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Oxalaia the Amazon rainforest ilusionist



1134647347_images(6).jpeg.4185ef4781cd010d98f435e53c7be42a.jpegOxalaia is a cousin of the famous spino and lived in Brazil making one of the most famous Brazilian dinosaurs and his skill will be in his Candle that can hypnotize using sunlight and can leave creatures confused not knowing if he is really in the same environment as him and causing 40% increased damage if the oxalaia attacks a hypnotized creature domestication: the only way to get the Brazilian illusionist under your side is to raise him from a baby since an adult when he is cornered uses his illusion skill and runs away from the place in which case raising a puppy is the only way to tame him special ability: depending on the colors of your oxalaia, your illusion ability can have different effects, be it nausea, dizziness or even being drunk without having drunk anything and there are reports of tribes that use oxalaia to stun their enemies and enter their bases.

You can find these guys in forests next tô their nests so keep atention to the ambient to not being ambushed.

update: the oxalaia instead of using the colors to hypnotize the prey it will use the pattern of its candle for the effect to be activated which consumes a lot of stamina and if it is activated for a long time even its rider will feel the effects of its own oxalaia so be careful over time you use the hypnosis skill. Saddle: Your saddle will be crafted at the blacksmith table at level 79 and will use 500 pieces of leather, 200 smelted metals and 40 silica pearls. other skills: in addition to the 40% damage increase if the oxalaia attacks a stunned prey, it can use its hands that cause intense bleeding that cannot be stacked but will give work to large creatures. the oxalaia is also a great swimmer so no remember to take one with you for your underwater explorations where it will have a damage increase if it attacks creatures underwater and its ability will work normally underwater and if the oxalaia faces creatures like spinosaurus, baryonix sarchosuchus and kaprosuchus its damage will be increased by the rivalry that oxalaia has with these creatures.


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The oxalia is one of the largest in the spinosaurus family, while it was i believe smaller than aegypticus, the giga was smaller than the rex so wildcard has no power here. It would be what the spino is to the rex but to the giga and carch. It can stand and walk on all fours like a spino.

appearance: much like the modern representations of spino, tadpole tail less godzilla like but still recognizably related to the spino we know and love (dont have drawing skill, spare money or anyway to show a visible representation)


Claw swipe attack 402 per swipe from a wild level 1, from a tamed level one it is 80 per swipe(i know that sounds bad but hang in with me) this can only be done while standing 1.35 times faster attack speed than the spino swipe attack

The side bash this attack can only be delivered by a saddled oxalia it deals 750 base damage even from a level one but hurts the user for a percentage of their current health starts at 1.5% and does 0.1% more to the user for every 20% moee melee it has, this attack stuns those hit by it, and can break metal and stone with relative ease.

Bite: weak attack delivered from a Oxalia on all fours half as strong as a claw swipe and half the speed.

Tail bash: time to talk about the saddle anyways its saddle has a giant metal spiked wrecking ball on the tail: this attack can only be delivered by an Oxalia with a saddle. It does 1150 base damage from level one and primitive saddle but is very slow, uses a third of the Oxalia’s max stamina, hurts enemy and ally alike if it doesnt connect with something it will loop back around and hit the oxalia, this stuns the oxalia for 10 seconds, deals 50% the damage it was going to do to the target to the oxalia dismounts the rider. It breaks metal, your enemies bones and your own, also it stuns enemies.

Oxalia’s Shriek: much like the blood roar of the carch and the yuty roars this is a status effect roar. It gives nearby friendly dinos to get the Hydration buff even if they normally cant. This can also fear roar certain dinos, baryonyx, spino, sarco, kapro maybe even rex? This roar uses a third of the oxalia’s max stamina.

Eviscerator attack: armor piercing attack, oxalia sinks its claws into the foe and drags them until it has lost 2.5%? Of its own max stamina, this consumes 75 stamina per second, and from level 1 wild it deals 150 damage per second(wild oxalia only can do it for 5 seconds dont worry) and 75 damage per secthis attack completely ignore armor including stegos and titanosaurs, but not other oxalia, giga and carch.

the saddle: it has a spiked wrecking ball on the tail, its sides have many metal plates , almost like an armored spino saddle i can also imagine a very small platform near the seat.



level 1 stats wild

Health: 50,000

stamina: 800

oxygen: 5350

food: 4000

weight: 630

melee: 100%

tamed level 1 stats

Health 2,500

stamina: 800

oxygen: 3500

food: 4000

weight: 630

melee: 20%

Taming the Oxalia:

trap it with whatever design your chose, hit it with a chain bola in the legs, feed it narcotic, after this it will roar causing rallying nearby carnivores to attack you, it will only summon 3 and they will be anywhere from raptor to rex strength, kill them and return to the taming, repeat the process of chain bola-ing, narcotic feeding and defending until it knocks when it knocks it wont rally any creature on that feed, then put food in its inventory, preferably mutton, prime fish, prime meat or exceptional-extraordinary kibble. Their torpor doesnt drop until they are knocked out unless they are de-rendered in which it drops fast. When knocked its about medium torpor drop speed.

locations large, dangerous rivers snd larger swanps.

i made this without knowledge of this original post so it went down a whole new path.

Please do leave feedback and suggestions in the replies.


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My idea is a Brazilian dinosaur, the Oxalaia Quilombensis 

Name: Oxalaia Quilombensis Temperament: Neutral Diet: Carnivore Domestication: Passive Period: Cretaceous 

Wild: Oxalaia Quilombensis is smaller than Spinosaurus but larger than Baryonyx. Being very fast on land, it ends up being difficult to escape from one when provoked. Their jaws have teeth that cause wounds that are difficult to heal and slow down prey. Its skin is thick enough to withstand electrical charges from jellyfish and Electrophorus, which makes it common to see it hunting these animals, even though it doesn't swim as well as its cousin Spinosaurus. 

Tamed: When tamed, their fallen scales being very resistant can be used to improve equipment, whether making your ax increasingly sharp, your armor more durable, and your shield more resistant. Its sharp claws and teeth cause a lot of damage, even more so when it consumes high quality fish meat, thus becoming increasingly resistant, and faster.

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Nome: Oxalaia 

espécie: Oxalaia sanguinolentus

Tempo:Cretáceo Superior

Dieta: Piscívoro

Temperamento: Agressivo, territorial


Descrição:Um espinossaurídeo bem interessante, quase do tamanho de um espinossauro e como em aparência, o Oxalaia é muito mais perigoso é só olhar por onde passa deixando um rastro de sangue na água. (Sim uma descrição bem fraquinha mas foi o que eu pensei).  


Doma: Do meio passivo com o com peixe (corpo do peixe) e o deixando perto dele e sair de perto do peixe morto.


Passiva 01 Águas sangrentas: Quando o Oxalaia mata qualquer criatura aquática, tem o dano triplicado. Quanto mais criaturas ele matar, mais tempo a passiva fica.

Passiva 02 Mordida tóxica: Se tiver biotoxina no inventário ele dará torpor por um tempo (só acaba quando não tiver mais biotoxina no inventário).  


Habilidade 01 posição bípede: Poderá ficar apoiando nas pernas.

Habilidade 02 mordida: Uma básica mordida que causa sangramento. 

Habilidade 03 golpe duplo: Dá dois golpes seguidos com as garras que dão sangramento.  

Habilidade bônus Investida: Uma investida que dá sangramento.

Habilidade da sela: A sela da oxigênio por ter cilindros de oxigênio nela.

(Não tenho como mostrar o Oxlaia e a sela porque o arquivo e muito grande =(.... )

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On 20/01/2023 at 19:37, RuanWyvernWolf said:

Nome: Oxalaia 

espécie: Oxalaia sanguinolentus

Tempo: Cretáceo Superior

Dieta: Piscivoro

Temperamento: Agressivo, territorial


Descrição: Um espinossaurídeo bem interessante, quase do tamanho de um espinossauro e como em aparência, o Oxalaia é muito mais perigoso é só olhar por onde passa deixando um rastro de sangue na água. (Sim uma descrição bem fraquinha mas foi o que eu pensei).  


Doma: Do meio passivo com o com peixe (corpo do peixe) e deixando perto dele e sair de perto do peixe morto.


Passiva 01 Águas sangrentas : Quando o Oxalaia mata qualquer criatura aquática, tem o dano triplicado. Quanto mais criaturas ele matar, mais tempo a passiva fica.

Passiva 02 Mordida tóxica : Se tiver biotoxina no inventário ele vai torpor por um tempo (só acaba quando não tiver mais biotoxina no inventário).  


Habilidade 01 posição bípede: pode ficar apoiando nas pernas.

Habilidade 02 mordida: Uma mordida básica que causa sangramento. 

Skill 03 golpe duplo: Dá dois golpes seguidos com as garras que deram sangramento .  

Habilidade bônus investida: Uma investida que dá sangramento.

Habilidade da sela: A sela da oxigênio por ter cilindros de oxigênio nela. 

(Não tenho como mostrar o Oxlaia e a sela porque o arquivo é muito grande =(.... )


Corrigindo um negócio aqui o Oxalaia é um pouco menor do que o espino só me corrigindo.


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On 21/01/2023 at 15:39, matymerty2 said:

Também já fiz uma oxalaia, Mas com um uso diferente vá ver se preferir, Também esta é boa. Pessoalmente prefiro o meu, é mais elaborado mas fica a seu critério vamos fazer:)







Yes, I saw your Oxalaia I found it interesting, it's just that mine is not very elaborate because I didn't think much when it was leaking.

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ARKDEX:O oxalaia tinha de 12 a 14 metros de comprimento, seria um spinossaurideo um pouco menor do que o spinossauro,podia andar de 2 jeitos quadrúpede e bipede

abilidades:Conseguir dar um rugido que deixa tudo ao seu redor com lentidão e deixalos surdos por 7 segundos

Ataque quadrúpede: mordida,rabada empurão

Ataque bipede: mordida,rabada e garrada

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