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Crafting skill recipe


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Hi all, I've been thinking of making a secondery survivor just for crafting 

I've been looking into making recipes and I understand the mechanics, my question is, 

Is it just the recipe that will get better with a higher crafting skill, or is it each food item you make

I feel like if it's just the recipe, a re spec would be a better option than leveling a second character, but if I'd need to respec every time I made some health brews I fear that would get very tedious

Thanks for the help guys

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The other benefit of crafting skill is crafting items from blueprints though.  Higher crafting skill means you have a chance to make much better items than what the blueprint says.

but if you only want better custom recipes, you only need crafting skill to make the recipe.  Once you have a recipe that says, for example, +1,000 HP, Stam, and Food, then anyone can make food with those stats regardless of crafting skill.

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