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Pyroraptor Olympus - Surface Area Loot Runner



Pryoraptor is a utility tame that allows survivors to roam Abberration's surface zone freely while mounted, with the added ability to generate fire as a light source. As long as they have flint to generate fire.


Common name: Pyroraptor

Species name: Pyroraptor Olympius

Name meaning: Fire Thief

Time: Late Cretaceous

Diet: Carnivore

Temperature: Aggressive



These fire starting raptors can only be found in the surface area of Aberration where they seem to thrive off nothing but reaper flesh. Pyroraptors are solitary creatures that take pride in the hunt. One could easily spot a Pyroraptor Olympius by following the trail of it's prey.



The Pyroraptor is a survivor's best possible option if they wish to clear Abberration's most dangerous zone. Just a simple tranq and tame process for these guys, the only problem being their favorite food source: reaper king barbs. The Pyroraptor can light itself on fire, boosting it's attack damage and debuffing reapers with it's light pet like power.


Left Click: A basic scratch using both claws.

RIght Click: Holding right click will start a charge it's claws, setting them on fire. This creates a light pet radius debuffing all creatures allergic to light. It also adds a burning affect to the primary attack. The effect is not permanent and consumes flint to activate.

C: A charged breath attack. After holding C for some time, your Pyroraptor will release a short-range flamethrower esque breath attack that will leave your enemies on fire.

Passive: A Pryoraptor can survive the surface , during the day it's food gauge will rapidly deplete if on the surface level. 





Pryoraptor shares the same saddle as the regular raptor. It can also be ridden saddleless.





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Location: pyroraptors tend to swim in element rivers, the biggest ammount of them spawns in red zone artifact cave and drake trench. appearance: a small raptor covered in thick feathers which have 2 glowing regions, naturally purple or red (but mutatable), yellow glowing crest on the head (it's a lightpet) and a peacock-like tail ("eyes" naturally glow red, mutatable). Behavior: pyroraptor is not aggressive to humans however aggressive to jelly fish in the lakes, they barely get out of water making it very hard to reach them for taming. Taming: passive tame with rockdrake eggs, needs to be outside of water to be tamed (either grappled out, rare flowered out or by equipping the weapon/cryo with a dino it hates). Dangers: pyroraptors have a massive aggro range on reapers as well as deal twice the debuff to them, trying to kill one with a flamethrower will result getting surface sun debuff, having a cryopodded giga, carcha, rhynio or reaper and/or flamethrower, netgun in inventory will make them aggressive. Weakness: without any buffs stolen it's fairly weak. Abilities usefull in pvp: will deal x2 charge light debuff to reapers, however rather than a circle like other light pets it shines in a cone (like summoners aggro range light), when another player tries to flamebob or net a player carrying a pyroraptor the surface debuff applies, in addition to the player carrying it getting healed, when brought to other maps has the following abilities: giga slayer (will maked any tamed giga in presense of it rage, once the giga rages the pyroraptor gets the rage heart buff gving it element armor (25% damage reduction, 25% more damage, 25% anti-left click spam attack speed increase), will steal carcha bloodrage gaining bloodrage buff (same as rage heart, stacks with rage heart), will steal and eat rhynio resin and prevent it from picking creatures and gains resin armor buff (same as the previous ones, stacks with them), as the result the pyroraptor gets 75% everything and can 1-hit a flame bob. Abilities usefull in pve: reaper tamer (has much stronger charge light than other lightpets but does not prevent nameless from spawning), jellyfish killerh (if a jelly starts shocking the mount of the player carrying it it jumps off, kills the jelly and jumps back on), seeker killer (same as jelly but with seeker), eel killer, itchyornis killer, troodon killer, microraptor killer (prevents stun of both wild and tamed microraptors), aberrant raptor anti-jump (will communicate with aberrant and corrupted raptors not only preventing them from using their stun but also making them passive), batery charger (will charge bateries in its inventory). Special debuff tamed pyroraptors get: if a player carrying them has a cryopodded giga, carcha, rhynio or flamethrower, netgun they glide away and disappear.

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Dossier:The last thing I expected to see down here, was a flamethrower with teeth! These fiery creatures feed on radiation and charge energy to fuel their toxic flames. The radiation illuminates and further weaponize their feathers and their breath, making them corrosive to the core. They patrol any area with radiation, charge energy, both or anything bioluminescent attacking anything that the pack deems a threat, and make quick work of intruders. They also have the nasty habit of spewing liquid element, stopping TEK users in their tracks.

Wild: In the wild, these Arsonists hunting and live packs, and live near traces of element, radiation, or charge energy feeding off of them. They are exceptionally fast swimmers, living near lakes, or liquid element. The most unusual thing about the Pyroraptor, is it’s ability to feed on either of the 3 minerals listed above, that supercharge their flames, setting them on fire, and granting them a flamethrower ability. Paired this with a bad attitude, and you get an unusual but efficient predator that can use Zip-lines at will, secreting a strange purple sticky substance, used to aid in climbing. Another unusual trait…being able to completely turn its head around.

Domesticated: Training these raptors is no easy feat, but it is possible. They seem to like not only flesh, but element and charge pets. Many tribes use this to their advantage, earning themselves an effective scout, and rallying allies, using their cry to aggravate both friend and foe alike.

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The Pyroraptor has been mutated by The Ark and has gain abilities worth his name

Wild In the wild they can be found near water sources usually alone and sometimes in packs . They try to avoid conflict because even tho they have been mutated they remained the same size from when they ware alive . But if they got no other option they will release an ear bleeding screech before breathing 1000⁰ flames out of it's mouth , even the mighty Reaper fears it .

Tame : After taming this little fire hazard it will jump on your shoulder and will warn you when you are about to run into a large creature , something invizibile or something that is underground . It will do that by releasing a screech that will stun the creature . When either you or the Pyroraptor are on low health it will start shooting it's fire . You can also whistle it to light  campfires , torches , arrows & forges without them having fuel in them .

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This new Pyroraptor will be a late game tame mainly used for stealing eggs from Rock Drakes. For taming them you would have to drop an egg nearby them and wait until they approach it (If ark could use the raptor pounce animation for it then it would be good) then you must mount it and play a minigame like with the Andrewsarchus. Once tamed you will be able to view its abilities such as how they can fall slowly from any height with their feathers, these feathers of theirs also grant a weight reduction bonus to eggs, metal, and all gems. They can only be ridden with a saddle! They can enable thermal vision to see Rock Drakes nearby. They can also jump really high to reach eggs far from reach. Only when tamed they let out a roar that gives a 15% attack increase and adds the fire effect onto creatures they attack, it only lasts for ten seconds while having a twenty second cooldown.


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