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Please check my server settings


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We have small server with friends and Im pretty new to editing it so If there is some kind soul who can answer my questions I will be glad. Im also not native speaker so pardon my troglodite english.

1)I have tried mess with some setings on my server and Im not sure if I put them in right directories so please check it:


in section [ServerSettings]


2) /ShooterGame/Saved/Config/LinuxServer/Game.ini

in section [/Script/ShooterGame.ShooterGameMode]


Is this right locations for this setting?

3) If first two is right do I need to change something about imprinting so intervals between imprinting correspond with BabyMatureSpeedMultiplier=3.0?

If yes what is the right command and which section I need it to add.

Thank you for your answers.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Looks OK except for AutoPvETimer  ... This is in the correct place, but I think you need a couple of more entries to actually make it work.



boolean1 Boolean (true/false) Default = N/A
boolean2 boolean (true/false) Default = N/A
value 0 to 86400 Default = N/A
value 0 to 86400 Default = N/A
Allow switching from PvE to PvP mode at pre-specified in-game times OR a pre-specified real-world (server-side) times! For more detailed information regarding using system time vs. in-game time, please see patch notes 196.0.

bAutoPvETimer must be set to True for these options to be activated.

Introduced in patch 196.0


W R T maturation rates:

I have played with various CuddleInterval settings, but to be honest it takes a long time to grow something and to test the actual impacts of MatureSpeed vs CuddleInterval wasn't something I was prepared to spend days on :)  

If you see that imprinting is NOT working OK, then the setting is BabyCuddleIntervalMultiplier=1.0  and it goes in game.ini with the MatureSpeed setting. Changing the value higher will result in more cuddle requests to achieve 100%, and lower (like 0.5) will require less cuddles to get 100%. For your speed setting of 3 it would make sense to set this at 1/3 or 0.3 in order to balance the speed vs. imprinting. But as I say I have not extensively tested this.

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