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Early Birds
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Everything posted by Venivdvici

  1. there are still seeds. That particular seed type seems to have only been used in development. I can confirm having picked up multiple seed types in game though
  2. Nitrado's own FAQ right now says others will be able to monetize their non-nitrado stuff. I have read all the chats. You [DirkInSA] definitely have done more so and are involved enough to know how conflicting the info is. I am hoping for a better outcome. The game actually being playable in single player day one without crashes every hour beat my expectations. I don't think WC is that great at communicating. But I agree they really need to comment. Even a "to the best of my current knowledge the current situation is ..." from them will be appreciated. They do have a timer though. The communities will be hurt for every day that personal bare metal hosting is impractical. From what I know about the hardware etc; the Nitrado prices are not that expensive. The 26 person server probably consumes around $10 in electricity a month. I would appreciate if monopolies were forced to give price justifications. If I was them I would up the refund policy to 24 hours for the next two weeks as a goodwill gesture. It won't help the cash flow short term; but the long term cred boost will go far. There also may be problems based on the advertisements that have been given. I am not sure though. Extremely limited self hosting was not what was advertised.
  3. Looking forward to how things resolve. Honestly this is the least problematic launch I have seen since the launch of Aberration. The game is actually playable. I can understand with this effectively being an alpha, that server hosting isn't ready right out the gate. Better documentation and clarity on the policy is will need to happen. I am pretty sure the licenses will get cleared up in some way. My community used to have 10,000 members but I closed it after gen 2.... I don't think most clusters will ever hit that though.
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