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Everything posted by Hyday

  1. Lovin Extinction, Thanks for all the hard work! I did have to move my base though sinceafter the patches my base was mostly in a mountain, but other than that happy for the patches. Keep up the great work.
  2. Thank you for the hard work Oh, and you can never go wrong with adding giant robots. I am SO glad you at wild card understand that!
  3. Oh and people calm down. There was a delay, its not the end of the world. Stop acting like a spoiled kid who didnt get EVERYTHING they wanted on christmas. Its a delay, it happens, be patient, Waiting for things is part of life.
  4. Thank you for all the hard work. Better get my character ready to go before the download lol. Also good work with Extra Life! Thanks for helping make the world a little brighter by helping others.
  5. Seriously! It is a huge amount of work to basically re-code the entire game for another console, let alone all of them. These things take time so be patient and dont be a jerk because you dont have it RIGHT NOW. (though i think Tigerstagirl said it best)
  6. Love the new site banner. has a real pacific rim vibe to it. Now, somehow i am even more amped for extinction!
  7. Yeah i was not that interested in the gasbags, but after seeing them in action, i absolutely HAVE to tame one. God damn adorable fart-worms. Also thats awesome your doin the whole extra life thing. Much respect and love to ya for helping people in need.
  8. Sounds awesome. Thanks for these neat events and updates.
  9. Aaaaaand i found my new fav creature in this game. looks AWESOME, great work, cant wait for more
  10. Not my thing, i am a PvE guy but hey, sounds cool for PvP'ers. I wonder if this will turn into a tournament at some point, like the consistently top handful of tribes battle it out for some prize or trophy? hm, well in any case sounds neat but its not for me. Good luck Pvp players.
  11. Sounds awesome! Thank you for working to make the PvE single player have a permanent tame for the titans. Its alot of work to get something like that for one or two people for it to just die later. (If it dies i want it to be from human error... like fighting a giga, not from a time limit.) As for a TLC, i hope you decide to do more at some point. I like many have a love hate relationship with the carno. Its kinda meh, and not very good, but at the same time it was the first dino to kill me. It really was one of the best experiences i have ever had. (cowering in my thatch hut as it smashed threw it bit by bit, with me freaking out in the furthest corner poking it with my spear in a vain attempt to survive. Not to mention how tense it was trying to sneak to get my stuff back...and eventually succeeding...) I would just like to see some love for the carno... and maybe the diplodocus, or rather the DERPlodocus. but mostly for the carno. Anyway thanks for the info, and keep up the heard work
  12. Glad i was not the only one lol. Cant even imagine how many people will be showing off there "Falcor's".
  13. First thought, "oh WOW this looks so awesome and adorable...." followed very quickly by my second thought, "...are we getting falcor? .... Holy crap..... WE ARE GETTING FALCOR!!! Signed up just to type this... that is all..
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