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Early Birds
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Everything posted by Infospy

  1. Well, I hope you have to refund your employer whenever you are late on your tasks.
  2. I've read a lot of hate. It's ok to be angry. But before posting hate against wildcard do the following : download Unreal Engine 4, design an Island map of your own, program a simple player, design and program a simple tameable Dino, a dodo for simpleness, compile everything. Add weather, one food item, one craftable item and three related resources. If you can do it alone, in one month, I will grant you your right to complain. If you can't, shut up and let them do their job. Yes the codebase is crap, it crashes a lot, it lags like hell but it's still the best, most complete and most exciting survival and sandbox game I've seen. I understand money is hard to get and you want to play Extinction but give these guys due credit, this crap is hard to do, and I'd they solve 1 major to critical bug in these two weeks then it is worthy. So, just be a little appreciative and comprehensive and just wait a bit. And try to encourage and motivate the team, not make them feel like crap. The product you'll receive is a reflection of your appreciation. Over and out.
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