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Dire Wolf howl and pack questions.


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According to the wiki, the Dire Wolf howl allows the wolf that howled to "achieve alpha pack boost". However, I'm not sure that this is a part of the mobile version yet, which brings me to your next question. I know that in other versions of the game there are pack bonuses for groups of dire wolves, and that the highest level dire wolf will have the red glow around it, similar to alpha dinosaurs and allosaurs. From my experience in single player, dire wolves (both tamed and in the wild) do not have this red glow, nor do they seem to experience any sort of pack bonus. It is possible that I am incorrect in one of these observations, but that's just what I've noticed. Hopefully someone else can confirm this. Just by the way, I have a group of six tamed dire wolves, and none of them have any icon to indicate that they have a pack bonus, and none of them have the red alpha glow.

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