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Slime-Mold - The-living-trap!







the slime-mold is found is moist environments, whether that's swamps, caves, damp-forests, etc.

These creatures are mostly stationary. But over time they can engulf a 30-feet diameter if left untreated.

When any lifeform steps on one of the slime's tendrils it has formed, it will give the creature a 5-second warning, before the tendrils will start to wrap around the entity and consume them.

The entity is entirely engulfed in the molds tendrils, and melting away of their armor and flesh.
Once killed, there's nothing but skeletal remains of where the creature last was, acting as a No-Man's-Land for anyone and everything to be warned.

While any creature or weapon that isn't a firearm would work on the alien-like monster. It has acidic blood akin to arthropleura.
The most effective way to dispatch slime-mold's is either a heat or a charge-lantern.

Slime-Mold's do NOT like heat, so any form of flames will do, including torches on tames. But as for charge? The charge-lantern is over stimulating the creature, akin to electrocution.

If killed, the creature can be harvested for Mold.
Mold can be cooked and dried out to give something akin to blue-cheese. This food item gives more hunger then cooked-steak does, but the main use is to suto-wyvern milk.
Due to the molds high resilience, the consumer can gain hypo and hyperthermic insulation for half of the time wyvern-milk gives.




To tame a slime-mold, you'll need to cut off a sample from the core of the slime-mold.
Any sharp weapon will do, but once you cut off a slice, be warned. The slime-mold will not take kindly to that and will spread in a 10-feet radius almost instantly to engulf you.
Once you get out of that sticky situation, you'll need to cultivate your now severed slime-mold in a petri-dish.

You'll need to feed the mold to allow it to grow over time.

Once large enough to stay out of a petri-dish, you can now place it where ever you want, and allow it to fully grow.
Once fully grown, it'll start to spread its tendrils where ever it is.

It can still be moved, but it'll have to restart it's spreading.

The usage of a tamed slime-mold is to act as either a alarm-system, tied to your phone for all of the PvP players. But the main use of them, is to be used as traps.

The tendrils of it will engulf any sized creature, from compy sized to giga sized.

Tamed slime-mold's have settings akin to Plant-X's, but instead of 'kill or not kill' it's 'kill or keep trapped'

The slime-mold will keep the creature still until it either breaks loose, or someone knocks out the creature. If it's a flier, they can grab the flier out of the sky if it's low enough, and force it to land.

This could be used to even help for Reaper-Queen impregnation. Making the Queen stay stationary while impregnating players. Akin to player-made traps.

Only downside is, a creature as large as Giga's or the Carchar don't immobilize it, but slows it down. Making it still hard to trap the ARK's highest existing apex-predators.

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I own/breed slime molds I have some ideas on the creature 

First off slime molds is a misnomer... They are not molds they are an amoeboid like creature. They even grow flagellas when submerged in water. They gets the name molds because the reproduce in a similar fashion as fungi (forming a mushroom like stalk which produces spore (like) vessels for the baby amoebas. These stalks are often carried off by ants which eat the stalks. Which is how I think they should be breed ant having a percentage chance to drop spores which can be grown into slime molds.

Slimes are actually really intelligent despite not having any neurons. They can solve mazes by laying down a mucus which they can use chemotaxis to determine where it has been. They kind of try every possible combination of paths until they reach the end of the maze... And then rearrange  itself in the most efficient way. Which is why I think they would be great for something like lock picking/ pin cracking or even disabling tek

I also think it would be cool to see if you feed them element shards or dust or be in radiation their mucus would change and become a mutagen farm.

The do not have acidic blood.

In lab study's they've found that they do not like light heat or salt because they are mostly water and would dehydrate.  However they can gain resistances to these things over time so maybe a leveling system like the moschops /theri to gain resistances 

I also enjoy your living trap idea. How bout making it a shoulder pet that can trap wild dinos, enemy dinos and even enemy players acting as handcuffs that attack raiders if they were to raid you in your sleep.  

I think it should be able to immobilize anything but the down side the immobilized creature would attack it

Humans would have to have another dino or human attack them to remove it.  Or die.

Another interesting feature of the slime molds is they can survive with out water for up to 2 years by creating a cyst around itself  and harden on the outside til water is available is why I think it should be a shoulder pet it could act as an armor by hardening... Could act as a radiation suit (given that some microorganisms can eat radiation) or a scuba suit ( given that it can grow flagellas it could increase swim speeds) 

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1 hour ago, MazdaTiger said:

If you suggest me the extinct species of said "slime mold" do let me know


I really really want to help him so I can make a dossier proper in the future

Seeing as they are a single celled "microorganism" without a skeletal structure i assume would be difficult to record any extinct / prehistoric species.  

But if you take a look at this link

https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/brainless-slime-molds/#:~:text=Compared with most organisms%2C slime,or even simple nervous systems.

It does say that they evolved 600 million years ago so under the rules of the creature submission they would fall under the prehistoric category

Slime mold is the ideal creature for Aberration so i will help anyway I can 

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5 hours ago, MrGood said:

I own/breed slime molds I have some ideas on the creature 

First off slime molds is a misnomer... They are not molds they are an amoeboid like creature. They even grow flagellas when submerged in water. They gets the name molds because the reproduce in a similar fashion as fungi (forming a mushroom like stalk which produces spore (like) vessels for the baby amoebas. These stalks are often carried off by ants which eat the stalks. Which is how I think they should be breed ant having a percentage chance to drop spores which can be grown into slime molds.

Slimes are actually really intelligent despite not having any neurons. They can solve mazes by laying down a mucus which they can use chemotaxis to determine where it has been. They kind of try every possible combination of paths until they reach the end of the maze... And then rearrange  itself in the most efficient way. Which is why I think they would be great for something like lock picking/ pin cracking or even disabling tek

I also think it would be cool to see if you feed them element shards or dust or be in radiation their mucus would change and become a mutagen farm.

The do not have acidic blood.

In lab study's they've found that they do not like light heat or salt because they are mostly water and would dehydrate.  However they can gain resistances to these things over time so maybe a leveling system like the moschops /theri to gain resistances 

I also enjoy your living trap idea. How bout making it a shoulder pet that can trap wild dinos, enemy dinos and even enemy players acting as handcuffs that attack raiders if they were to raid you in your sleep.  

I think it should be able to immobilize anything but the down side the immobilized creature would attack it

Humans would have to have another dino or human attack them to remove it.  Or die.

Another interesting feature of the slime molds is they can survive with out water for up to 2 years by creating a cyst around itself  and harden on the outside til water is available is why I think it should be a shoulder pet it could act as an armor by hardening... Could act as a radiation suit (given that some microorganisms can eat radiation) or a scuba suit ( given that it can grow flagellas it could increase swim speeds) 



If you suggest me the extinct species of said "slime mold" do let me know


I really really want to help him so I can make a dossier proper in the future

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