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Baby Dinos are still disappearing.

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Baby Dinos are still disappearing.

Anyone else notice Babies disappearing still? Just lost a 185 poison Wyvern and I am screwed because the event ends tommorow. We all know that support will do jackpoop about replacing the Dinos, but devs need to know. The babies seem to disappear after all the members of a tribe leave. This is extremely frustrating. 

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I set down an egg in the sand because we lost loads either disappearing or getting stuck inside foundations and walls...when I laid it down it disappeared into the sand...the egg hatched twins...the red writing was visible but couldn't imprint...went back after a while and they were still there, but showing as adolescent...haven't checked since

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We had 3 wyverns disappear this morning.. I logged in to check food and imprints around 7am (all was good) by 10am they were gone. Whats the point of breeding/taming if all your hard work is wasted. (I know, i accepted these terms and conditions when i bought the game..) Oh and they weren't at baby stage, 1 adolescent and 2 juveniles. Is this still the same issue?

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We found the solution. 

When raising, you need to make sure the baby is far away from everything so it has room to grow. If the baby is up against a wall or near another dino, it will continue to grow until it clips into the structure/dino. Even if it seems like it isn't stuck inside, the game renders that it is because babies are larger than what they appear (hence why you can't walk behind babies that have a tail). If the baby is clipping through a Dino/structure the game will just delete the baby. 

This also explains why nobody has really lost a smaller baby like a ptera. Only ones that have disappeared are large dinos like wyverns and gigas because their frame is larger therefore they will likely raise very close together. 

Tl:Dr space out your dinos when  breeding. We don't have this problem any more 

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2 hours ago, Weatherman said:

We found the solution. 

When raising, you need to make sure the baby is far away from everything so it has room to grow. If the baby is up against a wall or near another dino, it will continue to grow until it clips into the structure/dino. Even if it seems like it isn't stuck inside, the game renders that it is because babies are larger than what they appear (hence why you can't walk behind babies that have a tail). If the baby is clipping through a Dino/structure the game will just delete the baby. 

This also explains why nobody has really lost a smaller baby like a ptera. Only ones that have disappeared are large dinos like wyverns and gigas because their frame is larger therefore they will likely raise very close together. 

Tl:Dr space out your dinos when  breeding. We don't have this problem any more 

While this is a solution to some of the issues my tribe also found that the mechanic of raising them is legitimately bugged. Whenever they enter stasis they lose health at around 1000/hr. We rose a few lower level dragons as a test and let them sit in stasis for awhile. Upon logging back in I found two of the dragons, 1 inside and 1 outside away from all creatures, both with around 100HP and full food. My guess is that it was due to the Valentine's day event and hopefully will go away. It completely crippled my tribe with Wyvern's over the past week.

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15 hours ago, joshbishop93 said:

While this is a solution to some of the issues my tribe also found that the mechanic of raising them is legitimately bugged. Whenever they enter stasis they lose health at around 1000/hr. We rose a few lower level dragons as a test and let them sit in stasis for awhile. Upon logging back in I found two of the dragons, 1 inside and 1 outside away from all creatures, both with around 100HP and full food. My guess is that it was due to the Valentine's day event and hopefully will go away. It completely crippled my tribe with Wyvern's over the past week.

Yea, friends told me that one. Seriously though. I just wanted to raise some creatures and most of them disappeared into thin air. I loved the valentines event, but wished it worked ;-;

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