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Sunken Scoop 3: A Tropical Getaway!


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Welcome back seaside survivors!

It's been a busy two weeks for us, following the release of the tropics update last Wednesday! There's a whole new paradise for you to explore on the map, alongside some new friends to bring into your tribe. Whether you're exploring the reefs, surfing the ocean currents, or just enjoying some fun in the sun, we're glad to see how much you're enjoying the new update! Just don't forget to do the "survival" part of ARK Survival Evolved while you're enjoying your getaway!

If this is your first time getting your feet wet with all things Sunken, we are a dedicated team of individuals who are looking to spruce up the ocean biome in the same way that Scorched Earth offered a unique, biome specific challenge to survival. New creatures, resources, structures, items and more, all set on a huge custom map, we're looking to give ARK's oceans the TLC they deserve! The main goal is to bridge that huge gap between early and late game ocean exploration, and make it much more viable and more fun to live a life beneath the waves! This is unofficial content and is only related to our mod. It is in no way related with the official game and its content releases. With that out of the way, let's explore all the new features that came with the tropics!


This update brings two new critters to add to your menagerie, the Coral Golem and the Sunken Spino! These two creatures are Sunken Variants, water-loving animals that have adapted to a life even more at sea! The Sunken Variants are our map exclusive creatures, and serve as both a way to make some animals more appropriate for a map that's mostly ocean and a way to breathe some new life or even TLC some of the underappreciated aquatics. To give a little insider look into their makeovers, we'll be going in depth on our design process for these beautiful beasties!

Sunken Spinosaurus


What happens when an ARK suddenly floods, drastically changing the environment to a much more oceanic one than before? Well, you'd expect the Spinosaurus to ascend to the title of an apex predator! The Sunken Spino is our take on what would happen if a Spinosaurus had to evolve to live a life at sea. It shares most mechanics with its vanilla counterpart, however, due to its much squatter frame and stronger disposition for swimming, it is much less capable on land. It has some difficulty moving its far heavier frame across dry ground, using more stamina while running. This is a nod to how some animals, like seals and penguins, have to make sacrifices to parts of their mobility in order to be much more agile in their preferred habitat. 

With most of its time spent at sea, our Spinosaur had to evolve a way to track down its prey. Much like modern toothed whales, the Sunken Spino uses echolocation to hunt! This trait is very useful if you're pursuing a target that tries to hide in the inky darkness of the deep sea, and great for survivors to expose people trying to get the jump on them!

In short, Sunken Spinosaurus is what we think could happen in the ARK universe if a Spino was forced to adapt for an oceanic life. However, it's still not all the way to a fully aquatic lifestyle, so it serves as a transitional species to what might become a more whale-like animal in the distant future!

Coral Golem


The Rock Golem is one of the last creatures you'd expect to find deep under the sea for the mere fact it sinks like, well, a rock. And yet, they've adapted wonderfully to an oceanic life! Living underwater has mellowed out Coral Golem's temperament, meaning it is docile until provoked. Essentially a miniature, walking coral reef, perhaps it just likes the company of the small schools of fish that follow it around. Don't understimate it though, if you're foolish enough to pick a fight with one, it's just as dangerous as its land living counterpart! While it can no longer launch boulders with the force of a catapult, the coral growing on its body seems to be able to react to its command. From its left arm, it can grow an enormous coral shield to protect itself from aggressors, and the spiny corals that grow on its right hand are able to quickly grow at will to deliver a devastatingly powerful punch!

Unrelated to the golem in the foreground, but equally important to mention are the creatures riding the ocean currents above! Currents have made their return in this update, and these oceanic superhighways will greatly increase your speed when you travel with them. Just go with the flow!


Pretty self explanatory what's in this section. While we want you to explore the map yourself, here's some pictures of some things we don't want you to miss! The tropical islands aren't the only new shiny thing this update!


On some nights in the Pacific Inlets, the moon isn't the only thing to light up the darkness! If you're lucky, you might get to witness the glow of bioluminescent plankton turning the sea an ethereal blue! This event has no purpose other than to look pretty, but let's be real, sometimes a beautiful moment is all it needs to be!


Don't forget to poke your head underwater when you visit the tropics! While it's tempting to lie in the sunshine on the white sand beaches all day, the coral reefs in the island chain are to die for! Try not to get lost in the dizzying colours and towers of living limestone!



As mentioned last scoop, we have started our own community corner! Here's the first features from our community! We'd love to see more though, so please submit away in the channel in our discord, or tag us at @ARKSunken using #SunkenScoop to be featured! Screenshots, artwork and Youtube videos welcome!


Tuso in the Twilight by Pyroha


Coral Golem in Golden Hour by ashgcy (I'm still a member of the community after all :p)


That's all for this issue of the Sunken Scoop, thanks for tuning in! We hope you enjoy all the new content! As with any update, no matter how much bug squashing we do, some are bound to pop up. Please feel free to report them in our discord, or just come in to hang out! Have a wonderful timezone!

If this is your first time seeing TSW, check out the links below to find out more! Please note that if you want to play our mod, you need both the map and creature mod active.
Discord: https://discord.gg/BAkvgc7
Map Mod: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2182740759
Creature Mod:https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=2182770728

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