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Single Player Transfering


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Ive been working on a playthrough of ARK and finally just about beat the island, and was getting ready to move to SE when I noticed any cryopod that touchs an Obelisk instantly breaks upon being taken back out, I dont play on a Cluster and planned to upload everything then simply change the map on this unofficial server. Is there a way to do this easier without renting two server?

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So your question & post title is a bit confusing. One talks about a server and the other talks about single player?

In all events - I am very unsure how transfers work unofficial non cluster servers. I had a go on a map started without clusterID parameters, and I was able to upload items and creatures to the terminal. And I see exactly what you are reporting, when a cryopod (empty or full) is put into the terminal and then pulled out again it immediately goes to zero charge and "broken" status. I seem to remember some moaning about this kind of behavior somewhere in the forums so I guess it may be an unfixed bug that impacts this kind of setup.

Interestingly I was able to load a dino into the terminal, and then download that onto a new clean scorched earth map running on the same server. Quite where this stuff is saved on a single server instance I dunno because I do not see any files local to the server that would indicate "saved" information. I assume it sits in the steam cloud. (Edit - OK this data sits on your local game PC in PlayerLocalData.arkprofile, not the server or "the cloud").

So to answer your question - yes cryopods "break" through the terminal on non cluster configs. However it is possible to run a map, upload dinos, stop the map, run a different map and download those dinos.

The other answer is to make your current map be a cluster (albeit you are not gonna run several maps at once) but putting the "-clusterid=whatEverYouWant" on the startup line in your server, and then have that same cluster ID on the startup line for your new map when you run it. That way ALL transfers work as expected, and the data transferred is saved local to your server. The "catch" with this however is that you lose the ability to "upload survivor" and will have to manually copy your  steamid.arkprofile from the Island Directory to the new Scorched directory.


This is probably worth a bug report - I have searched the forums for this and don't see anything similar, but it is certainly a reproducible "fail"!

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I have no idea if this is relevant, but I think I have been playing on PS4 and I transfer between maps, but mostly via transmitter now. I have had success and failure at the oblisks. I have lost tames and gear when the game crashed right after I downloaded my data items and dinos.  I make sure to just transfer my dinos in a cryopod now as item data transfers seem ok.   But also, I have no idea if the game works as intended now or ever for single player to transfer on a console because I am afraid to lose everything by trying. I saw a video where a dude suggested to exit the game right after uploading the character and then changing maps when you restart the game...being sure to choose the same character and not create a new one. I could swear that when I tried the way it seems the game intends, the game wanted to dump my character and make a new one. 

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