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Hello Survivors, Welcome to your latest edition of the Community Crunch and Digest 41! ARK Digest 41 Here is our question and answer session with Lead Designer, Lead Programmer, Co-Creative Director of ARK: Survival Evolved, and Co-Founder of Studio Wildcard: Jeremy "Drake" Stieglitz! Survivor, psychosaurus409 asks, “so the tlc patch... whats that mean for the old Sarcosuchus?” Survivor, ImpureFrost asks, “With the kaprosuchus, will it actually ambush? And Will the Kaprosuchus have a disguise feature like the rock elemental in scorched earth?” Survivor, zForgottenAngel asks, “Any plans on adding more Wyvern types? Like ice, or I saw one person suggest oil and I think that would be kinda neat. Water would be a good addition I think, too.” Survivor, zForgottenAngel asks, “Will mutations maybe introduce (eventually) size differences in some dinos? Like some grow up bigger or be a runt (especially in cases of twins or triplets)? There's all sorts of very large skeletons lying around and I personally would love to ride on a Rex that big.” Survivor, deadmentellno asks, “can you please add a server option to allow you to breed wyverns” Survivor, Trappel22 asks, “For the procedurelly generated arks: how exactly are we going to have influence on them? Are we going to be able to choose what biomes we want on our ark or how many caves? And are those arks going to be completely infinite? Because I would wonder where to place the 3 obelisks then? Would be nice to get some deeper look into that nice system of procedurelly generated arks as they're going to drop next patch” Survivor, Trappel22 asks, “With the rock elemental are we going to see some more "elementals" ? Maybe a water/fire one?” Survivor, Bacon8RColby asks, “Right now it is pretty difficult to see the UI and small details in Splitscreen even with the new resolution update. In addition to that I also feel that because of additional on screen items such as text remove some of the vertical space leaving us with what feels like this very narrow squinty experience. My thought was to give an option to switch between a horizontal and vertical split screen experience. That way if there are people that like how it is can keep it that way but others like myself and my wife can switch it to vertical and enjoy the game better that way. I also feel like this would fit better with your current crafting/inventory UI without having to do a major overhaul on that. I hope you consider this one!” Survivor, Squidge Meister asks, “Any chance of us seeing a few more alpha variations on Scorched Earth, such as an Alpha Mantis that can fly? If you're feelin' sadistic, an Alpha Vulture would be tortuous.” Survivor, DrakeHunter asks, “Again with the recently released Bee Dossier, with it's methods of taming the bee involving the queen herself does this mean it might offer future possibilities for taming another hive-minded insect, the Titanomyra by simply taming the Queen Titanomyra to be able to use her Drones and Soldiers at the players will?” Survivor, Leika asks, “Is there any plans to updated/add to the players animations/emotes and sounds? For a game with such amazing dino animations the players are so comical. Would love it if my chick didn't sound like a dude most of the time lol.” Survivor, BreakMeDown4 asks, “What kind of implementations do you see being made to diseases? Can we expect them to play a much more prevalent role once they're completely mapped out in the final version of the game?” Survivor, Cataclisto asks, “Can you add messages to tribe logs with information about uploads? Example: Bob uploaded tame "Mothy - lvl 100" (lymantria)!” Survivor, Mendoza asks, “Can we get the ability to make .PNT painting files into blueprints for sharing with other players in game?” Survivor, Mendoza asks, “Can we get the Ambient Sounds having it's own volume slider separate from the SFX volume slider? I'd like to be able to more clearly hear the environmental sounds like the ocean or wind ect, but not hear loud swings from my axe or dinos. Could we also get a separate volume slider for dino footsteps so I can better hear large predator dinos like the silent T-Rex?” Survivor, Lowly asks, “When is crafting efficiency going to equate to random chance at crafting higher grade items, I can have 500% crafting efficiency and still only make 100% default items like torches” Survivor, RandChaos asks, “Power on Scorched Earth greatly limits viable build locations, not because of refrigerators but because of high tech gadgets such as the chemistry table needing to be powered to run. Given that it is a desert environment, an official Solar Panel that works only during the day (excluding times when there are storms) would be great. Combined with the Wind Turbines for night power would greatly help the power situation while still keeping the spirit of power being imperfect alive. Any chance of this happening?” Survivor, Lowly asks, “Can you rework the training dummy, so it can hold any armor and any saddle, so we can see in game numbers of how an apprentice rex saddle reduces incoming damage compared to primitive.” Survivor, Doublee313 asks, “Can you please confirm that we are able to use the difficulty mods on The Center? This has been a quite popular question since we love these difficulty mods, but were told it's hard coded for The Center. Can you confirm this is still hard coded or fixed so we can use these mods and set the DiffilcultyOffset to 1.0? This gives us the options to make the server low/medium/hard and it works great on The Island.” Survivor, Ike24 asks, “Will you make fire wyverns the secondary spawn in the dragon arena instead of ptreras and dimorphs?” Survivor, Scriffignano asks, “Can we get an option to have flyers follow us and stay grounded? I'm getting tired of chasing birds all the time.” Survivor, DinoHunterExtreme asks, “Could you please give the new items ID numbers? Having to type the blueprint path of a new item is a huge hassle just to spawn it. (And if you play on Xbox sometimes items blueprints have "illegal characters so that hour long command just disappears ex. bone")” Survivor, TEM187 asks, “A while back you gave us the Dire wolf, and just recently you released Allosaurus. Since the Allo has the pack-boost, when could we plan on seeing the Dire wolf get this boost as well?” Survivor, Poseidon888 asks, “would you consider adding a "general" kibble that wouldn't require eggs at all but would be more effective than prime meat and less effective than their preferred kibble? Perhaps one for carnivores and one for herbivores” ARK: Evolution Event PART TWO! Note for those reading after the Digest edition, this event is now over ;). After the massive feedback we received in support of Evolution Events, we’ve decided to run another! And it’s live NOW! Through the weekend the Official ARK Network will be affected by an Evolution Event! Survivors playing this weekend will get to experience the following bonuses: 2x Harvesting Rate 2x Taming Rate 2x EXP Rate So be sure to log in and enjoy the increased rates whilst you can! We're considering running these fairly frequently, perhaps every weekend or every other weekend - with some variation of course. Please continue giving us your feedback and let us know what other Evolution Events you'd like to see! How about some Harvest Famine? ARK: SotF - September Survivor League Championship! The ARK: Survival of the Fittest September Survivor League Championship matches will take place from 11 am EST to 2 pm EST on Saturday, 8th of October, with a bounty of more than $65,000 in prizes to the winners! The Survivors who have qualified for the event are listed here: The championship games will be shout casted by typeForced! We invite all ARK fans, and the newly curious, to come watch the epic battles at that time on our Twitch channel: To those competing: may fortune smile upon you, brave Survivors! And may the fittest survivor be victorious! Hope we have an awesome Championship and get to see some great games! ARK: SotF - Last Man Standing! Studio Wildcard is also sponsoring a second tournament this weekend. The tournament will be run using a Survival of the Fittest mod created by community member Katti. The event will be streamed on Twitch on Sunday, October 9th 2016 at 11am EST by Davnell: Different than the Survivor League, Last Man Standing uses tribes of 5 and will consist of three 1.5 hour matches where points are awarded for tribe survival placement (10 points for 1st, descending by 1 point for each successive position, 0 points for 11th place and below). The highest points accumulated points at the end of the three matches wins! You can subscribe to the mod here: Prize Pool: 1st place: 2500 USD (5x500 USD) 2nd Place: 1250 USD (5x250 USD) 3rd Place: 750 USD (5x150 USD) 4th Place: 500 USD Steam gift cards (5x100 USD cards) 5th Place: Scorched Earth keys (x5) It's going to be a fun-filled weekend, so be sure to tune in Saturday and Sunday to see these tournaments play out. ARK: SotF - Naughty or Nice! The special SotF Gamemode known as Naughty or Nice made its official return as a new Total Conversion last Saturday! We put the best survivors to the test in an epic 100 versus 100 battle over the course of 2 and a half hours. If you haven’t had a chance to watch the game, you can do so here and check out the awesome finale: As for how the game ended… SPOILER WARNING Congratulations to Team Naughty, what a turnaround it was! As this was a charity event, Studio Wildcard will be donating a total of $10,000 to five charities selected by the winners. The winning team will also be awarded 100$ Steam Gift Cards for their efforts [and they’re on the way, just waiting for Valve’s delivery ;)]. It’s now available as a Public Total Conversion, so check it out here! ARK Imzy Community! Say hello to the Imzysaurus! Epic-fanmade content created by ARK Imzy Community member domtheduck Imzy is a relatively new social platform made for Communities and pretty much since it's inception we've had a growing ARK Community there! Just like any other of our social platforms (Reddit, Facebook, Twitter & YouTube) by actively encouraging discussion and hosting contests! It's a great place to meet other ARK players, for content creators and they promote really strong Community Values! If you'd like to join the ARK Imzy, just head over to where you can request an invite to our verified group! The invites get distributed VERY fast, so don't worry! We'll be working alongside a familiar face, MisterWoodhouse, Imzy's Gaming Community Manager, who some of you may know as one of our main moderators on the PlayARK Subreddit. He's run a lot of community sites, subs, hosted a lot of community nights and is an overall great dude! Epic-fanmade content created by ARK Imzy Community member LastGon! Cross ARK Clusters! A new server has been revealed, this one is everyone’s favourite.. server ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ machine, the Cross ARK Cluster! Haha, yes it’s the same thing! These servers were taken pretty well by our player base so we’ve decided to launch some on console too! Xbox Survivors can now get involved in the fun and check out the following servers: NA-XboxCrossArkCluster1-TheIsland NA-XboxCrossArkCluster1-TheCenter NA-XboxCrossArkCluster1-ScorchedEarth EU-XboxCrossArkCluster2-TheIsland EU-XboxCrossArkCluster2-TheCenter EU-XboxCrossArkCluster2-ScorchedEarth And if you’re a PC player who missed out on the last announcement, worry not - you can still join up and try out these special servers, which function differently to the regular Official Servers on the ARK Network as they permit complete transferring; of Items, Tames, and Survivors through all 3 maps; NA-CrossARKCluster1-Scorched Earth NA-CrossARKCluster1-TheCenter NA-CrossARKCluster1-TheIsland And we've also launched some special 100-player servers that feature the Cross ARK Cluster System! PC: EU-TheHundredCrossArk2-TheIsland EU-TheHundredCrossArk2-TheCenter EU-TheHundredCrossArk2-ScorchedEarth Xbox: EU-TheHundredCrossArk3-TheIsland EU-TheHundredCrossArk3-TheCenter EU-TheHundredCrossArk3-ScorchedEarth NVidia Ansel Photography Contest Super Resolution Version: ARK: Survival Evolved and the Scorched Earth Expansion Pack now include support for NVIDIA Ansel -- a revolutionary new way to capture in-game shots. Compose shots from any position, adjust with post-process filters, capture HDR images in high-fidelity formats, and share the screenshots in 360 via a smartphone, PC or VR headset. Learn more about these features in the NVIDIA blog Now let’s get to the contest! There were 3 potential categories for survivors to enter their shots into and they were the following: Three Categories Super Resolution: These should be taken at 8x Super Resolution. Players can optionally use Depth of Field effects accessible in Spectator mode by pressing the [Delete] key. Panoramic 360 Stereoscopic 3D: These should be taken at 4x Super Resolution, in 360 Stereoscopic 3D mode. We will crop them to 2D for web display, while also providing the 3D version for viewing within VR display. Freeform: Any settings, whacky and creative use of Ansel filters are encouraged. Adding humorous titles/captions in Photoshop is also acceptable for this category! And now without further ado, here are your entries! You’ll want to click on the image title to be able to download the maximum size image, we’ve resized them for display purposes Super Resolution! Winners! Ash - Rock of the Desert Soulyouth - Titans Clash Runner Ups! Seggzy - Gone Fishin' itsr2ghgaming - Deathworm chasing Dunebuggy Honourable Mentions! EXFIB0 - Just looking around Jaime Weaver - Taming Dragons Jynn - Momma Brings Breakfast KISHK0 - Argent vs Scorpion NakedZombo - The Tombraider Namachan - Pakkun Chicken Soulyouth - Top of the World Squidge Meister - The Lay of the Land Squidge Meister - Uploading Panoramic 360 Stereoscopic 3D! Winners! KISHK0 - The Bridge NakedZombo - Explore the Tomb Runner Ups! EXFIB0 - Monkey 360 EXFIB0 - The Center Landscape Honourable Mentions! David Gragan - Jaws of Destiny KISHK0 - King of The Hill EXFIB0 - Redwood 360 KISHK0 - Penguin Island EXFIB0 - Waterfall Freeform! Winners! Anna Lena Klein - Through the Portal to conquer new frontiers Honourable Mentions! GamerPerfection - Mantis Squad iSpezz - Steampunk Armor Another great set of brilliant entries, thank you, everyone! Remember, we’ll be running this contest again next week so if you missed out this week, don’t sweat and give it another go next! And if you'd like to see the lovely entries we've collected so far, you can check them out here! Community Contests! ARKitect! This is an award given to Survivors to celebrate the amazing structures you build. These bases are judged based upon a number of different factors such as their creativity, uniqueness, how fun of a base it is, the difficulty of building it, the functionality it provides and much more! And without further ado, the ARKitect for Community Crunch 65 is… KishK0 Now this is a unique entry, not very often we get players sharing survival tips like this, a great use of space and really goes to show how much you can fit in such a small place, though it's not super secure still a great example and a great entry! We'd also like to give a shout-out to the following survivors for their fantastic entries and congratulate them on winning a runner up prize! EXFIB0! Valoule! and you can check out his full album here: ARKVideo! This contest is open to all types of video be they funny, epic, scenic, stories, whatever inspires you. Just a general reminder that they should remain safe for work, think of the children! And without further ado, the ARKVideo for Community Crunch 65 is… RewindForward - 'The Toilet Scene' - A Jurassic ARK Cinematic Amazing! We're huge fans of your recent cinematic creations and looking forward to see more! Thanks for sharing And ofcourse we'd like to give a shoutout to NakedZombo for this hilarious entry, and congratulate them on winning a runner-up prize! Thanks again for all the great entries guys and congratulations to our winners! If you'd like to check out the other entrants, you can do so here: Fan Feature The Lying Mantis by Lame Wolf Productions Anything But The Bees by Lame Wolf Productions HeroeZ Dev Kit Preview! PARACERATHERIUM BASE by SWChris TOP 10 Building Tips by nakedzombo Scorched Earth PvP Base Design - Triple Stacked Metal Walls and Insulation - Building Tutorial by KishK0 Babies of ARK by Silent Echo Source: One Love by Claw and Wings Source: Carolyn by Connisaur Source: ARK: Scorched Earth Wallpaper by danleveille Source: I Brought u Dis & Parasaur OwO by TheMightySaurus Source: Source: Sharkcat's Dino Skins! Source: Source: Source: Fanmade Dossier: Wonambi by Shadlos Source: Fanmade Dossier: Black Harpy by Shadlos Source: Fanmade Dossier: Protoceratops by Mega Source: Fanmade Dossier: Shuvuuia by Mega Source: Fanmade Dossier: Velociraptor by Mega Source: Fanmade Dossier: Siats by Mega Source: Fanmade Dossier: Pteranodon by Nemo Namikaze Source: Fanmade Dossier: Utahraptor by Nemo Namikaze Source: Primitive+ Developer Blog! And that’s it for this post guys! Sorry about the Digest delay again, things have been a little busy here but we’re going to try really hard to get it done this weekend! As always if you’ve got anything to share please get in touch and be sure to follow us on: Twitter: Facebook: Reddit: Imzy: All the best, Wildcard Jat and the ARK: Survival Evolved Team! View full article
Welcome to the 37th issue of the Community Crunch! To those unaware this is a topic which primarily consist of content to share, made by the community, for the community! As well as any little changes I want to make survivors aware about, which happen within our community ;). We’ve also included this week’s Digest in the Q+A! Fan Feature Survivor In The Stone - Green Man Cartoons ARK Life: Story Spotlight - Ryker ARK Life is a community role playing server which means that players on this server have created their own characters, given them backstories and are essentially 'acting' them whilst playing the game. Ryker is one of the survivors that exist on ARK Life and this is his story. ARK: Tribe Warfare ARK Tribe Warfare is a pvp-focused server where players are split between 3 different- tribes, recognized by colour and players compete with each other and fight to the death. The server takes a unique approach to PvP and has regular wipes to keep the server fresh. Metatrox’s Speed Art Ep1 - Volcanic 9 Ways To Not Sleep Well by Dr. Zimanowitsz Source: Pimp my Dino by Papukaijah Source: Source: Is this the return of the mod-creators of Pimp My Rex are back! Hope so The Jurassic by *︻芫══>×Madara_2M4A4✘ Source: Indominus Rex Fan Art by Zaka Source: Fanmade Dossier: Desmodus by Shadowenigma250x Fanmade Dossier: Achillobator by Shadlos Source: Fanmade Dossier: Entelodon by Robongio Source: Fanmade Dossier: Dinovaldo by Shadlos Source: Community Contests! ARKitect This is an award given to Survivors to celebrate the amazing structures you build. These bases are judged based upon a number of different factors such as their creativity, uniqueness, how fun of a base it is, the difficulty of building it, the functionality it provides and much more! The ARKitect for Community Crunch 37 is.. The Lime Inc for their Jurassic Ark Survival Evolved Theme Park! Very cool! Can’t wait to see how this progresses We'd also like to give an honourable mention to the following Survivors for epic arkitecture work! GamerPerfection’s ARK Chess! Full album: Valoule’s Cruiseship! Full album: DNrednex’s ARKvi Stadium! Full Album: ARKArt This is an award given to survivors who have created beautiful work of art for that week! As always, the artwork is not being judged on the quality of the screenshot or the graphical settings used, but instead what you have managed to draw and produce in game. The ARKArtist for Community Crunch 37 is… Okim’s for his Nature of ARK series: The Meeting of Epochs We'd also like to give an honourable mention to the following Survivors for their awesome creations! Faranthea’s first of "What Dinos do when they aren't being watched"-Series Metatrox’s EPIC 4k Photoshop - Not a pixel painting, but very impressive!! Sie’s Dinoflags! WoodPunk’s Pubsign: The Slurping Toad! Thank you for all the entries this week guys! Congratulations to all our winners and if you’d like to take a look at what all the survivors submitted, you can do so here: Workshop Spotlight! Workshoppers: Oxxy and NoStuff Stargate Atlantis - Jurassic ARK - Mega Tools Structures - Jail Mod - Hey guys! Can you introduce yourself to the community, and let us know about what it is that you are currently working on? Now these are some very interesting and enjoyable mods, where did you get your inspiration from? One of your mods has been blowing up in the Steam Workshop! Stargate Atlantis is pretty different to what’s been seen before, can you tell us what sort of mod it is and what how you’re hoping to progress with it? What types of things do you have planned in terms of Stargate Atlantis' core-features? With this being an advanced-technology mod, did you have any concerns on how it would affect gameplay? And how about the creative process for the mods, how do you know when you’d like to add something to the game? And how have you found the responses to be from the Community? I’ve not actually seen the film myself but glad to hear so many are enjoying it! Does look very cool. Do you have any plans for the immediate when it comes to the mod? Tell us more about your experience with modding and how are you finding working with the ARK Dev kit? Do you have any tips for upcoming modders on what they can do when working with UE4 and ARK itself? It is very active and helpful community! Is there anything you’d like to end with before wrapping this up? Thanks guys! ARK Digest Q+A Survivor, Dinopaint asks, “Will there be an option to disable non tribe members, as well as all players, from painting your structures/dinos/character? It can be disheartening to get online and see that someone painted over your hard work. It can take a lot of dye to repaint everything and a good bit of time. It's even worse when the vandal draws inappropriate words and symbols on you and your dinos while you're offline.” Survivor, Dinopaint also asks, “Will the black and white dyes get updated to appear more visible when painting dinos and people?” Survivor, ArrowHedd asks, “Where will the 4th boss be spawned at? Is there gonna be a new Obelisk?” Survivor, Goldzone asks, “Will there be a possibility to have multiple saves for the xbox one for single player?” Survivor, Spiros asks, “How about a stronger resource after base metal?” Survivor, lj999 asks, “Will rivers ever get an expansion (a deepening and a widening)?” Survivor, Frostyeagle asks, “Will mutations have a visual effect or just stat based?” Survivor, Frostyeagle also asks, “Any cryptic hints to what the uber boss might be?” Survivor, xohpa asks, “Will the upcoming disease system make using blood packs risky? How will we know if we have a disease?” Survivor, xohpa also asks, “Are you considering adding an EMP device for low-tier tribes to use against electrical and the upcoming Tek Tier equipment? And perhaps the Electric Eels could be used as a back-up generator in that case?” Survivor, Lewimaron asks, “Can we get a client side setting for disabling the crosshair even if its enabled on the server?” Survivor, Bulborb87 asks, “The titanosaurus say's its immune to traq's so does that mean we have to use catapults or the chalicotherium to knock it unconscious?” Survivor, griffinwca asks, “If there are new gateways for the tek tier, can a player be able to do a whistle to open and close them?” Survivor, Mutinous asks, “What do you have in mind for the musical instruments in the future? I think they have a lot of potential uses to make things more interesting. War drums just scream to be used as a way to pump up or manage your fight-ready dinos.” Survivor, Waylio asks, “How about a new piece of gear like a bandit mask or costume. The idea is it would keep your name hidden when seen by the spyglass and also not reveal you as the killer of anything in a tribe log? Would add a lot to the guerrilla warfare playstyle of trying to defeat an alpha tribe. "Your Rex was killed by a bandit!"” Survivor, Dominic asks, “I was wondering if your going to add a creative mode similar to mine craft into ark Xbox one, like where you can have unlimited items.” Survivor, Gooby asks, “Can you release any information on the bear? Obviously an ETA isn't probable, but I'd like to know what they look like in-game, do they have armor/saddles, what colors are they, etc. I'm super excited for the bears to come out and on my RP server we're having a whole faction dedicated to bears so we're personally invested in their arrival and awesomeness.” Survivor, zForgottenAngel asks, “Will there be dino painting on the Xbox? If so, I don't expect a specific ETA since you can't answer that but is it planned to be soon?” Survivor, TR-8R asks, “Now that different Coel size is underway plus the Kaikuru baby among adult , will we see dino with different size and age soon ?” Survivor, Randrewf asks, “What happened to the vertical dino gates for flyers? They were talked about many a digest ago, did you guys forget?” Survivor, xohpa asks, “In regards to the Thylacoleo and its tree-climbing abilities, could you explain how this will work? Will it use the already existing trees or will new ones be added that you can't cut down fully that are more solid all the way up?” Survivor, FuzzyHigh asks, “so the 235.5 update just came out adding tribe alliances and we have allied with 2 other tribes but we have noticed that we all can see each others tribe chat is there any plans to make tribe alliance chat separate? because it would help with the spam on chat. thanks” Survivor, Fozzy asks, “Noticed y'all have a rather interesting selection of firearms, especially y'alls Colt Paterson. Was wondering if we will be seeing more of them, namely Old Western guns, like some lever guns or possibly a Sharps/Joslyn carbine. “ Survivor, cels asks, “My question would be is there anything planned to maybe curb people from going about just killing themselves as a easy way to "cure" the disease? Maybe diseases are persistent through death.. or the chance of it spreading upon death as well for those who come close to your corpse? Or both...” Survivor, cels also asks, “Would gear or items we are carrying while having specific diseases have the possibility of spreading the disease onto items which others can possibly infect themselves with if they take?” That’s it for this week’s Crunch & bonus Digest Q+A guys! As always if you’ve got anything to share please get in touch and be sure to follow us on Twitter at @survivetheark - Facebook at and Reddit at Thanks everyone! All the best, Wildcard Jat and the ARK Survival Evolved Team View full article
Welcome to the 42nd issue of the Community Crunch! To those unaware this is a topic which primarily consist of content to share, made by the community, for the community! As well as any little changes I want to make survivors aware about, which happen within our community ;). Fan Feature When you’re taming something big.. By ThickFreedom ARK BEASTIARY: CASTOROIDES by Virtual Realm ARK: Never trust a stranded base by SmileB4Death Mech Invasion Cinematic by Welcome to Paradise Sentoki’s Marzipan Woolly Rhino Dododex Taming Caluclator has now hit 100k Downloads! Source: Source: Congratulation guys - thanks for the awesome tool Fanmade Dossier: Unicorn by Rin Source: Fanmade Dossier: Synthetoceras by Davy Jones!! Source: Fanmade Dossier: Acrocanthosaurus by Shadlos Source: Fanmade Dossier: Machimosaurus by Shadlos Source: Fanmade Dossier: Rathalos by Shadlos Source: Fanamde Dossier: Alpha Dilo by Malkizid Source: Community Contests! ARKitect This is an award given to Survivors to celebrate the amazing structures you build. These bases are judged based upon a number of different factors such as their creativity, uniqueness, how fun of a base it is, the difficulty of building it, the functionality it provides and much more! The ARKitect for Community Crunch 42 is.. The Lime Inc! ARK Survival Evolved - A Game of Ark - A Song of Fire Ice and Penguins Absolutely incredible! One of the most impressive pieces of ARKitect entries we’ve ever seen :). We’re going to double the prize for this entry and you’ll be awarded 400$! Congratulations and keep it up! We'd also like to give an honourable mention to the following Survivors for their awesome arkitecture work! FataL1ty for his Star Wars Star Destroyer! ARKArt This is an award given to survivors who have created beautiful work of art for that week! As always, the artwork is not being judged on the quality of the screenshot or the graphical settings used, but instead what you have managed to draw and produce in game. The ARKArtist for Community Crunch 42 is… hanseNGaming for Karoks Tattoo! Very impressive work Hansen! We'd also like to give an honourable mention to the following Survivor for their ARKArt! Okim! Ady the Shaman! Cyan the Tamer! Ancients of IOARK Thank you for all the entries this week guys! Congratulations to all our winners and if you’d like to take a look at what all the survivors submitted, you can do so here: Workshop Spotlight! Workshopper: -(OzSF)- B.Cheers Hey! Thanks for joining us! Could you introduce yourself to the community and let us know about the mods you're working on? Tell us more about ARK Futurism - where does your inspiration come from, is there a story for this mod? Team based capture and control! That sounds like a lot of fun. I imagine with a PvP focused mod like that you’ll need to take steps to balance the game, have you had any thoughts in regards to this? Speaking of your items - they’re not something you come across in everyday modding, were these assets you had created yourself? Well you should be very proud as it’s fantastic! What are the next steps for your mod? A ship and more mechs! Sounds awesome - futurism fans everywhere will love it! Out of what you’ve created so far, do you have a favourite piece? It does look pretty damn cool! It’s clear you’ve interacted a lot with your community! There’s quite a lot of spotlights and youtube videos made after your mod, how have you found this? Glad to hear it! I imagine this isn’t your first step into the modding world, what’s your experience like? And would you have any advice for survivors wanted to get started with the ADK? Awesome! How has your personal experience been, what would you say was your greatest challenge with the project? Well the work you’ve done is very impressive so far and you’ve got a number of fans in the community! Is there anything you’d like to end with before wrapping this up? Sweet, thanks a lot Ben! Here’s a link to his workshop if you’d like to take him up on that offer: That’s it for this week’s Crunch guys! As always if you’ve got anything to share please get in touch and be sure to follow us on Twitter at @survivetheark - Facebook at and Reddit at Thanks everyone! All the best, Wildcard Jat and the ARK Survival Evolved Team View full article
Hey Survivors! Welcome to the latest edition of the Community Crunch! The Community Crunch is where we share important things going on with ARK, as well as host contests and showcase creations made by the community! Let's get started with some news. Introducing the Phoenix! A new Dino Dossier has been revealed, this one is everyone’s flaming fire flyer, the Phoenix! Common name: Phoenix Species: Unknown Time: Unknown Diet: Flame Eater Temperament: Elusive Wild Among the most mysterious of all flying creatures, much of what is known about the Phoenix exists in legends which have been told through generations. These myths have often changed through the passing of time, but one constant is the belief that fire represents cleansing and renewal. The Phoenix embodies this process through its everlasting cycle of death and renewal. Extreme heat-waves in the desert seem to initiate the rise of the Phoenix, while the end of this so-called "Super Heat" precipitates the creature's reversion into ashes. While the Phoenix seems ambivalent to most wildlife, if provoked, its ferocity is evident in its ability to set targets aflame with a single bite. Domesticated Attempting to pacify a Phoenix is, quite literally, playing with fire. The Phoenix must be continually set ablaze in order to be tamed. I've seen many turned into dust and ash in the attempt. After it has been pacified, the Phoenix will regain its vitality when it is aflame! Although its compact size prevents the Phoenix from being ridden, its aggressive enflaming has proved to be invaluable in battle. Plus, it can quickly roast up tasty cooked meat and refine raw ores at any time, as a living furnace! ARK Digest 48! Here is our question and answer session with Lead Designer, Lead Programmer, Co-Creative Director of ARK: Survival Evolved, and Co-Founder of Studio Wildcard: Jeremy "Drake" Stieglitz! Survivor Monics asks, “When it comes to game performance in general... The game has come a long way I believe, optimization wise... But still, is missing quite a bit. What are your plans moving forward regarding these specifics?” Survivor DangerPlayz asks, “Hey Jeremy! I play a lot of singleplayer and am very happy with the changes you have made recently! However, can we please get an option to remove the engram points system and unlock all engrams at a certain level, when we reach said level. Thanks!” Survivor Caseybear asks “Will the small CrossArk cluster servers be gaining access to Ragnarok and other future content? If so, any idea when?” Survivor IGNWhyt asks, “Will you please address the issue where the game takes up 100+GB? Is this intended? Are there any plans on reducing the size?” Survivor RaifuForLaifu, asks “Can we get a damage reduction on The Dragon's fire breath pretty please with extra sprinkles on top? 25% feels a tad ridiculous. Thank you” Survivor Blackwolfe asks, “You earlier mentioned that you were reworking the kibble tree. Will this also affect the kibbles asked for when imprinting dinos? Beacuse kibble for imprinting I think is a large part of why people feel forced to have a lot of dinos (together with the kibbles needed for taming).” Survivor GamerPerfection asks, “Can you make the Tribe Logs record your Tames/Turrets kills? I find it frustrating not knowing what they've actually killed when i'm not around.” Survivor Mendoza asks, “Can we get Sun Glasses added to the game to help reduce glare?” Survivor iAmE asks, “Do you plan on hiring any additional support staff? I would figure any number would be nice, as you would seem to be going up from what appears to be zero (4-6 Month ticket turn arounds hurt this game an immense amount.” Survivor Touhma asks, “As A server Admin I want an option that can allow me to have a full customisation on Taming time / ressources Any chances to have this options : * TamedDinoCharacterFoodDrainMultiplier -> To avoid the consumption of ressource after taming ( when foodDrain is up ) * WildDinoCharacterFoodDrainMultiplier -> To tweak the speed of taming whitout affect the tamed dinos ( when foodDrain is up and avoiding the effect on tamed dinos ) * WildDinoTorporDrainMultiplier -> To have a use of narcotics ( because of TamingEfficiency make narcotics almost useless en taming time is less than offi ) * PassiveTameIntervalMultiplier -> To adjust the interval between 2 feeding tentative for passive tame dinos ( because if the foorDrainMultiplier is greater than 2 the dino is dying when trying to tame it ) Why I want these changes: Survivor CottonCandy asks, “1) Is there any chance we'll see an option to enable NVIDIA Ansel on servers that don't care about people using it to cheat, etc?” Survivor PaladinKong asks, “Will those who have the game now in early access be able to get the physical items that come with the collectors edition, like the dossier book, without having to buy another copy of the game?” Survivor johnm81 asks, “Prim+ players have been told that load times for pc version can't be addressed till after alpha. Now that alpha is over what are the plans to lower the 5-15min load times for this total conversion?” Survivor legendaryc4 asks, “can console players get the option to hold back the left stick to slow flyers down? Very big here for me as building high up can be a pain.” Survivor Lowly asks, “Can we get some sort of flame retardant suite, firefighter suite, racing driver type flame retardant suite, to fit into the modern technology side of scorched earth” Survivor Dustiest-Ninja asks, “On a scale of 1-Incredible Hulk how much did dealing with the PhysX Engine for the tek ATV-jeeps make you rage?” Survivor Syntac asks, “Will you guys ever implement the Hive, the creature in the dev kit that looks like a giant beetle?” Survivor Gelantious asks, “Any news related to Vulkan? Still having hopes you guys will move over to it and ditch the idea of dx12, since it would help Linux users as well and all windows users, not just the windows 10 players.” Survivor tolle79 asks” lets be serious the question of all quetions is why doesnt the doedicurus gather berries? Like how does it survive in the wild?” Survivor LordMaxilos asks, “TEK: Is there any chance that some sort of TEK Bow will be introduced to the game? As well as a TEK Arrow who will split up into three when you shoot it or something?” Survivor Redstorm8616 asks, “Growable Cactus Sap?” Survivor mleii asks, “Can we get some videos showing what the Xbox One X will look like in game?” The Great Migration! We have some very important news for Survivors playing on our official servers. This coming Tuesday (August 22nd) we will be posting the list of servers that will be taken down on our launch day and re-purposed for the new servers, while all other existing servers become Legacy servers. For those who decide not to migrate, the saves for these servers will be uploaded and provided, which you can then download and use to host your own unofficial servers with all of your stuff intact. Closer to release date we will also be communicating how these servers will be allocated, so you can prepare to take over a new server! ARK: 3x Evolution Event Weekend! Survivors across ALL Platforms will be receiving a special Evolution Event+++ perk this weekend! It's already live now and will remain active until Monday the 21st at 12PM EST. All Official Servers will be undergoing this evolutionary change which includes: 3x Harvesting Rate 3x Taming Rate 3x EXP Rate 3x Maturing 3x Hatching 3x Gestation 3x Faster Mating Interval Rates Reminder: this 2x bonus is on top of the 2x rates that are now standard on our official servers! Community Contests! Player Procedurally Generated Maps! The Procedurally Generated Map system allows players to make their own ARK maps by determining a myriad of landscape options from the heights of mountains, depths of valleys, and the number of lakes, rivers or oceans, to the kinds of each biome they want, and more! Let's check out the entries for this weeks contest! This week's contest winner is... F1r3fly with their map Hinsawdd! PGMapName=Hinsawdd PGTerrainPropertiesString=MapSeed=71;LandscapeRadius=1.0;Water Frequency=5.5;Mountains Frequency=9.8;Mountains Slope=1.5;MountainsHeight=0.95;Turbulence Power=0.0125;Shore Slope=1.0;WaterLevel=-0.72;GrassDensity=1.0;JungleGrassDensity=0.02;ErosionSteps=10;TreesGroundSlopeAccuracy=0.5;DepositionStrength=0.025;ErosionStrength=1;OceanFloorLevel=-1.0;SnowBiomeSize=0.493963;RWBiomeSize=0.25019;MountainBiomeStart=-0.57;MountainsTreeDensity=0.01;JungleBiomeStart=-0.68;IslandBorderCurveExp=4.0;MaxSawnPointHeight=0.1;SnowGrassDensity=0.25;MountainGrassDensity=0.25;SnowMountainGrassDensity=0.15;UnderwaterObjectsDensity=0.6;SnowMountainsTreeDensity=0.01;TreeDensity=0.04;JungleTreeDensity=0.66;RedWoodTreeDensity=0.35;SnowTreeDensity=1.0;RedwoodGrassDensity=0.15;ShoreTreeDensity=0.05;SnowShoreTreeDensity=0.025;DeepWaterBiomesDepth=-0.24;InlandWaterObjectsDensity=0.5;ShorelineStartOffset=0.01;ShorelineThickness=0.002;MountainGeneralTreesPercent=0.5;TerrainScaleMultiplier=(X=1.0f,Y=1.0f,Z=1.0f);SnowBiomeLocation=(X=0.2f,Y=0.2f);RWForestBiomeLocation=(X=0.5f,Y=0.5f);NorthRegion1Start=(X=0.25f,Y=0.0f);NorthRegion1End=(X=0.416f,Y=0.5f);NorthRegion2Start=(X=0.416f,Y=0.0f);NorthRegion2End=(X=0.582f,Y=0.5f);NorthRegion3Start=(X=0.582f,Y=0.0f);NorthRegion3End=(X=0.75f,Y=0.0f);SouthRegion1Start=(X=0.25f,Y=0.5f);SouthRegion1End=(X=0.416f,Y=1.0f);SouthRegion2Start=(X=0.416f,Y=0.5f);SouthRegion2End=(X=0.582f,Y=1.0f);SouthRegion3Start=(X=0.582f,Y=0.5f);SouthRegion3End=(X=0.75f,Y=1.0f);EastRegion1Start=(X=0.75f,Y=0.0f);EastRegion1End=(X=1.0f,Y=0.333f);EastRegion2Start=(X=0.75f,Y=0.333f);EastRegion2End=(X=1.0f,Y=0.666f);EastRegion3Start=(X=0.75f,Y=0.666f);EastRegion3End=(X=1.0f,Y=1.0f);WestRegion1Start=(X=0.0f,Y=0.0f);WestRegion1End=(X=0.25f,Y=0.333f);WestRegion2Start=(X=0.0f,Y=0.333f);WestRegion2End=(X=0.25f,Y=0.666f);WestRegion3Start=(X=0.0f,Y=0.666f);WestRegion3End=(X=0.25f,Y=1.0f) If you'd like to learn more about PGMs, please check out our quick start guide: NVidia Ansel Photography Contest Super Resolution Version: ARK: Survival Evolved and the Scorched Earth Expansion Pack now include support for NVIDIA Ansel -- a revolutionary new way to capture in-game shots. Compose shots from any position, adjust with post-process filters, capture HDR images in high-fidelity formats, and share the screenshots in 360 via a smartphone, PC or VR headset. Learn more about these features from the NVIDIA blog. Now let’s get to the contest! There were 3 potential categories for survivors to enter their shots into and they were the following: Three Categories Super Resolution: These should be taken at 8x Super Resolution. Players can optionally use Depth of Field effects accessible in Spectator mode by pressing the [Delete] key. Panoramic 360 Stereoscopic 3D: These should be taken at 4x Super Resolution, in 360 Stereoscopic 3D mode. We will crop them to 2D for web display, while also providing the 3D version for viewing within VR display. Freeform: Any settings, whacky and creative use of Ansel filters are encouraged. Adding humorous titles/captions in Photoshop is also acceptable for this category! And now without further ado, here are your entries! You’ll want to click on the image title to be able to download the maximum size image, we’ve resized them for display purposes Super Resolution! Winner! The Body Farmer - Giga on the Great Plains Honourable Mentions! EXFIB0 - Ragnarok EXFIB0 - Wyvern Scar F1r3fly - Sunset Solitude Kovko - Bug Attack Kovko - Catch me Kovko - Waterfall Pollti – Giga on fire Pollti – She is so funny Valoule - RagnaRock Wolf Angelus - Dawn in Japan Wolf Angelus - House Rangetsu Wolf Angelus - Scenic Japan Panoramic 360 Stereoscopic 3D! Winner! Kovko - High Honourable Mentions! EXFIB0 - Generated EXFIB0 - Snow Valley Kovko - Bloody Shore Kovko - Deserted Island Kovko - Rainy Wolf Angelus - House Rangetsu Courtyard Wolf Angelus - House Rangetsu Entrance Freeform! Winner! BatmanTDKR - Little Dragon Runners Up! Valoule - postcARK from Ragnarok Wolf Angelus - (Postcard) Greetings from Hanamura Honourable Mentions! Cheb - Atlantis of the Sands Cheb - Drake's Fortune Cheb - Gate to Shambala Cheb - Libertalia EXFIB0 - Burning EXFIB0 - Flight EXFIB0 - Light F1r3fly - Winter's Breath ARKVideo! This contest is open to all types of video be they funny, epic, scenic, stories, whatever inspires you. Just a general reminder that they should remain safe for work, think of the children! And without further ado, the ARKVideo for Community Crunch 101 is... The Airship Has Arrived - Steampunk Mod v(1.8) by LameWolfProductions ARKitect! This is an award given to Survivors to celebrate the amazing structures you build. These bases are judged based upon a number of different factors such as their creativity, uniqueness, how fun of a base it is, the difficulty of building it, the functionality it provides and much more! The ARKitect for Community Crunch 101 is… The City Challenge, Vanilla+ Base Tour by Flydive! We also want to announce two amazing runner ups... House Rangetsu - Inspired by Castle Himeji by Wolf Angelus! and... GoT: BUILDING THE SEVEN KINGDOMS Ragnarok | EP1 Pyke Castle | Ark Survival [ NO MODS ] by badassunicorn! If you'd like to check out the submissions from the rest of the entrants, you can do so here: Fan Feature! Polymer Clay Microraptor by by Naila When you finally reach Endgame in ARK: Survival Evolved - Lame Game Skits by LameWolfProductions THE BABY BOOMER by ranger1presents! ALL DINO BATTLE (to date) || EPIC ARENA BATTLE by Squidge Meister Fishy by GeeKy gAMer no.1 & gOOgly Owl Star City by Dragonarcwar Massive Castle/ Fortress Build on Scorched Earth Ark Survival Evolved by Travis138 MY HOUSE by 林小欣 Alangsauras by Mglogo Realistic Dinosaurs size update by DinoPlayer34 Tyrannosaurus Rex Lip Function by DinoPlayer34 Andrewsarchus by milokamilo Tanystropheus by Scanova the Carnotaurus Dossier: Elasmotherium by Scanova the Carnotaurus Dossier: Tyrannotitan by Scanova the Carnotaurus Dossier: Giganotosaurus by Scanova the Carnotaurus Dossier: Woolly Mammoth by Scanova the Carnotaurus Additional Creatures Official Dossier: Walrus by Shadlos That's it for this post guys! As always if you’ve got anything to share please get in touch and be sure to follow us on: Twitter: Facebook: Reddit: Instagram: All the best, Studio Wildcard View full article
Hey Survivors! Welcome to the latest edition of the Community Crunch! The Community Crunch is where we share important things going on with ARK, as well as host contests and showcase creations made by the community! Let's get started with some news. Mysterious Mysteries: Introducing ??????? What an intriguing discovery survivors, can you guess what creature it is? PAX West & Launch Round Up! Thank you to each and every one of you who participated in the launch for ARK & our PAX show! We love you all and are so grateful no matter how you show your support, whether you came to the booth and took pictures with our Raptor and Rex, tamed your first dino, ploughed through a cave, tuned into the live streams, or shared your thoughts on social media! For those of you who missed our news beats, let's do a quick catch up. ARK: Aberration Expansion Pack! Survivors will find themselves waking up on a derelict, malfunctioning ARK with an elaborate underground biome system, where they will face exotic new challenges unlike anything before: extreme radioactive sunlight and environmental hazards, ziplines, wingsuits, climbing gear, cave dwellings, charge-batteries, and far more, along with a stable of extraordinary new creatures await within the mysterious depths. But beware the ‘Nameless’: unrelenting, Element-infused humanoids which have evolved into vicious light-hating monstrosities! You’ll uncover the ultimate secrets of the ARKs, and discover what the future holds in store for those strong and clever enough to survive! For the full announcement revealing way more information and screenshots, check out this page: ARK Live Action Trailer by PIXOMONDO! For the launch of ARK: Survival Evolved, our partners Snail Games have teamed up with the award-winning PIXOMONDO team! Executive Producer Mandie Briney, the VFX Supervisor from Game Of Thrones Sven Martin, and CEO Thilo Kuther, worked closely with the creative team from JOJX, including father+son directing team Rocky+Jackson Morton and EP Joe Care to create the concept, the script, all the way through the production + post- production process to execute this amazing cinematic and thrilling trailer bringing the ARK: Survival Evolved world to life. Stay tuned as we'll be revealing more cinematic episodes in the near future! We can't wait to see how it all turns out!Stay tuned as we'll be revealing more cinematic short clips in the near future! We can't wait to see how it all turns out! ARK Soundtrack: Behind the Scenes! Sumthing Else Music Works and Studio Wildcard are proud to present the epic orchestral soundtrack to ARK: Survival Evolved! Composed by Gareth Coker (Minecraft, Ori and the Blind Forest) and performed by the Philharmonia Orchestra, the official soundtrack album is now available via digital and streaming outlets worldwide through Sumthing Else Music Works. Join us for the behind the scenes peek at the recording process, recorded at Abbey Road! For those wanting the full orchestral experience, you can pick up the soundtrack now at! ARK Digest 49... Unfortunately, we'll be skipping out on the Digest this week as Jeremy and the Florida Team prepare to survive against Hurricane Irma (it runs right through our Florida Office!) We're planning on having our next digest in the next edition of the crunch. In the mean time, be careful and stay safe Survivors! ARK: 2x Evolution Event Weekend! Survivors across ALL Platforms will be receiving a special Evolution Event++ perk this weekend! It's already live now and will remain active until Monday the 11th at 12PM EST. All Official Servers will be undergoing this evolutionary change which includes: 2x Harvesting Rate 2x Taming Rate 2x EXP Rate 2x Maturing 2x Hatching 2x Gestation 2x Faster Mating Interval Rates Community Contests! Player Procedurally Generated Maps! The Procedurally Generated Map system allows players to make their own ARK maps by determining a myriad of landscape options from the heights of mountains, depths of valleys, and the number of lakes, rivers or oceans, to the kinds of each biome they want, and more! Let's check out the entries for this weeks contest! This week's contest winner is... roguewolf91 and their very lush PGM! To use the PGM for yourself, here's the map string: PGMapName=ProcdeuralARK20170824071752 PGTerrainPropertiesString=MapSeed=1985;LandscapeRadius=1.0;Water Frequency=3.370845;Mountains Frequency=15.879879;Mountains Slope=1.977633;MountainsHeight=0.924615;Turbulence Power=0.013;Shore Slope=1.0;WaterLevel=-0.72;GrassDensity=1.0;JungleGrassDensity=0.03;ErosionSteps=4;TreesGroundSlopeAccuracy=0.5;DepositionStrength=0.5;ErosionStrength=0.7;OceanFloorLevel=-1.0;SnowBiomeSize=0.13177;RWBiomeSize=0.215932;MountainBiomeStart=-0.548077;MountainsTreeDensity=0.01;JungleBiomeStart=-0.720501;IslandBorderCurveExp=4.0;MaxSawnPointHeight=0.1;SnowGrassDensity=0.237;MountainGrassDensity=0.05;SnowMountainGrassDensity=0.15;UnderwaterObjectsDensity=0.5;SnowMountainsTreeDensity=0.01;TreeDensity=0.004;JungleTreeDensity=0.67;RedWoodTreeDensity=0.333;SnowTreeDensity=1.0;RedwoodGrassDensity=0.1;ShoreTreeDensity=0.05;SnowShoreTreeDensity=0.025;DeepWaterBiomesDepth=-0.24;InlandWaterObjectsDensity=0.5;ShorelineStartOffset=0.01;ShorelineThickness=0.0015;MountainGeneralTreesPercent=0.1;TerrainScaleMultiplier=(X=1.0f,Y=1.0f,Z=1.0f);SnowBiomeLocation=(X=0.2f,Y=0.2f);RWForestBiomeLocation=(X=0.5f,Y=0.5f);NorthRegion1Start=(X=0.25f,Y=0.0f);NorthRegion1End=(X=0.416f,Y=0.5f);NorthRegion2Start=(X=0.416f,Y=0.0f);NorthRegion2End=(X=0.582f,Y=0.5f);NorthRegion3Start=(X=0.582f,Y=0.0f);NorthRegion3End=(X=0.75f,Y=0.5f);SouthRegion1Start=(X=0.25f,Y=0.5f);SouthRegion1End=(X=0.416f,Y=1.0f);SouthRegion2Start=(X=0.416f,Y=0.5f);SouthRegion2End=(X=0.582f,Y=1.0f);SouthRegion3Start=(X=0.582f,Y=0.5f);SouthRegion3End=(X=0.75f,Y=1.0f);EastRegion1Start=(X=0.75f,Y=0.0f);EastRegion1End=(X=1.0f,Y=0.333f);EastRegion2Start=(X=0.75f,Y=0.333f);EastRegion2End=(X=1.0f,Y=0.666f);EastRegion3Start=(X=0.75f,Y=0.666f);EastRegion3End=(X=1.0f,Y=1.0f);WestRegion1Start=(X=0.0f,Y=0.0f);WestRegion1End=(X=0.25f,Y=0.333f);WestRegion2Start=(X=0.0f,Y=0.333f);WestRegion2End=(X=0.25f,Y=0.666f);WestRegion3Start=(X=0.0f,Y=0.666f);WestRegion3End=(X=0.25f,Y=1.0f) If you'd like to learn more about PGMs, please check out our quick start guide: NVidia Ansel Photography Contest Super Resolution Version: ARK: Survival Evolved and the Scorched Earth Expansion Pack now include support for NVIDIA Ansel -- a revolutionary new way to capture in-game shots. Compose shots from any position, adjust with post-process filters, capture HDR images in high-fidelity formats, and share the screenshots in 360 via a smartphone, PC or VR headset. Learn more about these features from the NVIDIA blog. Now let’s get to the contest! There were 3 potential categories for survivors to enter their shots into and they were the following: Three Categories Super Resolution: These should be taken at 8x Super Resolution. Players can optionally use Depth of Field effects accessible in Spectator mode by pressing the [Delete] key. Panoramic 360 Stereoscopic 3D: These should be taken at 4x Super Resolution, in 360 Stereoscopic 3D mode. We will crop them to 2D for web display, while also providing the 3D version for viewing within VR display. Freeform: Any settings, whacky and creative use of Ansel filters are encouraged. Adding humorous titles/captions in Photoshop is also acceptable for this category! And now without further ado, here are your entries! You’ll want to click on the image title to be able to download the maximum size image, we’ve resized them for display purposes Super Resolution! Winner! Domino - Welcome Home Pollti - Phoenix Runner Up! Pollti – Tek Dragon Wolf Angelus - Inside the Brain Wolf Angelus - Inside the Brain Wolf Angelus - Robotic Assault Wolf Angelus - Planetary Orbit Honourable Mentions! EXFIB0 - Beauty EXFIB0 - Cruising EXFIB0 - Icy Water FataL1ty - Aslan FataL1ty - Blending In FataL1ty - Dance! FataL1ty - Frozen in the Desert FataL1ty - Pining for the Mountains Kovko - Hidden Beauty Kovko - Hunt of a Lifetime Kovko - Low Flight Neo - Highlands Neo - Multiple Biomes Neo - Rocky Canyon Neo - Secret Lake Pollti – Tek Drones Pollti – Tek Broodmother Lysrix Pollti – Tek Megapithecus Pollti – The Overseer roguewolf91 - Forest Meeting StateofMynd42 - Making Fantasties Come True Valoule - Burning sensation Panoramic 360 Stereoscopic 3D! Winner! Wolf Angelus - Visions of Fire, Ice, and Poison Wolf Angelus - Control Room Honourable Mentions! EXFIB0 - Ice Wyvern EXFIB0 - Ragnarok FataL1ty - Forward Unto Dawn FataL1ty - Sentry's View FataL1ty - Tusks Dawn Kovko - Running River Kovko - Tall Bridge Kovko - Volcano Kovko - Watercaves Neo - Ragnarok Desert Neo - Silent Lake roguewolf91 - Canyon Crawling StateofMynd42 - Power of Elements StateofMynd42 - SurroundedByMagic Valoule - Wedding Freeform! Winner! F1r3fly - Ark Comics: It Comes at Night Honourable Mentions! Baradine Allawa - On The Attack EXFIB0 - Sunset StateofMynd42 - Summer Day Valoule - Finally Wolf Angelus - Grats on Official Launch -Comic ARKVideo! This contest is open to all types of video be they funny, epic, scenic, stories, whatever inspires you. Just a general reminder that they should remain safe for work, think of the children! And without further ado, the ARKVideo for Community Crunch 102 is... LameWolfProductions and their skit: When Stupid Birds Keep Robbing You! they're not stupid birds... ARKitect! This is an award given to Survivors to celebrate the amazing structures you build. These bases are judged based upon a number of different factors such as their creativity, uniqueness, how fun of a base it is, the difficulty of building it, the functionality it provides and much more! The ARKitect for Community Crunch 102 is… it's a tie! Congratulations to... Tomb of the Golem Mancer by The Pilgrimz Project and... Valoule! For their very impressive ship creation: The Thousand Sunny! You can check out more of their screenshots here: We'd also like to give a huge congratulations to our runners up this week! SWChris for their simple yet beautiful ARK Marriage Venue: and MissyPrime for their Skyrider City built on Xbox! You can check out the rest of the submissions for this week's contests here: Fan Feature! Eco's TEK Decor Mod ISO: Crystal Isle PAX West Trailer Dragonpunk: Tribe of Gods - PAX West Teaser Massive Aircraft Carrier by ARKTLC138 DragonGaming Scorched Build Skies of Nazka - Wonderful World Survival Plus PAX West Trailer Scorched Earth Base and Fishing Hole by ARKTLC138 Titanoboa Taming by GP Shark Bait by GeeKy gAMer No.1 & gOOglyOwl Professor by Dax and Tageon! What's Under the Castle? by MonkeyManTV Fukaso Wyvern Den by Kortniechan! Wyvern Trench Foot Excursion by MonkeyManTV UNICORN PUKE by ranger1presents Sharkcat's Chicken Yutyrannus Source: Sharkcat's Forest Camo Yutyrannus Source: ARK - From above by cfowler7 Source: Little Fiery Angel by EgoSilentium Source: Fanmade Dossier: Deinosuchus by Scanova the Carnotaurus Source: Fanmade Dossier: Glacialisaurus by Scanova the Carnotaurus Source: Fanmade Dossier: Orthros! by Shadlos! Source: Fanmade Dossier: Eastmanosteus by Shadlos! Source: Thylacoleo by Zaramas! Source: Phoenix by -=|WP|=-??? Source: Grumpyracer by Jack Cowlips! Source: The Mam-Moth by Shockal! Source: WIP ARK Saddles by Nivea! Source: Source: Source: That's it for this post guys! As always if you’ve got anything to share please get in touch and be sure to follow us on: Twitter: Facebook: Reddit: Instagram: All the best, Studio Wildcard View full article
Hey, Survivors! Welcome to the latest edition of the Community Crunch! We've got some critical news to share with you all today; it's going to be a roller coaster of emotions as there's a bit of disappointing news, but worry not as you've got a lot to look forward to as well! Let's address the mammoth in the room. Official Release. As of today, ARK has completed its Gold Master and certification for retail release. This process took a little longer than expected and as a result, our release date has been pushed back to August the 29th. We're deeply apologetic for those who were negatively affected by the delay; it sucks, it wasn't what we had wanted, nor planned but where we currently stand. We wanted to address this sooner but did not want to make any statements until we were completely sure of what was going to happen. Now you're probably wondering what this means for the next few weeks and how does it change our current plans? Free DLC: Ragnarok Ragnarok's new release date on console and upcoming PC update will now also be the 29th of August. This extended time will allow further development of the map and you guys can expect a gigantic update, even bigger than we initially thought. On the date of release, the overground of the world will increase by approximately one quarter, which is near-enough a 'TheIsland-sized' expansion; the update will feature new biomes, a coastal Wyvern canyon, an epic boss encounter, new engrams, and something secret the Ragnarok team are cooking up! We will also be adding their custom creatures to our main game, which will allow players to transfer them via the CrossARK system, so you'll be able to bring over your Ice Wyverns to The Island, The Center, and Scorched Earth! Development plans: immediate, mid-month, and going forward. Over the next few weeks, you will see a lot of priority placed on the PC and multiplayer versions of the game, now that we're completely wrapped up with our gold master. We are planning some immediate patches to take care of community concerns, as well as some mid-month goals and more going forward. First of all, there will be a lot of focus on PC Performance this month (don’t worry console-users, you’ll be receiving these updates too!). We will be porting over a lot of the improvements we made on console, as well as working with our industry partners to bring up that PC performance to get you the best possible experience. Secondly, we will be immediately (as I type this the engineers and gameplay programmers are working on the update) showing some love to these aspects of the game: Multiplayer Bosses; let's face it, they're ridiculous, we know why and we're going to fix it. You'll soon be able to enter the boss arenas and fight bosses at reasonable difficulty, it'll still be a challenge, just no longer a monumental/near-impossible task. The Baby-to-Juvie-Stasis issue; that's also getting fixed. For those not familiar, this is the problem where baby-creatures are entering stasis which (sort of) prevents them from ageing, and therefore they're not eating from troughs which result in death. The Center & Under the Mesh; we're going to be implementing a technical solution to stop jerks from going under the map and raiding people. This one will take a little bit longer, but we'll have it in as soon as possible. That's not all though! We will be releasing a major version update in the middle of the month which will significantly assist with DDoS mitigation, resolve the exploit which has allowed players to dupe, and of course not to be forgotten, but allow players to rent PC-dedicated Console Servers! We're also going to create an option to stop creatures from following you with their big heads (we'd do this one sooner, but it requires a major version update, so we thought it best come with the other significant changes mentioned above :p). Not to mention, we'll be taking care of server crash-exploits as and when they happen, working on server performance so that you will have a smoother and stable experience. Thank you so much for your patience the past few months and all the support! We will make sure that ARKs launch is a successful one and the game is in a healthy state. It's going to be a hectic few weeks ahead, and we're very excited! We still have a lot more planned for ARK, and even after release, the journey will continue! We've started a thread to collect questions for our next ARK Digest, so if you've got something you want to ask - let us know and we might pick it out in the next post! Community Contests! Player Procedurally Generated Maps! The Procedurally Generated Map system allows players to make their own ARK maps by determining a myriad of landscape options from the heights of mountains, depths of valleys, and the number of lakes, rivers or oceans, to the kinds of each biome they want, and more! Let's check out the entries for this weeks contest! This week's contest winner is... Kepler-186f by F1r3flycc! PGMapName=Kepler186f PGTerrainPropertiesString=MapSeed=555;LandscapeRadius=1.0;Water Frequency=5.0;Mountains Frequency=7;Mountains Slope=1.8;MountainsHeight=1.25;Turbulence Power=0.0125;Shore Slope=1.0;WaterLevel=-0.72;GrassDensity=1.0;JungleGrassDensity=0.02;ErosionSteps=5;TreesGroundSlopeAccuracy=0.5;DepositionStrength=0.5;ErosionStrength=0.75;OceanFloorLevel=-1.0;SnowBiomeSize=0.3;RWBiomeSize=0.075;MountainBiomeStart=-0.55;MountainsTreeDensity=0.01;JungleBiomeStart=-0.65;IslandBorderCurveExp=4.0;MaxSawnPointHeight=0.1;SnowGrassDensity=0.25;MountainGrassDensity=0.05;SnowMountainGrassDensity=0.15;UnderwaterObjectsDensity=0.5;SnowMountainsTreeDensity=0.01;TreeDensity=0.03;JungleTreeDensity=0.66;RedWoodTreeDensity=0.35;SnowTreeDensity=1.0;RedwoodGrassDensity=0.1;ShoreTreeDensity=0.05;SnowShoreTreeDensity=0.025;DeepWaterBiomesDepth=-0.24;InlandWaterObjectsDensity=0.5;ShorelineStartOffset=0.01;ShorelineThickness=0.0015;MountainGeneralTreesPercent=0.1;TerrainScaleMultiplier=(X=1.0f,Y=1.0f,Z=1.0f);SnowBiomeLocation=(X=0.2f,Y=0.2f);RWForestBiomeLocation=(X=0.5f,Y=0.5f);NorthRegion1Start=(X=0.25f,Y=0.0f);NorthRegion1End=(X=0.416f,Y=0.5f);NorthRegion2Start=(X=0.416f,Y=0.0f);NorthRegion2End=(X=0.582f,Y=0.5f);NorthRegion3Start=(X=0.582f,Y=0.0f);NorthRegion3End=(X=0.75f,Y=0.0f);SouthRegion1Start=(X=0.25f,Y=0.5f);SouthRegion1End=(X=0.416f,Y=1.0f);SouthRegion2Start=(X=0.416f,Y=0.5f);SouthRegion2End=(X=0.582f,Y=1.0f);SouthRegion3Start=(X=0.582f,Y=0.5f);SouthRegion3End=(X=0.75f,Y=1.0f);EastRegion1Start=(X=0.75f,Y=0.0f);EastRegion1End=(X=1.0f,Y=0.333f);EastRegion2Start=(X=0.75f,Y=0.333f);EastRegion2End=(X=1.0f,Y=0.666f);EastRegion3Start=(X=0.75f,Y=0.666f);EastRegion3End=(X=1.0f,Y=1.0f);WestRegion1Start=(X=0.0f,Y=0.0f);WestRegion1End=(X=0.25f,Y=0.333f);WestRegion2Start=(X=0.0f,Y=0.333f);WestRegion2End=(X=0.25f,Y=0.666f);WestRegion3Start=(X=0.0f,Y=0.666f);WestRegion3End=(X=0.25f,Y=1.0f) If you'd like to learn more about PGMs, please check out our quick start guide: ARKVideo! This contest is open to all types of video be they funny, epic, scenic, stories, whatever inspires you. Just a general reminder that they should remain safe for work, think of the children! And without further ado, the ARKVideos for Community Crunch 98 are... ARK: Survival Evolved - OpenWorld! and... MAN OR MANTIS - Rise of the Achatina (Episode 4) by LameWolfProductions! ARKitect! This is an award given to Survivors to celebrate the amazing structures you build. These bases are judged based upon a number of different factors such as their creativity, uniqueness, how fun of a base it is, the difficulty of building it, the functionality it provides and much more! The ARKitects for Community Crunch 98 are… ARK Pixel Box Art by Lusaka6! "Center Tower Caste" by SNK & Bob! Sphinx by Valoule Ragnarok Tek Retreat by F1r3fly CASTLE BLACK BUILD, ARK SURVIVAL EVOLVED by ThePilgrim If you'd like to check out the submissions from the rest of the entrants, you can do so here: Fan Feature! The Castle [4K 60FPS] [Cinematic/Showcase] by EXFIB0 Awesome Small ARK Treehouse! :: Exploring ARK Ragnarok Official Map :: Awesome ARK Base Locations! Log Cabin 3 :: Ark Building Tutorial :: How To Build a House in Ark Survival Evolved | UniteTheClans Ark: Survival Evolved || STEAMPUNK CITY || Ragnarok by Squidge Meister Game of Thrones inspired build on Ark Survival Evolved Castle Black by ArkTLC 138 |RAGNAROK| Top 5 PvP Base Locations [PvP Tips & Tricks] by EXFIB0 PIMP MY HOME, RAGNAROK STYLE by ranger1presents Exploring Ragnarok Ice Cave (2 of 3) [IronMine Ragnarok] [8] by MonkeyManTV Exploring Ragnarok - Griffin Taming w/WitMan by MonkeyManTV Big Flag build by ArkTLC 138 [4th of July][Jerboa Parade, Firework Rocket Launchers!!] by SevenFootPIGMAN Big Floating Ship Base Build PVE Ark Survival Evolved by ArkTLC 138 Forest base build tour | Modded ARK Survival Evolved by Ampersam Rainbow Base! Ark Survival Evolved Build by Ampersam ArkLifeRP - Chili Night at T&A Ranch with Cowboy Poetry by Smokie780 Ark Survival Evolved - Caution wet paint (PART 60) by GeeKy gAMer no1 & gOOgly Owl ARK ICE WYVERN ❄️VS ? FIRE WYVERN!! ICE WYVERN VS ALPHA WYVERN!! Ark Survival Evolved Dino Battles by Fresonis TURTLE & JERBOA BREEDING - JERBOA EXPLOSION! by The Lime Inc. How to Tame a Griffin ARK:101 feat. RamFace by YodysseusIV Explore the Ark #12: How to Handle Allo Packs by MrWhitehearth My Dodo, By Clay (Polymer Clay Art by Naila) by ClayOnOrDieTrying Source: Two barys by Plazmo Xen Source: Kids will be Kids by Violet Source: Survivor Card by Violet Source: Partnership by 神 Laila ☯ Ai 愛 Source: Indominus Rex (Redraw) by Neon Source: 이구아나와 이구아노돈 by iguana12345678 Source: The Spelunker by Dead Nitr0th3Edg3l0rd Source: Concours Dessin ! by Stipik Source: Concours Dessin ! by Stipik Source: Tiger attack 2 by TiMs Source: New realistic Dilophosaurus by milokamilo Source: New Albertosaurus by milokamilo Source: Milo's Smilo by milokamilo Source: Primal Mammoth by Sharkcat Source: Snow Camo Hyenadon by Sharkcat Source: Desert Camo Hyenadon by Sharkcat Source: Forest Camo Hyenadon by Sharkcat Source: Scooby-Doo Hyenadon by Sharkcat Source: Additional Creatures Official Dossier: Achillobator by Shadlos Source: Hydra Dossier by Crimson Source: Additional Creatures Official Dossier: Amphicyon by Shadlos Source: The REAL Brontosaurus by Nemo Namikaze Source: The REAL Triceratops by Nemo Namikaze Source: Zygophyseter Custom Dossier by Helena Source: Stalker Dossier by Dead Nitr0th3Edg3l0rd Source: That's it for this post guys! As always if you’ve got anything to share please get in touch and be sure to follow us on: Twitter: Facebook: Reddit: Instagram: All the best, Studio Wildcard View full article
Community Crunch 99 & ARK Digest 47: Introducing the Otter!
Jatheish posted a topic in Announcements
Hey Survivors! Welcome to the latest edition of the Community Crunch! The Community Crunch is where we share important things going on with ARK, as well as host contests and showcase creations made by the community! Let's get started with some news. Introducing the Otter! A new Dino Dossier has been revealed, this one is everyone’s favourite furry friend, the Otter! Common name: Otter Species: Lutra Peloso Time: Early Miocene Diet: Omnivore Temperament: Friendly Wild Found along the Island’s many inland waterways, Lutra Peloso have become exceptionally adept at hunting and foraging. This species of Otter has to be particularly cunning because of its diminutive size, and fierce competition for its preferred food source: fish. It is not a creature that excels at combat, and would not naturally pose an intimidating threat to any predators. Finding packs of river Otters is simple enough: They are distinguished by their elongated bodies, bushy tails, and webbed feet. Their trusting and inquisitive nature ensures they are often hunted for their lustrous fur, but many prefer to tame them to become trusted companions. Domesticated There are few creatures which provide the companionship that Lutra Peloso does. Rather than traveling beside you, it would prefer to comfortably rest on your back, providing insulation. Once domesticated, it can be told to harvest fish on demand, with a specific goal in mind from the fish that it consumes, the otter has a knack for foraging silica pearls, and can even yield a slight chance at finding black pearls within! For those of you living under the mesh and haven't been able to keep up with the news, ARK has entered its final stage of development towards Version 1.0 and will be Officially Launching on August the 29th 2017. There has been a lot of questions regarding what will happen to the development of ARK. Whether there will be additional content added to the base game, in the vein of; new friends to tame, new engrams to learn, items to craft, QOL, gameplay, and optimisation improvements... the answer to all that is yes! We will be continuing to work on the base game, as well as plans for future content in the form of free updates, and DLC (paid and free). Today we'd like to give you a bit of an early preview/tease of what you can expect for later this month on release (in addition to the mystery beyond the TEK cave). As well as our otterly cute friend, we'll also be introducing some new TEK items: The TEK Sword, with a dash-charge attack as well as armor piercing capability! The TEK Shield, which can reflect incoming projectiles and bullets, and can completely stop splash damage! The TEK Light, that can be attached or picked up to and from any surface, and is self--powered by elemental shards or can be linked to generators! Our latest Official Mod, Ragnarok, will be receiving a large update which is approximately the size of The Island. Players can expect to encounter new biomes such as a Coastal Wyvern Canyon, a Tropical Desert, Lowlands, Tasmania, several iconic beaches, a hidden temple, a new cave, an epic boss encounter and more! Here are a few screenshots of the upcoming areas: Players will also be able to tame Titanoboas! We know you've been waiting a while for them and we feel confident with our latest optimisation work in adding them to the ARK. Their taming method will involve alluring these terrifying snakes with the fertilized eggs to feed on. We are still planning on our mid-month update which will resolve the current loading-crash on Console Player Dedicated Servers, introduce our DDoS Mitigation for all Official Servers, address the duping exploit and allow players to rent PC-Dedicated Console Servers. PC-Dedicated Console servers will initially be rolling out on PlayStation 4 for the time being. We will be technically set up to launch them on both of our console platforms from a development point of view but are currently running into some business & pipeline questions with Microsoft which we hope to resolve in the coming weeks. ARK Digest 47! Here is our question and answer session with Lead Designer, Lead Programmer, Co-Creative Director of ARK: Survival Evolved, and Co-Founder of Studio Wildcard: Jeremy "Drake" Stieglitz! Survivor, Blackwolfe asks, “In my opinion, building is one of the important pillars of Ark and the building system is long overdue for some love. Do you have any plans to improve the building system in the near future? (like with improved snapping, triangle pieces like in s+, decorations etc).” Survivor Cynanic Ember asks: Will the two upcoming Expansion Packs included in the Season Pass round out and complete Ark's story entirely, or is there a possibility for additional Expansions beyond those? Has the TLC pass for Legacy dinos been scrapped or pushed back to post launch updates? On that subject, will post-launch updates be in much the same format as pre-launch? Or will we have larger themed updates like "Farming and Flora Update"? Will the Ice Wyvern ever get a distinct model, texture, and breath weapon instead of a re-skin? Will we be getting a more robust TEK Arsenal? The current TEK Rifle is the successor to the Assault Rifle, but what about a TEK Heavy Weapon like the rocket launcher (plasma cannon or railgun maybe?), or a sidearm, sniper rifle, or close-quarters weapon? (i.e Shotgun, not Tek Sword) Now that the game's full launch is approaching, will you be taking a look at any of the content that you originally wanted to implement, but was cut for various reasons? (Such as oil lanterns, primitive saddle mounted cannons, bean-bag ammo for shotguns, grapeshot for primitive cannon, etc...) Survivor Waterkeeper asks, “How's the kibble tree rework coming along?” IGNWhyt asks, “Are there any plans to make a colorblind-friendly mode? It's 2017, as such its not a new concept game wise. Or at the very least make supply drops different colors (red/green and blue/purple) if you can?” Scrysis asks, “Is Primal Ark still being developed? You know, the total conversion that allows players to play as the dinos?” xKingPheonix asks, “Is the phoenix permanently scrapped or will you guys add it to another dlc?” Steyoung89 asks, “Where do you stand with the Windows 10 version of the game?” ColossuS asks, “Extinction Servers have been dead for a very long time now and I have seen countless posts and tweets asking for the map to be reverted back to The Island; will this ever happen?“ Survivor CarpeAmare asks: Will console see a return of tether distance? Will console be able to place items straight from orbit camera similar to PC? Will console see a system where you can download paint prefabs for Dino's, canvases, etc. like PC? Stonefather asks “Will insects ever become breedable? I feel like they are outclassed by other creatures and being able to raise your own would help bring them closer in line with other creatures.” Oakwind asks “When are we getting the phiomia bacon we were promised?!?!” Lewiatan asks “Do you plan to make AI overhaul before or after premiere? What will AI overhaul contain? Survivor, SirMatthew asks “We will ever get banner/flag fixed in saddles, similar to the Tribe Flag from Survival of the Fittest?” Sponsored Mod Program Update! Here's what Cedric had to say: We are excited to announce some new changes to the Sponsored Mod Program for the month of August. It’s mind blowing seeing what our sponsored modders have accomplished in such a short time. As the program develops and the mods mature, we’ll be looking to see if any more mods have potential for a console release. We are adding two new mods to the program this month. Keep in mind that originality and creativity is the way to get a mod sponsored. The two mods we are adding this month are two mods that are still early in development stages, but show lots of potential. Without further ado! Dragonpunk: Tribe of Gods Everyone here is really excited for what this Total Conversion will bring to gameplay. At the moment, this Total Conversion is split into several different mods, but there are plans to make it a one-stop shop. They are aiming to redefine the ARK. Be sure to check out their website for more information! In the meantime, you can check out the Mythical Creatures for a little preview of what’s to come, plus they’ll be dropping a new magic mod later this month! Call of the Wild I can’t tell you how refreshing it is to see new game modes being developed. Survival of the Fittest was originally a mod that was created in the dev kit. Call of the Wild summons a wave of creatures at a location you choose that are there for your blood. It reminds me of some of the popular wave-based game modes that are still popular in games today. Right now, the sole focus is getting the mod stable, but I know there are some grand plans for this mod in the future. That’s it for this month! Be sure to check out the mods steam workshop pages for information on social media. Most of the modders in the program are active on social media and will post a sneak peek of what’s to come. ARK: 2x Evolution Event Weekend! Survivors across ALL Platforms will be receiving a special Evolution Event perk this weekend! It's already live now and will remain active until Monday the 7th at 12PM EST. All Official Servers will be undergoing this evolutionary change which includes: 2x Harvesting Rate 2x Taming Rate 2x EXP Rate 2x Maturing 2x Hatching 2x Gestation 2x Faster Mating Interval Rates Reminder: this 2x bonus is on top of the 2x rates that are now standard on our official servers! Community Contests! Player Procedurally Generated Maps! The Procedurally Generated Map system allows players to make their own ARK maps by determining a myriad of landscape options from the heights of mountains, depths of valleys, and the number of lakes, rivers or oceans, to the kinds of each biome they want, and more! Let's check out the entries for this weeks contest! This week's contest winner is... Drought by Wolf Angelus! PGMapName=Drought PGTerrainPropertiesString=MapSeed=759;LandscapeRadius=1.0;Water Frequency=3.6;Mountains Frequency=12;Mountains Slope=1.90;MountainsHeight=.825;Turbulence Power=0.0125;Shore Slope=1.4;WaterLevel=-0.72;GrassDensity=1.0;JungleGrassDensity=0.05;ErosionSteps=1;TreesGroundSlopeAccuracy=0.5;DepositionStrength=0.01;ErosionStrength=0.02;OceanFloorLevel=-1.0;SnowBiomeSize=0.11;RWBiomeSize=0.15;MountainBiomeStart=-0.49;MountainsTreeDensity=0.06;JungleBiomeStart=-0.59;IslandBorderCurveExp=4.0;MaxSawnPointHeight=0.2;SnowGrassDensity=0.25;MountainGrassDensity=0.007;SnowMountainGrassDensity=0.15;UnderwaterObjectsDensity=0.5;SnowMountainsTreeDensity=0.03;TreeDensity=0.005;JungleTreeDensity=0.50;RedWoodTreeDensity=0.0135;SnowTreeDensity=1.25;RedwoodGrassDensity=0.07;ShoreTreeDensity=0.32;SnowShoreTreeDensity=0.04;DeepWaterBiomesDepth=-0.24;InlandWaterObjectsDensity=0.5;ShorelineStartOffset=0.035;ShorelineThickness=0.045;MountainGeneralTreesPercent=0.15;TerrainScaleMultiplier=(X=1.0f,Y=1.0f,Z=1.0f);SnowBiomeLocation=(X=0.7f,Y=0.7f);RWForestBiomeLocation=(X=0.4f,Y=0.4f);NorthRegion1Start=(X=0.25f,Y=0.0f);NorthRegion1End=(X=0.416f,Y=0.5f);NorthRegion2Start=(X=0.416f,Y=0.0f);NorthRegion2End=(X=0.582f,Y=0.5f);NorthRegion3Start=(X=0.582f,Y=0.0f);NorthRegion3End=(X=0.75f,Y=0.0f);SouthRegion1Start=(X=0.25f,Y=0.5f);SouthRegion1End=(X=0.416f,Y=1.0f);SouthRegion2Start=(X=0.416f,Y=0.5f);SouthRegion2End=(X=0.582f,Y=1.0f);SouthRegion3Start=(X=0.582f,Y=0.5f);SouthRegion3End=(X=0.75f,Y=1.0f);EastRegion1Start=(X=0.75f,Y=0.0f);EastRegion1End=(X=1.0f,Y=0.333f);EastRegion2Start=(X=0.75f,Y=0.333f);EastRegion2End=(X=1.0f,Y=0.666f);EastRegion3Start=(X=0.75f,Y=0.666f);EastRegion3End=(X=1.0f,Y=1.0f);WestRegion1Start=(X=0.0f,Y=0.0f);WestRegion1End=(X=0.25f,Y=0.333f);WestRegion2Start=(X=0.0f,Y=0.333f);WestRegion2End=(X=0.25f,Y=0.666f);WestRegion3Start=(X=0.0f,Y=0.666f);WestRegion3End=(X=0.25f,Y=1.0f) If you'd like to learn more about PGMs, please check out our quick start guide: NVidia Ansel Photography Contest Super Resolution Version: ARK: Survival Evolved and the Scorched Earth Expansion Pack now include support for NVIDIA Ansel -- a revolutionary new way to capture in-game shots. Compose shots from any position, adjust with post-process filters, capture HDR images in high-fidelity formats, and share the screenshots in 360 via a smartphone, PC or VR headset. Learn more about these features from the NVIDIA blog. Now let’s get to the contest! There were 3 potential categories for survivors to enter their shots into and they were the following: Three Categories Super Resolution: These should be taken at 8x Super Resolution. Players can optionally use Depth of Field effects accessible in Spectator mode by pressing the [Delete] key. Panoramic 360 Stereoscopic 3D: These should be taken at 4x Super Resolution, in 360 Stereoscopic 3D mode. We will crop them to 2D for web display, while also providing the 3D version for viewing within VR display. Freeform: Any settings, whacky and creative use of Ansel filters are encouraged. Adding humorous titles/captions in Photoshop is also acceptable for this category! And now without further ado, here are your entries! You’ll want to click on the image title to be able to download the maximum size image, we’ve resized them for display purposes Super Resolution! Winners! FataL1ty - Silhou-view StateofMynd42 - Sudden Impact Blue Dragon - Shades of ARK Runner Ups! Blue Dragon - In limbo Blue Dragon - Drink up Squidge Meister - Onlooker Wolf Angelus - Aquatic Day Christopher Warburton - A land that time forgot Honourable Mentions! Blue Dragon - Decay Blue Dragon - Above the clouds Blue Dragon - Defeat Blue Dragon - Cat fight Blue Dragon - Dark Rex Blue Dragon - Do you see me Blue Dragon - Dragon's heart Blue Dragon - Hunting party Blue Dragon - Journey to the islands Blue Dragon - New territory Blue Dragon - Shadow Stalker Blue Dragon - Shadows Christopher Warburton - A snooze with death Christopher Warburton - Manticore Mural Christopher Warburton - The Power Within Domino - Evolution in Progress EXFIB0 - Entering The Cave EXFIB0 - Going for it! FataL1ty - Love Bites FataL1ty - Patrol View FataL1ty - Shadow World Norlinri - Nom Pollti - Angry Yutyrannus Pollti - Mantis on fire roguewolf91 - Cries Left Unheard roguewolf91 - Griffin Arrival roguewolf91 - Twilight SgtWest - The Beauty of Crystal Isles SgtWest - The Bionic Arrival SgtWest - Wyvern of the Desert Squidge Meister - Steampunk Tapejara Squidge Meister - The Weak Spot Squidge Meister - You Will Not Believe What I Saw Today StateofMynd42 - Bound And Leap StateofMynd42 - Mythical Morning Wolf Angelus - Natural Habitat Wolf Angelus - Summer Retreat Panoramic 360 Stereoscopic 3D! Winners! Blue Dragon - Break of Darkness EXFIB0 - Jungle Cave Runner Ups! Blue Dragon - Floating Blue Dragon - Out of the ashes Wolf Angelus - Science House Interior Wolf Angelus - Summer Retreat Exterior Honourable Mentions! Blue Dragon - The canyon EXFIB0 - Canyon EXFIB0 - Ice Cave EXFIB0 - Penguin Land EXFIB0 - Redwood Lake EXFIB0 - Symmetry EXFIB0 - The Beautiful Ragnarok FataL1ty - Cats and Dogs FataL1ty - Misty Distance FataL1ty - Nights Out, Lights Out FataL1ty - Shadows and Silhouettes FataL1ty - Shells roguewolf91 - Echoes of the Forgotten Wolf Angelus - Amphibious Habitat Wolf Angelus - Modern Home Interior Wolf Angelus - Modern Home Upper Interior Wolf Angelus - Science House Upper Interior Freeform! Winner! BatmanTDKR - Warrior VS Mammoth Runner Ups! Valoule - Choice Blue Dragon - Limbo ARK Edition F1r3fly - The Night is Dark and Full of Pteras Honourable Mentions! BatmanTDKR - Lurker BatmanTDKR - Pose BatmanTDKR - Profile BatmanTDKR - Smokescreen BatmanTDKR - Sunset BatmanTDKR - Taking a break BatmanTDKR - Thinking Cheb - Ancient Treasure Cheb - Deep Jungle Cheb - Watch the Step EXFIB0 - Retro EXFIB0 - Saturated Joe Lally - Out of the water Kielbasa - Notable scene Natsu - Flying Unicorn Wolf Angelus - FRIDAY THE 13TH ARKVideo! This contest is open to all types of video be they funny, epic, scenic, stories, whatever inspires you. Just a general reminder that they should remain safe for work, think of the children! And without further ado, the ARKVideo for Community Crunch 99 is... ARK MAKES NO SENSE - Weird Game Logic (ARK: Survival Evolved) by LameWolfProductions ARKitect! This is an award given to Survivors to celebrate the amazing structures you build. These bases are judged based upon a number of different factors such as their creativity, uniqueness, how fun of a base it is, the difficulty of building it, the functionality it provides and much more! The ARKitect for Community Crunch 99 is… Treehouse Bungalow Workshop! :: Exploring ARK Ragnarok Official Map :: Awesome ARK Base Locations by SWChris If you'd like to check out the submissions from the rest of the entrants, you can do so here: Fan Feature! Ark SurvivaI Evolved - HOW HAS NO ONE FOUND THIS YET?! RAGNAROK'S BIGGEST SECRET! by nakedzombo CAST AWAY! - ARK Cinematic Skits by LameWolfProductions Dragontopia First Look by Dragonarcwar ARK: Throne of nightmares by MissyPrime Large Castle/Base Build using Floating Pillars and the new no clip mechanic on Ark Survival Evolved by Tlc138 Ark Survival Build- Swimming Pool/Lido PvE PS4 by runswithpencils Tag vs Ark Survival Evolved: A tour of what I made by Tageon Ark Survival Evolved - Bossy (PART 62) by GeeKy gAMer no1 & gOOgly Owl Dododex Taming Calculator v1.13 by danleveille Source: Alpha Wyvern by XxCrazyNyanCatxX Source: Electric Storm Spinosaurus by Helena Source: Creature design by mateaperic51 Source: Yutyrannus Sketch by Dead Nitr0th3Edg3l0rd Source: bionic raptor the zoul Source: Expeditions Diary by ThePilgrim SNES Super Mario] Bowser-copter & Peach - Retro Pixel Art by Wolf Angelus Scooby Pixel Art by Valoule The Perfect Stable Location by eco Horse-drawn Wagon by Tlc138 ISO: Crystal Isles Dossier by UwU Source: That's it for this post guys! As always if you’ve got anything to share please get in touch and be sure to follow us on: Twitter: Facebook: Reddit: Instagram: All the best, Studio Wildcard View full article -
Hey Survivors! Welcome to the latest edition of the Community Crunch! The Community Crunch is where we share important things going on with ARK, as well as host contests and showcase creations made by the community! Let's get started with some news. ARK: 2x Evolution Event Weekend! Survivors across ALL Platforms will be receiving a special Evolution Event perk this weekend! It's already live now and will remain active until Monday the 14th at 12PM EST. All Official Servers will be undergoing this evolutionary change which includes: 2x Harvesting Rate 2x Taming Rate 2x EXP Rate 2x Maturing 2x Hatching 2x Gestation 2x Faster Mating Interval Rates Reminder: this 2x bonus is on top of the 2x rates that are now standard on our official servers! Community Contests! Player Procedurally Generated Maps! The Procedurally Generated Map system allows players to make their own ARK maps by determining a myriad of landscape options from the heights of mountains, depths of valleys, and the number of lakes, rivers or oceans, to the kinds of each biome they want, and more! Let's check out the entries for this weeks contest! This week's contest winner is... Wolf Angelus! PGMapName=BeachParty PGTerrainPropertiesString=MapSeed=100;LandscapeRadius=1.0;Water Frequency=3.9;Mountains Frequency=11.5;Mountains Slope=1.90;MountainsHeight=.815;Turbulence Power=0.0125;Shore Slope=1.65;WaterLevel=-0.72;GrassDensity=1.0;JungleGrassDensity=0.05;ErosionSteps=25;TreesGroundSlopeAccuracy=0.5;DepositionStrength=0.005;ErosionStrength=0.005;OceanFloorLevel=-1.0;SnowBiomeSize=0.11;RWBiomeSize=0.15;MountainBiomeStart=-0.49;MountainsTreeDensity=0.06;JungleBiomeStart=-0.55;IslandBorderCurveExp=4.0;MaxSawnPointHeight=0.2;SnowGrassDensity=0.25;MountainGrassDensity=0.007;SnowMountainGrassDensity=0.15;UnderwaterObjectsDensity=0.5;SnowMountainsTreeDensity=0.03;TreeDensity=0.005;JungleTreeDensity=0.50;RedWoodTreeDensity=0.0135;SnowTreeDensity=1.25;RedwoodGrassDensity=0.07;ShoreTreeDensity=0.32;SnowShoreTreeDensity=0.04;DeepWaterBiomesDepth=-0.24;InlandWaterObjectsDensity=0.5;ShorelineStartOffset=0.035;ShorelineThickness=0.045;MountainGeneralTreesPercent=0.15;TerrainScaleMultiplier=(X=1.0f,Y=1.0f,Z=1.0f);SnowBiomeLocation=(X=0.7f,Y=0.7f);RWForestBiomeLocation=(X=0.4f,Y=0.4f);NorthRegion1Start=(X=0.25f,Y=0.0f);NorthRegion1End=(X=0.416f,Y=0.5f);NorthRegion2Start=(X=0.416f,Y=0.0f);NorthRegion2End=(X=0.582f,Y=0.5f);NorthRegion3Start=(X=0.582f,Y=0.0f);NorthRegion3End=(X=0.75f,Y=0.0f);SouthRegion1Start=(X=0.25f,Y=0.5f);SouthRegion1End=(X=0.416f,Y=1.0f);SouthRegion2Start=(X=0.416f,Y=0.5f);SouthRegion2End=(X=0.582f,Y=1.0f);SouthRegion3Start=(X=0.582f,Y=0.5f);SouthRegion3End=(X=0.75f,Y=1.0f);EastRegion1Start=(X=0.75f,Y=0.0f);EastRegion1End=(X=1.0f,Y=0.333f);EastRegion2Start=(X=0.75f,Y=0.333f);EastRegion2End=(X=1.0f,Y=0.666f);EastRegion3Start=(X=0.75f,Y=0.666f);EastRegion3End=(X=1.0f,Y=1.0f);WestRegion1Start=(X=0.0f,Y=0.0f);WestRegion1End=(X=0.25f,Y=0.333f);WestRegion2Start=(X=0.0f,Y=0.333f);WestRegion2End=(X=0.25f,Y=0.666f);WestRegion3Start=(X=0.0f,Y=0.666f);WestRegion3End=(X=0.25f,Y=1.0f) If you'd like to learn more about PGMs, please check out our quick start guide: NVidia Ansel Photography Contest Super Resolution Version: ARK: Survival Evolved and the Scorched Earth Expansion Pack now include support for NVIDIA Ansel -- a revolutionary new way to capture in-game shots. Compose shots from any position, adjust with post-process filters, capture HDR images in high-fidelity formats, and share the screenshots in 360 via a smartphone, PC or VR headset. Learn more about these features from the NVIDIA blog. Now let’s get to the contest! There were 3 potential categories for survivors to enter their shots into and they were the following: Three Categories Super Resolution: These should be taken at 8x Super Resolution. Players can optionally use Depth of Field effects accessible in Spectator mode by pressing the [Delete] key. Panoramic 360 Stereoscopic 3D: These should be taken at 4x Super Resolution, in 360 Stereoscopic 3D mode. We will crop them to 2D for web display, while also providing the 3D version for viewing within VR display. Freeform: Any settings, whacky and creative use of Ansel filters are encouraged. Adding humorous titles/captions in Photoshop is also acceptable for this category! And now without further ado, here are your entries! You’ll want to click on the image title to be able to download the maximum size image, we’ve resized them for display purposes Super Resolution! Winners! FataL1ty - O Dear Obelisk Runner Ups! DEBBYSAURUS - FLIGHT OF THE TERROR BIRD GG Fizz - Ragnarok Cliff Side Viking Town Main Entrance BlueDragon - A new day Ego - Land of the Lost Pollti – Ruins in flames Honourable Mentions! BlueDragon - Angry BlueDragon - Dark Raptor BlueDragon - Enter the leech! BlueDragon - Hidden threat BlueDragon - Mythical morning BlueDragon - Predator and Prey BlueDragon - Running on the beach BlueDragon - Standing tall BlueDragon - Sunset flight BlueDragon - The fearless compy BlueDragon - Tropical morning Ego - Awakening of the evil Ego - Furious guardians Ego - Prepare for battle Kovko - Bloodbath 1David25 - OAF's Boardward 1David25 - Island Castle Domino - King of the Guardian Trio Domino - Meet The Rocket Jumper EXFIB0 - Canyon Lake EXFIB0 - Fire Wyvern EXFIB0 - Icelake EXFIB0 - Lakeside EXFIB0 - Lightning Wyvern EXFIB0 - Set The World On Fire FataL1ty - Against the Elements FataL1ty - Beacons FataL1ty - Danger in the Dawn FataL1ty - Heavensward FataL1ty - Much Daybreak. Wow. FataL1ty - Patrol FataL1ty - Snow Patrol FataL1ty - Stream of Tears FataL1ty - Time to Turn Back FataL1ty - Windblown GG Fizz - Ragnarok Cliff Side Viking Town Cliff View GG Fizz - Ragnarok Cliff Side Viking Town Full View Kovko - Catch me if you can Kovko - Coming Through Kovko - Loner Kovko - Ptera Attack Kovko - Target located Pollti – Jungle_Dungeon Pollti – Swamp Ruins roguewolf91 - In Search of Adventure Seggzy - ARK Wars Wolf Angelus - Bite Sized Wolf Angelus - Hunter of the Blood Forest Wolf Angelus - Mythical Fantasy Wolf Angelus - Rex Playing in Water Panoramic 360 Stereoscopic 3D! Winner! EXFIB0 - High Up Honourable Mentions! BlueDragon - Across the sea BlueDragon - Crystal Clear BlueDragon - Floating View GG Fizz - Ragnarok Cliff Side Viking Town Market View EXFIB0 - Mountain Lake EXFIB0 - Ragnarok EXFIB0 - Redwood Waterfalls FataL1ty - Dragon's View FataL1ty - Run, run, RUN! FataL1ty - Snowy Vantage Point Kovko - Island Kovko - Streams roguewolf91 - What Lies Beneath Wolf Angelus - Rexes Incoming! Wolf Angelus - Sunset Freeform! Winner! F1r3fly - The Life of a Trilo-bites Honourable Mentions! EXFIB0 - Cruisin' EXFIB0 - Poison Wolf Angelus - L'ego my Pego ARKVideo! This contest is open to all types of video be they funny, epic, scenic, stories, whatever inspires you. Just a general reminder that they should remain safe for work, think of the children! And without further ado, the ARKVideo for Community Crunch 100 is... THE HUNT by Legs ARKitect! This is an award given to Survivors to celebrate the amazing structures you build. These bases are judged based upon a number of different factors such as their creativity, uniqueness, how fun of a base it is, the difficulty of building it, the functionality it provides and much more! The ARKitect for Community Crunch 100 is… it's a tie! GGFizz's Ragnarok Viking Town! and Ragnarok Treehouse Evolved by Sitharias Full album: We'd also like to give congratulations to our runners up this week: Homemade Redwood Tree by Gingie! Check out the full album: Ragnarok WATERFALL CASTLE BASE TOUR | Ark Survival [NO MODS] by badassunicorn Ark Survival Evolved || Patreon Base Showcase - Dragon Keep by Dragonarcwar If you'd like to check out the submissions from the rest of the entrants, you can do so here: Fan Feature! Exploring Ragnarok - Artifact of the Hunter by MonkeyManTV Cool ARK Ragnarok Barn and Stable - Exploring ARK Ragnarok Official Map - Awesome ARK Base Locations by SWChris Ark Survival Evolved, River Mouth Base by The Pilgrim Sand Smell by Shuher Miller Flakes! by Kaigs Top Hat Jerboa by Catbug Diving with mantas by Wawann Three Raptors by Peekofwar Forest Camo Megalania by Sharkcat Desert Camo Megalania by Sharkcat Snow Camo Megalania by Sharkcat Realistic Giganotosaurus by DinoPlayer34 Tyrannotitan by milokamilo Ragnarok Resource map by Exhumed Additional Creatures Official Dossier: Purussaurus! by Shadlos Additional Creatures Official Dossier: Megaraptor by Shadlos Dossier: I. rex by Scanova the Carnotaurus Dossier: Gallimimus by Scanova the Carnotaurus Dossier: Sabertooth by Scanova the Carnotaurus That's it for this post guys! As always if you’ve got anything to share please get in touch and be sure to follow us on: Twitter: Facebook: Reddit: Instagram: All the best, Studio Wildcard View full article
Hello Survivors! This week I'll be bringing you our Community Crunch and our ARK Digest. If you are a video content creator don't forget to check out the Community Contest section below for some news! Let's start off with a quick reminder: Map Biome Changes! The expected release of the map biome changes is approaching! We have released an update that shows the in-game area that will be affected by these biome changes. Restart your Steam Client for the update, Mac/Linux will be available soon. Here is some additional information about this, including an updated map: Digest Q&A! Here is our question and answer session with Lead Designer, Lead Programmer, and Co-Creative Director: Jeremy "Drake" Stieglitz! Survivor, Pla, asks, "Will you add ranks with privileges to alliances? It would be really neat to set some people of the allied tribe into a group so they can open your doors, ride your dinos, access the inventory, ...!" and Survivor, Mork, asks, "Any plans to expand or alter the usefulness of Tribe Alliances? Alliance chat? At Least Some Shared XP? Alliance Rideable dinos? (Able to designate a dino for alliance use) Alliance Dino Breeding?" Survivor, Zuko65, asks, "I'm curious as to what your standpoint is on the current state of the PvP more specifically flyers. I know there is a large portion of people who would like to see quetz platforms removed and would this be something that you would consider? If not, what is your standpoint on turrets on a quetz?" Survivor, Loganecho, asks, "Are there any plans to add the new biomes to The Center map as well?" Survivor, Mendoza, asks, "Will there ever be the ability to hold a torch and a weapon / tool at the same time?" Survivor, Pla, asks, "Will you fix the problem transferring ARK data from one unofficial server to another? I was able to transfer the items between two of my servers until I added too much items and now even after reinstalling ARK on a separate hard drive it is broken." Survivor, Jor, asks, "Just an idea for the stat "Crafting Speed". Could you design it so that the higher the stat, there is a chance we could craft a higher end item? I know that you can create items faster with this stat but I have never seen anyone actually ever use it. I'm sure those people exist but I've yet to encounter any." Survivor, Atila00, asks, "Are we gonna get a solution about all of the impossible blueprint craft when ressources needed too big for a Smithy or a Beaver (Like blueprint that need more 35k metal, 27k hide, 20k fiber and even more of other ressources)." Survivor, PapaPoof, asks, "Could you make it easier to remove engrams? I will be opening a server, with giga saddle and quetz platform removed. So I have to type in every engram that I want to allow, rather then the engrams that I don't want. Maybe check boxes for the engrams so I can check the ones I want and uncheck the ones I don't want? Thank you! Keep up the good work!" Survivor, Grilledamoeba, asks, "Are there any plans to expand upon the ARK's flora? Individualized plant to berries/fruits so you can search out particular berries/fruits, instead of swinging randomly at vegetation until you gather the berry you are searching for? Specific plants providing benefits/harm? Different animals each preferring a different variety of vegetation, instead of the generic Mejoberry? Any plans to expand the farming aspect of the game?" Survivor, OnePotatoChip, asks, "So I'm guessing there's a reason we can collect other survivors' specimen implants. Wanna shed some light?" Survivor, GGSDubSt3pz, asks, "Will there ever be an option to dismantle items to get around 25% of the materials back? Lower quality guns are useless when you have higher ones. It would be cool to destroy the hundreds of longnecks, crossbows and tools you found in drops or alphas, instead of throw them away or store them in the useless stuff box. :D" Survivor, Fatrickprank, asks, "What would the Black Pearl be used for in future updates? Will there be any other way besides the Eurypterid to harvest the Black Pearls?" Survivor, Mendoza, asks, "Will we see more types of Booby Traps? (Hidden Trap Doors for multi-story buildings, Shot Gun Rigged doors, C4 / Narc rigged boxes, 1x1 spikes that can be placed on ceilings / floors, Spring loaded rope traps that hangs the captive upside down in a tree, snares, falling rocks, boulders or logs, pressure plates etc.... )" Survivor, H0gtitties, asks, "What were the thoughts and discussions around making the snow biome larger? What was the impetus for the change? Are there any plans for sub-biomes like a frozen tundra to ease the transition into the snow biome. With the expansion of the snow biome are there any plans in the near future for perhaps additional snow dwelling dinosaurs that can be shared or teased?" Survivor, Vis02001, asks, "What types of mods will we get to see officially in the game? Will the ones the win the contests be on the Xbox version?" Survivor, Jazzop, asks, "Any chance you can add a hotkey to change arrow type, maybe hold down the crossbow hotbar selection and press another button to switch from tranqs to normal." Survivor, Tomb, asks, "So how is it going with the easy to make offline raid server setting (from a older digest) that would come "next patch"? " Next we’ll be moving on to the Community Crunch segment! The Crunch is a weekly topic that consist of content to share, made by the community, for the community! As well as any little changes we want to make survivors aware about, which happen within our community. Fan Feature! Dodo Platform Saddle by danleveille Source: Ark Gigas Meme by Kingangus Source: Postosuchus Dossier by Tomtoyer Edmontosaurus Dossier by Tomtoyer Lao-Lao Dossier by Shadlos Source: Dossier: Platyceramus by Titan Cat Source: Ark Survival by Madara Source: Dodo Rex by Nyx Source: Black Market by Dedal Source: Shipbuilding by Fin Source: Isengard recreation at volvan by d0nCh3t0oki11ed Hot Air Balloon by Morth Source: Horde-Ork by milokamilo Source: ARK BESTIARY: LYSTROSAURUS (The Ultimate Survivor) ARK PARODIES #1 - BREAKING BAD ARK Survival Evolved | Challenging PVP Arena | Build Showcase by Fresonis Ark Character Introduction: The Dark Knight/Batman by AmaiMnFrak Poetry by Trentifus Community Contests! This will be the last week for ARKArt as it heads into retirement. But fear not Survivors, we will be opening a new Community Contest for all of our talented video creators! Up until now you've only been able to included in our feature section, but now you are able to compete for prizes! This new Contest will be open for all types of video be they funny, epic, scenic, stories, whatever inspires you. Just a general reminder that they should remain safe for work, think of the children! $200 each will be awarded to the winner of ARKitect and well as the winner of the new ARKVideo category. We'd love to see some videos and/or builds taking place on the new Center map! We look forward to see what you all come up with next week. ARKitect This is an award given to Survivors to celebrate the amazing structures you build. These bases are judged based upon a number of different factors such as their creativity, uniqueness, how fun of a base it is, the difficulty of building it, the functionality it provides and much more! The ARKitect for Community Crunch 49 is… Club Wolf by Wolf Angelus! And… Arkperture turret by Valoule! We'd also like to give a honourable mention/runner up place to Helm's Deep by FataL1ty! ARKArt This is an award given to survivors who have created beautiful work of art for that week! As always, the artwork is not being judged on the quality of the screenshot or the graphical settings used, but instead what you have managed to draw and produce in game. The ARKArtist for Community Crunch 49 is… Rex in a Jet by FataL1ty! Thank you for all the entries this week guys! Congratulations to all our winners and if you’d like to take a look at what all the survivors submitted, you can do so here: Workshop Spotlight! In place of Cedric’s normal workshop spotlight we have a question and answer session with Lead Level Designer at Studio Wildcard, Damien Bull from our livestream earlier today! Make sure to give it a watch. Watch live video from SurviveTheArk on That’s it for this week’s post guys! As always if you’ve got anything to share please get in touch and be sure to follow us on Twitter at @survivetheark - Facebook at and Reddit at Much love, Wildcard Jen and the ARK Survival Evolved Team View full article
Hey Survivors! Welcome to the latest edition of the Community Crunch! The Community Crunch is where we share important things going on with ARK, as well as host contests and showcase creations made by the community! Let's get started with some news. Pre-Orders and Limited Collector’s Edition! In case you missed our E3 news, ARK has it's official release date, August 8, 2017! Along with our official release comes the opportunity to pre-order and get yourself a limited collector's edition of ARK, which comes with a whole bunch of goodies shown in the picture above. Read more at the link below: ARK: Evolution Event Weekend! It's party time! Survivors across ALL Platforms will be receiving a special extended Evolution Event! It's already live now and will remain active until Monday the 26th at 12PM EST. All Official Servers will be undergoing this evolutionary change which includes: 2x Harvesting Rate 2x Taming Rate 2x EXP Rate 2x Baby Mature Speed 2x Egg Hatching & Gestation Speed 2x Mating Interval (LESS!) Steam Summer Sale! As part of the Steam Summer Sale, ARK is 51% off and Scorched Earth is 51% off! After this sale, ARK will be receiving a price change so that we have parity with our retail release. If you or your friends haven't picked up a copy yet and want to get it before the retail price applies, now is definitely the time to do so! Community Contests! Player Procedurally Generated Maps! The Procedurally Generated Map system allows players to make their own ARK maps by determining a myriad of landscape options from the heights of mountains, depths of valleys, and the number of lakes, rivers or oceans, to the kinds of each biome they want, and more! Let's check out the entries for this weeks contest! This week's contest winner is... Wolf Angelus! Settings: PGTerrainPropertiesString=MapSeed=13;LandscapeRadius=1.0;Water Frequency=3.15;Mountains Frequency=12;Mountains Slope=1.95;MountainsHeight=.8;Turbulence Power=0.0125;Shore Slope=1.4;WaterLevel=-0.72;GrassDensity=1.0;JungleGrassDensity=0.05;ErosionSteps=10;TreesGroundSlopeAccuracy=0.5;DepositionStrength=0.05;ErosionStrength=0.15;OceanFloorLevel=-1.0;SnowBiomeSize=0.14;RWBiomeSize=0.09;MountainBiomeStart=-0.49;MountainsTreeDensity=0.06;JungleBiomeStart=-0.59;IslandBorderCurveExp=4.0;MaxSawnPointHeight=0.2;SnowGrassDensity=0.25;MountainGrassDensity=0.007;SnowMountainGrassDensity=0.15;UnderwaterObjectsDensity=0.5;SnowMountainsTreeDensity=0.03;TreeDensity=0.005;JungleTreeDensity=0.50;RedWoodTreeDensity=0.010;SnowTreeDensity=1.2;RedwoodGrassDensity=0.07;ShoreTreeDensity=0.32;SnowShoreTreeDensity=0.04;DeepWaterBiomesDepth=-0.24;InlandWaterObjectsDensity=0.5;ShorelineStartOffset=0.023;ShorelineThickness=0.035;MountainGeneralTreesPercent=0.15;TerrainScaleMultiplier=(X=1.0f,Y=1.0f,Z=1.0f);SnowBiomeLocation=(X=0.6f,Y=0.6f);RWForestBiomeLocation=(X=0.35f,Y=0.35f);NorthRegion1Start=(X=0.25f,Y=0.0f);NorthRegion1End=(X=0.416f,Y=0.5f);NorthRegion2Start=(X=0.416f,Y=0.0f);NorthRegion2End=(X=0.582f,Y=0.5f);NorthRegion3Start=(X=0.582f,Y=0.0f);NorthRegion3End=(X=0.75f,Y=0.0f);SouthRegion1Start=(X=0.25f,Y=0.5f);SouthRegion1End=(X=0.416f,Y=1.0f);SouthRegion2Start=(X=0.416f,Y=0.5f);SouthRegion2End=(X=0.582f,Y=1.0f);SouthRegion3Start=(X=0.582f,Y=0.5f);SouthRegion3End=(X=0.75f,Y=1.0f);EastRegion1Start=(X=0.75f,Y=0.0f);EastRegion1End=(X=1.0f,Y=0.333f);EastRegion2Start=(X=0.75f,Y=0.333f);EastRegion2End=(X=1.0f,Y=0.666f);EastRegion3Start=(X=0.75f,Y=0.666f);EastRegion3End=(X=1.0f,Y=1.0f);WestRegion1Start=(X=0.0f,Y=0.0f);WestRegion1End=(X=0.25f,Y=0.333f);WestRegion2Start=(X=0.0f,Y=0.333f);WestRegion2End=(X=0.25f,Y=0.666f);WestRegion3Start=(X=0.0f,Y=0.666f);WestRegion3End=(X=0.25f,Y=1.0f) If you'd like to learn more about PGMs, please check out our quick start guide: NVidia Ansel Photography Contest Super Resolution Version: ARK: Survival Evolved and the Scorched Earth Expansion Pack now include support for NVIDIA Ansel -- a revolutionary new way to capture in-game shots. Compose shots from any position, adjust with post-process filters, capture HDR images in high-fidelity formats, and share the screenshots in 360 via a smartphone, PC or VR headset. Learn more about these features from the NVIDIA blog. Now let’s get to the contest! There were 3 potential categories for survivors to enter their shots into and they were the following: Three Categories Super Resolution: These should be taken at 8x Super Resolution. Players can optionally use Depth of Field effects accessible in Spectator mode by pressing the [Delete] key. Panoramic 360 Stereoscopic 3D: These should be taken at 4x Super Resolution, in 360 Stereoscopic 3D mode. We will crop them to 2D for web display, while also providing the 3D version for viewing within VR display. Freeform: Any settings, whacky and creative use of Ansel filters are encouraged. Adding humorous titles/captions in Photoshop is also acceptable for this category! And now without further ado, here are your entries! You’ll want to click on the image title to be able to download the maximum size image, we’ve resized them for display purposes Super Resolution! Winners! F1r3fly - Migrating to Ragnarok StateofMynd42 - The Most Metal Album Cover Ever Runners Up! StateofMynd42 - Everything the Light Touches Pollti - The Four Elements Honourable Mentions! Christopher Warburton - Ahhhh! Christopher Warburton - Enter the arena Christopher Warburton - Manticore Arena Christopher Warburton - Traversing the desert in style Domino - The Shadow Road Ego - This is a beautiful fantasy world FataL1ty - Fishing FataL1ty - Leap FataL1ty - Munch! FataL1ty - Scenic Stroll 2 FataL1ty - Shadow Bronto Jamie Weaver - View from above Joe Lally - Natural Habitat Natsu - Feel the Beat Norlinri - Is it a gorilla Norlinri - TEK cave Norlinri - The Cunning Norlinri - Uh oh Pollti - Tek Tapejaras roguewolf91 - Combing the Beach roguewolf91 - Mountain Majesty roguwolf91 - Artemis Smiles Upon It Starwolf23 - TheEntrepreneur StateofMynd42 - Portrait of a Hyaenodon Stevie - Battle Of The Elements Wolf Angelus - Dino Hotsprings Wolf Angelus - Embrace Tranquility Wolf Angelus - Morning Pounce [Version 2] Panoramic 360 Stereoscopic 3D! Winner! FataL1ty - Starry Night Honourable Mentions! FataL1ty - Canyon FataL1ty - Lookout Dawn FataL1ty - Lookout Day FataL1ty - Lookout Dusk FataL1ty - Piggy-back FataL1ty - Tower View Kovko - Guardian Kovko - On Fire roguewolf91 - The Forgemaster's Domain, Hephaestus Wolf Angelus - Break of Dawn Wolf Angelus - Hotsprings [Version 1] Wolf Angelus - Hotsprings [Version 2] Freeform! Winner! Wolf Angelus - A NIGHTMARE ON ARK STREET Runner Up! F1r3fly - Ark's Hogwarts Honourable Mentions! Cheb - Freedom Cheb - Swing of Faith Joe Lally - Tek Of The Skies Kovko - Not again Natsu - Fishing 2 StateofMynd42 - The Rescuers Down Under Valoule - Jaws ARKVideo! This contest is open to all types of video be they funny, epic, scenic, stories, whatever inspires you. Just a general reminder that they should remain safe for work, think of the children! And without further ado, the ARKVideo for Community Crunch 97 is... runswithpencil! ARKitect! This is an award given to Survivors to celebrate the amazing structures you build. These bases are judged based upon a number of different factors such as their creativity, uniqueness, how fun of a base it is, the difficulty of building it, the functionality it provides and much more! The ARKitect for Community Crunch 97 is… It's a tie! We'd like to wish a huge congratulation to... Wolf Angelus and their Summer Retreat! and.. Valoule for their tARKVern! You can check out the full album here: If you'd like to check out the submissions from the rest of the entrants, you can do so here: Fan Feature! WAR CRIMES! Rogue Two by LameWolfProductions BOWT Tarrey Town House & Ragnarok Base Locations by SWChris Dock and Lighthouse Building Montage by Selvalis ARK: Dodo Cinematic Dossier | #001 | by ShipWrekt How to Tame a Trike (Bear Grylls Intro Parody) by The Joe From Idaho Show Building with Stevie - Lakeside Stone/Glass Greenhouse! by XxStevieLad87xX Building with Stevie - Cliffside Cabin! by XxStevieLad87xX Say Cheese by GeeKy gAMer Exploring Ragnarok - Ice Cave by MonkeyManTV Broodmother Battle by XxStevieLad87xX Ragnarok Base Locations by AxeMan Mini Pirate Ship by RYANT1UM Castle Build by RYANT1UM Log Cabin Manor by RYANT1UM MeeMaw wants a Pony!!! by The Geeky Granny Desert Overlook Home by Kortniechan Megalania Mainia by Arahli How to Tame a Yutyrannus by Violet Source: Thylacoleo vs Raptor by Akhoris Source: Help me by Кто я такой? Source: Cute Rex by Autu Source: Father's Day by Mickey Source: Mosa Rex by Wimble Bimble Nipple Flipple666 Source: Ragnarok by Voltzahl Source: Different Perceptions by Violet Source: Wyvern Artwork by -Asttrox- Source: Sloppy Griffin by Sonne4711 Source: Random Creature Concept by Dead Nitr0th3Edg3l0rd Source: Rainbow Griffin by Jameegi Source: Forest Camo Griffin by Sharkcat Source: Snow Camo Griffin by Sharkcat Source: That's it for this post guys! As always if you’ve got anything to share please get in touch and be sure to follow us on Twitter: Facebook: Reddit: Instagram: All the best, Wildcard Jat & the ARK: Survival Evolved Team View full article
Hey Survivors! Welcome to the latest edition of the Community Crunch! The Community Crunch is where we share important things going on with ARK, as well as host contests and showcase creations made by the community! Let's get started with some news. Pre-Orders and Limited Collector’s Edition! In case you missed our E3 news, ARK has it's official release date, August 8, 2017! Along with our official release comes the opportunity to pre-order and get yourself a limited collector's edition of ARK, which comes with a whole bunch of goodies shown in the picture above. Read more at the link below: ARK: Evolution Event Weekend! Survivors across ALL Platforms will be receiving a special extended Evolution Event for the release of Ragnarok! It's already live now and will remain active until Monday the 19th at 12PM EST. All Official Servers will be undergoing this evolutionary change which includes: 1.5x Harvesting Rate 1.5x Taming Rate 1.5x EXP Rate Reminder: this 1.5x bonus is on top of the 2x rates that are now standard on our official servers! Sponsored Mod Program Update! When we initiated the Sponsored Mod Program, we hoped to bring more free content to console and PC players alike. We understand how important modding is to the gaming community and the overall health of a game. The history of modding in game development goes back to the 1980's and the first development kit for modding, The Boulder Dash Construction Kit, was released around the same time. While modding has always been popular, some see modders as the unsung heroes of video game development. Recognition for modding and the modders who create content for the game in the past has mostly been few and far between. That's why it's exciting to release content, like Ragnarok, so content creators are recognized and valued for their efforts. The Ragnarok team has handled the transition from sponsored mod to official content like pros! There's an added expectation and increased pressure when you become official content for the game. Not to mention, getting a PC mod optimized and running on a console is no easy feat. Collaboration between professional developers and hobbyist is something the gaming industry could benefit from in this day and age. This partnership will often increase the overall quality of mods which, in turn, helps the developers as well. When game developers support high-quality mods for a game, it means there is no loser. The modders win, the consumers win, and the developers win. I know the Ragnarok team is excited with this recent launch and we look forward to bringing you more content in the future! Speaking of new content, we've found another talented modder that we are looking forward to bringing into the Sponsored Mod Program. Many of you may know Impulse, a seasoned modder for ARK. Even if you don't know him, you may be using a mod he's an author of. Ever heard of the Capitalism series of mods? If not, you should go check it out! The Capitalism series is a collection of mods that adds a currency system, among other things. You can then use that currency to do a host of things like offer bounties for players or complete trades. More recently, Impulse has surprised us all with his latest mod, PG Role Selector. This mod allows admins to configure roles which restrict players to a specific set of engrams. We see this being particularly popular with the ARK roleplay community. Be sure to look out for Workshop Wednesday, where I'll be sharing more of the things that are going on behind the scenes of the Sponsored Mod Program. Until then! - Wildcard Ced Community Contests! Player Procedurally Generated Maps! The Procedurally Generated Map system allows players to make their own ARK maps by determining a myriad of landscape options from the heights of mountains, depths of valleys, and the number of lakes, rivers or oceans, to the kinds of each biome they want, and more! Let's check out the entries for this weeks contest! This week's contest winner is... roguewolf! [/Script/ShooterGame.ShooterGameMode] PGMapName=ProcdeuralARK20170614121057 PGTerrainPropertiesString=MapSeed=-2147483648;LandscapeRadius=1.0;Water Frequency=5.0;Mountains Frequency=12.0;Mountains Slope=1.8;MountainsHeight=1.25;Turbulence Power=0.012;Shore Slope=1.0;WaterLevel=-0.72;GrassDensity=1.0;JungleGrassDensity=0.037;ErosionSteps=4;TreesGroundSlopeAccuracy=0.5;DepositionStrength=0.5;ErosionStrength=0.75;OceanFloorLevel=-1.0;SnowBiomeSize=0.26;RWBiomeSize=0.17;MountainBiomeStart=-0.55;MountainsTreeDensity=0.014;JungleBiomeStart=-0.65;IslandBorderCurveExp=4.0;MaxSawnPointHeight=0.1;SnowGrassDensity=0.18;MountainGrassDensity=0.062;SnowMountainGrassDensity=0.24;UnderwaterObjectsDensity=0.65;SnowMountainsTreeDensity=0.018;TreeDensity=0.0043;JungleTreeDensity=0.57;RedWoodTreeDensity=0.18;SnowTreeDensity=1.0;RedwoodGrassDensity=0.18;ShoreTreeDensity=0.046;SnowShoreTreeDensity=0.018;DeepWaterBiomesDepth=-0.24;InlandWaterObjectsDensity=0.45;ShorelineStartOffset=0.01;ShorelineThickness=0.0015;MountainGeneralTreesPercent=0.1;TerrainScaleMultiplier=(X=1.0f,Y=1.0f,Z=1.0f);SnowBiomeLocation=(X=0.2f,Y=0.2f);RWForestBiomeLocation=(X=0.5f,Y=0.5f);NorthRegion1Start=(X=0.25f,Y=0.0f);NorthRegion1End=(X=0.416f,Y=0.5f);NorthRegion2Start=(X=0.416f,Y=0.0f);NorthRegion2End=(X=0.582f,Y=0.5f);NorthRegion3Start=(X=0.582f,Y=0.0f);NorthRegion3End=(X=0.75f,Y=0.0f);SouthRegion1Start=(X=0.25f,Y=0.5f);SouthRegion1End=(X=0.416f,Y=1.0f);SouthRegion2Start=(X=0.416f,Y=0.5f);SouthRegion2End=(X=0.582f,Y=1.0f);SouthRegion3Start=(X=0.582f,Y=0.5f);SouthRegion3End=(X=0.75f,Y=1.0f);EastRegion1Start=(X=0.75f,Y=0.0f);EastRegion1End=(X=1.0f,Y=0.333f);EastRegion2Start=(X=0.75f,Y=0.333f);EastRegion2End=(X=1.0f,Y=0.666f);EastRegion3Start=(X=0.75f,Y=0.666f);EastRegion3End=(X=1.0f,Y=1.0f);WestRegion1Start=(X=0.0f,Y=0.0f);WestRegion1End=(X=0.25f,Y=0.333f);WestRegion2Start=(X=0.0f,Y=0.333f);WestRegion2End=(X=0.25f,Y=0.666f);WestRegion3Start=(X=0.0f,Y=0.666f);WestRegion3End=(X=0.25f,Y=1.0f) PGLastPreset=0 PGFavorites=ProcdeuralARK20170614121057;ProcdeuralARK20170614121057;UNUSED;UNUSED;UNUSED;UNUSED;UNUSED;UNUSED;UNUSED;UNUSED; PGLastUsedSettings_v2=MapSeed=-2147483648;LandscapeRadius=1.0;Water Frequency=5.0;Mountains Frequency=12.0;Mountains Slope=1.8;MountainsHeight=1.25;Turbulence Power=0.012;Shore Slope=1.0;WaterLevel=-0.72;GrassDensity=1.0;JungleGrassDensity=0.037;ErosionSteps=4;TreesGroundSlopeAccuracy=0.5;DepositionStrength=0.5;ErosionStrength=0.75;OceanFloorLevel=-1.0;SnowBiomeSize=0.26;RWBiomeSize=0.17;MountainBiomeStart=-0.55;MountainsTreeDensity=0.014;JungleBiomeStart=-0.65;IslandBorderCurveExp=4.0;MaxSawnPointHeight=0.1;SnowGrassDensity=0.18;MountainGrassDensity=0.062;SnowMountainGrassDensity=0.24;UnderwaterObjectsDensity=0.65;SnowMountainsTreeDensity=0.018;TreeDensity=0.0043;JungleTreeDensity=0.57;RedWoodTreeDensity=0.18;SnowTreeDensity=1.0;RedwoodGrassDensity=0.18;ShoreTreeDensity=0.046;SnowShoreTreeDensity=0.018;DeepWaterBiomesDepth=-0.24;InlandWaterObjectsDensity=0.45;ShorelineStartOffset=0.01;ShorelineThickness=0.0015;MountainGeneralTreesPercent=0.1;TerrainScaleMultiplier=(X=1.0f,Y=1.0f,Z=1.0f);SnowBiomeLocation=(X=0.2f,Y=0.2f);RWForestBiomeLocation=(X=0.5f,Y=0.5f);NorthRegion1Start=(X=0.25f,Y=0.0f);NorthRegion1End=(X=0.416f,Y=0.5f);NorthRegion2Start=(X=0.416f,Y=0.0f);NorthRegion2End=(X=0.582f,Y=0.5f);NorthRegion3Start=(X=0.582f,Y=0.0f);NorthRegion3End=(X=0.75f,Y=0.0f);SouthRegion1Start=(X=0.25f,Y=0.5f);SouthRegion1End=(X=0.416f,Y=1.0f);SouthRegion2Start=(X=0.416f,Y=0.5f);SouthRegion2End=(X=0.582f,Y=1.0f);SouthRegion3Start=(X=0.582f,Y=0.5f);SouthRegion3End=(X=0.75f,Y=1.0f);EastRegion1Start=(X=0.75f,Y=0.0f);EastRegion1End=(X=1.0f,Y=0.333f);EastRegion2Start=(X=0.75f,Y=0.333f);EastRegion2End=(X=1.0f,Y=0.666f);EastRegion3Start=(X=0.75f,Y=0.666f);EastRegion3End=(X=1.0f,Y=1.0f);WestRegion1Start=(X=0.0f,Y=0.0f);WestRegion1End=(X=0.25f,Y=0.333f);WestRegion2Start=(X=0.0f,Y=0.333f);WestRegion2End=(X=0.25f,Y=0.666f);WestRegion3Start=(X=0.0f,Y=0.666f);WestRegion3End=(X=0.25f,Y=1.0f) PGFavorite0=MapSeed=555;LandscapeRadius=1.0;Water Frequency=5.0;Mountains Frequency=12.0;Mountains Slope=1.8;MountainsHeight=1.25;Turbulence Power=0.0125;Shore Slope=1.0;WaterLevel=-0.72;GrassDensity=1.0;JungleGrassDensity=0.02;ErosionSteps=4;TreesGroundSlopeAccuracy=0.5;DepositionStrength=0.5;ErosionStrength=0.75;OceanFloorLevel=-1.0;SnowBiomeSize=0.3;RWBiomeSize=0.075;MountainBiomeStart=-0.55;MountainsTreeDensity=0.01;JungleBiomeStart=-0.65;IslandBorderCurveExp=4.0;MaxSawnPointHeight=0.1;SnowGrassDensity=0.25;MountainGrassDensity=0.05;SnowMountainGrassDensity=0.15;UnderwaterObjectsDensity=0.5;SnowMountainsTreeDensity=0.01;TreeDensity=0.003;JungleTreeDensity=0.66;RedWoodTreeDensity=0.35;SnowTreeDensity=1.0;RedwoodGrassDensity=0.1;ShoreTreeDensity=0.05;SnowShoreTreeDensity=0.025;DeepWaterBiomesDepth=-0.24;InlandWaterObjectsDensity=0.5;ShorelineStartOffset=0.01;ShorelineThickness=0.0015;MountainGeneralTreesPercent=0.1;TerrainScaleMultiplier=(X=1.0f,Y=1.0f,Z=1.0f);SnowBiomeLocation=(X=0.2f,Y=0.2f);RWForestBiomeLocation=(X=0.5f,Y=0.5f);NorthRegion1Start=(X=0.25f,Y=0.0f);NorthRegion1End=(X=0.416f,Y=0.5f);NorthRegion2Start=(X=0.416f,Y=0.0f);NorthRegion2End=(X=0.582f,Y=0.5f);NorthRegion3Start=(X=0.582f,Y=0.0f);NorthRegion3End=(X=0.75f,Y=0.0f);SouthRegion1Start=(X=0.25f,Y=0.5f);SouthRegion1End=(X=0.416f,Y=1.0f);SouthRegion2Start=(X=0.416f,Y=0.5f);SouthRegion2End=(X=0.582f,Y=1.0f);SouthRegion3Start=(X=0.582f,Y=0.5f);SouthRegion3End=(X=0.75f,Y=1.0f);EastRegion1Start=(X=0.75f,Y=0.0f);EastRegion1End=(X=1.0f,Y=0.333f);EastRegion2Start=(X=0.75f,Y=0.333f);EastRegion2End=(X=1.0f,Y=0.666f);EastRegion3Start=(X=0.75f,Y=0.666f);EastRegion3End=(X=1.0f,Y=1.0f);WestRegion1Start=(X=0.0f,Y=0.0f);WestRegion1End=(X=0.25f,Y=0.333f);WestRegion2Start=(X=0.0f,Y=0.333f);WestRegion2End=(X=0.25f,Y=0.666f);WestRegion3Start=(X=0.0f,Y=0.666f);WestRegion3End=(X=0.25f,Y=1.0f) PGFavorite1=MapSeed=-2147483648;LandscapeRadius=1.0;Water Frequency=5.0;Mountains Frequency=12.0;Mountains Slope=1.8;MountainsHeight=1.25;Turbulence Power=0.0125;Shore Slope=1.0;WaterLevel=-0.72;GrassDensity=1.0;JungleGrassDensity=0.037;ErosionSteps=4;TreesGroundSlopeAccuracy=0.5;DepositionStrength=0.5;ErosionStrength=0.75;OceanFloorLevel=-1.0;SnowBiomeSize=0.3;RWBiomeSize=0.075;MountainBiomeStart=-0.55;MountainsTreeDensity=0.014;JungleBiomeStart=-0.65;IslandBorderCurveExp=4.0;MaxSawnPointHeight=0.1;SnowGrassDensity=0.18;MountainGrassDensity=0.062;SnowMountainGrassDensity=0.24;UnderwaterObjectsDensity=0.65;SnowMountainsTreeDensity=0.018;TreeDensity=0.0043;JungleTreeDensity=0.57;RedWoodTreeDensity=0.18;SnowTreeDensity=1.0;RedwoodGrassDensity=0.18;ShoreTreeDensity=0.046;SnowShoreTreeDensity=0.018;DeepWaterBiomesDepth=-0.24;InlandWaterObjectsDensity=0.45;ShorelineStartOffset=0.01;ShorelineThickness=0.0015;MountainGeneralTreesPercent=0.1;TerrainScaleMultiplier=(X=1.0f,Y=1.0f,Z=1.0f);SnowBiomeLocation=(X=0.2f,Y=0.2f);RWForestBiomeLocation=(X=0.5f,Y=0.5f);NorthRegion1Start=(X=0.25f,Y=0.0f);NorthRegion1End=(X=0.416f,Y=0.5f);NorthRegion2Start=(X=0.416f,Y=0.0f);NorthRegion2End=(X=0.582f,Y=0.5f);NorthRegion3Start=(X=0.582f,Y=0.0f);NorthRegion3End=(X=0.75f,Y=0.0f);SouthRegion1Start=(X=0.25f,Y=0.5f);SouthRegion1End=(X=0.416f,Y=1.0f);SouthRegion2Start=(X=0.416f,Y=0.5f);SouthRegion2End=(X=0.582f,Y=1.0f);SouthRegion3Start=(X=0.582f,Y=0.5f);SouthRegion3End=(X=0.75f,Y=1.0f);EastRegion1Start=(X=0.75f,Y=0.0f);EastRegion1End=(X=1.0f,Y=0.333f);EastRegion2Start=(X=0.75f,Y=0.333f);EastRegion2End=(X=1.0f,Y=0.666f);EastRegion3Start=(X=0.75f,Y=0.666f);EastRegion3End=(X=1.0f,Y=1.0f);WestRegion1Start=(X=0.0f,Y=0.0f);WestRegion1End=(X=0.25f,Y=0.333f);WestRegion2Start=(X=0.0f,Y=0.333f);WestRegion2End=(X=0.25f,Y=0.666f);WestRegion3Start=(X=0.0f,Y=0.666f);WestRegion3End=(X=0.25f,Y=1.0f) If you'd like to learn more about PGMs, please check out our quick start guide: NVidia Ansel Photography Contest Super Resolution Version: ARK: Survival Evolved and the Scorched Earth Expansion Pack now include support for NVIDIA Ansel -- a revolutionary new way to capture in-game shots. Compose shots from any position, adjust with post-process filters, capture HDR images in high-fidelity formats, and share the screenshots in 360 via a smartphone, PC or VR headset. Learn more about these features from the NVIDIA blog. Now let’s get to the contest! There were 3 potential categories for survivors to enter their shots into and they were the following: Three Categories Super Resolution: These should be taken at 8x Super Resolution. Players can optionally use Depth of Field effects accessible in Spectator mode by pressing the [Delete] key. Panoramic 360 Stereoscopic 3D: These should be taken at 4x Super Resolution, in 360 Stereoscopic 3D mode. We will crop them to 2D for web display, while also providing the 3D version for viewing within VR display. Freeform: Any settings, whacky and creative use of Ansel filters are encouraged. Adding humorous titles/captions in Photoshop is also acceptable for this category! And now without further ado, here are your entries! You’ll want to click on the image title to be able to download the maximum size image, we’ve resized them for display purposes Super Resolution! Winners! Blue Dragon - Aerial Assault Ego - Frost&Fire Runners Up! Blue Dragon - The hatchling Pollti - Flyer Fight 8x FataL1ty - Explorer Honourable Mentions! roguewolf91 - More than it Seems Joe Lally - Griffin at its finest Jamie Weaver - Discovering new worlds Dark Vaolor - Goodbye my Trike Wolf Angelus - Medieval Fantasy Blue Dragon - Waterfall Dive Blue Dragon - Look behind you Blue Dragon - Live together, die alone Blue Dragon - Evening Flight Blue Dragon - Something new Blue Dragon - Nightlights Blue Dragon - Goodnight Blue Dragon - Bottom of the food chain Blue Dragon - Enter the Griffin Blue Dragon - Bubbles Wolf Angelus - Parasaur Adventures 2 Wolf Angelus - Cold Dawn Wolf Angelus - Attack FataL1ty - View FataL1ty - Caged FataL1ty - Mistakes Were Made FataL1ty - In Awe FataL1ty - Fishing FataL1ty - Death From Above FataL1ty - Brave Ego - Dragon Eyes Panoramic 360 Stereoscopic 3D! Winner! roguewolf91 - Phoenix Rising Honourable Mentions! FataL1ty - Picture Perfect Blue Dragon - Swoop Dark Valor - Goodbye my Trike Wolf Angelus - Fantasy Viewpoint FataL1ty - Take a minute FataL1ty - Caged Freeform! Winner! Kana - I leave it in your hands Runner Up! Jamie Weaver - ships in the sunrise Joe Lally - Dino Puns Honourable Mentions! Kana - Selfie bombing Dark Valor - Ark Carnage Arm Wrestlin Morgengrau - Rivalry Wolf Angelus - Advancements of ARK - Tribute to ARK Comic Strip ARKVideo! This contest is open to all types of video be they funny, epic, scenic, stories, whatever inspires you. Just a general reminder that they should remain safe for work, think of the children! And without further ado, the ARKVideo for Community Crunch 96 is... ARK:Survival Evolved Building w/ Fizz :: Season 5 Community Hub Bar & Grill Modded by GG Fizz! ARKitect! This is an award given to Survivors to celebrate the amazing structures you build. These bases are judged based upon a number of different factors such as their creativity, uniqueness, how fun of a base it is, the difficulty of building it, the functionality it provides and much more! The ARKitect for Community Crunch 96 is… The Jelly Spotters' Jousting Arena! by DoctorEnema! We'd also like to announce two runners up for their equally amazing builds! Classic Donkey Kong Arcade (Stages 1-3) by Wolf Angelus and... Roman Temple by Valoule If you'd like to check out the submissions from the rest of the entrants, you can do so here: Fan Feature! Ark: Wild Survival (Trailer Re-Cut) by Act Ichi Ni San ECO'S TERRARIUMS UPDATE by ranger1presents CASTLE RUINS WITH HIDDEN CAVE | ARK RAGNAROK [EP2] by AxeMan ARK:Survival Evolved Building w/ Fizz :: Log Cabin Modded by GG Fizz ARK: Massive Boat build [Modded] by Voidmaster RIVERSIDE CASTLE!!- Ark Building Montage Monday EP 35 by TheCouchPotatoYT NEW MANSION BUILD!!- Ark Building Montage Monday EP 34 by TheCouchPotatoYT THE TOWER BRIDGE BUILD!!- Ark Building Montage Monday EP 26 by TheCouchPotatoYT BETA BROODMOTHER | Unofficial Server | ARK Survival Evolved by GP THE MELTED CHEESE Server! Ragnarok - Ep1 Season 1 Part 1 - A New Start by Myndmelt Ragnarok Official by MissVoltz† Aruna by @RuqieSaurfang Xbox Paintings by @TheBearClawz ARK Dino in real life? by @ARKPlayer_de Pelecanimimus dino-dossier by Xyphias Diprotodon dino-dossier by Xyphias Yi qi dino-dossier by Xyphias Hydrodamalis dino-dossier by Xyphias Anomalocaris dino-dossier by Xyphias Cryolophosaurus dino-dossier by Xyphias Inostrancevia dino-dossier by Xyphias Onchopristis dino-dossier Xyphias That's it for this post guys! As always if you’ve got anything to share please get in touch and be sure to follow us on: Twitter: Facebook: Reddit: Instagram: Much love, Wildcard Jen & the ARK: Survival Evolved Team View full article
Hey Survivors! Welcome to the latest edition of the Community Crunch! The Community Crunch is where we share important things going on with ARK, as well as host contests and showcase creations made by the community! Let's get started with some news. Your ARK Story! We're still collecting stories, everyone! Let us know about your player experiences with ARK How do you play ARK? Do you think you have a unique experience with the game? Please check out the post below and share your experiences with us. Community Contests! Player Procedurally Generated Maps! The Procedurally Generated Map system allows players to make their own ARK maps by determining a myriad of landscape options from the heights of mountains, depths of valleys, and the number of lakes, rivers or oceans, to the kinds of each biome they want, and more! Let's check out the entries for this weeks contest! This week's contest winner is... Wolf Angelus! If you'd like to try the map out yourself, we'll be featuring it on one of our Extinction Servers next month, or you can get a head start and set up the settings yourself! For those wanting to make their own PGM, here's a quick start guide, as well as a very informative video from ThickFreedom! NVidia Ansel Photography Contest Super Resolution Version: ARK: Survival Evolved and the Scorched Earth Expansion Pack now include support for NVIDIA Ansel -- a revolutionary new way to capture in-game shots. Compose shots from any position, adjust with post-process filters, capture HDR images in high-fidelity formats, and share the screenshots in 360 via a smartphone, PC or VR headset. Learn more about these features from the NVIDIA blog. Now let’s get to the contest! There were 3 potential categories for survivors to enter their shots into and they were the following: Three Categories Super Resolution: These should be taken at 8x Super Resolution. Players can optionally use Depth of Field effects accessible in Spectator mode by pressing the [Delete] key. Panoramic 360 Stereoscopic 3D: These should be taken at 4x Super Resolution, in 360 Stereoscopic 3D mode. We will crop them to 2D for web display, while also providing the 3D version for viewing within VR display. Freeform: Any settings, whacky and creative use of Ansel filters are encouraged. Adding humorous titles/captions in Photoshop is also acceptable for this category! And now without further ado, here are your entries! You’ll want to click on the image title to be able to download the maximum size image, we’ve resized them for display purposes Super Resolution! Winner! BlueDragon - Pollen Collecting Runners-up! Kovko - Lava Stream Wolf Angelus - Park - View 2 Ego - The power of Bandar-log Ego - These are the wrong sort of bees Honourable Mentions! BlueDragon - Foraging for food BlueDragon - Guards BlueDragon - Secrets EXFIB0 - Lakeside Paradise EXFIB0 - The Beautiful Island FataL1ty - Dawn FataL1ty - Forest View FataL1ty - Help Me Up FataL1ty - Making a Stand FataL1ty - Mystery FataL1ty - Mystic Relic FataL1ty - Predusk FataL1ty - Silhouette FataL1ty - Smelling Flowers FataL1ty - Statue KISHKO - Foggy Day KISHKO - Moonlight KISHKO - Volcano Kovko - Catch me if you can Kovko - Tiny roguewolf91 - An Unexpected Incursion Wolf Angelus - Blue Ranger & Zord Wolf Angelus - Park - View 1 Wolf Angelus - Power Ranger Dino Zords Wolf Angelus - Red Ranger & Zord Wolf Angelus - Yellow Ranger & Zord Panoramic 360 Stereoscopic 3D! Winners! EXFIB0 - Volcano Cave roguewolf91 - Above the Clouds Runner Up! Wolf Angelus - Steampunk Shopping District Honourable Mentions! EXFIB0 - Lake Pearl EXFIB0 - Lava EXFIB0 - Tek Cave FataL1ty - Center FataL1ty - Dark Forest FataL1ty - Fur-y FataL1ty - Run KISHKO - Morning Bliss KISHKO - Redwood Paradise KISHKO - Tek Cave Wolf Angelus - Ominous Weather Approaching Wolf Angelus - Park - View 1 Wolf Angelus - Park - View 2 Wolf Angelus - Steampunk Shopping District Night Freeform! Winners! Wolf Angelus - Dave, The Unintelligent Dodo Comic Strip F1r3fly - Freeform -Float Like Lymantria sporarmis; Sting like Apis lithohermaea Runners-up! Batman - Fire Morgengrau - Its the circle of life Batman - Bullseye Honourable Mentions! Batman - A Knight and his Companion Batman - Detective Batman - Selfie Batman - The Nightingale Batman - The Princess BlueDragon - The Simple Dilophosaur F1r3fly - Freeform - Sleeping with the Fishes Morgengrau - Pride Rock ARKVideo! This contest is open to all types of video be they funny, epic, scenic, stories, whatever inspires you. Just a general reminder that they should remain safe for work, think of the children! And without further ado, the ARKVideo for Community Crunch 93 is... LameWolfProductions with their own take on Casual Fridays ARKitect! This is an award given to Survivors to celebrate the amazing structures you build. These bases are judged based upon a number of different factors such as their creativity, uniqueness, how fun of a base it is, the difficulty of building it, the functionality it provides and much more! The ARKitect for Community Crunch 93 is… ranger1presents with their Pimped Up home! A very impressive usage of lighting throughout the entire build, felt like I was watching a house that would belong to Tony Stark, certainly pimped out to the max! We're sure Thorwal is very pleased with this awesome presentation of their mod. That's not all! We've got some runner ups! We would also like to congratulate Lusaka6 for being a runner-up this week! A very impressive looking ARK Logo and on console nonetheless, that must not have been easy! As well as SWChris for their awesome ARK Victorian Home! A great showcase, as well as an informative guide! Something we would definitely come across in an RP server. Has there been a Victorian Season? If not, here's a guide to get started on builds! If you'd like to check out the submissions from the rest of the entrants, you can do so here: Fan Feature! ARK PvP Tips & Tricks by KISHKO TwitchRP | Ship Royale | Server Event by eco ARK: Ragnarok Map | Trailer | 4K 60 FPS by AussieBaussie ARK: Survival Evolved - Eco Trees Mod by Jukari Trophy Hunter by Ragna Source: Connisaur's Favorite Creatures by Connisaur Source: Meanwhile, In someone's solo world by Laughing Jack Source: Kaprosuchus Ambush by dair69! Source: Always Wild by ??? Source: Cover Blown by Dead Nitr0th3Edg3l0rd Source: Sea Camo Liopleurodon by Sharkcat Source: Good Luck Liopleurodon by Sharkcat Source: Timon & Pumbaa from the Lion King by Sharkcat Source: Fanmade Dossier: Struthiomimus by Gigantoraptor Source: That's it for this post guys! As always if you’ve got anything to share please let us know, we love to see all the awesome content you've created and would be happy to share it! You can tag us, share posts, follow, and get in touch in the following places: Twitter: Facebook: Reddit: Instagram: All the best, Wildcard Jat & the ARK: Survival Evolved Team View full article
Hey Survivors! Welcome to the latest edition of the Community Crunch! The Community Crunch is where we share important things going on with ARK, as well as host contests and showcase creations made by the community! Let's get started with some news. Upcoming Volcano Changes! If you have not already done so, please read this important updating regarding the upcoming changes to the Island volcano: Your ARK Story! We're looking to collect some player experiences with ARK and we're reaching out to all of you! We want to know: how do you play ARK? Do you think you have a unique experience with the game? Please check out the post below and share your experiences with us. Primitive Plus Beta! If you're a PC Primitive Plus player, Cedric currently has a beta server running with the latest content and fixes that he has been working on. If you are interested in helping the progression of Prim+, hop on the beta server and report any issues you find so that they can be fixed for release. Keep up with Ced on Twitter for the latest Prim+ info: Download the Prim+ BETA version here: ARK: Evolution Event Weekend! Survivors across ALL Platforms will be receiving a special Evolution Event perk this weekend! It's already live now and will remain active until Monday the 1st at 12PM EST. All Official Servers will be undergoing this evolutionary change which includes: 1.5x Harvesting Rate 1.5x Taming Rate 1.5x EXP Rate Reminder: this 1.5x bonus is on top of the 2x rates that are now standard on our official servers! Community Contests! Player Procedurally Generated Maps! The Procedurally Generated Map system allows players to make their own ARK maps by determining a myriad of landscape options from the heights of mountains, depths of valleys, and the number of lakes, rivers or oceans, to the kinds of each biome they want, and more! Let's check out the entries for this weeks contest! This week's contest winner is... Wolf Angelus! PGMapName=ProceduralARK20170425053254 PGTerrainPropertiesString=MapSeed=549;LandscapeRadius=1.0;Water Frequency=10;Mountains Frequency=6;Mountains Slope=2.50;MountainsHeight=.9;Turbulence Power=0.0125;Shore Slope=1.0;WaterLevel=-0.72;GrassDensity=1.0;JungleGrassDensity=0.05;ErosionSteps=8;TreesGroundSlopeAccuracy=0.5;DepositionStrength=0.05;ErosionStrength=0.75;OceanFloorLevel=-1.0;SnowBiomeSize=0.12;RWBiomeSize=0.09;MountainBiomeStart=-0.35;MountainsTreeDensity=0.06;JungleBiomeStart=-0.65;IslandBorderCurveExp=4.0;MaxSawnPointHeight=0.2;SnowGrassDensity=0.25;MountainGrassDensity=0.007;SnowMountainGrassDensity=0.15;UnderwaterObjectsDensity=0.5;SnowMountainsTreeDensity=0.03;TreeDensity=0.005;JungleTreeDensity=0.55;RedWoodTreeDensity=0.030;SnowTreeDensity=1.2;RedwoodGrassDensity=0.07;ShoreTreeDensity=0.32;SnowShoreTreeDensity=0.04;DeepWaterBiomesDepth=-0.24;InlandWaterObjectsDensity=0.5;ShorelineStartOffset=0.023;ShorelineThickness=0.035;MountainGeneralTreesPercent=0.15;TerrainScaleMultiplier=(X=1.0f,Y=1.0f,Z=1.0f);SnowBiomeLocation=(X=0.6f,Y=0.6f);RWForestBiomeLocation=(X=0.4f,Y=0.4f);NorthRegion1Start=(X=0.25f,Y=0.0f);NorthRegion1End=(X=0.416f,Y=0.5f);NorthRegion2Start=(X=0.416f,Y=0.0f);NorthRegion2End=(X=0.582f,Y=0.5f);NorthRegion3Start=(X=0.582f,Y=0.0f);NorthRegion3End=(X=0.75f,Y=0.0f);SouthRegion1Start=(X=0.25f,Y=0.5f);SouthRegion1End=(X=0.416f,Y=1.0f);SouthRegion2Start=(X=0.416f,Y=0.5f);SouthRegion2End=(X=0.582f,Y=1.0f);SouthRegion3Start=(X=0.582f,Y=0.5f);SouthRegion3End=(X=0.75f,Y=1.0f);EastRegion1Start=(X=0.75f,Y=0.0f);EastRegion1End=(X=1.0f,Y=0.333f);EastRegion2Start=(X=0.75f,Y=0.333f);EastRegion2End=(X=1.0f,Y=0.666f);EastRegion3Start=(X=0.75f,Y=0.666f);EastRegion3End=(X=1.0f,Y=1.0f);WestRegion1Start=(X=0.0f,Y=0.0f);WestRegion1End=(X=0.25f,Y=0.333f);WestRegion2Start=(X=0.0f,Y=0.333f);WestRegion2End=(X=0.25f,Y=0.666f);WestRegion3Start=(X=0.0f,Y=0.666f);WestRegion3End=(X=0.25f,Y=1.0f) If you'd like to learn more about PGMs, please check out our quick start guide: NVidia Ansel Photography Contest Super Resolution Version: ARK: Survival Evolved and the Scorched Earth Expansion Pack now include support for NVIDIA Ansel -- a revolutionary new way to capture in-game shots. Compose shots from any position, adjust with post-process filters, capture HDR images in high-fidelity formats, and share the screenshots in 360 via a smartphone, PC or VR headset. Learn more about these features from the NVIDIA blog. Now let’s get to the contest! There were 3 potential categories for survivors to enter their shots into and they were the following: Three Categories Super Resolution: These should be taken at 8x Super Resolution. Players can optionally use Depth of Field effects accessible in Spectator mode by pressing the [Delete] key. Panoramic 360 Stereoscopic 3D: These should be taken at 4x Super Resolution, in 360 Stereoscopic 3D mode. We will crop them to 2D for web display, while also providing the 3D version for viewing within VR display. Freeform: Any settings, whacky and creative use of Ansel filters are encouraged. Adding humorous titles/captions in Photoshop is also acceptable for this category! And now without further ado, here are your entries! You’ll want to click on the image title to be able to download the maximum size image, we’ve resized them for display purposes Super Resolution! Winner! StateofMynd42 - The Last Unicorn Morgengrau - Khalasar 2 Runners Up! RBG - Blue Dragon Breaking Point - Blue Dragon Wolf Angelus - Playful Pup FataL1ty - Resplendent Honourable Mentions! Poison Jungle - Blue Dragon Wolf Angelus - Life of a Beaver Wolf Angelus - Doedicurus at the Beach When I grow up.. - Blue Dragon Venom bite - Blue Dragon StateofMynd42 - Dragon Shores StateofMynd42 - The Alpha roguewolf91 - Spino in the Mist Morgengrau - Khalasar 3 FataL1ty - Settlement FataL1ty - Scenic Route FataL1ty - Raider Landing FataL1ty - Lone Wolf FataL1ty - Dream FataL1ty - Cliffside Battle FataL1ty - Deatheater FataL1ty - Away FataL1ty - Chase EXFIB0 - The Beautiful Island Cabin in the Woods - Blue Dragon Batman - SuperRes 3 Batman - SuperRes 4 Batman - SuperRes 1 Batman - SuperRes 2 Panoramic 360 Stereoscopic 3D! Winner! Batman - 360 Runner Up! EXFIB0 - Crystals Honourable Mentions! Wolf Angelus - Racetrack View 2 StateofMynd42 - Riddles in the Dark Wolf Angelus - Racetrack View 1 FataL1ty - Vista FataL1ty - Bony FataL1ty - Clearing EXFIB0 - The Island EXFIB0 - Blue Paradise EXFIB0 - Beautiful Lands Freeform! Winner! Kana - Happy family Runner Up! F1r3fly - Oh Poop! - Freeform Honourable Mentions! Wolf Angelus - The Incredible Survivor (Hulk Parody) EXFIB0 - Sunset ARKVideo! This contest is open to all types of video be they funny, epic, scenic, stories, whatever inspires you. Just a general reminder that they should remain safe for work, think of the children! And without further ado, the ARKVideo for Community Crunch 91 is... THE LONE RIDER - ARK Skits by Lamewolf Productions! ARKitect! This is an award given to Survivors to celebrate the amazing structures you build. These bases are judged based upon a number of different factors such as their creativity, uniqueness, how fun of a base it is, the difficulty of building it, the functionality it provides and much more! The ARKitect for Community Crunch 91 is… The Colonial Isles by The Lime Inc.! We'd also like to share a runner up: ArkiTEKt: Futuristic base - The Hope Consortium by F1r3fly! For their great Tek Tier base! If you'd like to check out the submissions from the rest of the entrants, you can do so here: Fan Feature! Ark Survival Evolved Cartoon - Tek Tier Cool ARK Base Design :: Exploring ARK Ragnarok Sponsored Mod :: Awesome ARK Base Locations! by SWChris ARK Survival: Baba Yaga's Base (Architectural, ARKitect) by Wolf Angelus Ark Survival Evolved - Pirate life (PART 55) ARK Airships w/the Flying Rafts MOD : Ep12 : Geeks Patreon Server Pink Panda Palace Flora Part 2 | S3E27 Pooptopia Annunaki Island by MeewMaw The Geeky Granny BUSTING FLYER NERF 2.0 MYTHS ARK Survival Evolved Diner Building Guide :: Bar & Grill :: Restaurant Tutorial Direwolf by Akhoris Source: MBM Ark logo by ℓα∂уVoltz† Source: Bootiful Dodo costume by Bootiful Wils Source: Catch! by Cupcake Source: Gull by Cupcake Source: "Ouuw Hello, it's a me, Baby Raptor!" by Wyerex Source: Always wild by ??? Source: Terror bird by iguana12345678 Source: Dilophosaur by Fletjek Source: DODOREX by paulosantos567767 Source: Fail by waternebula Source: The Island - custom map by Exhumed (27th April 2017) Source: That's it for this post guys! As always if you’ve got anything to share please get in touch and be sure to follow us on: Twitter: Facebook: Reddit: Instagram: Much love, Wildcard Jen & the ARK: Survival Evolved Team View full article
Hey Survivors! Welcome to the latest edition of the Community Crunch! The Community Crunch is where we share important things going on with ARK, as well as host contests and showcase creations made by the community! Let's get started with some news. ARK at E3! The ARK fun at this years E3 begins on Sunday, the 11th of June. We will be revealing some very exciting updates about ARK! You'll be able to tune in and catch all the details below: On Sunday, June 11th, at 6pm PST Jesse Rapczak will be on 'YouTube Live at E3 in 4K Ultra HD, Hosted by Geoff Keighley'. You can watch it live on the official E3 YouTube channel: On Monday, June 12th, Jesse Rapczak will be on 'Twitch E3 Day Zero Show' at 12pm PST. You can watch it live on the official Twitch channel: On Wednesday, June 14th, Cedric Burkes will be on the 'Xbox Daily Show' at 1:15pm PST. You can watch it live on the official Xbox Mixer channel: So tune in, check out our latest news and enjoy the show! Upcoming Price Changes! This coming Monday (June 12th), the console version of ARK: Survival Evolved will see an increase in price, and on July 7th, the PC version of ARK: Survival Evolved will also the see an increase. We'll be providing further information on the reason for these changes after the live stream on Monday at E3, so be sure to tune in! If you or a friend still have ARK on your wishlist, you'll want to purchase it before the price changes! ARK Bosses! We're currently collecting known issues and exploits with our boss arenas on The Island, The Center, or Scorched Earth, please leave a comment on the thread if you've got one to report. Videos and/or screenshots are very useful! ARK: Evolution Event Weekend! Survivors across ALL Platforms will be receiving a special Evolution Event perk this weekend! It's already live now and will remain active until Monday the 12th of June at 3PM EST. All Official Servers will be undergoing this evolutionary change which includes: 1.5x Harvesting Rate 1.5x Taming Rate 1.5x EXP Rate Reminder: this 1.5x bonus is on top of the 2x rates that are now standard on our official servers! Your ARK Story! We're still collecting stories, everyone! Let us know about your player experiences with ARK How do you play ARK? Do you think you have a unique experience with the game? Please check out the post below and share your experiences with us. Community Contests! Player Procedurally Generated Maps! The Procedurally Generated Map system allows players to make their own ARK maps by determining a myriad of landscape options from the heights of mountains, depths of valleys, and the number of lakes, rivers or oceans, to the kinds of each biome they want, and more! Let's check out the entries for this weeks contest! This week's contest winner is... Wolf Angelus! For those wanting to make their own PGM, here's a quick start guide, as well as a very informative video from ThickFreedom! NVidia Ansel Photography Contest ARK: Survival Evolved and the Scorched Earth Expansion Pack now include support for NVIDIA Ansel -- a revolutionary new way to capture in-game shots. Compose shots from any position, adjust with post-process filters, capture HDR images in high-fidelity formats, and share the screenshots in 360 via a smartphone, PC or VR headset. Learn more about these features from the NVIDIA blog. Now let’s get to the contest! There were 3 potential categories for survivors to enter their shots into and they were the following: Three Categories Super Resolution: These should be taken at 8x Super Resolution. Players can optionally use Depth of Field effects accessible in Spectator mode by pressing the [Delete] key. Panoramic 360 Stereoscopic 3D: These should be taken at 4x Super Resolution, in 360 Stereoscopic 3D mode. We will crop them to 2D for web display, while also providing the 3D version for viewing within VR display. Freeform: Any settings, whacky and creative use of Ansel filters are encouraged. Adding humorous titles/captions in Photoshop is also acceptable for this category! And now without further ado, here are your entries! You’ll want to click on the image title to be able to download the maximum size image, we’ve resized them for display purposes Super Resolution! Winner! AsH - Me and My Puppy Runners-up! AsH - Wrong Turn Mr. Thunder - Happytherium Honourable Mentions! roguewolf91 - A Bite Before Bed (Olympus Preview) FataL1ty - Faceoff AsH - Mountain Training AsH - Battle Cry FataL1ty - For Toussaint! FataL1ty - Miss FataL1ty - Morning Swim FataL1ty - Photo Development Error FataL1ty - Taking Aim GG Fizz - Volcanic Tek Base Font View GG Fizz - Volcanic Tek Base Wyvern Attack Jamie Weaver - The beast has awakens! Mr. Thunder - Expedition gone wrong pt.2 Mr. Thunder - Mom, I think I found something Mr. Thunder - The cave dweller Mr.Thunder - Expedition gone wrong Nellkay - Medieval Village Nellkay - Medieval Village 2 Norlinri - Gotcha! Norlinri - Patrolling Norlinri - We're similar Valoule - A long road Wolf Angelus - Sea-Port Side View Wolf Angelus - Sea-Port Side View Night Panoramic 360 Stereoscopic 3D! Winner! Wolf Angelus - Castle Overlook Runner Up! EXFIB0 - Morning View Honourable Mentions! FataL1ty - Field of Slaughter roguewolf91 - Sunrise Over Mount Athos (Olympus Preview) Wolf Angelus - Living Quarters Night Wolf Angelus - Sea-Port Parking Freeform! Winner! Valoule - Hakuna MatatARK Honourable Mentions! Cheb - Release The Kraken Mr. Thunder - Chillaxing on the desert Nellkay - Park - Panoramic 360 Wolf Angelus - Golems Have Feelings Too! Huge Comic Strip ARKVideo! This contest is open to all types of video be they funny, epic, scenic, stories, whatever inspires you. Just a general reminder that they should remain safe for work, think of the children! And without further ado, the ARKVideo for Community Crunch 95 is... VEHICULAR SNOBBERY! - ARK Skits by LameWolfProductions ARKitect! This is an award given to Survivors to celebrate the amazing structures you build. These bases are judged based upon a number of different factors such as their creativity, uniqueness, how fun of a base it is, the difficulty of building it, the functionality it provides and much more! The ARKitects for Community Crunch 95 is… Happy Anniversary Cake by Lusaka6! and... ARK Survival: The Mystery Machine (Retro Version) (Base & Functioning Lights) by Wolf Angelus! If you'd like to check out the submissions from the rest of the entrants, you can do so here: Fan Feature! The Journey Of Ark 2015-2017! (100k Thanks) - Ark:Survival Evolved by HOD ARK:Survival Evolved Building w/ Fizz :: Dwarven Mining Outpost (No Mods)!! by GG Fizz ARK:Survival Evolved Building w/ Fizz :: Volcanic Tek Base (No Mods)!! by GG Fizz ARK Survival Evolved - Deep Ocean Tek Base and Cloning Facility by The Lime Inc. HOW TO BUILD UNDERWATER WITH (S+) in ARK: SURVIVAL EVOLVED by ranger1presents NEW MANSION BUILD!!- Ark Building Montage Monday EP 34 by TheCouchPotatoYT COLONIAL STYLE HOUSING!!- Ark Building Montage Monday EP 29 by TheCouchPotatoYT S4 House Timelapse! by Randomperson EASY BROODMOTHER | Unofficial Server by GP Four Kingdoms RP: Join our server! by SirShade ARK: SURVIVAL EVOLVED - Le Temple de la Carapace d'Acier - EP 2 by Krimssone ARK: SURVIVAL EVOLVED - Arkommando - EP 1 by Krimssone A To Z Of Ark Survival Evolved - I Is For ISLAND - Definitive Guide To Ark by JadePlaysGames HAPPY 2ND BIRTHDAY ARK SURVIVAL EVOLVED by JadePlaysGames NSFW ARK DRUNKEN MOTORBOAT SAILING AND A POO START #1 - UPDATE 258 by JadePlaysGames Ark survival evolved - Taming Bad by GeeKy gAMer no1 & gOOgly Owl Ark survival evolved - Party by GeeKy gAMer no1 & gOOgly Owl Dinopera by Valoule Nitrin by Dead Nitr0th3Edg3l0rd Simba & Nala from The Lion King by Sharkcat Snow Leopard Thylacoleo by Sharkcat Desert Leopard Thylacoleo by Sharkcat That's it for this post guys! As always if you’ve got anything to share please let us know, we love to see all the awesome content you've created and would be happy to share it! You can tag us, share posts, follow, and get in touch in the following places: Twitter: Facebook: Reddit: Instagram: All the best, Wildcard Jat, Jen & the ARK: Survival Evolved Team View full article
As of today, Friday the 2nd of June, ARK: Survival Evolved will be celebrating its second birthday. It has been two years since we've entered Early Access and a lot crazy and exciting things have happened since then. We'll be celebrating this event by running a special Evolution Event: Evolution Event: BIRTHDAY! Survivors across ALL Platforms will be receiving a special Evolution Event perk this weekend! It's already live now and will remain active until Monday the 5th at 1PM EST. All Official Servers will be undergoing this evolutionary change which includes: 2x Harvesting Rate 2x Taming Rate 2x EXP Rate 2x Baby Mature Speed 2x Egg Hatching & Gestation Speed 2x Mating Interval (LESS!) That isn't all! Survivors will also be able to craft a special piece of cake at a cooking pot, which will grant them the magical Loot Booster buff! It increases the rarity and value of any Supply Crate, or Loot Box you open! (This is currently live on all platforms, so you'll be able to craft the special celebratory cake!). Year Two of ARK! So another year has passed and with the help of our lovely community, we've been able to achieve so much! We want to take this post to take a look at what's happened over the past year for ARK, and some of the great community contributions that have been made to the game. We could probably make over 50 threads filling it up with how you guys have inspired us with your creations, but we've got to keep it reasonable for readers so let's go through some of the favorites we've seen over the past year! For those wondering how much we've achieved in the last 12 months, here's a quick run-down: Primitive+ became a part of the Official Mods Program and made its debut on console! The ARK was revamped on multiple occasions to introduce new biomes, or expand old ones (such as the Redwood Biome) The Survival of the Fittest Summer Cup took place in Shanghai, China at ChinaJoy! Launching our first expansion pack, Scorched Earth! Getting in our Explorer Notes and Procedurally Generated Maps System! Everyone's favourite fearful festivities, Fear Evolved 2! Getting on the cover of PCGamer and doing our initial TEK Tier Reveal! RAISING OVER $25,000 for ExtraLife in our 24 HR Charity Stream! Introduce our CrossARK Cluster System! Re-doing our cave systems! Our giant underwater caves! Sheep Gate! TEK Tier and Dynamic Hair! ARK Sponsored Mod Program! Underwater bases and the mystical Unicorn! TEK Cave and Ascension System! Not to mention all our many new creatures (over 40!), their custom variants, skins, weapons, structure pieces, new emotes, hairstyles, and a couple hundred patches with a number of fixes and QOL changes! It has been a very busy year for the ARK team and we've still got more to come! Our Community Faves! Over the past year there have been some amazing creations done by our community. We would be here all day showcasing all of them, so here is a highlight of just a few of our favourites. ANSEL BlueDragon - Not today Morgengrau - Khalasar 2 Wolf Angelus - Rainforest Adventures Watching The Sun Rise - GravesAJ Dark Dolphin - Curiosity RELEASE THE KRAKEN - Seggzy Artwork Cyan Rex by esrcee The timid Warrior by Freyaloi Redwood by WYF Babies of Ark! by Silent Echo Inktober 2016 DAY 2 by Freyaloi All aboard the Diplodobus by Talenshi! Builds Tardis by Valoule ARK Survival: Wolf's Renaissance Fair & Jousting Arena by Wolf Angelus GG Fizz - The Jerboa Kingdom ranger1presents - Village in the Trees! Scorched Earth Main Base Showcase - ARK: Advanced Building - Molten Iron Server PVE Survival Ark:SE ARKitect 05 || Modern House || TimmyCarbine Fan-made Videos ARK Survival Evolved Song | "Evolve" ARK SURVIVAL EVOLVED RAP By JT Machinima feat. Dan Bull - "Apex Predator" Ark Survival Evolved Cartoon - Scorched Earth The Toilet Scene - A Jurassic ARK Cinematic! Pokemon Go Evolved (Ark: Survival Evolved Cinematic) ATTACK OF THE ACHATINA! - ARK Bites Mod Showcase It’s been an exciting year for the modding community. In addition to the modding contest we’ve held, we are now in the midst of a program that compensates modders for doing what they enjoy to do - making mods. It’s been exciting to see the community grow which includes welcoming people that are new to modding and showing them the ropes. You may not be aware, but we have an insanely active modding community. A huge thanks goes out to the admins at the unofficial modding discord. Don’t let that unofficial word scare you off! Stop by and you will quickly realize how official it is. With some of the best modders in our community, it shouldn’t be hard to find answers to the questions you are looking for. This community is also responsible for creating the ARKModding website. A place where you can find all sorts of resources if you’re looking to get modding in the ARK Development kit. The growth we’ve shown over the year keeps me excited for what’s to come. While we’re here, let’s take a look at some of my favorite mods to come across the workshop until now. Be advised that the majority of these mods may not be functional or no longer updated! Dino Racing:Evolved Maybe you’ve never wanted to race your dino’s but I know a lot of people, myself included, that have. It’s very common to see new structures and maps in the workshop, but this was something completely new. Something that showed a high level of understanding the development kit. It placed 4th in our International Modding Contest, and rightfully so. Mezzo, the creator, is also in our Sponsored Mod Program. Carts & Wagons This is one of those ideas that makes so much sense, you wonder why it hadn’t been done before. This mod allows you to attach wagons that act as storage to dinos. This is no easy feat to pull off and from what I understand, MechanizedIT had some issues when working on his prototype. No worries, looks like he is back at it! Pocket Cages Pocket Cages was a pretty cool take on a fairly popular game. It allowed you to toss a ball out that would capture a wild dino. You could then, pick up the ball, and release it wherever you wanted. I’m pretty sure some of the major kinks never got worked out but there’s always someone who could pick up the ball where he left it! Tribe Wars Tribe wars is a PvP-based game that has some capture the flag and team deathmatch elements to it. Instead of capturing the flag, you are essentially trying to destroy it. The developer of the mod has moved on and now works at DICE, but it is an amazing example of what can be done in the development kit. Mad Mars What an amazing concept! This looked like it would be a Total Conversion, similar to Ark: Moon Survival. Sadly, this one never came to life. One can always dream! These are just a few of the amazing mods that have caught my eye over the past year. I have no doubts that next year's list will be just as impressive! Until next time! - Wildcard Ced ARK's Biggest Ever Steam Sale! From now until June the 5th at 1PM EST, Survivors can purchase both ARK: Survival Evolved and Scorched Earth at their largest discounted price ever, for 68% off! Hurry and grab it whilst you can! Your ARK Stories! We're still collecting stories, everyone! Let us know about your player experiences with ARK How do you play ARK? Do you think you have a unique experience with the game? Please check out the post below and share your experiences with us. Community Contests! Player Procedurally Generated Maps! The Procedurally Generated Map system allows players to make their own ARK maps by determining a myriad of landscape options from the heights of mountains, depths of valleys, and the number of lakes, rivers or oceans, to the kinds of each biome they want, and more! Let's check out the entries for this weeks contest! This week's contest winner is... roguewolf! If you'd like to try the map out yourself, we'll be featuring it on one of our Extinction Servers next month, or you can get a head start and set up the settings yourself! [/Script/ShooterGame.ShooterGameMode] PGMapName=ProcdeuralARK20170526124623 PGTerrainPropertiesString=MapSeed=8675309;LandscapeRadius=1.0;Water Frequency=4.259775;Mountains Frequency=13.943296;Mountains Slope=2.051149;MountainsHeight=1.096463;Turbulence Power=0.0125;Shore Slope=1.0;WaterLevel=-0.72;GrassDensity=1.0;JungleGrassDensity=0.02;ErosionSteps=4;TreesGroundSlopeAccuracy=0.5;DepositionStrength=0.5;ErosionStrength=0.75;OceanFloorLevel=-1.0;SnowBiomeSize=0.350026;RWBiomeSize=0.248695;MountainBiomeStart=-0.65239;MountainsTreeDensity=0.01;JungleBiomeStart=-0.600038;IslandBorderCurveExp=4.0;MaxSawnPointHeight=0.1;SnowGrassDensity=0.257;MountainGrassDensity=0.052;SnowMountainGrassDensity=0.15;UnderwaterObjectsDensity=0.5;SnowMountainsTreeDensity=0.01;TreeDensity=0.0027;JungleTreeDensity=0.66;RedWoodTreeDensity=0.15;SnowTreeDensity=1.0;RedwoodGrassDensity=0.12;ShoreTreeDensity=0.05;SnowShoreTreeDensity=0.025;DeepWaterBiomesDepth=-0.24;InlandWaterObjectsDensity=0.5;ShorelineStartOffset=0.015;ShorelineThickness=0.0015;MountainGeneralTreesPercent=0.1;TerrainScaleMultiplier=(X=1.0f,Y=1.0f,Z=1.0f);SnowBiomeLocation=(X=0.2f,Y=0.2f);RWForestBiomeLocation=(X=0.5f,Y=0.5f);NorthRegion1Start=(X=0.25f,Y=0.0f);NorthRegion1End=(X=0.416f,Y=0.5f);NorthRegion2Start=(X=0.416f,Y=0.0f);NorthRegion2End=(X=0.582f,Y=0.5f);NorthRegion3Start=(X=0.582f,Y=0.0f);NorthRegion3End=(X=0.75f,Y=0.0f);SouthRegion1Start=(X=0.25f,Y=0.5f);SouthRegion1End=(X=0.416f,Y=1.0f);SouthRegion2Start=(X=0.416f,Y=0.5f);SouthRegion2End=(X=0.582f,Y=1.0f);SouthRegion3Start=(X=0.582f,Y=0.5f);SouthRegion3End=(X=0.75f,Y=1.0f);EastRegion1Start=(X=0.75f,Y=0.0f);EastRegion1End=(X=1.0f,Y=0.333f);EastRegion2Start=(X=0.75f,Y=0.333f);EastRegion2End=(X=1.0f,Y=0.666f);EastRegion3Start=(X=0.75f,Y=0.666f);EastRegion3End=(X=1.0f,Y=1.0f);WestRegion1Start=(X=0.0f,Y=0.0f);WestRegion1End=(X=0.25f,Y=0.333f);WestRegion2Start=(X=0.0f,Y=0.333f);WestRegion2End=(X=0.25f,Y=0.666f);WestRegion3Start=(X=0.0f,Y=0.666f);WestRegion3End=(X=0.25f,Y=1.0f) PGLastPreset=0 PGFavorites=UNUSED;UNUSED;UNUSED;UNUSED;UNUSED;UNUSED;UNUSED;UNUSED;UNUSED;UNUSED; PGLastUsedSettings_v2=MapSeed=8675309;LandscapeRadius=1.0;Water Frequency=4.259775;Mountains Frequency=13.943296;Mountains Slope=2.051149;MountainsHeight=1.096463;Turbulence Power=0.0125;Shore Slope=1.0;WaterLevel=-0.72;GrassDensity=1.0;JungleGrassDensity=0.02;ErosionSteps=4;TreesGroundSlopeAccuracy=0.5;DepositionStrength=0.5;ErosionStrength=0.75;OceanFloorLevel=-1.0;SnowBiomeSize=0.350026;RWBiomeSize=0.248695;MountainBiomeStart=-0.65239;MountainsTreeDensity=0.01;JungleBiomeStart=-0.600038;IslandBorderCurveExp=4.0;MaxSawnPointHeight=0.1;SnowGrassDensity=0.257;MountainGrassDensity=0.052;SnowMountainGrassDensity=0.15;UnderwaterObjectsDensity=0.5;SnowMountainsTreeDensity=0.01;TreeDensity=0.0027;JungleTreeDensity=0.66;RedWoodTreeDensity=0.15;SnowTreeDensity=1.0;RedwoodGrassDensity=0.12;ShoreTreeDensity=0.05;SnowShoreTreeDensity=0.025;DeepWaterBiomesDepth=-0.24;InlandWaterObjectsDensity=0.5;ShorelineStartOffset=0.015;ShorelineThickness=0.0015;MountainGeneralTreesPercent=0.1;TerrainScaleMultiplier=(X=1.0f,Y=1.0f,Z=1.0f);SnowBiomeLocation=(X=0.2f,Y=0.2f);RWForestBiomeLocation=(X=0.5f,Y=0.5f);NorthRegion1Start=(X=0.25f,Y=0.0f);NorthRegion1End=(X=0.416f,Y=0.5f);NorthRegion2Start=(X=0.416f,Y=0.0f);NorthRegion2End=(X=0.582f,Y=0.5f);NorthRegion3Start=(X=0.582f,Y=0.0f);NorthRegion3End=(X=0.75f,Y=0.0f);SouthRegion1Start=(X=0.25f,Y=0.5f);SouthRegion1End=(X=0.416f,Y=1.0f);SouthRegion2Start=(X=0.416f,Y=0.5f);SouthRegion2End=(X=0.582f,Y=1.0f);SouthRegion3Start=(X=0.582f,Y=0.5f);SouthRegion3End=(X=0.75f,Y=1.0f);EastRegion1Start=(X=0.75f,Y=0.0f);EastRegion1End=(X=1.0f,Y=0.333f);EastRegion2Start=(X=0.75f,Y=0.333f);EastRegion2End=(X=1.0f,Y=0.666f);EastRegion3Start=(X=0.75f,Y=0.666f);EastRegion3End=(X=1.0f,Y=1.0f);WestRegion1Start=(X=0.0f,Y=0.0f);WestRegion1End=(X=0.25f,Y=0.333f);WestRegion2Start=(X=0.0f,Y=0.333f);WestRegion2End=(X=0.25f,Y=0.666f);WestRegion3Start=(X=0.0f,Y=0.666f);WestRegion3End=(X=0.25f,Y=1.0f) For those wanting to make their own PGM, here's a quick start guide, as well as a very informative video from ThickFreedom! NVidia Ansel Photography Contest ARK: Survival Evolved and the Scorched Earth Expansion Pack now include support for NVIDIA Ansel -- a revolutionary new way to capture in-game shots. Compose shots from any position, adjust with post-process filters, capture HDR images in high-fidelity formats, and share the screenshots in 360 via a smartphone, PC or VR headset. Learn more about these features from the NVIDIA blog. Now let’s get to the contest! There were 3 potential categories for survivors to enter their shots into and they were the following: Three Categories Super Resolution: These should be taken at 8x Super Resolution. Players can optionally use Depth of Field effects accessible in Spectator mode by pressing the [Delete] key. Panoramic 360 Stereoscopic 3D: These should be taken at 4x Super Resolution, in 360 Stereoscopic 3D mode. We will crop them to 2D for web display, while also providing the 3D version for viewing within VR display. Freeform: Any settings, whacky and creative use of Ansel filters are encouraged. Adding humorous titles/captions in Photoshop is also acceptable for this category! And now without further ado, here are your entries! You’ll want to click on the image title to be able to download the maximum size image, we’ve resized them for display purposes Super Resolution! Winner! Ego - It seems today is not my day Runners-up! BlueDragon - A Mothers Love Pollti - Leedsichthys kills a raft Jamie Weaver - Dawn Rider Honourable Mentions! Kovko - Pillars Wolf Angelus - Sea-Port 3 Mr Dolphin - Majestic roguewolf91 - So Close You Can Taste It EXFIB0 - Paradise Valoule - Ice Cave Discovery EXFIB0 - Swarmed Wolf Angelus - Sea-Port Night 2 Wolf Angelus - Sea-Port Tavern GG Fizz - Dwarven Mining Outpost Back Onet Teo - Kentos_03 GG Fizz - Dwarven Mining Outpost Front Kovko - Gone Fishing Domino - What Lies Ahead BlueDragon - Spiders Tomb Wolf Angelus - Sea-Port BlueDragon - Defend Valoule - Thawing BlueDragon - Blending in Wolf Angelus - Sea-Port Night Onet Teo - Kento_03 Onet Teo - Lurking Liopleurodon Onet Teo - Lurking Liopleurodon Ego - Hunting in the fog Kovko - Perfect Morning Kovko - Proud Panoramic 360 Stereoscopic 3D! Winners! BlueDragon - 360 Flight Runner Up! Wolf Angelus - Sea-Port Market Night 2 EXFIB0 - Biomes Honourable Mentions! Valoule - Colosseum BlueDragon - Oasis BlueDragon - The land of milk and honey BlueDragon - Threshold EXFIB0 - Snow EXFIB0 - The Island Kovko - Black River Kovko - Cloudy Wolf Angelus - Sea-Port Tavern Wolf Angelus - Sea-Port Tavern Night Freeform! Winner! F1r3fly - Thief Runner-up! BlueDragon - Winter is Coming Honourable Mentions! F1r3fly - Squished! Valoule - Prey ARK Wolf Angelus - Questionable Idol Comic Strip ARKVideo! This contest is open to all types of video be they funny, epic, scenic, stories, whatever inspires you. Just a general reminder that they should remain safe for work, think of the children! And without further ado, the ARKVideo for Community Crunch 94 is... The new VOLCANO (Update v257) | Epic Cinematic Video | ARK: Survival Evolved by MAVE! ARKitect! This is an award given to Survivors to celebrate the amazing structures you build. These bases are judged based upon a number of different factors such as their creativity, uniqueness, how fun of a base it is, the difficulty of building it, the functionality it provides and much more! The ARKitect for Community Crunch 94 is… and... SEAVIEW BASE - ARK: Survival Evolved! If you'd like to check out the submissions from the rest of the entrants, you can do so here: Fan Feature! Birthday Raptor by Equus with natural colors by Akhoris Cover Blown by Dead Nitr0th3Edg3l0rd Leopard Thylacoleo by Sharkcat CAST IT INTO THE FIRE! - ARK Cinematic Skits GGFizz - Jerboa Kingdom (SparcMX ReVisit) STEAMPUNK MOD (Update v1.6) | Epic Cinematic Video | ARK: Survival Evolved Pikachu - by Wolf Angelus Northern Coastal Town! by Ventures ARK Survival: Overwatch Lootbox 3D Sculpture/Base TUSCAN VILLA!!- Ark Building Montage Monday EP 30 LOG CABIN MANOR!!- Ark Building Montage Monday EP 31 NEW CASTLE BUILD!!- Ark Montage Monday Build EP 32 Four Kingdoms RP: Join our server! Building the Silo! : Ep12 : Exploring Ragnarok : IronMine Thievery at Casterly Rock! :: ARK Seven Kingdoms Roleplay :: SKRP Thief Ep. 2 Ark Elevator Workshop Build Guide :: Elevator Base Building Tutorial :: How To Build - UniteTheClans ARK DON’T BRING A QUETZAL WHEN TAMING GIANT BEES! w/THE AXEMAN! HOW TO TAME GIANT BEES AND GET HONEY Modded Ark Survival Evolved Tek Tower!!! Reincarnation! | Pooptopia Shigo Islands S4E9 | Ark Survival Evolved ARK: Survival Evolved How To Make All Recipes - Mindwipe Medical Brew Lazarus Chowder ARK Tutorial - How To Use The New UI - Controller ShortCuts Tips XBOX/PS4 Ark Center Update - Artifact Of The Brute - New Sea Caves - Megalodon Tek Saddle Ark Survival Evolved - To bee continued Ark: Survival Evolved - Hairy adventure ( PART 50 ) The Voras Maze by WillieDNuts As always if you’ve got anything to share please let us know, we love to see all the awesome content you've created and would be happy to share it! You can tag us, share posts, follow, and get in touch in the following places: Twitter: Facebook: Reddit: Instagram: Thank you all so much for your ongoing support the last two years and making ARK such an awesome game! We love you and are looking forward to the good times ahead, together! All the best, Studio Wildcard View full article
Hey Survivors! Welcome to the latest edition of the Community Crunch! The Community Crunch is where we share important things going on with ARK, as well as host contests and showcase creations made by the community! Let's get started with some news. ARK: Eggcellent Adventure Pt 2 The Eggcellent Adventure Part 2 is now live! PC Survivors can now experience the one-week-only "Eggcellent Adventure" Event! During this limited-time event, players can collect special "Bunny Eggs" across the ARK, which they can use in special recipes to craft bunny-themed items such as Bunny Ears, or even a Bunny Costume for the Procoptodon! (Don't worry, the event will be making it's way to consoles in the next major version!) Introducing the Yutyrannus! Earlier this week we announced the latest new creature that'll be soon on the ARK. If you haven't seen it yet, where have you been?! We're nice though, so we'll let you have another look: A new Dino Dossier has been revealed, this one is everyone’s favourite fearsome feathered fearless fighter, the Yutryannus! Workshop Wednesdays Earlier this week Cedric post his first blog style post based on the ARK Workshop, featuring information about modding, the progress made by some of the sponsored mods, and in the future, you can expect to see all sorts from interviews, spotlights, and dev thoughts! PlayStation 4 Sale [EU Region]! Survivors can now pick up ARK: Survival Evolved, Scorched Earth, and the Survivor's Pack at a discounted rate on PS4 as part of the PlayStation 4 Easter sale. The discounts will run for the next 2 weeks! Xbox One Sale [Worldwide]! Survivors can now pick up ARK: Survival Evolved, Scorched Earth, and the Survivor's Pack at a discounted rate on the Xbox One as part of the Xbox Easter Sale. The discounts will run for the next four days! ARK: Evolution Event Weekend! Survivors across ALL Platforms will be receiving a special Evolution Event perk this weekend! It's already live now and will remain active until Monday the 17th of April at 12PM EST. All Official Servers will be undergoing this evolutionary change which includes: 1.5x Harvesting Rate 1.5x Taming Rate 1.5x EXP Rate Reminder: this 1.5x bonus is on top of the 2x rates that are now standard on our official servers! Community Contests! Player Procedurally Generated Maps! The Procedurally Generated Map system allows players to make their own ARK maps by determining a myriad of landscape options from the heights of mountains, depths of valleys, and the number of lakes, rivers or oceans, to the kinds of each biome they want, and more! Let's check out the entries for this weeks contest! This week's contest winner is... EXFIB0! PGMapName=ProceduralARK20170415002002 PGTerrainPropertiesString=MapSeed=674;LandscapeRadius=1.0;Water Frequency=5.464133;Mountains Frequency=4.284921;Mountains Slope=1.338972;MountainsHeight=0.760205;Turbulence Power=0.0125;Shore Slope=1.0;WaterLevel=-0.72;GrassDensity=1.0;JungleGrassDensity=0.02;ErosionSteps=4;TreesGroundSlopeAccuracy=0.5;DepositionStrength=0.5;ErosionStrength=0.75;OceanFloorLevel=-1.0;SnowBiomeSize=0.559395;RWBiomeSize=0.097248;MountainBiomeStart=-0.640841;MountainsTreeDensity=0.01;JungleBiomeStart=-0.632418;IslandBorderCurveExp=4.0;MaxSawnPointHeight=0.1;SnowGrassDensity=0.25;MountainGrassDensity=0.05;SnowMountainGrassDensity=0.15;UnderwaterObjectsDensity=0.5;SnowMountainsTreeDensity=0.01;TreeDensity=0.003;JungleTreeDensity=0.66;RedWoodTreeDensity=0.35;SnowTreeDensity=1.0;RedwoodGrassDensity=0.1;ShoreTreeDensity=0.05;SnowShoreTreeDensity=0.025;DeepWaterBiomesDepth=-0.24;InlandWaterObjectsDensity=0.5;ShorelineStartOffset=0.01;ShorelineThickness=0.0015;MountainGeneralTreesPercent=0.1;TerrainScaleMultiplier=(X=1.0f,Y=1.0f,Z=1.0f);SnowBiomeLocation=(X=0.2f,Y=0.2f);RWForestBiomeLocation=(X=0.5f,Y=0.5f);NorthRegion1Start=(X=0.25f,Y=0.0f);NorthRegion1End=(X=0.416f,Y=0.5f);NorthRegion2Start=(X=0.416f,Y=0.0f);NorthRegion2End=(X=0.582f,Y=0.5f);NorthRegion3Start=(X=0.582f,Y=0.0f);NorthRegion3End=(X=0.75f,Y=0.0f);SouthRegion1Start=(X=0.25f,Y=0.5f);SouthRegion1End=(X=0.416f,Y=1.0f);SouthRegion2Start=(X=0.416f,Y=0.5f);SouthRegion2End=(X=0.582f,Y=1.0f);SouthRegion3Start=(X=0.582f,Y=0.5f);SouthRegion3End=(X=0.75f,Y=1.0f);EastRegion1Start=(X=0.75f,Y=0.0f);EastRegion1End=(X=1.0f,Y=0.333f);EastRegion2Start=(X=0.75f,Y=0.333f);EastRegion2End=(X=1.0f,Y=0.666f);EastRegion3Start=(X=0.75f,Y=0.666f);EastRegion3End=(X=1.0f,Y=1.0f);WestRegion1Start=(X=0.0f,Y=0.0f);WestRegion1End=(X=0.25f,Y=0.333f);WestRegion2Start=(X=0.0f,Y=0.333f);WestRegion2End=(X=0.25f,Y=0.666f);WestRegion3Start=(X=0.0f,Y=0.666f);WestRegion3End=(X=0.25f,Y=1.0f) PGLastPreset=0 If you'd like to learn more about PGMs, please check out our quick start guide: NVidia Ansel Photography Contest Super Resolution Version: ARK: Survival Evolved and the Scorched Earth Expansion Pack now include support for NVIDIA Ansel -- a revolutionary new way to capture in-game shots. Compose shots from any position, adjust with post-process filters, capture HDR images in high-fidelity formats, and share the screenshots in 360 via a smartphone, PC or VR headset. Learn more about these features from the NVIDIA blog. Now let’s get to the contest! There were 3 potential categories for survivors to enter their shots into and they were the following: Three Categories Super Resolution: These should be taken at 8x Super Resolution. Players can optionally use Depth of Field effects accessible in Spectator mode by pressing the [Delete] key. Panoramic 360 Stereoscopic 3D: These should be taken at 4x Super Resolution, in 360 Stereoscopic 3D mode. We will crop them to 2D for web display, while also providing the 3D version for viewing within VR display. Freeform: Any settings, whacky and creative use of Ansel filters are encouraged. Adding humorous titles/captions in Photoshop is also acceptable for this category! And now without further ado, here are your entries! You’ll want to click on the image title to be able to download the maximum size image, we’ve resized them for display purposes Super Resolution! Winners! Roguewolf91 - The Hunted Runner Ups! Wolf Angelus - Vulture & Dragon Mantikoa - On The Hunt EXFIB0 - Cowboy Honourable Mentions! BlueDragon - Sunrise EXFIB0 - Gimme a hug EXFIB0 - Going Up EXFIB0 - Jumping Across Silver - Tranquil Colours EXFIB0 - The King Of The Island Mantikoa - On The Hunt Pollti - Playing Doedicurus Silver - Night Prowler Wolf Angelus - Arabian Village Night Wolf Angelus - Leaping into Action Silver - Roar of Amber Fangs Wolf Angelus - Quetzal Falls Panoramic 360 Stereoscopic 3D! Winner! EXFIB0 - A Scary Sunset Honourable Mentions! BlueDragon - Desert Morning BlueDragon - Wyvern Flight EXFIB0 - A Scary View Mantikoa - Not Again......... Wolf Angelus - Egypt Day Wolf Angelus - Egypt Night Wolf Angelus - Frog Lunch Wolf Angelus - Paradise Freeform! Winners! Mantikoa - Motivation Runner Ups! Wolf Angelus - Happy Easter Honourable Mentions! EXFIB0 - The Beast EXFIB0 - The Lifelong Battle Morgengrau - I'm coming for you... Silver - Fire In the Sky Silver - Lurking Silver - Rekindled Morning Silver - Watching and Waiting Starwolf23 - Fly in the Turtle Sky ARKVideo! This contest is open to all types of video be they funny, epic, scenic, stories, whatever inspires you. Just a general reminder that they should remain safe for work, think of the children! And without further ado, the ARKVideo for Community Crunch 89 is... BEWARE THE RABID EQUUS! by Lame Wolf Productions ARKitect! This is an award given to Survivors to celebrate the amazing structures you build. These bases are judged based upon a number of different factors such as their creativity, uniqueness, how fun of a base it is, the difficulty of building it, the functionality it provides and much more! And without further ado, the ARKitect for Community Crunch 89 is… EQUUS JOUSTING ARENA! ARK Jousting Arena Build - Ark Survival Evolved Castle Build by TagBackTV We'd also like to give a shout out to the following survivors and congratulate them on being a runner up! Ark Survival: Easter Basket House & Dino Pen (ARKitect Easter Special) by Wolf Angelus! and... Red Baron by Valoule! If you'd like to check out all the entries, you can do so here: Fan Feature ATTACK OF THE CLONES by Lame Wolf Productions THE TOWER BRIDGE BUILD!!- Ark Building Montage Monday EP 26 by RYANT1UM Ark Tek Base Tour with Talking by SimmerRebecca Paracer Demolition Derby | S3E22 Pooptopia Annunaki Island | MeewMaw The Geeky Granny by MeeMaw TheGeekyGranny Paraceratherium Base Tutorial :: ARK Building Guide :: How to Build a Mobile Platform Base by SWChris - Inspiring Creativity Through Gaming KILLING THE RAREST ALPHA DINO? | ARK Survival Evolved [S3 EP24] by The Axe Man Ark: Survival Evolved - Safari (PART 31) by GeeKy gAMer no.1 Epic PvP ARK Primitive Official by VargenSaphia Redwood by WYF Source: Megalodon's attack by Akhoris Source: BB the Chalico by Connisaur Source: Troodon ark by Wyerex Source: Raptor by Wyerex Source: Basilosaurus Taming... by iguana12345678 Source: Thery by Akhoris Source: Ark Vulture Portrait by Negative Wils the Milk Man Source: Castoroides.... by iguana12345678 Source: REX by iguana12345678 Source: Mohikan Guild by iguana12345678 Source: Sauropodomorpha by iguana12345678's Artwork Source: Skeletal Horse Equus by Sharkcat Source: Rain The Mare Equus by Sharkcat Source: Hotrod Equus by Sharkcat Source: Spirit The Stallion Equus by Sharkcat Source: Additional Creatures: Eastmanosteus by Shadlos Source: Additional Creatures: Megaraptor by Shadlos Source: Ark - Wyvern Trench by cfowler7 Source: Doedicurus VS Carno by WIM Source: Horse Barn by obscuremisfit Source: Livyatan dino-dossier by Xyphias Source: Achillobator dino-dossier by Xyphias Source: Scelidosaurus dino-dossier by Xyphias Source: Cameroceras dino-dossier by Xyphias Source: Siamogale (giant otter) dino-dossier by Xyphias Source: Parahelicoprion dino-dossier by Xyphias Source: Brontotherium dino-dossier by Xyphias Source: That's it for this post guys! As always if you’ve got anything to share please get in touch and be sure to follow us on: Twitter: Much love and we hope you all have a very Happy Easter! Wildcard Jat, Jen, & the ARK: Survival Evolved Team View full article
Hey Survivors! Welcome to the latest edition of the Community Crunch! The Community Crunch is where we share important things going on with ARK, as well as host contests and showcase creations made by the community! Let's get started with some news. Upcoming Volcano Changes (Xbox One/PS4)! This is a reminder for our console Survivors that in the next console update, the volcano will be receiving an active remodelling which will delete everything in the vicinity outlined in the screenshot above. You are highly recommended to move out of the area immediately if you have not already done so. Your ARK Story! We're looking to collect some player experiences with ARK and we're reaching out to all of you! We want to know: how do you play ARK? Do you think you have a unique experience with the game? Please check out the post below and share your experiences with us. Workshop Wednesday: Issue #2 A few days ago Cedric posted another blog-style article based on the ARK Workshop, featuring information about making maps! The article features a brief interview with Damien, Environment Director, Navin, a Senior Producer, and the map makers from the Sponsored Mod Program. Check it out! ARK: Evolution Event Weekend! Survivors across ALL Platforms will be receiving a special Evolution Event perk this weekend! It's already live now and will remain active until Monday the 15th at 12PM EST. All Official Servers will be undergoing this evolutionary change which includes: 1.5x Harvesting Rate 1.5x Taming Rate 1.5x EXP Rate Reminder: this 1.5x bonus is on top of the 2x rates that are now standard on our official servers! Community Contests! Player Procedurally Generated Maps! The Procedurally Generated Map system allows players to make their own ARK maps by determining a myriad of landscape options from the heights of mountains, depths of valleys, and the number of lakes, rivers or oceans, to the kinds of each biome they want, and more! Let's check out the entries for this weeks contest! This week's contest winner is... Kovko! PGTerrainPropertiesString=MapSeed=705;LandscapeRadius=1.0;Water Frequency=4.770391;Mountains Frequency=14.015442;Mountains Slope=1.903598;MountainsHeight=1.090155;Turbulence Power=0.0125;Shore Slope=1.0;WaterLevel=-0.72;GrassDensity=1.0;JungleGrassDensity=0.02;ErosionSteps=4;TreesGroundSlopeAccuracy=0.5;DepositionStrength=0.5;ErosionStrength=0.75;OceanFloorLevel=-1.0;SnowBiomeSize=0.100809;RWBiomeSize=0.037082;MountainBiomeStart=-0.427505;MountainsTreeDensity=0.01;JungleBiomeStart=-0.579475;IslandBorderCurveExp=4.0;MaxSawnPointHeight=0.1;SnowGrassDensity=0.25;MountainGrassDensity=0.05;SnowMountainGrassDensity=0.15;UnderwaterObjectsDensity=2.0;SnowMountainsTreeDensity=0.01;TreeDensity=0.003;JungleTreeDensity=0.66;RedWoodTreeDensity=0.35;SnowTreeDensity=1.0;RedwoodGrassDensity=0.1;ShoreTreeDensity=0.05;SnowShoreTreeDensity=0.025;DeepWaterBiomesDepth=-0.24;InlandWaterObjectsDensity=0.5;ShorelineStartOffset=0.01;ShorelineThickness=0.0015;MountainGeneralTreesPercent=0.1;TerrainScaleMultiplier=(X=1.0f,Y=1.0f,Z=1.0f);SnowBiomeLocation=(X=0.2f,Y=0.2f);RWForestBiomeLocation=(X=0.5f,Y=0.5f);NorthRegion1Start=(X=0.25f,Y=0.0f);NorthRegion1End=(X=0.416f,Y=0.5f);NorthRegion2Start=(X=0.416f,Y=0.0f);NorthRegion2End=(X=0.582f,Y=0.5f);NorthRegion3Start=(X=0.582f,Y=0.0f);NorthRegion3End=(X=0.75f,Y=0.0f);SouthRegion1Start=(X=0.25f,Y=0.5f);SouthRegion1End=(X=0.416f,Y=1.0f);SouthRegion2Start=(X=0.416f,Y=0.5f);SouthRegion2End=(X=0.582f,Y=1.0f);SouthRegion3Start=(X=0.582f,Y=0.5f);SouthRegion3End=(X=0.75f,Y=1.0f);EastRegion1Start=(X=0.75f,Y=0.0f);EastRegion1End=(X=1.0f,Y=0.333f);EastRegion2Start=(X=0.75f,Y=0.333f);EastRegion2End=(X=1.0f,Y=0.666f);EastRegion3Start=(X=0.75f,Y=0.666f);EastRegion3End=(X=1.0f,Y=1.0f);WestRegion1Start=(X=0.0f,Y=0.0f);WestRegion1End=(X=0.25f,Y=0.333f);WestRegion2Start=(X=0.0f,Y=0.333f);WestRegion2End=(X=0.25f,Y=0.666f);WestRegion3Start=(X=0.0f,Y=0.666f);WestRegion3End=(X=0.25f,Y=1.0f) PGLastPreset=0 If you'd like to learn more about PGMs, please check out our quick start guide: NVidia Ansel Photography Contest Super Resolution Version: ARK: Survival Evolved and the Scorched Earth Expansion Pack now include support for NVIDIA Ansel -- a revolutionary new way to capture in-game shots. Compose shots from any position, adjust with post-process filters, capture HDR images in high-fidelity formats, and share the screenshots in 360 via a smartphone, PC or VR headset. Learn more about these features from the NVIDIA blog. Now let’s get to the contest! There were 3 potential categories for survivors to enter their shots into and they were the following: Three Categories Super Resolution: These should be taken at 8x Super Resolution. Players can optionally use Depth of Field effects accessible in Spectator mode by pressing the [Delete] key. Panoramic 360 Stereoscopic 3D: These should be taken at 4x Super Resolution, in 360 Stereoscopic 3D mode. We will crop them to 2D for web display, while also providing the 3D version for viewing within VR display. Freeform: Any settings, whacky and creative use of Ansel filters are encouraged. Adding humorous titles/captions in Photoshop is also acceptable for this category! And now without further ado, here are your entries! You’ll want to click on the image title to be able to download the maximum size image, we’ve resized them for display purposes Super Resolution! Winner! Pollti - Theiving bears caught by bees Runners Up! BlueDragon - Impaled Wolf Angelus - Monsoon Season F1r3fly - Raíña Queen of the Grove BlueDragon - Teleport FataL1ty - Strange Land Honourable Mentions! Mr Thunder - Rushing into the brave knight TiMoAgE - TMC-Class ARK Destroyer Outside FataL1ty - Ruby Forest BlueDragon - TEK Sphere Kovko - Pillars BlueDragon - Another World Roguewolf91 - Rise above Wolf Angelus - Plantation Shoreline TiMoAgE - TMC-Class ARK Control Terminal BlueDragon - A new home FataL1ty - I believe I can fly! Kovko - Connected FataL1ty - Imminent Cleansing Kovko - Utopia BlueDragon - The Gate FataL1ty - Pahoehoe Island AsH - Ascension Mystery Mr Thunder - Bad Blood Roguewolf91 - Late Night Snack Mantikoa - Sunlight Views Wolf Angelus - Plantation House F1r3fly - All Hail Queen Raíña GG Fizz - A Bugs Life BlueDragon - Entrance Mantikoa - Sunlight Views Mr Thunder - Best Buddies Norlinri - Ruins GG Fizz - The Megatherium Attack Kovko - Broken Bridge Wolf Angelus - Plantation AsH - Road to Ascension StateofMynd42 - Impending Doom Kovko - Two Worlds Panoramic 360 Stereoscopic 3D! Winner! Wolf Angelus - Plantation Center Runners Up! Kovko - Stream BlueDragon - Top of the world Honourable Mentions! EXFIB0 - TEK Cave! FataL1ty - Bone Hungry Wolf Angelus - Plantation Day View Roguewolf91 - Gone Spelunking BlueDragon - Crystal Ice Cave Wolf Angelus - Farm Day FataL1ty - Don't Look Back Wolf Angelus - Farm Night EXFIB0 - Bubbles Wolf Angelus - Plantation Night Kovko - Vacation FataL1ty - Endor EXFIB0 - Lavafall BlueDragon - Terminal EXFIB0 - Volcano FataL1ty - Subtle Greens! BlueDragon - Into the depths Freeform! Winners! F1r3fly - Troo Colours Cheb - Out from the depths Runner Ups! Valoule - Mario kARK Kana - Charlie the Unicorn Starwolf23 - Magical Liopleurodon! Honourable Mentions! Wolf Angelus - ARK Rangers - Dino Thunder Mantikoa - Acceptable EXFIB0 - Neon ARKVideo! This contest is open to all types of video be they funny, epic, scenic, stories, whatever inspires you. Just a general reminder that they should remain safe for work, think of the children! And without further ado, the ARKVideo for Community Crunch 92 is... Ark Survival Evolved Cartoon - Tek Tier by Green Man Cartoons! We would also like to announce a runner up this week... HAPPY CAMPERS! - ARK Cinematic Skits by Lame Wolf Productions! ARKitect! This is an award given to Survivors to celebrate the amazing structures you build. These bases are judged based upon a number of different factors such as their creativity, uniqueness, how fun of a base it is, the difficulty of building it, the functionality it provides and much more! The ARKitects for Community Crunch 92 are… Mario KARK (Delfino square) by Valoule! ... and Spongebob 3D Sculpture & Base by Wolf Angelus! We would also like to announce two runners up this week as well! ARK PYRAMID BUILD! EGYPTIAN THEMED TOWN! by TagBackTV! ...and Empire State Building by Kogadins! If you'd like to check out the submissions from the rest of the entrants, you can do so here: Fan Feature! WOODEN HANGING BRIDGE MOD - ARK: Survival Evolved by VIRTUAL REALMS Hope Ark Evolved Map - The Journey Part 1 by vwcamper ARK How to Build a Gazebo :: Building Guide :: Gazebo Building on ARK Survival Evolved by SWChris Ark Dragonsreach! (Skyrim)- Ark Building Montage Monday EP 7 by RYANT1UM Ground Zero [IronMine Ragnarok] [1] by MonkeyMan EQUUS RACE TRACK BUILD? | ARK Survival Evolved [S3 EP29] by The AxeMan NEW SORNA REX, GIANT VIPER KILLS TITANO WITH POISON & DINO HAIR ( Gameplay ) by Anthomnia Polynesian Fishing Hut Ark Tutorial :: Building Guide :: House on Pillars by SWChris Serious Farming [Madagascar Evolved Survival Plus] [17] by MonkeyMan ARK: Vanilla KILLING THE HARD BROODMOTHER, UNLOCKING TEK ENGRAMS, AND SLAYING THE CHITEN CAVE by Myndmelt ARK DON’T BRING A QUETZAL WHEN TAMING GIANT BEES! w/THE AXEMAN! HOW TO TAME GIANT BEES AND GET HONEY by Myndmelt Ark Survival Evolved - The bribe (PART 56) by GeeKy gAMer no.1 Ark Survival Evolved - Big fish ( PART 57) by GeeKy gAMer no.1 Ark Survival Evolved Equus Taming Xbox One + PS4 by SteadyTeddy Ark Leedsichthys Raft Defence??? by SteadyTeddy Ark How To Solo Tame Quetzal Xbox One + PS4 After Flyer Nerf by SteadyTeddy ARK:Survival Evolved Building w/ Fizz :: Swamp Base Build (No Mods) by GG Fizz COLONIAL STYLE HOUSING!!- Ark Building Montage Monday EP 29 by RYANT1UM Ark Survival Evolved Top 5 Quetzal Replacements (Flyer Nerf) by Jade Plays Games HOW TO BUILD A TEK TIER UNDERWATER BASE - FIRST LOOK by Jade Plays Games TOP 5 BEGINNER TAMES | ARK SURVIVAL EVOLVED by The AxeMan Ark Power Leveling 1 - 70 in 15 Minuets Xbox One + PS4 by SteadyTeddy Ark: How To Rek The Alpha Tribe ? ? by C8sun ARK Quetz Docking Platform and Air Base! :: ARK Building Evolved :: ARK Creative Building by SWChris ARK Dev Kit Sneak Peek | First look at Megatherium (Giant Sloth) by GG Fizz ARK How To Use And Spawn TEK TIER TELEPORTER by Jade Plays Games Unicorn of Scotland by ℓα∂уVoltz† [мвм] Liquid Freeze by ℓα∂уVoltz† [мвм] Kaprosuchus vs compy by Akhoris I find a egg! A big egg! by Akhoris Yutyrannus Knight! by FollyVentures Valkyrie by Violet swamp creature (3) by iguana12345678 terror bird by iguana12345678 Grey Bird by Chilly Wolf (Varn) Desert Camo Moschops by Sharkcat Snow Camo Moschops by Sharkcat Forest Camo Moschops by Sharkcat Sap Moschops by Sharkcat Rare Mushroom Moschops by Sharkcat Rare Flower Moschops by Sharkcat Prime Meat Moschops by Sharkcat Tapejara Warpaint by Dejvik Sarco got a new painjob too by Dejvik T-Rexes Warpaint by Dejvik Scorched Earth - New Update! custom ressource map by Exhumed Mama Naco's floating home Glow-Worm Dossier! by Scarecrow Cricetinae Dossier (FAN-MADE) by Marc Munyeesa Indominus Rex Dossier (My Version) by KeyKey Elasmosaurus Dossier by KeyKey Titan Cockroach Dossier by Mega Utyrannus Dossier (Fantasy Dino) by KeyKey Eotriceratops Dossier by Mega Ouranosaurus Dossier by Mega That's it for this post guys! As always if you’ve got anything to share please get in touch and be sure to follow us on: Twitter: Facebook: Reddit: Instagram: Much love, Wildcard Jen & the ARK: Survival Evolved Team View full article
Hey Survivors! Welcome to the latest edition of the Community Crunch! The Community Crunch is where we share important things going on with ARK, as well as host contests and showcase creations made by the community! Let's get started with some news. Workshop Wednesdays Earlier last week Cedric post his first blog style post based on the ARK Workshop, featuring information about modding, the progress made by some of the sponsored mods, and in the future, you can expect to see all sorts from interviews, spotlights, and dev thoughts! PlayStation 4 Sale [EU Region]! Survivors can now pick up ARK: Survival Evolved, Scorched Earth, and the Survivor's Pack at a discounted rate on PS4 as part of the PlayStation 4 Easter sale. The discounts will run for the next 2 weeks! ARK: Evolution Event Weekend! Survivors across ALL Platforms will be receiving a special Evolution Event perk this weekend! It's already live now and will remain active until Monday the 24th at 12PM EST. All Official Servers will be undergoing this evolutionary change which includes: 1.5x Harvesting Rate 1.5x Taming Rate 1.5x EXP Rate Reminder: this 1.5x bonus is on top of the 2x rates that are now standard on our official servers! Community Contests! Player Procedurally Generated Maps! The Procedurally Generated Map system allows players to make their own ARK maps by determining a myriad of landscape options from the heights of mountains, depths of valleys, and the number of lakes, rivers or oceans, to the kinds of each biome they want, and more! Let's check out the entries for this weeks contest! This week's contest winner is... Blue Dragon! PGMapName=ProceduralARK20170414102755 PGTerrainPropertiesString=MapSeed=591;LandscapeRadius=1.0;Water Frequency=5.482921;Mountains Frequency=11.521104;Mountains Slope=1.817942;MountainsHeight=0.828603;Turbulence Power=0.0125;Shore Slope=1.0;WaterLevel=-0.72;GrassDensity=1.0;JungleGrassDensity=0.02;ErosionSteps=4;TreesGroundSlopeAccuracy=0.5;DepositionStrength=0.5;ErosionStrength=0.75;OceanFloorLevel=-1.0;SnowBiomeSize=0.471563;RWBiomeSize=0.107938;MountainBiomeStart=-0.373572;MountainsTreeDensity=0.01;JungleBiomeStart=-0.692784;IslandBorderCurveExp=4.0;MaxSawnPointHeight=0.1;SnowGrassDensity=0.25;MountainGrassDensity=0.05;SnowMountainGrassDensity=0.15;UnderwaterObjectsDensity=0.5;SnowMountainsTreeDensity=0.01;TreeDensity=0.009;JungleTreeDensity=0.66;RedWoodTreeDensity=0.75;SnowTreeDensity=1.0;RedwoodGrassDensity=0.1;ShoreTreeDensity=0.05;SnowShoreTreeDensity=0.025;DeepWaterBiomesDepth=-0.24;InlandWaterObjectsDensity=0.5;ShorelineStartOffset=0.01;ShorelineThickness=0.0015;MountainGeneralTreesPercent=0.5;TerrainScaleMultiplier=(X=1.0f,Y=1.0f,Z=1.0f);SnowBiomeLocation=(X=0.2f,Y=0.2f);RWForestBiomeLocation=(X=0.5f,Y=0.5f);NorthRegion1Start=(X=0.25f,Y=0.0f);NorthRegion1End=(X=0.416f,Y=0.5f);NorthRegion2Start=(X=0.416f,Y=0.0f);NorthRegion2End=(X=0.582f,Y=0.5f);NorthRegion3Start=(X=0.582f,Y=0.0f);NorthRegion3End=(X=0.75f,Y=0.0f);SouthRegion1Start=(X=0.25f,Y=0.5f);SouthRegion1End=(X=0.416f,Y=1.0f);SouthRegion2Start=(X=0.416f,Y=0.5f);SouthRegion2End=(X=0.582f,Y=1.0f);SouthRegion3Start=(X=0.582f,Y=0.5f);SouthRegion3End=(X=0.75f,Y=1.0f);EastRegion1Start=(X=0.75f,Y=0.0f);EastRegion1End=(X=1.0f,Y=0.333f);EastRegion2Start=(X=0.75f,Y=0.333f);EastRegion2End=(X=1.0f,Y=0.666f);EastRegion3Start=(X=0.75f,Y=0.666f);EastRegion3End=(X=1.0f,Y=1.0f);WestRegion1Start=(X=0.0f,Y=0.0f);WestRegion1End=(X=0.25f,Y=0.333f);WestRegion2Start=(X=0.0f,Y=0.333f);WestRegion2End=(X=0.25f,Y=0.666f);WestRegion3Start=(X=0.0f,Y=0.666f);WestRegion3End=(X=0.25f,Y=1.0f) PGLastPreset=0 If you'd like to learn more about PGMs, please check out our quick start guide: NVidia Ansel Photography Contest Super Resolution Version: ARK: Survival Evolved and the Scorched Earth Expansion Pack now include support for NVIDIA Ansel -- a revolutionary new way to capture in-game shots. Compose shots from any position, adjust with post-process filters, capture HDR images in high-fidelity formats, and share the screenshots in 360 via a smartphone, PC or VR headset. Learn more about these features from the NVIDIA blog. Now let’s get to the contest! There were 3 potential categories for survivors to enter their shots into and they were the following: Three Categories Super Resolution: These should be taken at 8x Super Resolution. Players can optionally use Depth of Field effects accessible in Spectator mode by pressing the [Delete] key. Panoramic 360 Stereoscopic 3D: These should be taken at 4x Super Resolution, in 360 Stereoscopic 3D mode. We will crop them to 2D for web display, while also providing the 3D version for viewing within VR display. Freeform: Any settings, whacky and creative use of Ansel filters are encouraged. Adding humorous titles/captions in Photoshop is also acceptable for this category! And now without further ado, here are your entries! You’ll want to click on the image title to be able to download the maximum size image, we’ve resized them for display purposes Super Resolution! Winner! BlueDragon - Not today Runners Up! Andru Devil - Character 4 BlueDragon - Liftoff Mr.Thunder - The Path Wolf Angelus - Rex Smile Morgengrau - Foes until the very end FataL1ty - Shadows Honourable Mentions! Wolf Angelus - Spino Stare Wolf Angelus - Soaring Among Birds Wolf Angelus - Day at the Beach StateofMynd42 - Underland StateofMynd42- Sea Horse Wolf Angelus - Colorful Court StateofMynd42- Sleepy Time FataL1ty - Pest FataL1ty - Pack EXFIB0 - Walking Around FataL1ty - Intimidation FataL1ty - Dispute Broskee - Sneak Attack EXFIB0 - On Top Of The World Blue Dragon - When the sun goes down Blue Dragon - Snap Shot Blue Dragon - Spider bubble Blue Dragon - I hate rain Blue Dragon - Battle on the dunes Blue Dragon - Battle of the giants Andru Devil - Character 7 Andru Devil - Character 6 Andru Devil - Character 5 Andru Devil - Character 2 Panoramic 360 Stereoscopic 3D! Winner! Wolf Angelus - Rex Maw Runners Up! roguewolf91 - Death by Dawn EXFIB0 - Underwater Cave Honourable Mentions! EXFIB0 - Swamp EXFIB0 - The Beauty of The Island EXFIB0 - Lakeside Paradise BlueDragon - Shoreline BlueDragon - Between the Tides Blue Dragon - Balance Freeform! Winner! Wolf Angelus - Zelda Survival Evolved Runner Up! Nuka ColARK - Valoule Honourable Mentions! EXFIB0 - Tek Caves EXFIB0 - Beautiful Lights Blue Dragon - College Finals ARKVideo! This contest is open to all types of video be they funny, epic, scenic, stories, whatever inspires you. Just a general reminder that they should remain safe for work, think of the children! And without further ado, the ARKVideos for Community Crunch 90 are... The Underground - A Short Film - Pooptopia - Ark Survival Evolved by kortniechan Gaming! ...and STUPID USELESS BIRDS! - ARK Skits by Lame Wolf Productions! ARKitect! This is an award given to Survivors to celebrate the amazing structures you build. These bases are judged based upon a number of different factors such as their creativity, uniqueness, how fun of a base it is, the difficulty of building it, the functionality it provides and much more! The ARKitects for Community Crunch 90 are... Nuka ColARK by Valoule! ...and ARK Horse/Dino Derby Racetrack (ARKitect) by Wolf Angelus! and... The Hunters 'Lodge' by TagBackTV! If you'd like to check out the submissions from the rest of the entrants, you can do so here: Fan Feature! MYSTERIOUS ISLAND - ARK: Survival Evolved by VIRTUAL REALMS A Journey Of Survival Teaser Trailer Part 1 by SimmerRebecca THE TOWER BRIDGE BUILD!!- Ark Building Montage Monday EP 26 by RYANT1UM THE PARTHENON!!- Ark Building Montage Monday EP 27 by RYANT1UM EPIC ARK HOUSE BUILD! Castles Keeps and Forts Medieval Architecture ARK SURVIVAL EVOLVED by TagBackTV F1r3fly | EQUUS! in ARK Survival Evolved: Building The Stable! by F1r3fly Building With Stevie! - Creative Wood/Thatch Starter Base! [EP. 01] by XxStevieLad87xX ARK HOME MAKEOVER PILOT! EPIC BARN BUILD! Ark: Survival Evolved Home Makeover Series by TagBackTV Ark Modded S1 E11 Elsa Frozen Castle Build by Redsaberist Ark Modern House w/ Dino Garage :: How To Build an Ultra Modern House in Ark :: Metal House Tutorial by UniteTheClans SUPER AMAZING MICRO RAPTOR ARMY!! | ARK Survival Evolved [S3 EP27] by The Axe Man ARK Base Tours Can You Do Better? - Ark Survival Evolved XB1 PS4 by Jade Plays Games ARK Base Tours Pt 2 - Want Your Bases Toured? by Jade Plays Games THE UGLY TRUTH ABOUT UNICORNS - ARK: Survival Evolved by VIRTUAL REALMS THE REBEL PROBLEM - Rise of the Achatina (Episode 3) by Lame Wolf Productions ARK Frank Lloyd Wright House :: ARK Building Guide :: Modern Cabin Tutorial by SWChris Vertical ARK Walkway! :: ARK Building Evolved :: ARK Creative Building :: Building A Path by SWChris Choose Your Own Adventure [Madagascar Evolved Survival Plus] [13] by MonkeyMan gOOgly returns (PART 53) by GeeKy gAMer no.1 HOW TO FARM BUNNY EGGS - ARK EGGCELLENT ADVENTURE PT 2 - by Myndmelt Gaming Beach house by Vargen Saphia! Cyan Rex by esrcee Source: Will you take me to the place I'll call my home? by Violet Source: Alpha Raptor by flogylox (sloker100) Source: Pokemon or ARK?! by Zefi Surprise at night by Wyerex Source: The Mighty Hunter by Gale the Whale Source: Azae Portrait (Sleepy Azae Remaster) by Violet Source: Giga by Wyerex Source: Compys by Wyerex Source: Raptor Cutie by Wyerex Source: Wyvern Cave by Negative Wils the Milk Man Source: Loot Jerboa by Negative Wils the Milk Man Source: PERISSODACTYLA by iguana12345678 Source: Little baby Rex ^-^ by LittleWolve <3 Source: Bab allo sketch by LittleWolve <3 Source: Chicken Microraptor by Sharkcat Source: Easter Chick Terror Bird by Sharkcat Source: Easter Egg v4 Ovis by Sharkcat Source: Easter Egg v2 Ovis by Sharkcat Source: That's it for this post guys! As always if you’ve got anything to share please get in touch and be sure to follow us on: Twitter: Facebook: Reddit: Instagram: Much love, Wildcard Jen & the ARK: Survival Evolved Team View full article
Hey Survivors! Welcome to the latest edition of the Community Crunch! The Community Crunch is where we share important things going on with ARK, as well as host contests and showcase creations made by the community! Let's get started with some news. Xbox One Sale! Survivors can now pick up ARK: Survival Evolved and Scorched Earth at a discounted rate on Xbox as part of the ID@Xbox sale. The discounts will run until the 15th of March, so now's a perfect time to introduce new friends to the game! ARK: Evolution Event Weekend! Survivors across ALL Platforms will be receiving a special Evolution Event perk this weekend! It's already live now and will remain active until Wednesday the 15th at 12PM EST. All Official Servers will be undergoing this evolutionary change which includes: 1.5x Harvesting Rate 1.5x Taming Rate 1.5x EXP Rate Reminder: this 1.5x bonus is on top of the 2x rates that are now standard on our official servers! Community Contests! Player Procedurally Generated Maps! The Procedurally Generated Map system allows players to make their own ARK maps by determining a myriad of landscape options from the heights of mountains, depths of valleys, and the number of lakes, rivers or oceans, to the kinds of each biome they want, and more! Let's check out the entries for this weeks contest! This week's contest winner is... Kovko! PGMapName=ProceduralARK20170224152757 PGTerrainPropertiesString=MapSeed=711;LandscapeRadius=1.0;Water Frequency=5.6348;Mountains Frequency=14.529618;Mountains Slope=1.287506;MountainsHeight=1.092238;Turbulence Power=0.0125;Shore Slope=1.0;WaterLevel=-0.72;GrassDensity=1.0;JungleGrassDensity=0.02;ErosionSteps=4;TreesGroundSlopeAccuracy=0.5;DepositionStrength=0.5;ErosionStrength=0.75;OceanFloorLevel=-1.0;SnowBiomeSize=0.436772;RWBiomeSize=0.163927;MountainBiomeStart=-0.62756;MountainsTreeDensity=0.01;JungleBiomeStart=-0.65383;IslandBorderCurveExp=4.0;MaxSawnPointHeight=0.1;SnowGrassDensity=0.25;MountainGrassDensity=0.05;SnowMountainGrassDensity=0.15;UnderwaterObjectsDensity=2.0;SnowMountainsTreeDensity=0.01;TreeDensity=0.003;JungleTreeDensity=0.66;RedWoodTreeDensity=0.35;SnowTreeDensity=1.0;RedwoodGrassDensity=0.1;ShoreTreeDensity=0.05;SnowShoreTreeDensity=0.025;DeepWaterBiomesDepth=-0.24;InlandWaterObjectsDensity=0.5;ShorelineStartOffset=0.01;ShorelineThickness=0.0015;MountainGeneralTreesPercent=0.1;TerrainScaleMultiplier=(X=1.0f,Y=1.0f,Z=1.0f);SnowBiomeLocation=(X=0.2f,Y=0.2f);RWForestBiomeLocation=(X=0.5f,Y=0.5f);NorthRegion1Start=(X=0.25f,Y=0.0f);NorthRegion1End=(X=0.416f,Y=0.5f);NorthRegion2Start=(X=0.416f,Y=0.0f);NorthRegion2End=(X=0.582f,Y=0.5f);NorthRegion3Start=(X=0.582f,Y=0.0f);NorthRegion3End=(X=0.75f,Y=0.0f);SouthRegion1Start=(X=0.25f,Y=0.5f);SouthRegion1End=(X=0.416f,Y=1.0f);SouthRegion2Start=(X=0.416f,Y=0.5f);SouthRegion2End=(X=0.582f,Y=1.0f);SouthRegion3Start=(X=0.582f,Y=0.5f);SouthRegion3End=(X=0.75f,Y=1.0f);EastRegion1Start=(X=0.75f,Y=0.0f);EastRegion1End=(X=1.0f,Y=0.333f);EastRegion2Start=(X=0.75f,Y=0.333f);EastRegion2End=(X=1.0f,Y=0.666f);EastRegion3Start=(X=0.75f,Y=0.666f);EastRegion3End=(X=1.0f,Y=1.0f);WestRegion1Start=(X=0.0f,Y=0.0f);WestRegion1End=(X=0.25f,Y=0.333f);WestRegion2Start=(X=0.0f,Y=0.333f);WestRegion2End=(X=0.25f,Y=0.666f);WestRegion3Start=(X=0.0f,Y=0.666f);WestRegion3End=(X=0.25f,Y=1.0f) If you'd like to learn more about PGMs, please check out our quick start guide: NVidia Ansel Photography Contest Just a heads up guys, we're skipping the Ansel contest this week due to submissions expiring whilst we were at GDC. Please re-submit your entries for next week, or feel free to take new ones. The entry process is still the same, we just weren't around to collect them pre-expiration. Sorry about that! We'll be selecting extra winners next week to make up for the lost contest today Super Resolution Version: ARK: Survival Evolved and the Scorched Earth Expansion Pack now include support for NVIDIA Ansel -- a revolutionary new way to capture in-game shots. Compose shots from any position, adjust with post-process filters, capture HDR images in high-fidelity formats, and share the screenshots in 360 via a smartphone, PC or VR headset. Learn more about these features from the NVIDIA blog. ARKVideo! This contest is open to all types of video be they funny, epic, scenic, stories, whatever inspires you. Just a general reminder that they should remain safe for work, think of the children! And without further ado, the ARKVideo for Community Crunch 85 is... Maexch3n for their Sea Castle! We'd also like to give huge congratulations to our runner-up GEonWar! ARKitect! This is an award given to Survivors to celebrate the amazing structures you build. These bases are judged based upon a number of different factors such as their creativity, uniqueness, how fun of a base it is, the difficulty of building it, the functionality it provides and much more! The ARKitect for Community Crunch 85 is… It's a three-way tie! Congratulations to; Wolf Angelus's Creative and Fun Mazes! Check out his full post about the submission here This looks like a lot of fun, perhaps some Unofficial Servers may host your map and start hosting maze events. You'd make a good Events Master Lusaka6 - Play ARK even when playing ARK! We don't get a whole lot of console entries too often but this is a great piece of ARKitect and a lot of fun too. Thanks for sharing! Madwire - Base of Oldmad! Looks like an enormous build, and the great use of mods make it really come to life! Fantastic and we'd also like to give a shoutout to this week's runner up: Valoule and their ARK Baby Foot! These remind me of those custom Unreal Tournament maps, where people used to recreate giant objects and you'd just have to battle through them. Great work! But the real question is, can we actually play foosball? If you'd like to check out the submissions from the rest of the entrants, you can do so here: Fan Feature! ranger1presents - ARK Evolution: Bridge Mod GamerPerfection - Dodo Eviction YodysseusIV - Jousting Arena! UniteTheClans - The Desert House - Building Tutorial LameWolfProductions - Who's a good DireWolf? NoRushGaming - The Volcano Map Artifact & Cave Location Guide JadePlaysGame's ARK Tutorials: How to give Admin Powers to your friends on Console! Create New Save World! Console Server Settings Explained PvP Base Locations and Favourite Spots on the Center! Redsaberist - ARK Upside Down House Building Guide MonkeyManTV - Meet Dave [ARK 360 Short] Nast's Typical Day on the Island! Ryant1um - The Luxury Resort! C8sun - Epic ARK Fails! C8sun - Time to Finish the Base Wall Talenshi's fantastic illustrations: All aboard the Diplodobus! More meat for the meat god! Leggo my Pego! Freeflier181's Carno Avatar Source: Newbie by Cupcake Source: Rex In Watercolor by eco Source: Tusoteuthis: A creature of the deep by Source: Sharkcat's Skins Source: Moby Dick Basilosaurus Killer Whale Basilosaurus Source: When your tribemate finds a paintbrush by DeltaLEDminer! Source: Mateaperic51's sketches Source: Source: Source: Source: Source: Scorched Ruins by Nikout Source: We Got This! by ThugMario Source: Lifesaver by Violet Source: Plesiosaur by Akhoris Source: That's it for this post guys! We should be back on track to a regular schedule now with our crunches as we've wrapped up our latest event, and hoping to get a Digest out to you guys soon too As always if you’ve got anything to share please get in touch and be sure to follow us on: Twitter: All the best, Wildcard Jat & the ARK: Survival Evolved Team View full article
Hey Survivors! Welcome to the latest edition of the Community Crunch! The Community Crunch is where we share important things going on with ARK, as well as host contests and showcase creations made by the community! Let's get started with some news. ARK: Evolution Event Weekend! Survivors across ALL Platforms will be receiving a special Evolution Event perk this weekend! It's already live now and will remain active until Monday the 20th at 12PM EST. All Official Servers will be undergoing this evolutionary change which includes: 1.5x Harvesting Rate 1.5x Taming Rate 1.5x EXP Rate Reminder: this 1.5x bonus is on top of the 2x rates that are now standard on our official servers! Mod Spotlight Update #1! Ark Steampunk Mod A whole tier of items inspired by Steampunk, iSpezz has been busy working on Steampunk crop plots, teleporters, and more! Can’t wait to see what else he has planned!! Madagascar Evolved Look forward to some new content including bug fixes and a new cave! In the meantime, check out this short video and pictures. Eco (Various Mods) Eco’s lovely work can be seen in various mods in the workshop. The new content, Terrariums and Garden Decor mods, are going to be a hit! NPC Bush People A popular mod for people playing offline will be getting a pretty considerable upgrade soon: NPC base building. That’s right, those NPC’s will be constructing their own huts soon! Don't believe me, check out this video! Roraima I’m loving the additional polish that’s being applied to Roraima. Look forward to some of these visual changes and tuning to the NPC spawns. ShigoIslands There’s lots of mystery for the upcoming update to ShigoIslands. Some of these mysterious buildings will find their way to ShigoIslands very soon. Also, look forward to a new cave and a mysterious Dodo explorer note! Survival Plus If there wasn’t enough content in Survival Plus before this upcoming update, you’ll find yourself with plenty to do soon. What’s coming up you ask? Oh just a trading system, a custom building system, a pottery wheel, alchemy, and upgraded visuals! And a little further out, player-hitched carts! Ragnarok It’s hard to keep up with the progress being made on Ragnarok. These guys are definitely packing in some content. Look forward to several visual upgrades and some new areas to explore! Community Contests! Player Procedurally Generated Maps! The Procedurally Generated Map system allows players to make their own ARK maps by determining a myriad of landscape options from the heights of mountains, depths of valleys, and the number of lakes, rivers or oceans, to the kinds of each biome they want, and more! Let's check out the entries for this weeks contest! This week's contest winner is... EXFIB0! PGMapName=ProceduralARK20170317193016 PGTerrainPropertiesString=MapSeed=915;LandscapeRadius=1.0;Water Frequency=3.129577;Mountains Frequency=8.203497;Mountains Slope=2.223136;MountainsHeight=1.234846;Turbulence Power=0.0125;Shore Slope=1.0;WaterLevel=-0.72;GrassDensity=1.0;JungleGrassDensity=0.02;ErosionSteps=4;TreesGroundSlopeAccuracy=0.5;DepositionStrength=0.5;ErosionStrength=0.75;OceanFloorLevel=-1.0;SnowBiomeSize=0.455251;RWBiomeSize=0.16379;MountainBiomeStart=-0.628402;MountainsTreeDensity=0.01;JungleBiomeStart=-0.747003;IslandBorderCurveExp=4.0;MaxSawnPointHeight=0.1;SnowGrassDensity=0.25;MountainGrassDensity=0.05;SnowMountainGrassDensity=0.15;UnderwaterObjectsDensity=0.5;SnowMountainsTreeDensity=0.01;TreeDensity=0.003;JungleTreeDensity=0.66;RedWoodTreeDensity=0.35;SnowTreeDensity=1.0;RedwoodGrassDensity=0.1;ShoreTreeDensity=0.05;SnowShoreTreeDensity=0.025;DeepWaterBiomesDepth=-0.24;InlandWaterObjectsDensity=0.5;ShorelineStartOffset=0.01;ShorelineThickness=0.0015;MountainGeneralTreesPercent=0.1;TerrainScaleMultiplier=(X=1.0f,Y=1.0f,Z=1.0f);SnowBiomeLocation=(X=0.2f,Y=0.2f);RWForestBiomeLocation=(X=0.5f,Y=0.5f);NorthRegion1Start=(X=0.25f,Y=0.0f);NorthRegion1End=(X=0.416f,Y=0.5f);NorthRegion2Start=(X=0.416f,Y=0.0f);NorthRegion2End=(X=0.582f,Y=0.5f);NorthRegion3Start=(X=0.582f,Y=0.0f);NorthRegion3End=(X=0.75f,Y=0.0f);SouthRegion1Start=(X=0.25f,Y=0.5f);SouthRegion1End=(X=0.416f,Y=1.0f);SouthRegion2Start=(X=0.416f,Y=0.5f);SouthRegion2End=(X=0.582f,Y=1.0f);SouthRegion3Start=(X=0.582f,Y=0.5f);SouthRegion3End=(X=0.75f,Y=1.0f);EastRegion1Start=(X=0.75f,Y=0.0f);EastRegion1End=(X=1.0f,Y=0.333f);EastRegion2Start=(X=0.75f,Y=0.333f);EastRegion2End=(X=1.0f,Y=0.666f);EastRegion3Start=(X=0.75f,Y=0.666f);EastRegion3End=(X=1.0f,Y=1.0f);WestRegion1Start=(X=0.0f,Y=0.0f);WestRegion1End=(X=0.25f,Y=0.333f);WestRegion2Start=(X=0.0f,Y=0.333f);WestRegion2End=(X=0.25f,Y=0.666f);WestRegion3Start=(X=0.0f,Y=0.666f);WestRegion3End=(X=0.25f,Y=1.0f) PGLastPreset=0 If you'd like to learn more about PGMs, please check out our quick start guide: NVidia Ansel Photography Contest Super Resolution Version: ARK: Survival Evolved and the Scorched Earth Expansion Pack now include support for NVIDIA Ansel -- a revolutionary new way to capture in-game shots. Compose shots from any position, adjust with post-process filters, capture HDR images in high-fidelity formats, and share the screenshots in 360 via a smartphone, PC or VR headset. Learn more about these features from the NVIDIA blog. Now let’s get to the contest! There were 3 potential categories for survivors to enter their shots into and they were the following: Three Categories Super Resolution: These should be taken at 8x Super Resolution. Players can optionally use Depth of Field effects accessible in Spectator mode by pressing the [Delete] key. Panoramic 360 Stereoscopic 3D: These should be taken at 4x Super Resolution, in 360 Stereoscopic 3D mode. We will crop them to 2D for web display, while also providing the 3D version for viewing within VR display. Freeform: Any settings, whacky and creative use of Ansel filters are encouraged. Adding humorous titles/captions in Photoshop is also acceptable for this category! And now without further ado, here are your entries! There are lots this week since it's a double feature! Super Resolution! Winners! Watching The Sun Rise - GravesAJ EXFIB0 - Come Back AsH - Tek Eater Runners Up! Pollti - Hunting Thylacoleos Jamie Weaver - Rulers of the redwood Honourable Mentions! FataL1ty - Complexity Couldn't Escape - GravesAJ Wolf Angelus - Exiles Morella-Top of the Morning to ya! - GravesAJ Wolf Angelus - Savannah Kovko - Blessing Wolf Angelus - Wildlands Hard Rock - GravesAJ FataL1ty - Tear TEK Armor inside Underwatercaves - Pollti Wolf Angelus - Aquatico FataL1ty - Plesiosaur in a Bubble FataL1ty - Atrophically Pristine Another One Bites the Dust - GravesAJ FataL1ty - Of Nightmares FataL1ty - Irenic Kovko - Wyvern's Den FataL1ty - Tunnel FataL1ty - Distant Lands FataL1ty - History FataL1ty - Dangerous Passage AsH - Tek Base FataL1ty - The Road Not Taken FataL1ty - Hell's Fires christopher warburton - superres FataL1ty - Battlements Chiropractor Wanted - GravesAJ AsH - Fluffy Leo Panoramic 360 Stereoscopic 3D! Winner! FataL1ty - Spino's Maw Runner's Up! Kovko - Afternoon Wolf Angelus - Tranquility FataL1ty - The ARK Honourable Mentions! FataL1ty - Brontos like water EXFIB0 - Beautiful River FataL1ty - Devil's Eyes FataL1ty - Smoke and Bubbles FataL1ty - Floating Friends FataL1ty - Bubbles Kovko - Morning Wolf Angelus - The Cove FataL1ty - Nest FataL1ty - Going in For the Kill FataL1ty - Bubbles Freeform! Winner! Kong Skull Island - GamerPerfection Honourable Mentions! olf Angelus - Regrettable Life Choices EXFIB0 - Lakeside Paradise FataL1ty - Hot Shower christopher warburton - Dragon FataL1ty - Upside-Down Dave Egan - Ark Tribe Pic christopher warburton - Deathworm FataL1ty - Stuck ARKVideo! This contest is open to all types of video be they funny, epic, scenic, stories, whatever inspires you. Just a general reminder that they should remain safe for work, think of the children! And without further ado, the ARKVideo for Community Crunch 86 is... a tie! TRAPPED IN A FORCEFIELD - ARK Skits by Lame Wolf Productions! and... HIOMIA JOUSTING YOUTUBER CONTEST ON POOPTOPIA! by Myndmelt Gaming! ARKitect! This is an award given to Survivors to celebrate the amazing structures you build. These bases are judged based upon a number of different factors such as their creativity, uniqueness, how fun of a base it is, the difficulty of building it, the functionality it provides and much more! The ARKitect for Community Crunch 86 is… a tie! Spring is coming : Picnic table by Valoule! and... Ark Survival: Bathhouse & Hotsprings (ARKitect) by Wolf Angelus If you'd like to check out the submissions from the rest of the entrants, you can do so here: Fan Feature! THE ARK COLOSSEUM!!- Ark Building Montage Monday EP 22 by RYANT1UM PILLARS PLUS MOD - ARK EVOLUTION by VIRTUAL REALMS Arcadia Boss Battles [Modded Ark Gameplay] by MonkeyMan ARK Glider Beta Test Footage by GravesGaming Survival Of The Fittest | w/KISHKO | Full Game | ARK Survival Of The Fittest by EXFIB0 Ark Survivor Cosplay by teamsajabau Source: Ark survival evolved: Dodo by teamsajabau Source: Hyeanodons by Akhoris Source: Poison wyvern by Akhoris Source: Hatzeopteryx by mateaperic51 Source: Flyer used for taming by mateaperic51 Source: Wyverns by Echo likes games Source: Good Girls by KeyKey Source: Halo - Obelisk by cfowler7 Source: Flandre, the Dragon by ?Dead? Source: Jurassic Ark: Indominus Attack! by Shinzilla #ThePixel Source: WIP by ФFallenSpartanФ Source: Alangasaurus vs pachyceratops by jordanisgreat Source: Mythos Evolved: Drake size by Shadlos Source: Quetzel Cabin by Mithyk Alangasaurus dossier by seeRgii_29 Source: Dossier: Skunk by ߧ | uriel34 Source: That's it for this post guys! As always if you’ve got anything to share please get in touch and be sure to follow us on: Twitter: Facebook: Reddit: Instagram: Much love, Wildcard Jen & the ARK: Survival Evolved Team View full article
Hey Survivors! Welcome to the latest edition of the Community Crunch! The Community Crunch is where we share important things going on with ARK, as well as host contests and showcase creations made by the community! Let's get started with some news. ARK Sponsored Mod Program Update! We wanted to give you an update on the Sponsored Mod Project! We'll be continuing with the initial 15 Mods we launched with in March, for the month of April. This decision was taken due to a later than intended start caused by GDC, however the ship will be sailing smoothly now and going forward we'll be accepting new candidates into the program, there will definitely be a switch up in May! We've already seen enormous progress made by a lot of the mods on the workshop, it's amazing to see what you the community is able to put together! Sponsored Mod Updates will also be moved to a new biweekly post known as Workshop Wednesday's by Cedric. This will feature changes to the program, updates from the mods, as well as the occasional info drop from Ben of TheCenter and Cedric himself regarding Primitive+! PlayStation 4 Sale [EU Region]! Survivors can now pick up ARK: Survival Evolved, Scorched Earth, and the Survivor's Pack at a discounted rate on PS4 as part of the PlayStation 4 Easter sale. The discounts will run for 3 weeks, so now's a perfect time to introduce new friends to the game! ARK: Evolution Event Weekend! Survivors across ALL Platforms will be receiving a special Evolution Event perk this weekend! It's already live now and will remain active until Monday the 10th of April at 12PM EST. All Official Servers will be undergoing this evolutionary change which includes: 1.5x Harvesting Rate 1.5x Taming Rate 1.5x EXP Rate Reminder: this 1.5x bonus is on top of the 2x rates that are now standard on our official servers! Community Contests! Player Procedurally Generated Maps! The Procedurally Generated Map system allows players to make their own ARK maps by determining a myriad of landscape options from the heights of mountains, depths of valleys, and the number of lakes, rivers or oceans, to the kinds of each biome they want, and more! Let's check out the entries for this weeks contest! This week's contest winner is... Zergling963 for their PGM EntertheARK! and to use their map for your own PGM experience: If you'd like to learn more about PGMs, please check out our quick start guide: NVidia Ansel Photography Contest Super Resolution Version: ARK: Survival Evolved and the Scorched Earth Expansion Pack now include support for NVIDIA Ansel -- a revolutionary new way to capture in-game shots. Compose shots from any position, adjust with post-process filters, capture HDR images in high-fidelity formats, and share the screenshots in 360 via a smartphone, PC or VR headset. Learn more about these features from the NVIDIA blog. Now let’s get to the contest! There were 3 potential categories for survivors to enter their shots into and they were the following: Three Categories Super Resolution: These should be taken at 8x Super Resolution. Players can optionally use Depth of Field effects accessible in Spectator mode by pressing the [Delete] key. Panoramic 360 Stereoscopic 3D: These should be taken at 4x Super Resolution, in 360 Stereoscopic 3D mode. We will crop them to 2D for web display, while also providing the 3D version for viewing within VR display. Freeform: Any settings, whacky and creative use of Ansel filters are encouraged. Adding humorous titles/captions in Photoshop is also acceptable for this category! And now without further ado, here are your entries! You’ll want to click on the image title to be able to download the maximum size image, we’ve resized them for display purposes Super Resolution! Winners! StateofMynd42 - Toasted Not Burned Wolf Angelus - Flying in the Breeze Wolf Angelus - Rainforest Adventure Runner Ups! FataL1ty - Bastion BlueDragon - Time to run! Honourable Mentions! Pollti - Wild Bears Kovko - Attack from the back Kovko - Runaway FataL1ty - Castle View FataL1ty - Beyond FataL1ty - Everything the Light Touches Wynnd - The Keeper FataL1ty - Fresh Air FataL1ty - Canopy EXFIB0 - Beautiful Forest BlueDragon - Going for the kill FataL1ty - Canyon BlueDragon - Alpha Leader BlueDragon - Crystal Stream FataL1ty - Spiral BlueDragon - Dragon Flight BlueDragon - Hunting Party Wolf Angelus - Safari Hunting BlueDragon - Leap of Faith Panoramic 360 Stereoscopic 3D! Winner! EXFIB0 - Blue Paradise Runner Ups! EXFIB0 - Graceful Waterfall Wolf Angelus - Tropical Retreat FataL1ty - Battle Perspective Honourable Mentions! Wolf Angelus - Rainforest Wolf Angelus - Oasis Mantikoa - Sunset Mist BlueDragon - Bridge FataL1ty - Bridge of Death FataL1ty - Canyon EXFIB0 - Inside the forest BlueDragon - Some like it hot! FataL1ty - Flying Fish BlueDragon - Redwood Rapids Freeform! Winners! Mantikoa - Dances with Raptors Velice - La La ARK Wolf Angelus - ARK Pokemon Battle Runner Ups! BlueDragon - Club Penguin Honourable Mentions! BlueDragon - Looking for the Nesting Grounds Chris Warburton - When you kill a dinosaur in ARK... FataL1ty - The Twirlers Morgengrau - Reapers Tally - The Snow Thyla ARKVideo! This contest is open to all types of video be they funny, epic, scenic, stories, whatever inspires you. Just a general reminder that they should remain safe for work, think of the children! And without further ado, the ARKVideo for Community Crunch 88 is... It's a tie! ranger1presents with eco's Terrariums and LameWolfProduction's The Great Escape! ARKitect! This is an award given to Survivors to celebrate the amazing structures you build. These bases are judged based upon a number of different factors such as their creativity, uniqueness, how fun of a base it is, the difficulty of building it, the functionality it provides and much more! Honestly, this weeks submission were incredibly difficult. There were a lot of great choices, in fact it was probably the hardest week in a while to select a winner, so we've got quite a few runner ups too! But without further a do, let's get down to it... The ARKitect for Community Crunch 88 is… Sitharias for their Volcano Fortress on an Official PvE Server! You can check out their full album here: and.. We'd also like to give a shout out to the following survivors and congratulate them on being a runner up! Wolf Angelus with their board game based build: 4 Board Games - Leap Frog Checkers, Nine Men's Morris, Battledino, Connect 4 If you enjoyed the board game build earlier and want to run more fun events on your server, definitely check out Valoule's PvP Arena! ClARK Royal Full album here: This very impressive futuristic TEK base by TheLimeInc! and a big shout out to TagBackTV's beautiful Ovis Farm and Wind Mill! If you'd like to check out all the entries, you can do so here: Fan Feature F1r3fly | ARK Survival Evolved: Building The Town Center! The ARK Maze by The Axe Man Blood in the Water - Alpha Shark Taming by MyndMelt Gaming! New Inventory Ui by GamerPerfection! Epic Fishing Raft by Kortniechan Gaming Thieves Island Map | Ark Survival Evolved Mod Spotlight by MeeMaw TheGeekyGranny F1r3fly | ARK Survival Evolved: Building The Barracks! King of the Moon by LameWolfProductions Tapejara by * Fluffy * ( FR ) Source: Tolu the Tapejara by WendigoNasty Source: More ARK Babies by Darken-Si! Source: Source: Source: Fanmade Dossier: Griffin by Kobikai Source: Dilophosaurus Sketch by ShadowWolfJade Source: Date Night by SnowTickler185 Source: Poison Wyvern by ThugMario Source: We know there hasn't been a Digest in a little while and we're sorry about that everyone! As we're working our way towards ARK 1.0 we're very focused on spending all available time on getting the rest of the content out to you and fixing/resolving bugs related to the game. We'll try and free up some time soon to complete a Digest and our sincerest apologies for the delay That's it for this post guys! As always if you’ve got anything to share please get in touch and be sure to follow us on: Twitter: Much love, Wildcard Jat & the ARK: Survival Evolved Team View full article
Hey Survivors! Welcome to the latest edition of the Community Crunch! The Community Crunch is where we share important things going on with ARK, as well as host contests and showcase creations made by the community! Let's get started with some news. ARK: Evolution Event Weekend! Survivors across ALL Platforms will be receiving a special Evolution Event perk this weekend! It's already live now and will remain active until Monday the 27th at 12PM EST. All Official Servers will be undergoing this evolutionary change which includes: 1.5x Harvesting Rate 1.5x Taming Rate 1.5x EXP Rate Reminder: this 1.5x bonus is on top of the 2x rates that are now standard on our official servers! Mod Program Update #2! Hey Survivors! Cedric back here again with some more updates from our sponsored mod program. As the month draws to a close, I want to share more of the hard work that’s been happening. If this is any indication of what’s in store for future months, we’re in for some nice treats! Let’s get started! Ark Moon Survival There’s no doubt that the ARK Moon Survival team is taking things seriously. Not only are they making a custom character model, I hear they are planning to do some custom motion capturing as well. When I spoke with David, he assured me that they are treating this as if it is a new game. There’s so much in store for the future! Thieves Island My mouth dropped when I saw what TKat has been working on over the past month. It’s definitely an original and unique map. Take a look at some of these amazing screenshots! Structures Plus The same person that brought you Platforms Anywhere, Platforms Plus, and Structures Plus has a lot of new exciting quality-of-life improvements and new additions to all of his mods. In Platforms Plus, he’s already busy working on a new Tek Tier tree platform. ARK Postal Service The popular mail delivery system will be receiving a visual upgrade that increases the overall realism. There’s a lot more in store for the future of APS: a web admin front-end, a user interface for letters, and item shipping. Take a look at this preview of what’s in store! Roraima Jeff continues his work on Roraima and wanted to share some of the progress. I’ve been keeping a close eye on this map since it dropped and it’s amazing to see the progress. Keep it up Jeff! Madagascar Evolved Lots has been going on in Madagascar Evolved since the last update! Rather than bore you with words, I’ll show you what he’s been working on Survival Plus If last week's tease wasn’t enough temptation, Tao and the Survival Plus team showed me some of the visual upgrades they’ve been working on. Keep it up!! That’s all for this week! Be sure to drop by the workshop and give these mods a shot! - Ced Community Contests! Player Procedurally Generated Maps! The Procedurally Generated Map system allows players to make their own ARK maps by determining a myriad of landscape options from the heights of mountains, depths of valleys, and the number of lakes, rivers or oceans, to the kinds of each biome they want, and more! Let's check out the entries for this weeks contest! This week's contest winner is... Kovko! PGTerrainPropertiesString=MapSeed=600;LandscapeRadius=1.0;Water Frequency=2.408742;Mountains Frequency=14.535479;Mountains Slope=1.58406;MountainsHeight=1.325481;Turbulence Power=0.0125;Shore Slope=1.0;WaterLevel=-0.72;GrassDensity=1.0;JungleGrassDensity=0.02;ErosionSteps=4;TreesGroundSlopeAccuracy=0.5;DepositionStrength=0.5;ErosionStrength=0.75;OceanFloorLevel=-1.0;SnowBiomeSize=0.287063;RWBiomeSize=0.247755;MountainBiomeStart=-0.408974;MountainsTreeDensity=0.01;JungleBiomeStart=-0.737213;IslandBorderCurveExp=4.0;MaxSawnPointHeight=0.1;SnowGrassDensity=0.25;MountainGrassDensity=0.05;SnowMountainGrassDensity=0.15;UnderwaterObjectsDensity=2.0;SnowMountainsTreeDensity=0.01;TreeDensity=0.003;JungleTreeDensity=0.66;RedWoodTreeDensity=0.35;SnowTreeDensity=1.0;RedwoodGrassDensity=0.1;ShoreTreeDensity=0.05;SnowShoreTreeDensity=0.025;DeepWaterBiomesDepth=-0.24;InlandWaterObjectsDensity=0.5;ShorelineStartOffset=0.01;ShorelineThickness=0.0015;MountainGeneralTreesPercent=0.1;TerrainScaleMultiplier=(X=1.0f,Y=1.0f,Z=1.0f);SnowBiomeLocation=(X=0.2f,Y=0.2f);RWForestBiomeLocation=(X=0.5f,Y=0.5f);NorthRegion1Start=(X=0.25f,Y=0.0f);NorthRegion1End=(X=0.416f,Y=0.5f);NorthRegion2Start=(X=0.416f,Y=0.0f);NorthRegion2End=(X=0.582f,Y=0.5f);NorthRegion3Start=(X=0.582f,Y=0.0f);NorthRegion3End=(X=0.75f,Y=0.0f);SouthRegion1Start=(X=0.25f,Y=0.5f);SouthRegion1End=(X=0.416f,Y=1.0f);SouthRegion2Start=(X=0.416f,Y=0.5f);SouthRegion2End=(X=0.582f,Y=1.0f);SouthRegion3Start=(X=0.582f,Y=0.5f);SouthRegion3End=(X=0.75f,Y=1.0f);EastRegion1Start=(X=0.75f,Y=0.0f);EastRegion1End=(X=1.0f,Y=0.333f);EastRegion2Start=(X=0.75f,Y=0.333f);EastRegion2End=(X=1.0f,Y=0.666f);EastRegion3Start=(X=0.75f,Y=0.666f);EastRegion3End=(X=1.0f,Y=1.0f);WestRegion1Start=(X=0.0f,Y=0.0f);WestRegion1End=(X=0.25f,Y=0.333f);WestRegion2Start=(X=0.0f,Y=0.333f);WestRegion2End=(X=0.25f,Y=0.666f);WestRegion3Start=(X=0.0f,Y=0.666f);WestRegion3End=(X=0.25f,Y=1.0f) PGLastPreset=0 If you'd like to learn more about PGMs, please check out our quick start guide: NVidia Ansel Photography Contest! Super Resolution Version: ARK: Survival Evolved and the Scorched Earth Expansion Pack now include support for NVIDIA Ansel -- a revolutionary new way to capture in-game shots. Compose shots from any position, adjust with post-process filters, capture HDR images in high-fidelity formats, and share the screenshots in 360 via a smartphone, PC or VR headset. Learn more about these features from the NVIDIA blog. Now let’s get to the contest! There were 3 potential categories for survivors to enter their shots into and they were the following: Three Categories Super Resolution: These should be taken at 8x Super Resolution. Players can optionally use Depth of Field effects accessible in Spectator mode by pressing the [Delete] key. Panoramic 360 Stereoscopic 3D: These should be taken at 4x Super Resolution, in 360 Stereoscopic 3D mode. We will crop them to 2D for web display, while also providing the 3D version for viewing within VR display. Freeform: Any settings, whacky and creative use of Ansel filters are encouraged. Adding humorous titles/captions in Photoshop is also acceptable for this category! And now without further ado, here are your entries! You’ll want to click on the image title to be able to download the maximum size image, we’ve resized them for display purposes Super Resolution! Winner! Dinos in Action - Mantikoa Runners Up! FataL1ty - Dusky City Aaron Glunt - Just need the toast! Honourable Mentions! FataL1ty - Amazement Wolf Angelus - Tropical Flight Killer Clown Slug by Pollti Thylaco - Mantikoa Giga in rage - Pollti Sabertooth - Mantikoa Troodon - Mantikoa Battle of the giants - Pollti FataL1ty - Frozen FataL1ty - Sunset Falls FataL1ty - Full View Wolf Angelus - Tropics EXFIB0 - Come Down Wolf Angelus - Dragon's Throne The Journey Begins - Valoule FataL1ty - Starsnow FataL1ty - Rise FataL1ty - Heroic Panoramic 360 Stereoscopic 3D! Winner! FataL1ty - Defying Gravity Runner Up! Wolf Angelus - Arabian Village Night Honourable Mentions! EXFIB0 - Paradise EXFIB0 - Thylacoleo FataL1ty - Tourist Velice - Oriental Sight EXFIB0 - Roraima FataL1ty - View Wolf Angelus - Arabian Village Day Freeform! Winner! Spyro HD Remaster - Starwolf23 Honourable Mentions! Walking Giant - Jamie Weaver Wolf Angelus - Fresh Sushi EXFIB0 - Waterfall ARKVideo! This contest is open to all types of video be they funny, epic, scenic, stories, whatever inspires you. Just a general reminder that they should remain safe for work, think of the children! And without further ado, the ARKVideo for Community Crunch 87 is... Sally & Peanut by LameWolfProductions! (Mature language warning for our younger Survivors!) ARKitect! This is an award given to Survivors to celebrate the amazing structures you build. These bases are judged based upon a number of different factors such as their creativity, uniqueness, how fun of a base it is, the difficulty of building it, the functionality it provides and much more! The ARKitect for Community Crunch 87 is… Castle Build by TagBackTV! and... Ark High by Wolf Angelus! If you'd like to check out the submissions from the rest of the entrants, you can do so here: Fan Feature! PRO TURTLE SURFING - SURVIVAL PLUS ON SHIGO ISLANDS! EP1 - GAMING EVOLVED by Myndmelt Gaming Explore the Ark #7: How to Build an Allo Taming Trap by Whitehearth Hall Explore the Ark #9: How to Build an Manta Taming Trap by Whitehearth Hall Explore the Ark #11: A Bridge too Far by Whitehearth Hall Explore the Ark #10: A Whole New World by Whitehearth Hall RK Survival Evolved Broodmother Boss fight Tek tier (Medium PS4) by Gary 87 How to tame Thylacoleo & gameplay by Gary 87 Ark Ping Pong - Messing With Tek Shields by Jade Plays Games ARK BASE TOUR - Amazing Egg Farm And Flyer Hanger by Jade Plays Games THE WHITE HOUSE BUILD!!- Ark Building Montage Monday EP 23 by RYANT1UM Mr.Raptor Taming school by Valoule Hope Ark Map by vwcamper Tek by JayEx23 Lollipop Megalosaurus by Sharkcat Snow Camo Megalosaurus by Sharkcat Forest Camo Megalosaurus by Sharkcat Can I Eat This? by Karen Swartz Freedom by Violet Stylized Thylo by Cupcake Dilo update by Wyerex Rex by Wyerex Guanlong by DracoSerpentor77 Spartan NecroMech Armor - WIP by ФFallenSpartanФ An update on Prudentia: Scales, teeth and wrinkles TURTLE TANK! by jordanisgreat That's it for this post guys! As always if you’ve got anything to share please get in touch and be sure to follow us on: Twitter: Facebook: Reddit: Instagram: Much love, Wildcard Jen & the ARK: Survival Evolved Team View full article
Hey Survivors! Welcome to the latest edition of the Community Crunch and ARK Digest! New Record 140 Player No Tame Servers! That's right, as of today we have officially launched an Official ARK PC server which supports up to 140 Players concurrently. We were able to achieve this as a result of some server-side optimisation, and have been running the change on our Experimental No Tame servers. Over the weekend, we'll be rolling out the improvements network wide to our Official PC servers and shortly thereafter they will arrive on console alongside the major update with the latest content. For those interested in our latest experiment, here's the low down: We've just launched some new experimental Official Servers on PC! These are a bit different to our standard servers as they do not allow players to tame, ride, or breed creatures. ARK has a lot of core survival elements to it, and we wanted to see how players would find playing the game without the help of their trusty tames. Of course, this doesn't mean we're moving to a non-dino focused environment, it's just another customisation we've introduced for everyone So give it a go, let us know what you think! Features 140 Players No Taming Boosted Harvesting and EXP Rates! (2x rates of normal -- so with the current event, it's pretty much 6x OLD-ARK!) Titanosaur has been removed Auto Turrets have been removed Difficulty Level is currently set to 2.0 Tribes are limited to 10 players Isolated Cluster 50% Higher Base Weight and 50% increase per level too No Alliances Decreased Movement Speed Stat Increased Server Side Optimisation to support more players! If you'd like to try out the server for yourself and give us some feedback, just search for "Experiment" in your server filter. You'll see 5 140 Player Servers; two The Islands, two The Centers and one Scorched Earth on their own isolated cluster. Keep in mind these servers are experimental and will have some iteration done to them over the course of their existence. If it goes well, we'll keep em permanent and we'll bring them to console too! ARK: Evolution Event Weekend! Survivors across ALL Platforms will be receiving a special Evolution Event perk this weekend! It's already live now and will remain active until Monday the 6th at 12PM EST. All Official Servers will be undergoing this evolutionary change which includes: 1.5x Harvesting Rate 1.5x Taming Rate 1.5x EXP Rate Reminder: this 1.5x bonus is on top of the 2x rates that are now standard on our official servers! ARK Digest! Here is our question and answer session with Lead Designer, Lead Programmer, Co-Creative Director of ARK: Survival Evolved, and Co-Founder of Studio Wildcard: Jeremy "Drake" Stieglitz! Survivor, GamerPefection asks, “Will we get Bionic Dodos?” Survivor, Mendoza asks, “Could we get very rare resource drops that are worth say 10x more than the normal resources... Example -- Rare Metal Ore - That can be smelted down to make Fine Grade Metal Ingots... This kind of rare resources and others like Fine Wood, Rare Pearls, Quality Stone ect, would open up a new economy for trade and also allow for the building of High End Mastercraft Gear which can't fit in the slots provided in crafting stations.(being 10x more valuable, interchangeable with normal resources and stacks the same as the average like resources) -- Rare resources could also open up the possibility of being able to craft slightly better quality gear the more "quality resources" used to make said item.” Survivor Mendoza also asks, “Will you be considering fully random locations for above ground beacon drops each time they drop and change the collision detection so they don't go through building structures?” Survivor, Deaner asks, “According to the explorer notes, the characters in the story could understand each other through the use of the arm implant. So why is it that we cannot understand their notes through the use of the arm implant?” Survivor, JNS asks, “Would you guys ever consider making the Achatina shoulder mates? Like the Mesopithecus?” Survivor, jazzop asks, “Since we can hold down the attack buttons for melee weapons could we hold down the attack buttons whilst mounted as it has no difference apart from preference and does not allow any advantages in PvP{ it would be much appreciated as long play sessions farming for breeding can be arduous” Survivor, HighFlyer15 asks, “In a recent digest you said you weren't going to add a hunger meter to the Carnivores, does this mean you'll be leaving other AI immersion implementations out as well or will we still see herds, packs of raptors hunting and less of the hundreds of lonely animals stomping about like they're lost?” Survivor, guitar2117 asks, “I was wondering about difficulty settings on player dedicated servers. PC has been able to alter the difficulty to above 4.0 for awhile, and just wondering when console will be able too? At least making it 5.0 would be nice. Thank you for your time!“ Survivor, NordheimTheMad asks, “Is the piranha still planned to be tamable or has the idea been scrapped? If so will there be a way to transport tamed fish to another body of water without killing them, something like an aquarium or bucket?” Survivor, Dinoslayer84 asks, “Could you add the dimetrodon to Scorched Earth? It's one of those creatures that I feel belong in the desert. It will also by pretty cool to have a creature from a real-life desert in the ARK's desert.” Survivor, Skuf also asks, “The Radio item is severely underused because of third party applications, and could use some buffing to give players an incentive to use it. Perhaps showing the talking player's general direction, similar to transponder nodes?” Survivor, Skuf also asks, “The possibility to pin lock storage boxes or vaults while Structures Ownership is set to Tribe would be amazing. This way we can finally have personal lockers without everyone being able to access them, or without setting Structure Ownership to Personal.” Survivor, Scuf also asks, “The Silencer weapon attachment could use some buffing, perhaps hiding the name of the player that killed you from the kill message or the tribe log?” Survivor, Fluqsi asks, “Will there ever be support for c++ programming?” Survivor, JokersFinest asks, “Will the titanaboa ever be tameable?” Survivor, BlackWolfVillage asks, “Can we get special admin commands to summon supply drops/spawn dinos at exact coordinates, rather than at the admin using the command? Personally I feel this will make it so admins can host events and map out coordinates ahead of time like a dungeon master and setup events surrounding them. Or even automate summoning of more supply crates in caves than is currently default.” Survivor, Brybry asks, “Will unofficial servers ever get an option to disallow steam” family share accounts in the same way that officials do?" Survivor, Wolf Angelus asks, “What happened to the option to completely remove collision checks?” Survivor, Wolf Angelus also asks, “Can we get an option (Again for singleplayer at the very least) to remove the "Maximum Custom Paintable Structures Nearby" limits? Limitations on creativity is a killjoy, especially when playing alone where stability should be our own judgement call.” Survivor, CyanicEmber asks, “Can we get a "Stay Grounded" option for fliers that can attack while landed such as the Wyvern, Pelagornis, etc...? Also perhaps an option to leave them grounded to follow us” Survivor, plantmanzetsu asks, “Just curious when we will see an option to wipe a single player map on Xbox One?” Survivor, Neizan asks, “Can you add an option to avoid buildings on spawn points of the map? Please.” Survivor, Neizan also asks, “Currently, when people starts farming with Bronto/Titano the servers have a lot of lag, some chance to reduce this server lag when people farm with Brontos or similar?” Survivor, iSpeZz asks, “Would it be possible to give us modders the ability to take rafts out of the water by adding a bool if in water or not in water??” Survivor, PapaRoro asks, “ gotta talk about poop for a minuet. This is just the best survival/sandbox game I've ever played. So much work has gone into making it a completely immersive experience. For this reason I have to ask, "Why are you guys not tapping into your poop potential?". It's very clear to the hard-core ark fanatics such as myself that poop has always been fundamental to the infrastructure of this game. So why does your poop depth end at: Human, Small, Medium, Large, Massive and eventually Fertilizer? Why is it that carnivores have hard vegetarian rabbit-shaped balls of disappointment instead of a massive sloppy pile of chunky mud? Or maybe a glorious omnivorous brown log of Majesty? Wouldn't it make sense to have carnivore, herbivore and omnivore diets make different poops with different properties? What if in the raising of a crop from seedling to fruiting, it goes through phases where it can get boosts by using "Carnivore Fertilizer" like a plant's equivalent to imprinting bonuses?” Survivor, PapaRoro also asks, “Can we have the various berry plants have a greater aesthetic variety? When I go in my greenhouse, I'd love to see a forest of different plants. That is all for now.” Survivor, StationOG asks, “Love the whistle groups & ignore group whistles but the problem at the moment is that if u have a tame set to ignore group whistle and its on neutral and gets attacked it will not heed any of your calls. Can we get a key for passive so we can aim at the tame? Much like the "Y" and "T" keys to issue an order to an individual dino.” Survivor, Mendoza asks, “Could we get a turret option for spiders so they can act as base defences? -- They could shoot a web bola rather than a slow debuff in turret mode...(Idea from TimeSpiral)” Survivor, GuiterRocket1 asks, “Are there any plans for new farming/cooking mechanics or new plants/seeds to be implemented before the full release?” Survivor, Dustiest-Ninja asks, “Are you a relative of the famous Alfred Stieglitz of the Stieglitz and Stiegen photographic art museum?” Survivor, Jamagh asks, “Will we ever get the option to ignore other players, either through their steam profile or character name? I have encountered some really noxious people and seeing them talking in chat, insulting everyone really affects my game play. Especially when other people are trying to get info about things.” Survivor, Shrekasaurus asks, “Will you put ARK on the Switch?” Survivor, SapphiraTigress asks, “Will we ever get an option to stop dinos from looking at us? Getting a tad tired of me getting stuck on a gigas(insert dino here) head because it keeps looking at me lol. Also, will we ever get a "take half" option from inventories? Most times I'm able to carry a lot, but to take half is perfect for most of my over encumbrence problems!!” Survivor, JohnHinde also asks, “My final question. In one of my previous suggestions for the game I was wondering about the prospect of using fire as a weapon as it has been since the dawn of time. (Sun Tzu's Art of War even has a whole section dedicated to it). So my question is will fire play a bigger role in the future? It would be interesting if: A. Dinos feared it. B. It was able to spread to some nearby plants. (Similar to Far Cry 4. Not burn down the entire forest, but capable of burning a small area and destroying the bushes and trees in said area. Would make war a lot more interesting.)” ARK: TEK Tier Sale! To celebrate the release of TEK Tier Phase 1 and reaching a new milestone in ARK's development, the core game and Scorched Earth are both available at their largest discounts ever! Survivors can pick up ARK: Survival Evolved for 67% off and Scorched Earth for 51% off. If you pick it up as a bundle, you get a further 15% discount! Xbox Survivors can also pick up ARK Survival Evolved plus the expansion Scorched Earth on sale from Microsoft's Xbox Preview Program. From now until February 6th, the game and its expansion pack will be on a special sale for Xbox Live Members, check out the details below! Primitive+ Update from Cedric! Hey fellow survivors! Just wanted to keep you up to date with a few things I’ve been working on in the lab. I’ll be sharing a bit more in the future, but I wanted to give you a preview of what’s to come and what’s been going on behind the scenes! Bug Submission I’ve recently adopted a new bug submission process in addition to the standard ways bugs are collected (forums). This allows anyone to submit a quick form that gets routed directly to me. It’s been going extremely well, and in the first week I received a ton of feedback that I was able to iterate on the same day. It seems this new process has some benefits over the old way of doing things. Submit a bug Weekly QA Builds Rather than waiting before the patch is going to be release to do QA, I am now doing weekly QA builds. If you’d like to be a part of the process, please reach out to me on the forums or on twitter (@complexminded). The beta builds are distributed through the workshop. You also need to be friends with me on Steam to see them (WC_Ced) New Content Ancient Flamethrower This work-in-progress hasn’t been textured yet but it’s a fact that flamethrowers were used in ancient times too! Check out this cool video for more info! Gokstad This ship is an iconic Viking ship that should fit well with other Primitive+ Items Beyond Primitive+ While my work for Primitive+ is far from finished, I’ve always wanted to contribute something I thought was missing from the main game. I’ve been working on a “market” system that will allow you to submit and “bid” on trades with other ARK players on the same server. You will be able to create a trade selecting from the items that are in the trading structures inventory and then select items that you want in return. There will be a listing of all the trades on the server and if you have the items to fulfill the trade, you can bid and receive the items in your inbox. More details to come!! * I know you're going to ask, UI is functional for now, will be revisited after! That's all for this week! Ced Community Contests! Player Procedurally Generated Maps! The Procedurally Generated Map system allows players to make their own ARK maps by determining a myriad of landscape options from the heights of mountains, depths of valleys, and the number of lakes, rivers or oceans, to the kinds of each biome they want, and more! Let's check out the entries for this weeks contest! This week's contest winner is... Heart of the Land by Wolf Angelus! PGMapName=HeartoftheLand PGTerrainPropertiesString=MapSeed=166;LandscapeRadius=1.0;Water Frequency=4.7;Mountains Frequency=7.0;Mountains Slope=2.04;MountainsHeight=1.92;Turbulence Power=0.0125;Shore Slope=1.0;WaterLevel=-0.72;GrassDensity=1.0;JungleGrassDensity=0.05;ErosionSteps=4;TreesGroundSlopeAccuracy=0.5;DepositionStrength=0.5;ErosionStrength=0.75;OceanFloorLevel=-1.0;SnowBiomeSize=0.15;RWBiomeSize=0.12;MountainBiomeStart=-0.35;MountainsTreeDensity=0.06;JungleBiomeStart=-0.65;IslandBorderCurveExp=4.0;MaxSawnPointHeight=0.2;SnowGrassDensity=0.25;MountainGrassDensity=0.007;SnowMountainGrassDensity=0.15;UnderwaterObjectsDensity=0.5;SnowMountainsTreeDensity=0.03;TreeDensity=0.005;JungleTreeDensity=0.55;RedWoodTreeDensity=0.031;SnowTreeDensity=1.2;RedwoodGrassDensity=0.07;ShoreTreeDensity=0.32;SnowShoreTreeDensity=0.04;DeepWaterBiomesDepth=-0.24;InlandWaterObjectsDensity=0.5;ShorelineStartOffset=0.01;ShorelineThickness=0.015;MountainGeneralTreesPercent=0.15;TerrainScaleMultiplier=(X=1.0f,Y=1.0f,Z=1.0f);SnowBiomeLocation=(X=0.7f,Y=0.7f);RWForestBiomeLocation=(X=0.35f,Y=0.35f);NorthRegion1Start=(X=0.25f,Y=0.0f);NorthRegion1End=(X=0.416f,Y=0.5f);NorthRegion2Start=(X=0.416f,Y=0.0f);NorthRegion2End=(X=0.582f,Y=0.5f);NorthRegion3Start=(X=0.582f,Y=0.0f);NorthRegion3End=(X=0.75f,Y=0.0f);SouthRegion1Start=(X=0.25f,Y=0.5f);SouthRegion1End=(X=0.416f,Y=1.0f);SouthRegion2Start=(X=0.416f,Y=0.5f);SouthRegion2End=(X=0.582f,Y=1.0f);SouthRegion3Start=(X=0.582f,Y=0.5f);SouthRegion3End=(X=0.75f,Y=1.0f);EastRegion1Start=(X=0.75f,Y=0.0f);EastRegion1End=(X=1.0f,Y=0.333f);EastRegion2Start=(X=0.75f,Y=0.333f);EastRegion2End=(X=1.0f,Y=0.666f);EastRegion3Start=(X=0.75f,Y=0.666f);EastRegion3End=(X=1.0f,Y=1.0f);WestRegion1Start=(X=0.0f,Y=0.0f);WestRegion1End=(X=0.25f,Y=0.333f);WestRegion2Start=(X=0.0f,Y=0.333f);WestRegion2End=(X=0.25f,Y=0.666f);WestRegion3Start=(X=0.0f,Y=0.666f);WestRegion3End=(X=0.25f,Y=1.0f) If you'd like to learn more about PGMs, please check out our quick start guide: ARKVideo! This contest is open to all types of video be they funny, epic, scenic, stories, whatever inspires you. Just a general reminder that they should remain safe for work, think of the children! And without further ado, the ARKVideo for Community Crunch 82 is... THE GOOD GUYS by Lame Wolf Productions! and... CRAGG'S ISLAND BARBER SHOPPE by Myndmelt Gaming! ARKitect! This is an award given to Survivors to celebrate the amazing structures you build. These bases are judged based upon a number of different factors such as their creativity, uniqueness, how fun of a base it is, the difficulty of building it, the functionality it provides and much more! The ARKitect for Community Crunch 82 is… ARK EMPIRE STATE BUILDING! by RYANT1UM! If you'd like to check out the submissions from the rest of the entrants, you can do so here: Fan Feature! WATER BASE EXPANSION | ARK Survival Evolved [S3 Ep10] by The Axe Man Ragnarok - A Second Look - Map Tour - Ark Survival Evolved by MeeMaw Library of Alexandria - Base Design - Comic Coloring (ARKitect) by Wolf Angelus Oscar's Birthday Cake! Lady and her Mount by Violet Source: Shitty artWORK by DeltaLEDminer Source: Copperratops by Okim Source: Pulmino by Okim Copper Drake by Okim Source: In ya face! by Morgengrau Source: Allo VS Ptera by WIM Source: Purlovia VS Chalicotherium by WIM Source: Kapro by WIM Source: Dilo's by Nameless BE Source: ARK by GR15 Source: FerrifervensTroglodytes(Nova) by kazmanian45 Dossier Preview 3 by kazmanian45 That's it for this post guys! As always if you’ve got anything to share please get in touch and be sure to follow us on: Twitter: Facebook: Reddit: Much love, Wildcard Jen, Jat, & the ARK: Survival Evolved Team View full article
Hey Survivors! Welcome to the latest edition of the Community Crunch! The Community Crunch is where we share important things going on with ARK, as well as host contests and showcase creations made by the community! Let's get started with some news. PS4 Sale! ARK's first ever PlayStation Sale is live right now! PS Plus Members can grab the Survivor's Pack for 20% off this weekend. Pick up your copy for yourself or a copy for a friend today! No Taming Servers! In addition to the No Taming servers on PC, we've just launched some new experimental Official Servers on Xbox and PS4! These are a bit different to our standard servers as they do not allow players to tame, ride, or breed creatures. ARK has a lot of core survival elements to it, and we wanted to see how players would find playing the game without the help of their trusty tames. Of course, this doesn't mean we're moving to a non-dino focused environment, it's just another customisation we've introduced for everyone. So give it a go, let us know what you think! Console Features: 100 Players No Taming Boosted Harvesting and EXP Rates! (2x rates of normal -- so with the Evolution Event, it's pretty much 6x OLD-ARK!) Titanosaur has been removed Auto Turrets have been removed Difficulty Level is currently set to 2.0 Tribes are limited to 10 players Isolated Cluster 50% Higher Base Weight and 50% increase per level too No alliances So we're interested in the dynamic that this experiment brings, please keep in mind that it is EXPERIMENTAL so there's a chance that the servers do not stay online / saved data could be wipe -- though our intention is to keep it online! To find the server, just search for this in your server filter: NoTamingExperiment Valentine's Day Event! As a reminder, the ARK Valentine's Day Event is currently live across all of our Official Server Network until February 20th! The Valentine's Day event adds these additional features: Dinos have a 5% chance to drop a Box of Chocolate when they mate. Box of Chocolates can be used for a Full-Heal or to advance 50% of a Taming Dino's Bar New Unlockable Facial & Head Hairstyles (via craftable Items), for Male & Female New Unlockable "Heart" Emote Servers can launch with "-vday" to get (extra): 2x Mateboost Range, 3x Mating Speed/Mating Recovery, 3x Baby/Egg Maturation Speed, 1/3rd Baby Food Consumption ARK: Evolution Event Weekend! Survivors across ALL Platforms will be receiving a special Evolution Event perk this weekend! It's already live now and will remain active until Monday the 20th at 12PM EST. All Official Servers will be undergoing this evolutionary change which includes: 1.5x Harvesting Rate 1.5x Taming Rate 1.5x EXP Rate Reminder: this 1.5x bonus is on top of the 2x rates that are now standard on our official servers! Community Contests! Player Procedurally Generated Maps! The Procedurally Generated Map system allows players to make their own ARK maps by determining a myriad of landscape options from the heights of mountains, depths of valleys, and the number of lakes, rivers or oceans, to the kinds of each biome they want, and more! Let's check out the entries for this weeks contest! This week's contest winner is... Lost Lands by Wolf Angelus! PGMapName=LostLands PGTerrainPropertiesString=MapSeed=212;LandscapeRadius=1.0;Water Frequency=4.7;Mountains Frequency=7.0;Mountains Slope=2.04;MountainsHeight=1.92;Turbulence Power=0.0125;Shore Slope=1.0;WaterLevel=-0.72;GrassDensity=1.0;JungleGrassDensity=0.05;ErosionSteps=4;TreesGroundSlopeAccuracy=0.5;DepositionStrength=0.5;ErosionStrength=0.75;OceanFloorLevel=-1.0;SnowBiomeSize=0.15;RWBiomeSize=0.12;MountainBiomeStart=-0.35;MountainsTreeDensity=0.06;JungleBiomeStart=-0.65;IslandBorderCurveExp=4.0;MaxSawnPointHeight=0.2;SnowGrassDensity=0.25;MountainGrassDensity=0.007;SnowMountainGrassDensity=0.15;UnderwaterObjectsDensity=0.5;SnowMountainsTreeDensity=0.03;TreeDensity=0.005;JungleTreeDensity=0.55;RedWoodTreeDensity=0.031;SnowTreeDensity=1.2;RedwoodGrassDensity=0.07;ShoreTreeDensity=0.32;SnowShoreTreeDensity=0.04;DeepWaterBiomesDepth=-0.24;InlandWaterObjectsDensity=0.5;ShorelineStartOffset=0.01;ShorelineThickness=0.015;MountainGeneralTreesPercent=0.15;TerrainScaleMultiplier=(X=1.0f,Y=1.0f,Z=1.0f);SnowBiomeLocation=(X=0.7f,Y=0.7f);RWForestBiomeLocation=(X=0.35f,Y=0.35f);NorthRegion1Start=(X=0.25f,Y=0.0f);NorthRegion1End=(X=0.416f,Y=0.5f);NorthRegion2Start=(X=0.416f,Y=0.0f);NorthRegion2End=(X=0.582f,Y=0.5f);NorthRegion3Start=(X=0.582f,Y=0.0f);NorthRegion3End=(X=0.75f,Y=0.0f);SouthRegion1Start=(X=0.25f,Y=0.5f);SouthRegion1End=(X=0.416f,Y=1.0f);SouthRegion2Start=(X=0.416f,Y=0.5f);SouthRegion2End=(X=0.582f,Y=1.0f);SouthRegion3Start=(X=0.582f,Y=0.5f);SouthRegion3End=(X=0.75f,Y=1.0f);EastRegion1Start=(X=0.75f,Y=0.0f);EastRegion1End=(X=1.0f,Y=0.333f);EastRegion2Start=(X=0.75f,Y=0.333f);EastRegion2End=(X=1.0f,Y=0.666f);EastRegion3Start=(X=0.75f,Y=0.666f);EastRegion3End=(X=1.0f,Y=1.0f);WestRegion1Start=(X=0.0f,Y=0.0f);WestRegion1End=(X=0.25f,Y=0.333f);WestRegion2Start=(X=0.0f,Y=0.333f);WestRegion2End=(X=0.25f,Y=0.666f);WestRegion3Start=(X=0.0f,Y=0.666f);WestRegion3End=(X=0.25f,Y=1.0f) If you'd like to learn more about PGMs, please check out our quick start guide: NVidia Ansel Photography Contest Super Resolution Version: ARK: Survival Evolved and the Scorched Earth Expansion Pack now include support for NVIDIA Ansel -- a revolutionary new way to capture in-game shots. Compose shots from any position, adjust with post-process filters, capture HDR images in high-fidelity formats, and share the screenshots in 360 via a smartphone, PC or VR headset. Learn more about these features from the NVIDIA blog. Now let’s get to the contest! There were 3 potential categories for survivors to enter their shots into and they were the following: Three Categories Super Resolution: These should be taken at 8x Super Resolution. Players can optionally use Depth of Field effects accessible in Spectator mode by pressing the [Delete] key. Panoramic 360 Stereoscopic 3D: These should be taken at 4x Super Resolution, in 360 Stereoscopic 3D mode. We will crop them to 2D for web display, while also providing the 3D version for viewing within VR display. Freeform: Any settings, whacky and creative use of Ansel filters are encouraged. Adding humorous titles/captions in Photoshop is also acceptable for this category! And now without further ado, here are your entries! You’ll want to click on the image title to be able to download the maximum size image, we’ve resized them for display purposes Super Resolution! Winners! Wolf Angelus - Renaissance Fair AsH - LoVely palms Runners Up! FataL1ty - Casual Stroll Pollti - Ruins on Cragg's Island EXFIB0 - Caves Honourable Mentions! Wolf Angelus - Library AsH - Bronto Hugs FataL1ty - Advance! EXFIB0 - Rotated EXFIB0 - Redwood Waterfall Wolf Angelus - On Patrol FataL1ty - Deadeye Wolf Angelus - Jousting Arena FataL1ty - Scorching of the Earth FataL1ty - Alpha FataL1ty - Feed Panoramic 360 Stereoscopic 3D! Winner! FataL1ty - Life and Death Honourable Mentions! FataL1ty - Den of Beasts FataL1ty - Plane EXFIB0 - Carno Island Wolf Angelus - Library Freeform! Winner! Wolf Angelus - Something is Not Quite Right.... Honourable Mentions! EXFIB0 - The Island FataL1ty - Just Chilling MRRadioactiv - Swimming with Megapiranhas ARKVideo! This contest is open to all types of video be they funny, epic, scenic, stories, whatever inspires you. Just a general reminder that they should remain safe for work, think of the children! And without further ado, the ARKVideo for Community Crunch 84 is... WILD WEST QUICKDRAW - ARK Skits by Lame Wolf Productions ARKitect! This is an award given to Survivors to celebrate the amazing structures you build. These bases are judged based upon a number of different factors such as their creativity, uniqueness, how fun of a base it is, the difficulty of building it, the functionality it provides and much more! The ARKitect for Community Crunch 84 is… Command and conquer (Red ARKlert 2) by Valoule! If you'd like to check out the submissions from the rest of the entrants, you can do so here: Fan Feature! THE EIFFEL TOWER BUILD!!- Ark Building Montage Monday EP 18 by RYANT1UM ARK Castaway to Saving Private Yody! - ARK Annunaki Genesis Ep. 4 by Yodysseus IV Pterosaur Educational Special - Pteranodon, Tapejar And Quetzalcoatlus [11] by Shredder HAIR STYLING | ARK Survival Evolved by GP The Stable - Equus Prep!! Ep18 : Gaming Evolved by Arahli The Geek Love Birds - A Valentine's Day Short - ARK: Survival Evolved by Alexis Arcade Blue Giga Tame !! - Pooptopia Annunaki - S3E17 - Ark Survival by kortniechan Gaming HUGE TEK TIER BASE RAID | ARK SURVIVAL EVOLVED by The Axe Man Redwoods Cabin II :: Ark House Building Tutorial :: How To Build An A-Frame Cabin :: UTC Build Guide by UniteTheClans A Day on Iso Crystal Isles Map - Ark Survival Evolved Mod Spotlight by MeeMaw TheGeekyGranny NSK's ARK (醉熊记) - The Achatina Song by NSK Videos Ark Survival Evolved - Modded Volcano Map - Welcome To The DBC! - DBC S1 E1 by No Rush Gaming THE INVINCIBLE SNAIL - Rise of the Achatina (Episode 2) by Lame Wolf Productions Spinosaur by Akhoris Source: Pachyrhinosaurus by Akhoris Source: Condiment Pals by Cupcake Source: Dodo Aboriginal by Rosalila Source: Mother Dodo by Rosalila Source: Sleepy Azae by Violet Source: Tala: New ARK OC by TheMightySaurus Source: Reaver by NutterButter Source: DodoRex Sketch by Senyor DootNoots Source: One of my old drawings by mateaperic51 Source: Concept Art by NeroLokin P.Noctis, S.Saevabellum and B.Prudentia by Kaprodonychus Source: One Piece Evolved by GEonWAR Source: Aladdin: Sultan's Palace by Wolf Angelus Primal Jungle Pachyrhinosaurus by Sharkcat Source: That's it for this post guys! As always if you’ve got anything to share please get in touch and be sure to follow us on: Twitter: Facebook: Reddit: Instagram: Much love, Wildcard Jen & the ARK: Survival Evolved Team View full article
Hey Survivors! Earlier this week, Jesse sat down with GameSpot to talk about our huge upcoming 254 Patch, showing off our new features and what players can expect! You can check it out here: and read more about it here! The interview will run through TEK Tier, our real-time growing hairstyling system, jousting, the new creatures and more! You'll be able to see actual gameplay, so definitely take a look! Welcome to the latest edition of the Community Crunch! ARK: Evolution Event Weekend! Survivors across ALL Platforms will be receiving a special Evolution Event perk this weekend! It's already live now and will remain active until Monday the 30th at 12PM EST. All Official Servers will be undergoing this evolutionary change which includes: 1.5x Harvesting Rate 1.5x Taming Rate 1.5x EXP Rate Reminder: this 1.5x bonus is on top of the 2x rates that are now standard on our official servers! Community Contests! Player Procedurally Generated Maps! The Procedurally Generated Map system allows players to make their own ARK maps by determining a myriad of landscape options from the heights of mountains, depths of valleys, and the number of lakes, rivers or oceans, to the kinds of each biome they want, and more! Let's check out the entries for this week's contest! This week's contest winner is... Kovko's Bronto Island! PGM Settings: PGTerrainPropertiesString=MapSeed=669;LandscapeRadius=1.0;Water Frequency=6.145416;Mountains Frequency=9.225989;Mountains Slope=2.213382;MountainsHeight=0.704662;Turbulence Power=0.0125;Shore Slope=1.0;WaterLevel=-0.72;GrassDensity=1.0;JungleGrassDensity=0.02;ErosionSteps=4;TreesGroundSlopeAccuracy=0.5;DepositionStrength=0.5;ErosionStrength=0.75;OceanFloorLevel=-1.0;SnowBiomeSize=0.388339;RWBiomeSize=0.05988;MountainBiomeStart=-0.661069;MountainsTreeDensity=0.01;JungleBiomeStart=-0.673399;IslandBorderCurveExp=4.0;MaxSawnPointHeight=0.1;SnowGrassDensity=0.25;MountainGrassDensity=0.05;SnowMountainGrassDensity=0.15;UnderwaterObjectsDensity=0.7;SnowMountainsTreeDensity=0.01;TreeDensity=0.003;JungleTreeDensity=0.66;RedWoodTreeDensity=0.35;SnowTreeDensity=1.0;RedwoodGrassDensity=0.1;ShoreTreeDensity=0.05;SnowShoreTreeDensity=0.025;DeepWaterBiomesDepth=-0.24;InlandWaterObjectsDensity=0.5;ShorelineStartOffset=0.01;ShorelineThickness=0.0015;MountainGeneralTreesPercent=0.1;TerrainScaleMultiplier=(X=1.0f,Y=1.0f,Z=1.0f);SnowBiomeLocation=(X=0.2f,Y=0.2f);RWForestBiomeLocation=(X=0.5f,Y=0.5f);NorthRegion1Start=(X=0.25f,Y=0.0f);NorthRegion1End=(X=0.416f,Y=0.5f);NorthRegion2Start=(X=0.416f,Y=0.0f);NorthRegion2End=(X=0.582f,Y=0.5f);NorthRegion3Start=(X=0.582f,Y=0.0f);NorthRegion3End=(X=0.75f,Y=0.0f);SouthRegion1Start=(X=0.25f,Y=0.5f);SouthRegion1End=(X=0.416f,Y=1.0f);SouthRegion2Start=(X=0.416f,Y=0.5f);SouthRegion2End=(X=0.582f,Y=1.0f);SouthRegion3Start=(X=0.582f,Y=0.5f);SouthRegion3End=(X=0.75f,Y=1.0f);EastRegion1Start=(X=0.75f,Y=0.0f);EastRegion1End=(X=1.0f,Y=0.333f);EastRegion2Start=(X=0.75f,Y=0.333f);EastRegion2End=(X=1.0f,Y=0.666f);EastRegion3Start=(X=0.75f,Y=0.666f);EastRegion3End=(X=1.0f,Y=1.0f);WestRegion1Start=(X=0.0f,Y=0.0f);WestRegion1End=(X=0.25f,Y=0.333f);WestRegion2Start=(X=0.0f,Y=0.333f);WestRegion2End=(X=0.25f,Y=0.666f);WestRegion3Start=(X=0.0f,Y=0.666f);WestRegion3End=(X=0.25f,Y=1.0f) If you'd like to learn more about PGMs, please check out our quick start guide: NVidia Ansel Photography Contest Super Resolution Version: ARK: Survival Evolved and the Scorched Earth Expansion Pack now include support for NVIDIA Ansel -- a revolutionary new way to capture in-game shots. Compose shots from any position, adjust with post-process filters, capture HDR images in high-fidelity formats, and share the screenshots in 360 via a smartphone, PC or VR headset. Learn more about these features from the NVIDIA blog. Now let’s get to the contest! There were 3 potential categories for survivors to enter their shots into and they were the following: Three Categories Super Resolution: These should be taken at 8x Super Resolution. Players can optionally use Depth of Field effects accessible in Spectator mode by pressing the [Delete] key. Panoramic 360 Stereoscopic 3D: These should be taken at 4x Super Resolution, in 360 Stereoscopic 3D mode. We will crop them to 2D for web display, while also providing the 3D version for viewing within VR display. Freeform: Any settings, whacky and creative use of Ansel filters are encouraged. Adding humorous titles/captions in Photoshop is also acceptable for this category! And now without further ado, here are your entries! You’ll want to click on the image title to be able to download the maximum size image, we’ve resized them for display purposes Super Resolution! Winner! Blue Dragon - Ice Dragon Blue Dragon - Tragedy Runners Up! Kovko - Hunter GravesAJ - Corridor of Cunning Wolf Angelus - Okami in Feudal Japan Blue Dragon - Hyper Voice Honourable Mentions! Exilog - Harder than You Blue Dragon - A Bugs Life Wolf Angelus - Japanese Longhouse Blue Dragon - Cold as ice GravesAJ - Cave of Wonders Exilog - Playful Desert Wolf Angelus - Feudal Japan Scene 2 Blue Dragon - Fatal error Exilog - Selected by Nature Blue Dragon - Frozen calamari GravesAJ - Kapro Kidnapping Blue Dragon - I walk alone Kovko - You are in my kingdom now! Blue Dragon - Just a sip Wolf Angelus - Feudal Japan Scene 1 GravesAJ - Mammoth Breakfast EXFIB0 - Fire n Ice Blue Dragon - Out for a swim Wolf Angelus - Feudal Japan Park GravesAJ - Red Obi Sunset Exilog - Bros forever - Super Res GravesAJ - David and Goliath EXFIB0 - Invading The Center GravesAJ - Troodons Assemble! Blue Dragon - Sneak attack Exilog - A Man and his Dodo Part 2! Exilog - Free in the Cold GravesAJ - The Unnatural Meets the Natural Panoramic 360 Stereoscopic 3D! Winner! EXFIB0 - On Top Runners Up! Wolf Angelus - Feudal Japan Scene 1 Exilog - Shigo Mushroom Redwood Honourable Mentions! Exilog - Shigo Desert Kovko - Guardian Exilog - Shigo Frozen Crystal Mine GravesAJ - Red Obelisk Redwoods Wolf Angelus - Feudal Japan Scene 2 Kovko - The Light FataL1ty - Lookout GravesAJ - Green Obi Exilog - Shigo Snowy Morning Kovko - Black Island Freeform! Winner! Morgengrau - Holy Place Honourable Mentions! Blue Dragon - There's something bad is behind me, isn't there GravesAJ - Giga Got Back EXFIB0 - Melting The Castle GravesAJ - Lion King Kovko - Milk Wolf Angelus - Year of the Dodo (Rooster) GravesAJ - Photo Studio ARKVideo! This contest is open to all types of video be they funny, epic, scenic, stories, whatever inspires you. Just a general reminder that they should remain safe for work, think of the children! And without further ado, the ARKVideo for Community Crunch 81 is... LameWolfProductions for this hilarious entry! ARKitect! This is an award given to Survivors to celebrate the amazing structures you build. These bases are judged based upon a number of different factors such as their creativity, uniqueness, how fun of a base it is, the difficulty of building it, the functionality it provides and much more! The ARKitect for Community Crunch 81 is… It's a tie! Congratulations to both Wolf Angelus and the duo of Stoneydradon86 and Chaos for their awesome creations! Wolf Angelus' Feudal Japan ARKitecture Stoneydradon86 and Choas's Light of Adall We'd also like to wish a huge congratulations to our runner up for this week, Valoule! Valoule's ARK Oil Refinery! You can check out their full album here: Thanks for the submissions this week, Survivors! If you'd like to check out the submissions from the rest of the entrants, you can do so here: Fan Feature! XuTV's ARK Tutorial [Ongoing Series][FR] A Sad Tale of a Traveler and his Companion, Okami by Wolf Angelus Water Base Build by The Axe Man Log Cabin II by UniteTheClans ARK: RYANT1UM'S Top Tips: AMAZING BASE LOCATIONS!! THE ARK-CASTLE! by Ryant1um Syntac's Resource Farming Building EXFIB0's - The Center Base Locations! [ARK SOTF] Best-of Kill 2015-2016 by XuTV Cave Explorers by ??? Source: "Why So Serious" by Dilligaf Source: Fluffy Grumps by TheMightySaurus Source: Big Tooth by DragonHeart2003 Source: That's it for this post guys! We'll be back at it again with the Digest and Blog Posts from @complexminded - things have been a little busy with the latest update coming your way. As always if you’ve got anything to share please get in touch and be sure to follow us on: Twitter: Facebook: Reddit: Imzy: All the best, Wildcard Jat, Jen, & the ARK: Survival Evolved Team View full article