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Pyroraptor magnaflamma, Your very own At-Home Phoenix!



Pyroraptor magnaflamma

Pyroraptor magnaflamma (meaning fire thief of the great flame) is a Deinonychus-sized dromaeosaur found exclusively on scorched earth. This small raptor is essentially a flightless phoenix! It acts as a pretty unsuspecting dinosaur during clear weather, but if set ablaze or active during a superheat, it's glorious feathers will be set ablaze and it'll be able to use various fiery attacks, much like the phoenix! Also, like the phoenix it will be able to smelt and cook items within it's inventory and heal rapidly while being set on fire!

The pyroraptor will be a relatively rare dinosaur, found mostly in the hot, dry parts of the Scorched Earth ARK. It is immediately aggressive towards potential threats to it, or it's young but can be temporarily pacified by setting it ablaze. Once it's friendly towards you, you may passive tame it by using cooked items, anything works! (think things like metal, charcoal, cooked meat etc) and eventually it'll be yours! Once you have your very own land-based phoenix, you'll be able to utilize it's spicy abilities! If you set a pyroraptor on fire, it will temporarily gain the abilities that it would have if in a superheat. On its own, its basic attacks can gradually burn up targets (like amargasaurus) but during a superheat, or if set on fire it will immediately set things on fire with any attack!

- It has 3 basic attacks, a bite, a claw slash and a sickle-clawed kick.

- during a superheat or when set on fire it will be able to destroy metal structures

- They are capable of having a pack buff

-They are immune to fire wyvern breath attacks

-During a superheat, or if set on fire, anything that hits the Pyroraptor it will immediately be set on fire

-They can utilize a thermal vision (like the snow owl's predator vision)

I'm going to be working on an Illustration of my idea for the Pyroraptor, and I will be updating this page as time goes on (it is currently 1:30am as of writing so it may be a little sloppy). I hope you enjoy my Pyroraptor submission and please, if you'd like, leave your own suggestions or questions! I'd love to see them! Thank you for reading, and extra thanks if you vote!!

I have completed an Illustration of Pyroraptor magnaflamma! I hope you all like it as much as I do, I'm pretty proud of it!


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A cool way to tame it, to make it different from a phoenix may be instead of using fire, what about smoke? Smoke grenades aren't that useful so needing them to tame a Pyroraptor would be a great way to make them useful. They could even be stronger when in smoke.


Also what if they have different effects from each weather? Maybe immunity to sandstorm? In heatwaves keep an ability to burn metal. And in lightning storms gain significantly increased movement speed and a thorns-like effect similar to Kentros?

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4 minutes ago, Normandem said:

A cool way to tame it, to make it different from a phoenix may be instead of using fire, what about smoke? Smoke grenades aren't that useful so needing them to tame a Pyroraptor would be a great way to make them useful. They could even be stronger when in smoke.


Also what if they have different effects from each weather? Maybe immunity to sandstorm? In heatwaves keep an ability to burn metal. And in lightning storms gain significantly increased movement speed and a thorns-like effect similar to Kentros?

That's a very interesting suggestion! I like the idea to give it different abilities in different weathers! And I like that smoke idea too!

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Pyroraptor attentus

The Speedy, Vigilant Lockpick of Scorched Earth



Being on the somewhat small side, Pyroraptor attentus seems to be an unlikely denizen of the eternal dunes on the outer edges of Scorched Earth, but I found it roaming there in small packs. To survive out here, an animal must be tough and resourceful, and Pyroraptor attentus is no exception. It is fast, intelligent, and capable of causing serious damage in numbers. It is also very vigilant, capable of detecting threats or prey from very far off.  Alone it can cause some trouble to a survivor or small mount, but in packs it can become a real danger to even mid-sized mounts, with the ability to slow down prey with repeated slashes of its foot-claws. Thankfully, Pyroraptor is less aggressive than its cousins, making it easier to pass by on foot.


Being highly intelligent like Troodon, Pyororaptor is too smart for the typical “knock out and feed” method used on so many other animals. Instead, it is drawn to fire. A resourceful and creative survivor can use a torch or campfire to draw in Pyroraptor and initiate a dance with it. Once the dance is finished Pyroraptor will see the survivor as a member of its pack and follow them loyally. 


Pyroraptor attentus’ vigilance can come in handy to a survivor. It is just able to act as a shoulder mount, and will call out large threats if they are nearby, giving a survivor owning Pyroraptor attentus a heads-up to anything large and dangerous. Somehow, it is even capable of detecting the giant deathworms under the sand before they begin moving to attack, making Pyroraptor a useful tool for survivors looking to harvest deathworm horns and other resources from the giant invertebrates.

Pyroraptor’s intelligence does not stop there, though: with its dexterous hands, it is capable of picking the locks on doors and other closed objects given enough time, making it useful for raiders looking to infiltrate an enemy base or to unlock vaults! In a combat situation Pyroraptor can also be used as a surprise weapon thrown off the back of its owner, who can either make a getaway or gain an upper hand thanks to Pyroraptor’s slowing claw attack. Like Compsognathus or Troodon, Pyroraptor seems to become more vigorous and courageous in groups. 


Behind the Scenes

Pyroraptor is a relatively little-known dromaeosaur (the "raptor" dinosaurs) from Europe. Thus far it has only made 2 media appearances, first in the "Dinosaur Planet" documentary Series and then in the 2022 film "Jurassic World: Dominion". I feel that while there are 2 dromaeosaurs in ark they are rather well-known species, and it would be interesting to introduce a more "realistic" (relatively speaking; the animal in my suggestion is somewhat larger than the real animal but is still too small to ride) raptor to the game with a unique set of abilities. I envision Pyororaptor as being between a troodon and a Utahraptor in-game in terms of size, too small to ride but also about as large as you can get a shoulder-pet to be (and for that matter, it clings onto your back like a backpack rather than riding your shoulder).

Taming Method

Do note that in the end Studio Wildcard's devs have final say as to what taming method a suggested creature will have. This is just my suggestion.

I wanted to stay away from the standard tranq-tame or passive tame while also not making the method too tedious. I decided that in reference to its name (Fire-thief), Pyroraptor would be tamed by mimicking emotes it does. All emotes it does can be found in the emote hotbar and should be default, to make sure that all players can tame Pyroraptor. To attract Pyroraptor, hold a torch or light a campfire nearby, and the animal will approach. Once it shows interest it will initiate a "dance" where it does an emote that can be mirrored by the player. I do not think Pyroraptor should take too long to tame, so each emote will add taming progress to the taming bar.

Suggested Abilities

Do note that in the end Studio Wildcard's developers have final say on what abilities a creature suggestion will have. These are just my suggestions.

Vigilance- Being a resident of the  desert where Wyverns, big carnivorous dinosaurs, and Deathworms spawn, Pyroraptor must be vigilant for larger predators that may see it as food. Thus it has an ability similar to the parasaur's-it can call out large carnivores to its owner, either when it is on foot or if it is riding on its owner's back. This only applies to dinosaurs as large or larger than a Carno. This would be useful to sneaky raiders, who can use it to ascertain the location of large dinos in an enemy base, and for PVE and PVP players it could be useful at locating wyverns to avoid in the trench.

Deathworm sight-an expansion of the skill above, Pyroraptor has the innate ability to locate deathworms when they are submerged and not moving. This is signified with a bobbing deathworm icon over the location of the worm, similar to the explorer note icon that a person riding a direwolf can see. This allows a person who owns Pyroraptor to more easily obtain deathworm horns, black pearls, and chiting, all useful materials.

Numbers buff-like troodon, Pyroraptor can enhance its damage and resistance by being used in numbers. Pyroraptor packs stack to 5, with the +# being displayed over their head.

Slowing claw-Pyroraptor, like most dromaeosaurs, has a large "killing claw" on the inner toe of the foot. In-game this claw can be used to "gash" prey for 3 seconds, causing 2 damage per second and slowing small-to-medium sized prey down. While an individual Pyroraptor has a cooldown, a number of them can coordinate an attack to slow prey for up to 9 seconds.

Lockpicking-this is probably the most controversial ability of Pyroraptor. Pyroraptor has the ability to unlock doors or vaults from the outside by picking the lock. This was inspired by videos and studies of smart birds such as Crows, Ravens, and Parrots using sticks to whittle out grubs or solve simple lock-puzzles for a food prize. Do note that this isn't an instantaneous ability; it takes time for Pyroraptor to pick a lock (15 seconds for thatch, 30 seconds for wood, 1 minute for stone doors, 90 seconds for a metal door, and 2 minutes for a vault). This time can be improved by levelling up a unique "lockpick" stat that appears along with other stats such as health, stamina, oxygen, etc. for a maximum of a 30% improvement to the lockpicking time. This will be useful to raiders in PVP looking to make a sneaky entrance to an enemy base or to get into a discovered hidden cache.

I hope that Pyroraptor is interesting enough that you want to see it in game and give it a vote. All the best. May the best creature win!


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34 minutes ago, NoLow06 said:

I think it would be cool if you could tame one by shooting fire arrows at it

That was gonna be the initial taming method (setting it on fire) but that's literally identical to the phoenix's taming method and I wanted it to be different, even if slightly so instead you pacify it with fire rather than outright tame it

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I will say if we get another therapod, id hope itd be this


Especially if we could either set the feathers alight like Phoenix 


Or, be able to harvest the feathers like amarga spikes, but the feathers make a new armor a lot like ghilie that makes you seem like a good guy to wild pyros, and keeps you cool in the heat

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6 hours ago, WitheringSoul113001 said:

This has already been posted, remember the guidelines state one post per critter and if its already been posted, submit ideas on that thread


Edit: i think a mod moved comments from a recent Pyroraptor post over to here

I was confused for a sec but then I read the edit LOL

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Would be cool if it would emerged from lava like from the lava trenches or mountains with lava in it. once tamed (phoenix method or something similar) whoever its imprinted to let them have fire immunity while riding like (Ponyta & Rapidash from Pokemon) and a 30 to 60 second immunity. Also a charge meter to give a speed boost, health regen and let it have a aoe that will  burn any wild dinos that comes too close once filled. Oh and please let it be ridable and breedable.

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  • Volunteer Moderator
6 hours ago, WitheringSoul113001 said:

This has already been posted, remember the guidelines state one post per critter and if its already been posted, submit ideas on that thread


Edit: i think a mod moved comments from a recent Pyroraptor post over to here

Correct.   We merge same/similar creatures into a single thread (usually into the thread that was first), which has the benefit of combining unique votes; i.e. usually the vote count goes up. 

Ultimately, people are voting more on the creature and less on what it does.

If a creature wins, what is implemented by Wildcard could be exactly what is in the first submission, a follow-up submission, a combination of submissions and comments, or something completely different.  Ultimately, it has to fit into the game and, hopefully, provide a unique experience.

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