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Update questions?


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I raised babies on berries.  Not sure about meat.  I put meat on a baby but got trigger happy with the meat, and could not tell if it at the first piece, so I added berries and it seemed to eat those over meat.  Will have to try again.

The issue is the babies come out underneath the mother( and so does their poop), and partly under the ground(yikes!), so I had a hard time imprinting it, and got a bit worried about getting food on it; plus was a bit late for the birth.  However, if you berry feed, it eats berries like a blackhole eats a star; just a constant stream of matter going into a tiny space.  Also, after imprinting, mine sort of bounced around a bit until it got from underneath the mother and someplace it could stand, so that was another delay to getting to the inventory and turning off wander and all of the other stuff you have to deal with.

I will try again and see what happens with the meat; give the process more time.


ETA:  When they went to juvenile, they still preferred berries to meat, as I had troughs of both, and meat was the first thing in the trough.

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