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High ping when many people play


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Maybe its not a network lag issue (ping) but a server hardware issue since the problem occurs when you have a large amount of people playing.  Generally the more people you have on, the harder the server has to work and the more processing power it takes to run it.

in the game from the console run

setcheatplayer true

and watch the server framerate.  Max is 30.  Thats sort of a rough number you can look at to see how hard your game is working.  If you have issues like a long delay when opening a storage box to when the inventory screen pops up for example, your server frame rate might be low.  Its like lag on your hardware.  Ping is lag on the network (from one machine to another machine)

If you are renting from a server hosting company you might want to contact their support if they specialize in game servers.  If they are a general hosting company then you might need to get a faster server.  Adding SSD's can also help out.

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On 19.11.2016 at 8:34 AM, mndfreeze said:

Maybe its not a network lag issue (ping) but a server hardware issue since the problem occurs when you have a large amount of people playing.  Generally the more people you have on, the harder the server has to work and the more processing power it takes to run it.

in the game from the console run

setcheatplayer true

and watch the server framerate.  Max is 30.  Thats sort of a rough number you can look at to see how hard your game is working.  If you have issues like a long delay when opening a storage box to when the inventory screen pops up for example, your server frame rate might be low.  Its like lag on your hardware.  Ping is lag on the network (from one machine to another machine)

If you are renting from a server hosting company you might want to contact their support if they specialize in game servers.  If they are a general hosting company then you might need to get a faster server.  Adding SSD's can also help out.

I have only SSD in my dedicated server.. More players - more lags.. But i have 250mbps guaranteed bandwidth and nload says me, that incoming/outgoing traffic is only 3mbps.

Thx, i wll try to see on framerate.


9 hours ago, Marcus the Buff said:

What OS are you using? On Windows Server 2012, I had to update the NIC driver to prevent players from being logged out at random. You may want to give that a try.

Debian 8.4 stable (Jessie)


8 hours ago, Kogadins said:

Windows Server 2012 R2 on a dedicated box with i7 @ 3,6GHz each core. 50 players online. Here is how good multi threading works:

multi threading.png

I have normal cpu usage, but sometimes(short time, about 30-60 seconds), game want to use only 1 core and use it on 100% (4.4 ghz)




But what about black screen after player join? In happend after 6-12 hours after server restart. It can be fix only by restart or if character who have black screen - die.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 11/20/2016 at 1:22 PM, Kogadins said:

Windows Server 2012 R2 on a dedicated box with i7 @ 3,6GHz each core. 50 players online. Here is how good multi threading works:

multi threading.png

I suspect this is the dino spawners, I've opened tickets about it but they told me to get a faster proc. So I got the fastest single core clock speed proc available at the time i7 6700k, guess what? Still happens.

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On 11/20/2016 at 10:49 PM, RiasGG said:

I have only SSD in my dedicated server.. More players - more lags.. But i have 250mbps guaranteed bandwidth and nload says me, that incoming/outgoing traffic is only 3mbps.

Thx, i wll try to see on framerate.


Debian 8.4 stable (Jessie)


I have normal cpu usage, but sometimes(short time, about 30-60 seconds), game want to use only 1 core and use it on 100% (4.4 ghz)




But what about black screen after player join? In happend after 6-12 hours after server restart. It can be fix only by restart or if character who have black screen - die.

Had that issue in the past, they can relog and then they are dead and have to respawn. Haven't had this happen lately though.

Make sure you are disabling raw udp sockets also for the random disconnects.

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13 hours ago, RiasGG said:


raw udp disabled..

Yeah so I actually figured out what causing this, we'll see if wildcard will fix it.The reason is not the calculations when people are farming, it's that the networking is single threadedly sending updates with the farming results to the client and not sending updates to the other clients, the same thing happens when a new player joins the server and is loading in big chunks of data for the first time, when a bronto or other high melee dinos farms, etc.

You can test this as an admin with turning on cheat player and farming with a bronto, you'll notice server frames do not drop but everyone will complain about lag, however if someone else farms with a bronto you'll see the frames drop. That's because when you're farming the server is sending updates to you and noone else.

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I also forgot to mention that the dino spawners are in the same thread as the neworking updates as well, that's why when you wipe wild dinos the server seemingly locks up, it didn't it's just that the code never reaches the networking until the spawner code is done doing it's thing.

If wildcard would implement multithreading for networking our servers would run so smooth.

I have packet captures to prove this.

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4 hours ago, CyrusVirothian said:

I also forgot to mention that the dino spawners are in the same thread as the neworking updates as well, that's why when you wipe wild dinos the server seemingly locks up, it didn't it's just that the code never reaches the networking until the spawner code is done doing it's thing.

If wildcard would implement multithreading for networking our servers would run so smooth.

I have packet captures to prove this.

15-18 server fps with 30 players online :o

i7-6700k 4.4 ghz

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  • 2 weeks later...

I had similar issues when I ran ark on i7's and AMD' cpus.  I recently picked up a HP workstation that has a e5-2670 processor and the server runs significantly better.  I've pushed over 70 ppl online concurrently and server framerate is still at 29/30.  Also if your server has very high gather settings you will take a massive performance hit when people are out on large harvesters such as Brontos.  The recent nerf to Brontos may help with this, however, i'd found that as my server evolved and more tribes/people had large harvesters the performance took a hit.  I slowly reduced my gather rate over time. 

It's my personal opinion based on experience that large population servers should limit gather rates to x10 at most.  This could be something u do over time, if you start a new server at say x15 or x20, then as it matures, reduce it.  The lower the better for gather rates.  I personally didn't find many other server settings to have as much an impact as gather rates. 


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