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Everything posted by destructicon54

  1. i tried to zoom in on the head and see if i could identify it by the shape of its head but its too pixelated
  2. well then there would have to be something reflective on the body of the wyvern/wyrm
  3. no the glow runs down the entire body
  4. this is just speculation but maybe its a fire wyrm
  5. except wyverns don't glow. if you look at the torn dossier, the glow on the belly of the creature in the pic matches the glow on the belly of the wyrm in the torn dossier
  6. those arn't wyverns! they're wyrms! i doubt extinction would have wyverns AND wyrms. wyrms must have multiple types, that would explain why they look different from the torn dossier
  7. well corrupted is purple. wyrms have glowing blue on their bellys, so do gasbags, if they were corrupted they would be untamable, therfore, there are two types of element infected creatures
  8. that tek-dilo-beast-thing glows blue, the corruption glows purple, i can't wait to tame one of those tek-dilo-beast-things
  9. maybe, like the wyverns, there are different types of wyrms
  10. your right i forgot that bit about the wyrm having fur. i wonder if it is an actual corruption killing weapon or if its a tool that could kill the titans since i've heared that the titans can't be killed with brute force
  11. i don't think thats a wyvern, its a wyrm. the wyrms are the extinction versions of wyverns, just like rock drakes were aberrations version of wyverns
  12. the new tek notes or the hologram notes or whatever you want to call them mentioned a weapon the "She who waits" has for the survivors, maybe that capsule in the picture with the gasbags is that weapon
  13. maybe that wyvern in the corner is actually the wyrm that wildcard showed off
  14. the corrupted plants are mentioned in the subtitles below the picture
  15. A what!? a tree elemental, that sounds weird AND cool. i don't know what to think. and corrupted plants. plants that might attack you. interesting
  16. a ravager would not work because its only on aberration, and a parasuar was going to happen one way or another because it has a bionic costume.
  17. Happalula stop complaining, would you rather NO tek creatures, shut up and try to enjoy what you already have.
  18. that would be a nice change, i can't imagine anyone actually being able to find a tek giga or quetz, but adding them would pacify the parasuar haters.
  19. there are only 4 bionic skins left, mosa, quetz, giga, and trike. the giga and quetz are too rare, wildcard would not do that. that leaves the mosa, which is not as rare, i can see wildcard doing the mosa and the trike. my best bet is that it's going to be the trike
  20. you sound like you don't like the game. "I am sure extinction will fall flat on its face like every other wildcard map". yet you still play, your a hypocrit
  21. I'm not mad because of the parasuar, in fact i like the tek parasuar, but why can't wildcard be a little more creative
  22. very predictable. i know for sure that it will the trike. Way to go wildcard taking the easy way and NOT being creative at all, good job not. its going to be the trike, they are all doing just bionic skins with a little edits here and there.
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