bizarre extent.

It seems that the corruption in an Aerosteon's body allows it to turn completely invisible for a certain amount of time! The only way to spot a camoflauged Aerosteon is to look for the purple mist that is emitted from its body, but the various hostile creatures of the region don't seem to have caught on to this fact.


Tribes have found that by playing a sort of "hide and seek" game and feeding wild Aerosteon corrupted hearts, survivors can gain the Aerosteon´s trust. This ghostly theropod has several rows of long quills along its tail which are laced with neurotoxins that can induce blindness and auditory hallucinations in those affected. Hence, Aerosteon is usually used by tribes as a supporting mount in combat.

I've also been told the quills can be harvested and mixed with corruption nodules to revert their effects, this can then be fed to unconscious creatures to give them sweet dreams and make them forget their precious trauma




Active abilities:

  • Bite (psiVXEv2tS4rqCwGrgXjoAOqUC0ibPPQYbzXwEidE3VHdbAascGJ-n5WNmSHZa5NcgwrmMWsHXidJ9tSJQM-KRYGoTZPDKXkQn_BTA9aPIWjdbFbmAiAXcYcE_o43rplBukK2CoqG23imWsvDFmdfnk, oRK99a1BGrkJKS2qec1VfMYIB3Cl_c1VY-Uwdpa5mPA79F3e87a15rfCO55EmAuexlzD3xfH_LvyZObvmqgFEcbH-Qmrnsl2Wio75M5nKGwEZHAA1SXl4-w1y_w1MAcjz3K22BX7f2LGPt_-ouNkEB0, Oeh8Rjbp8cqg2pAwzsrQ_VfCzxhd6NCIi4UovAhKwHGshO1YndpVqjSKzRx8iVu7J3ze6vS5vRiulqahRO5KBfLT5Zex_60OSVoYzwEQdqln9dlPsPkANyUFdCsx8t2R8o7PA400hcoKVpxAFADn0zM): A simple bite which does low damage but has fast attack speed, can     be charged to do more damage by holding the button, when charged it plays a claw slice animation


  • Phase (Click C, Ei4Cnq60_T8_VdwUil9DQzZd2AzmeG60WaeysVviCBhNPtCyl1gGV5rLv6U46anxlo_VvRFEmrwPZuabvM0BfSs5f3JPdC3MzxkAOHQ2t7BGohuxi76iirbeVkX5UR1hZ83FApyeTWdJLkPwYNchIKY, qa2QnaT9njA5shDPrGEXVLFgbmkj_GT1kNn5124W_7WrI_wIVwiMzfZy-RjpTAWdJI2ZAfNMcuNxVGikCkxDOB75S6YF5WIwOB3m1bc70KTQbu-DxyQ4Go1QS5dIq0nyC0OswNcAb-AOnIGOz-g0FIY): The Aerosteon turns invisible at the cost of stamina, you can see a trail of mist left behind as it moves, this increases its movement speed but makes it unable to attack and it now takes 3x more damage


  • Sensory Quills (Agx-hruEW-bBFfIJ0Z-KSxol1-OqFeDqjwFg82IMOqB2MMVbWk10niUiJtlcOnnhRRe52xsva58Swl7BB9-TXp5wp0yrEbMy96tcnFdawcjwx_0GZuuGkt6Vsdx7_kkB45sT0saxY2zPY23YZT5b_ts, Unmd-4WcXXb-Miq7O_ftTbSiAe2PESpSgrKBDuNx_H1f5rKaQMGjXAQ9gBgwMeUqL2KhZ36UOck1Qzs5roH7yu4Sz6o_yRg-11LbbjAn9eWstXHxCZNUui3rscJ-o8fNuOgg2g_uMsKZZ271Q-iFVYM, bmO9NZJYY6_aRD6BPKi2uux3fWR7LrvKDB2H2mMiaue11s0BjAFuBgau9CFlPX6M2i60QRnwQG_4aIXKDgtvg16we_G4V5Kfv1foQgBX8Rg8fx4obEPRx6jBknnkRKdVXHLahD8AWd8uDgfGYkJA0pc ): It launches quills from the back of its tail laced in toxins, this quills blind the target and cause auditory hallucinations/deafness, also slows down creature, won´t slow player due to that being quite annoying




  • Lunge (Press Space, BF-aXithWzMQmncCKoBY1JaZfSpg1HHw7XcLIcAZ7flfFrdqmuVo-wvLl_Q1yt6yFeZI4o_mlS4WK8Fm03I1GJyikGSdfFMm_H7thAT9Kz39Iyq6WszbVIjoKJ0gTYNf99w2rmKGjGtf3p4WUEnqhqk, YQsX1U555RUG4x8DKvKy_CY_RWSPLdv_hxOwRrrsI8g2LXt8Hh4G03V6CnVpVWsrh14kwXKmhj8B1dgVqQV8pQxMNA8U2lEQk7uDXNTXhrUvQSJ7feTAq9Y6g37KloKzDykI-pHrLRcYPfRkCp5pPEY): It lunges itself forward hitting creatures on a straight path, the creatures in its path will get the "Weakened" debuff, which denies any armor




  • Climb: The Aerosteon is able to climb up walls the same way a Deinonychus would by leaping, if you press space will climbing the Aerosteon will drop down, if the “Mobility boost” is active you can lunge straight out of the cliffs onto enemies the same way a Thyla would


Passive abilities:


Carrion harvesting: Can harvest corrupt modules 2x more efficiently and every other resource 1.5x, he gets argy healing when eats corpses and corrupt nodules heal 20 health

Pack Boost: A pack boost which can be obtained when up to 4 Aeros are together, works the same way as any other pack boost


Harvest Reward: After harvesting 5 creatures your meter will fill up allowing you to choose 1 of 3 buffs 


-Damage buff: He gets faster attack speed and higher damage, and the effects of his attack last longer 


-Mobility boost: Gets more speed, and the lunge is able to go further, unlocks the ability to lunge while climbing like a Thyla 


-Health regen: Gets defense buff and regenerates a flat amount of health


Taming Method:


To tame the Aerosteon you must bring a corpse to it, once it eats it the taming process will begin, it will turn invisible you'll have to track it and interact with it, then it will turn back to normal and allow you to feed it corrupted hearts to gain affinity, then again it will turn invisible once more, rinse and repeat until tamed


QoF Features and Uses:


Quill Corrupted Meat: This bunch of meat is full of quill toxin and can be fed to sleeping dinos to reset their taming effectiveness or to tamed dinos to reset their levels (Only crafted in Aeros inventory) 


Craft: 350 corrupt nodules, 10 meat, 5 quills, 30 corrupt hearts


PvP design and uses:


This creature is designed to be a support mount, it can get into the head of combat of course, but the way you would want to use it is by keeping it in the side lines using the sensory quills against mounted creatures and survivors, while also using the lunge attack against soakers to be able to kill them more effectively by denying armor


Aerosteon also works as a scouting mount, by using the phase ability and climbing ability you can spy on your enemies bases/fobs while they gear up, this also allows you to get into strategic places to give you a better fighting chance

PvE design and uses:


As for PvE this brings a general combat mount to the table but also some QoL changes such as the Quill Corrupted Meat which works to reset the taming effectiveness of creature bringing it up to a 100% instantly, done for those times where a stupid compy attacks your 150 knocked stego and then you have to wake it up again just to get the effectiveness up to 100%. 


Also works as a Mindwipe for tamed dinos since being able to repurpose creature would make life less tedious, no more breeding two argies for different purposes, now you can repurpose it once you don't need it for a specific thing anymore


Also vote for Darwin and Hatze, they are EXTRA cool


Image by LouisBio! Thank you Louis 🫂

Edited by Maximussergio22
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