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ark lore theory: who doneit?


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so we all think that the arks are a experiment performed by aliens right? well were WRONG. because when you look at all the evidence it becomes clear who the culprit is and why. it was future humans and if you don't believe me this is why: first in the new ending we see three maps of earth. one is pangea, one is now and one is a water less future witch looks like thee large planet at the end cut scene. second the name of the game and stations are ARKS witch hold people and animals to survive when earth dried up. the explanation for the mythical creatures you ask? its future creatures some were fantasy brought to life and set loose on the world other are what life evolved into on earth and to explain dinosaurs i have one idea. the arks double as time capsules. we are being placed on ones that have dinosaurs some arks (under this theory) have only modern wildlife. third and final piece of evidence are the supply drops and obis. no creature on the ARK will use these. aside from humans they left help for us to thrive on these ARKS and gain the technology that the "old ones" had. that is my definitive ARK theory. respond to tell me your thoughts and theorys!

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there are direct clues about it if you decipher codes hanging around last boss area - there isnt a lot of room to wiggle around with "theories".


Also forum search is your friend. This has been discussed several times already.

https://survivetheark.com/index.php?/search/&q=homo deus&type=forums_topic&sortby=relevancy

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Sadly, you would have to buy all DLCs to understand what's going on fully, because there is still last parts of story to tell. Personally, I think aliens helped evolved humans to create those ARKs. Earth was dried up due to lost of ozon layer caused by extreme explosion on Sun or black hole's gamma beam, or Sun being much more older (however, the continents would be different if that was the case) therefore it shines stronger and water is gone. Owing to the fact we have evolved humans, it is safe to assume a lot of time passed and humanity made first contact with alien civilization.

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