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  1. I have there my top stats Rex and Gigantoraptor. Egg of tuso, Baby Shark, Unicorn, Otter, 6 female Megatherium and ascendant armors. So frustrating my body stock inside
  2. Hi All! Come and say hi to our friendly community and join our cluster we currently have all of the ASA maps and Ark Club! White Shadow Ark Survival Ascended & Ark Survival Evolved Boosted Rates Boosted Breeding Rates PvE In-game Currency Family Friendly Discord Off-line Protection No Wipe Server Australian Server! Any questions feel free to ask! https://discord.gg/whiteshadow
  3. Im fairly new to ark on console and pc I started on mobile and only had 20 to 30 hours ive never beaten a game or a boss in that matter but im looking for people who might be like me or are really good and just have no friends who play. my user is Syrupinspace123 it says im on xbox but thats just the store I bought it from I play on pc NA West but ill play any NA
  4. SALT MINES GAMING Salt Mines Gaming is a new gaming community for people to meet up online and play games. We are a growing community that plans to expand to many online games. Right now we are currently running on our own hardware which includes enterprise grade servers locally owned and operated. Our servers will always remain up with no wipes and with a minimum of hourly backups. You can find our clustered ARK servers by searching SaltMines in the ark server browser. We hope to get to meet some of you amazing individuals in game! ARK Clustered Servers The Island Scortched Earth The Center Svartalfheim Club ARK All of the official maps run derdinofinder All servers have equally slightly modified multipliers that will be updated here Taming Multiplier X4 This advertisement is a work in progress. Thank you to the Survive The Ark team for allowing advertisements and thank you to everyone that took the time to read it. SALT MINES GAMING
  5. I'm looking for PVE tribemates on a fantastic Unofficial Server for Ark Ascended all maps Cross-platform. There is a PVP map you can transfer to if wish to also PVP. Has a constantly active population on all maps. New or experienced players welcome. Already have multiple tribemates scattered on most of the maps from Westcoast to Eastcoast US and EUROPE. Msg me here for more info.
  6. In PVE people should not be able to put items in desert/sea/cave loot as it is a way to troll and prevent others getting endgame items and blueprints since new ones do not spawn. Trolls on our server put items like a primitive spear or one random soup in red loot to prevent others from getting good loot. It's just another griefing method left for malicious players and in PVE you have no recourse to deal with these.
  7. 12 maps PVE x5 cluster, epic store friendly, no mods and no wipe, only few qol plugins like dinotracker and dinostats. Just started on 21.01.24 Servers based in UK. All info on connection and settings can be found on www.dtvproject.co.uk. Welcome allMore clusters (PVP 12 maps x5, classic PVP x5, Ark ASA servers and Primitive+ to start shortly as well)Discord server discord.gg/qWRXUkF
  8. RadonGames is a relaxing cross-platform experience for those who do not have 8 hours a day to play Ark. We want players to be able to enjoy all the aspects of the game without spending 1000 hours to do so. We want to build a community of inclusive and mature players who work together and have as much fun playing Ark as possible. We encourage player suggestions and feedback as well and will use it to build the best experience possible. We are considering adding pvp versions of each map as well but this will be based on public opinion and the pve servers will remain pve. Maps (PvE) - The Island - Scorched Earth - The Center We Will Be Adding All Official Maps As They Are Released. Transfers Between Maps Is Allowed and Encouraged. The Rates On Our Server Are Reasonably Fast As This Server Is Made With Those In Mind Who Cannot Play All Day Every Day. We Encourage Breeding As Well. Rates - 3.0x XP - 3.0x Taming Rate - 3x Harvest/Mining Multiplier and 40x Crop Growth Speed - 100x Egg Hatch Rate - 200x Maturation Rate - 0.005x Baby Cuddle Interval (Subject To Change) - 0.5x Egg Lay Interval - 0.01x Mating Interval Other Info - Item and Dino Transfers Enabled (Tributes And Element Are Not As This Is Prevented By Game) - No Wipes - 2X stack sizes - Crossplay enabled for Steam, Xbox and PS5 You're welcome to join our server but please also join our Discord to make sure you don't miss out on any important announcements. All Players From All Platforms Are Welcome. Invite Link Is Below https://discord.gg/YgpCZ8FxFT
  9. Welcome to Vengeance of Iguanas! 🎮 Embark on an epic survival adventure on our exclusively owned and operated PVE Ark Survival Ascended server. No rentals here; we own our server to guarantee a stable and tailored gaming experience. As we now host Scorched Earth, prepare to explore harsh deserts and conquer new challenges. What We Offer: 🌎 Privately Owned Server: Experience smooth gameplay on our dedicated server. 🎉 Engaging Community Events: Participate in regular game & movie nights, holiday events, and special challenges. 🌟 Active, Inclusive Community: Join fellow gamers aged 18 and above, united by a passion for gaming. 🚀 Exclusive Server Settings: Tailored settings for XP, taming, mating intervals, imprinting, egg hatch speed, maturation speed, and more to enhance your gameplay. 🧰 Technical Support: Our dedicated technical support team ensures a seamless gaming experience. 🎲: Event-Driven Gameplay: Enjoy organized events for dinosaur taming, races, boss fights, and other exciting activities. Key Features: ⭐ Thriving Community: Join fellow gamers over 18 for regular game nights, boss battles, and holiday events. 🎉Engaging Community Events: Participate in regular game & movie nights, holiday events, and special challenges. 🚀 Privately Owned Server: Enjoy consistent, reliable gameplay hosted on our dedicated server. 🌎 Crossplay Enabled: Connect with players across PC, PS5, and Xbox. 🧰 Custom Server Settings: Enhanced settings for an optimized gaming experience—150 Max Wild Dino, 250 Tame limit per tribe, and more. Current Modifications to our Server: Mating Interval: 20 x speed Imprinting: 1 time imprinting to 100% Egg Hatch speed: 10 x speed Maturation Speed: 40 x speed Item Stacking: 3x 🖥️: Tech Support: Dedicated support team on hand to assist with any technical needs. Welcome Center: Welcome to the Server! Starting fresh or new to our server? Visit our Welcome Center, where new players can pick up a small starter kit to help you get settled. We will meet up with you to invite you to join our clan, or you can choose to create your own. If you decide to start your own clan, please remember that this is a PvE server—raiding is not permitted. You are welcome to build a house in the communal area. We recommend having a small home or room for yourself to store any personal items you do not wish to share. The communal area is for shared items, blueprints and resources available to all clan members. Reach out to active members if you need help gathering, taming or just to chill! We have members with varying levels of experience that can offer support and exciting experiences. How to Join: https://discord.gg/fybypzZCab Reach out to our Ark Team lead meacha20 Read and accept the rules of the discord
  10. ZARK.FUN PVE Servers: Ark: Survival Ascended CrossArk Cluster (you can travel between maps) ⭐ ZARK.FUN [The Island x10] [CrossPlay REWARDS] ⭐ ZARK.FUN [The Center x10] [CrossPlay REWARDS] ⭐ ZARK.FUN [Scorched Earth x10] [CrossPlay REWARDS] ⭐ ZARK.FUN [Aberration x10] [CrossPlay REWARDS] - COMING SOON Rates: 10 × Taming 10 × Harvesting 0.1 × Mating Interval 10 × Maturation 10 × Hatching 0.1 × Cuddle Interval 10 × Imprinting Mods list: QoL+ S-Dino Variants Dwarven Builders Svartalfheim Armory Easy Transferable Element Awesome Teleporters! Awesome Spyglass! GameServerApp Pelayori's Cryo Storage Automated Dino Wipes Any Colour Sets Admin Panel Community Website - https://zark.fun/ Dinos/Items Shop - https://zark.fun/shop Join our DISCORD - https://discord.gg/vmE5BBkDMC Hey gamers, welcome to our multi-language servers! We're all about being friendly to new and young players, but we won't tolerate any assholes. So, if you're looking for a fun and safe place to play, you've come to the right place! 1. We believe in helping each other out, so ask for help and give help back. 2. Don't be a thief, stealing is not cool. 3. Be mindful of our young users, they need to be protected. 4. Absolutely no griefing allowed, but if you need more info, join our Discord and we'll help you out. 5. We believe in freewill on our server, so no one can make you be quiet. And lastly, no blocked spots, let's keep it fair for everyone. BattleMetrics Scorched Earth BattleMetrics The Center BattleMetrics The Island
  11. Hi, everyone. So after being excited to play after purchasing ASA, ready to get building and taming like many other players, I found myself, also like other players no doubt, completely disappointed and frustrated by the amount of unnecessary Pillaring and land grabbing on official PVE servers by these players who have some sort of entitlement issue to fulfil. I understand this is a problem on PVP too but of course more with PVE servers, this issue needs to be addressed and the fact this is still an ongoing issue is ridiculous to say the least, it’s completely game breaking for many players. Let’s just put it this way, the servers I logged onto were so clogged with pillars I couldn’t even build a 1x1 Dino trap in most places let alone a decent base. So, It got me thinking about how this could be dealt with so new PVE players can actually login and enjoy the game and those who want to exploit pillars can’t do that. This is of course just a suggestion in which I’m sure elements of this or maybe even a lot of it has already been suggested before but it needs to be raised again for sure because ASA has so much potential to be a great game but this just ruins it. I’d love to hear your thoughts on it and any other suggestions for this issue of course because for me I find the game unplayable like this and that’s without the Dino cap limit right now and optimisation issues. Please read through the whole suggestion before replying. A single (free) dedicated plot area for each player ACCOUNT not character Ok, so I know an area plot idea has been suggested before and others have said how it could be implemented but here’s how I think it could work. Once logging onto a server, you head to the location you’d like to build, if it’s clearly empty, you craft your first foundation to place, some have suggested a flag for this purpose, and as you press to place the first object, the map opens to show you the plot area which once item is placed, now belongs to you, that’s your land. If it overlaps with another player plot then it will not allow you to place the object/flag to claim that land so you’d have to move on or adjust placement. However, the area size is level based, just an example but Lvl 1-50 is small, lvl 51-85 is medium and Lvl 86+ is large this gives a more rewarding feeling if you know you can upgrade and build a larger base the more you level up. Of course before placing a plot flag or foundation the game would need to take into account the largest area size limit not to block an expansion as you level. You cannot build anything outside of that area, that is yours but bare with me as I have thought of some exceptions for this and how they would work which I will explain later in my post but first the issue with those who want additional plots. Possible PAID additional player area plots 2-3, 1 free 2 paid(?) max per ACCOUNT not character Of course there are players who only want one base which is why one free plot is available to all players but Again this next part is just a suggestion, don’t jump down my throat. So, you may be thinking, “why are you suggesting paid content for something I already paid for?”. Well, like mods will be paid for in ASA now, I’m happy and maybe others would be too, to pay a bit extra for additional content/privilages which are beneficial to my enjoyment of the game, and just think, all of that additional revenue can go towards improving ASA for everyone, I think personally that if a player wants to build multiple building plots then you could unlock these by paying either a fair one off fee or a smaller monthly subscription fee in which these paid plots would have double the decay time but if the base does decay or you want to move you can pickup replace your second or third area plot flag somewhere else so there’s no paying over and over for these. So every player gets a free plot but players can then choose if they want additional plots. This of course would be locked to to steam/xbox/nintendo/ps account and not the character so players can spam creating multiple characters just for free plots. This I think would in turn reduce the amount of overall small huts, spawn blockers and pillars because you can only build in those plot areas you own (max 3) and unless you want to pay good money just to place pillars then it’s your wasted money not someone’s enjoyment of the game. This could also stop people pointlessly blocking large areas of land for no reason such as the volcano etc. the block would be coming out of your pocket so joke would be on you and you’d just be trolling yourself financially for no gain. Building outside of your plot area: traps, rafts and platform saddles Ok, so I know some of you are probably wondering how you are meant to build Dino traps or rafts if you can’t build outside of your plot area. Well, here’s what I think could work. I have two ideas. ASA could implement, unlockable via levelling, prebuilt dino traps for small, medium and large Dinos. These can be placed outside of your build area for a maximum time of (insert Dino with highest tame time) which then auto decays after this or depending on which Dino you trap, auto decays when the Dino inside has been successfully tamed. These traps can only be placed one per however many meters and if not used will auto decay in an hour maybe even half that time if no Dino is inside being tamed. That’s my first idea, the second is ASA implementing a small, medium and large Dino trap custom blueprint unlocked via levelling. We all have our favourite ways to build traps so how this works is, you build your custom trap which has a build limit for a small, medium or large Dino and then it can be saved as a blueprint using the unlocked item maybe a scanner sort of device, it then works like the other trap idea where it can be placed but only for a certain amount of time and then decays, or when the Dino is tamed, maybe even allow other players to build traps next to each other because after a certain time they will decay anyway or maybe have traps not abide by plot areas within a certain distance and if a trap is placed near another base it’s timer is halved unless a Dino is being a rocky tamed. I thought maybe The small and medium traps from either the first or second idea can both snap to the raft for easy raft traps. As for those who want to build on rafts and platform saddles, have them work in a way that they have vastly reduced auto decay timers if outside your initial plot areas or if they aren’t being used. This helps stop players leaving raft bases everywhere and also gives them incentive to travel back to their main base with their raft or platform saddled Dino. Same could work for players leaving tamed Dinos everywhere give them vastly reduced decay timers if outside the main base plot area. Again, this is Incentive to not leave your tames lying around or they’ll be gone when you log back in after a set period of time.. but then with tames Dinos left in the wild I don’t think there’s an issue with letting us build near them to begin with. Anyway.. So, those are my suggestions on the Pillering issue, I’m sure there will be players that say “play unofficial” which isn’t a fix and I’m sure there are pros and cons to the suggestions I made but I’d love to hear what you think, what could work what wouldn’t but please, if you think they could work upvote this post so we can get it to the devs, I just want to be able to join a server and play not be blocked at every turn by selfishness or people thinking they have the right to police official servers. ASA has such great potential and a long life ahead of it but this should be available for everyone that wants to play, PVP/PVE Official, or otherwise. Thanks for reading… if you did! 😂
  12. Come join the fun with this established and friendly gaming community! The Gaming is Life community has a PROGRESSIVE PvE Ark: Survival Ascended cluster where you have to work through each map and beat bosses to earn access and advance to the next story map! Search for the starting server "Gaming is Life: The Island" or the non-canon map "Gaming is Life: The Center" Cluster Settings: 3x Tame 3x Harvest 1x Experience 10x Maturation 0.1x Mating Interval Gaming is Life Discord: https://discord.gg/N3hx8qT6k4 Visit the Discord channel to find out what other servers we have/games we play!
  13. Create. Survive. Welcome to ARK n' ART! https://ark-n-art.carrd.co 🦕 WHAT IS ARK n' ART? ARK n' ART is a small project with a creative community, and we're excited to have you as a member! Whether you want to draw or game, there's a place for you here. Enjoy your stay, and we'll see you around! 🎨 WHO ARE YOUR CONTENT CREATORS? ARK n' ART is a creative space that allows for content creators all upcoming, small, and established to grow their channel. Opportunities for collaboration also exist among our creators, so feel free to ask! 👀 SOUNDS COOL! HOW DO I GET INVOLVED? ARK n' ART is a free-to-play server cluster that requires an application in order to gain access. We want to know who you are, what you plan to do, and just get a general vibe. After that, everything is open! 🌐 Website - https://ark-n-art.carrd.co 🔗 Discord - https://discord.gg/8hdhBcfhzu
  14. Welcome to the Extinction! This server aims to challenge survivors in a modded experience without burdening them with a tremendous amount of poorly made mods or rates that are too low to play unless you're a hardcore fanatic. With mods from Ark Additions to HG Stacking, we are able to create our own unique circumstances and events to play with on the server! The Extinction is meant for a long-term playthrough meaning the server will not be wiped. Scorched Earth and The Center are both available to play with more maps on the way. As the community grows, the server does too! Server information 📰 Server name: [NA-East] The Extinction Hx4 XPx2 Tx8 Search `[NA` with "show player servers" checked in order to find it! IP address: - Server host: Nitrado, hosted in Miama, FL Discord code: nqzrwNJC6V ARK ASCENDED No wipe Maps 🗺️ Scorched Earth The Center Aberration (release @ 45 Discord members!) All DLC map goals TBD Settings ⚙️ 4x Harvesting 2x EXP 3x Loot crate quality 3x Fishing loot quality x0.1 Breeding cooldown x40 Egg hatch rate x30 Maturation x2 Per level stat increase Max wild dino lvl 150 Friendly fire enabled Flyer carry PvE enabled Cave flyers enabled Cave building enabled Anyone can imprint Floating damage text enabled Mods (No Premiums) 🦖 Additions Ascended: Acrocanthosaurus Additions Ascended: Deinotherium Additions Ascended: Deinosuchus Additions Ascended: Archelon Additions Ascended: Helicoprion Additions Ascended: Brachiosaurus TG Stacking 1000-90 Aussie Additions: Diamantinasaurus No Untameables Shiny! Dinos Ascended Awesome Teleporters Awesome Spyglass Pelayori's Cryo Storage Utilities Plus Dear Jane Pull it! Custom Dino Levels Ark Nucleus Improved Phoenix Dino+ (Nanny, Hatchery) Draconis Glaucus Moros Tylosaurus MarniiMods Hairstyles Mutations Structures TBA Mods ❓ Kraken's Better Dinos (Not cross platform) We are always open for suggestions on mods to add, settings to change, or anything else! Please join the Discord so we can better communicate and so you can learn the rules! We may not have many but they are important to follow :]
  15. Can u guys fix this issue ive been waiting since December for it to be fixed
  16. HI soo i didn't play in like a month and when i tryed to joind the server wont load i tryed to reinstall the game and still nothing work please i need help to make the game work i need to feed my dinos my trib want to leave the game
  17. the 5365 server was restarted to apply the v47.2 update when the server was turned back on... all my safes... cryofridges... refrigerators. and dinos inventory were empty... the same problem occurred with everyone on the server. not just me... we lost practically everything. we ask for a rollback to before the v47.2 update to recover our stuff,
  18. **Willkommen bei Paradise Ark!** Bist du bereit für ein episches Abenteuer? Tauche ein in die aufregende Welt von Paradise Ark, deinem neuen Lieblingsserver für Ark: Ascended! **Server-Einstellungen:** - **Map:** The Center - Weitere Maps werden später hinzugefügt. - **Erfahrungspunkte:** x5 - Schneller leveln und neue Fähigkeiten freischalten! - **Ernte:** x5 - Ressourcen im Handumdrehen sammeln! - **Zähmen:** x5 - Baue schneller deine Dino-Armee auf! - **Brut:** Erhöht - Züchte schneller und effizienter! - **Tribe-Größe:** Maximal 5 Mitglieder - Perfekte Balance zwischen Teamwork und Herausforderung! - **Größe:** 20 Slots - Bei voller Auslastung werden die Slots erhöht. **Warum Paradise Ark?** - **Aktive und freundliche Community,** die immer bereit ist zu helfen. - **Regelmäßige Events** und spannende Herausforderungen. - **Engagiertes Admin-Team** sorgt für faire Spielbedingungen und schnellen Support. **Unsere Mods:** - **Shiny:** Spawnt zufällig shiny Dinos, die gezähmt werden können. - **Dino Finder:** Fügt einen Button hinzu, mit dem ihr Dinos finden könnt. - **Gryphons:** Fügt Griffons hinzu. - **Cyrus Critters:** Fügt die Jump Spiders hinzu. - **Greenhouse Glass Fix:** Behebt den Bug mit dem Gewächshausglas. - **Auto Engrams:** Schaltet alle Engramme deines entsprechenden Levels sofort frei. - **Desmodus:** Fügt Desmodus hinzu. - **Public Train:** Ein öffentlicher Zug kann erstellt werden. - **Carcha:** Fügt den Carcha hinzu. Starte jetzt dein Abenteuer und werde Teil der Paradise Ark-Familie. Schließe dich uns an und erlebe Ark: Ascended wie nie zuvor! **Verbinde dich jetzt:** - **Server-Name:** Paradise Ark - **Server-IP:** - **Join uns auf Discord:** [ https://discord.gg/r27UmAKkAv ]
  19. Running both current ASA maps on a cluster setup on dedicated hardware up 24/7 Morbid Cluster PVE - Island - 3x Xp/Gathering 4x Taming Morbid Cluster PVE - SE - 3x Xp/Gathering 4x Taming Morbid Cluster PVE - The Center - 3x Xp/Gathering 4x Taming LAUNCHED - 5/10 New cluster - Looking for fun & mature players to come join in on the fun! https://discord.gg/Zqfmrhrb9k MODS: Dino+ QoL+ TG Stacking U+ Awesome Spyglass Net Projectiles Egg Collector Jerky and Spoil Bins Primal Egg Incubator Custom Dino Levels(150 Max) Trying to keep mods minimal - will be open to adding more - accepting mod requests Hoping to see some new faces in here soon
  20. Newly Created Ark Survival Ascended Crossplay Server "The Nexus Ark" LFPlayers. Using The Center Map. Privately Owned, Free, Modded and Nitrado free. No password needed for login and Discord server available if desired. Server is PVP and focused on survival, building, bosses and endgame with a reduced grind. We all have lives, jobs and families so we have reduced hatching times, increasing taming speed, bumped up resources some, and other tweaks that mean you dont have to spend an entire day preparing to just tame a dino down the hill. Come join "The Nexus Ark"
  21. 🪷 **The Dino Kingdom [UK/EU] Hx5 Xpx2 Tx8 Bx62** 🪷 You looking for a server with a Fun and Primitive feeling? **i got you!** 👀 our server has over 50+ new land dino's and 10+ water dino's and creatures + Over 300+ custom recipes and items! -> we are running a 3 server cluster with the center and scorched earth and premium svartalfheim! 🔥 ✅ Rates: - Harvest 3.5x - Dino Harvest 5x - Xp 2x - Taming 8x - Breeding is always on a 1 Hour cooldown timer! We want breeding to be a Huge part of the server so it feels rewarding getting that color you want or upping your favorite dino's stats! ✅ Server stats: - Boosted loot crates - Character stats are boosted! - Player Level Cap: 135 Wild Dino Level Cap: 150 Shiny Dino's Level Cap: 200 - Tamed dinos: **HP** is 2x, **stam** is 2x, **weight** is 3x, **move-speed** is 2.5X ✅ Mods: - Paleo ARK - Evolution | Apex Predators (EVO Dinos) 👑 - some of the Additions ascended 🪐 - The Sunken World Additions 🐟 - Eocarcharia 🐉 - Sivatherium 🦕 - Meraxis 😈 - Big AL's Carcha 🦖 - Gryphons 🦋 - Tek Critters ⚙️ - Arkology ⛩️ - S-dino variants 🔷 - Muchstuff 🧱 - Marnii's Hairstyles 💈 - Gaia potions 🫧 - Automated Ark 🤖 - Dwarven Builder Mod 🛠️ - Arkitect Structures Remasterd ⚒️ - Imbue and Upgrade Station ⏫ - Der Dino Finder 🔍 - TeleportersASA 🌎 - Awsome Spyglass 👀 - Egg Collector 🥚 - Gaia Potions's 🍸 - Qol+ 🤝 - Shiny Dino's ⭐ +MORE! Discord: https://discord.gg/pSkD3MHzTc
  22. on singleplayer when i enter caves it crashes immediately nd now I can't login it crashes so much please fix it
  23. Hello! Welcome to Season 2 of Glyph RP's new Campaign. NEW SEASON LAUNCHED SATURDAY, MAY 11TH AT 1:00PM EST! Looking for a new server to call home? Well Look no further! New to RP? No problem! This is a perfect server to start honing your newfound love. Enjoy a refreshing, immersive and unique experience that caters to almost all RP styles while allowing you to curate your character to your desires. What do we bring to the table? Ark is considered one of the best sandbox games full of so much potential. We wanted to tap into that potential and provide an experience to help you get away from it all. We realize that ARK is a game where people come to have fun after a long day of work/school so we drive to make it a fun experience for everyone. Our server is ultimately for an immersive experience full of RP potential and we heavily configured the server to do just that. Start off in a brand new world with so many potential avenues that are altered by your character's decisions. A world that is curated around our evolving storyline with plenty to explore and do. That’s not all! Our server is heavily customized to make it very unique. Think of it as a new RPG game running inside of the ARK Game Engine. All creature spawns are custom. Resources spawns have been revamped. The ways to gain certain creatures has changed. There’s many world quests all throughout the world for you to complete to gain creatures or items. Not to mention custom spawn points, a fully fleshed out character customization method, starting questlines, reputation systems and more. Ever want to head to a mine and farm materials to sell? Well now you can! How about deep diving into dungeons to find that precious loot? Go ahead. Protect your village from pirates and bandits! Become a member of the council and influence the lands Trust us when we say that's not all. Our goal here is to have a non-restrictive and fluid role-play experience for you. We provide you with additional avenues to take your character with guilds, magics, jobs and more without restricting you to template classes. All you have to do is pick out what you want to do! There’s a reason why Glyph RP is now known to have such a high player retention rate. Our staff team works around the clock to make sure player engagement and character development stays top notch! We regularly hit the top 10 of ARK Servers in the world, consistently have 60+ people on every evening during Peak RP times and work to keep constant rotating content to keep you engaged every step of the way. We appreciate your interest in our server! Hopefully this is a start to a wonderful friendship! For details about our server please visit https://glyphrp.com ! Our Lore Well, there's quite a good bit of lore as we're establishing a fantasy universe here at Glyph. However, take a look at the storyline of Atta and more here! https://glyphrp.com/lore Server Info Server Name: Glyph RP: Campaign 3, Season 2: ParanoiaDiscord Link: https://discord.gg/glyphrp Website Link: https://glyphrp.com/ Mod List: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3212513557 The core mechanics that make ARK, well ARK. Plus a few features that are useful for core gameplay. 3x EXP 3x Harvesting 4x Taming - Immersive Taming 6x Breeding Interval, 16x Growth Rate, Imprint/Growth in Soul Traps Server Name: Glyph RP Campaign 3, Season 2: Paranoia Map: Lost Island Official DLCz Gamemode: PvP/PvE Voice RP Friendly: Yes Text RP Friendly: Yes Fliers: Yes past month 1 Loot Crates: Obtained through treasure chests, events, dungeons, etc. Non-standard ark loot crates, overhauled to contain gold, kibble, trophies and other goodies. Technology Level: Smithy Tier Custom Character Creation Custom world developed by our dev team How to begin your journey! First, read our website! It'll have all the information about our server https://glyphrp.com and then join our Discord! It will give you detailed information about our server, from plugins to server rules. You'll have to do a short application to get whitelisted. However it is our goal to get you in as quickly as possible. We understand your time is important to you and you just want to play ARK. So expect a whitelist notification very quickly. You'll be able to join immediately. No waiting till next restart here! https://discord.gg/glyphrp [Also as far as I know there has been no add posts for this server since 2023. Let me know if I'm violating any ad rules though please.]
  24. I feel like there should be small tribes modded pve official servers. The purpose for this would be for people who try to solo or have 1 other person and they can enjoy the game a bit more with higher rates. After playing all of ASE in a 2 man tribe there's really not much motivation to play ASA official servers again with such a hard grind. Even if the rates were higher like the arkpocalypse servers but the map never wiped that would work too.
  25. I think I'm finally done. almost 7k hours in ASE and 700hrs in ASE . They finally broke me.
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