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Can't Unlock Tek Engrams on Abberation.


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I've been having fun with Abberation on PS4 and I've collected around about 200 element from just the charge station but I just realised that I can't get tek on there. I'm not on a cluster server so i can't go over to the island and defeat the bosses,  so basically i created what took me over 4 days to create and i cant even use it. what is the point in putting down a charge node and create element when you cant even use it on the map?

Can ark just do an update in the future to make it so you can create a tek replicator somehow because you can gather all resources to make it.>:(

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On 12/26/2017 at 8:56 PM, Dantheman44720 said:

rockwell boss is very hard above gamma, probally even on ultra boosted servers. I'm on just a a slightly boosted server. I don't even have a reaper yet cause i don't even know how to get impregnated.

Just look at some youtube videos, there are a bunch on how to get impregnated.

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