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Everything posted by UDGxKnight

  1. Definitely looks like a special dossier, but maybe it is just a teaser image and not a full dossier. Here is to hoping that it is the first of many new desert related creatures. My opinion about it, is that it seems to have a more mammal-ish body type to me so leads me to think it is some form of Pangolin but its face says some form of lizard which I have to agree looks kinda like the Armadillo Girdled Lizard, if I had to decide I would say it is a lizard of some kind.
  2. That sounds really cool. Like I said I love the game series so would love an open world where you could casually stroll around and run into a wild Brachydios or get something extra ridiculous like Lao-Shan Lung lol
  3. Trying my hardest to understand why someone is putting so much effort into making dossiers for creatures form Monster Hunter XD. I mean I love it but if those things ever got added I mean my god that would be ridiculously OP and amazingly cool. Fighting those things in the Monster Hunter series is always a blast so who knows what it would be like in this game. In all seriousness though I am looking forward to more polar dinos(the overpopulation of Rexes is insane) and also desert related stuff.
  4. Excited to see this creature make it to xbox along with more ways to troll friends lol. To all those who complain whenever the devs add something they don't think belongs just remember this isn't your game. This game is about extinct creatures of all shapes and sizes, if it was just dinosaurs everyone would complain and be like, "Where are the saber cats?," same if it was just ice age creatures with no dinos. I personally think there should be more giant bugs, mammals, and definitely more amphibians even with all the ones still planned. Anyway that got off topic, needless to say, if a creature fits into the "extinct" prehistoric creature quota then it belongs in the game and has a place and it doesn't matter if it is as simple as a giant leech to a more complicated creature like the Titanosaur. I appreciate every creature added to the game for the ambiance and fun to be had with each new thing, and when the ecosystems are more flushed out and interactions with creatures both human and other creatures is tweaked I think everyone will appreciate the oddities more.
  5. Ehhh I just don't find it that big of a deal, I mean at least the leech looks like it belongs. Surprised you haven't brought up the dragon, king kong, broodmother, or the dodorex if your problem is with non-prehistoric creatures being in the game. Everyone is entitled to an opinion I just wanted to better understand yours. Personally, I appreciate all the work the devs put in to the game since it is after all their job and something they obviously love to do. It just seemed kinda crappy that you dissed their work, since everyone should know by now that it is impossible to make everyone happy.
  6. I get that, but it just seems to me that we still don't know a lot about the lore of the game so who's to say it isn't something like the Predators movie and we and random other creatures were dropped on the ark to be tested and then essentially hunted(probably just tested to see how humans survive in the environment vs apex predators of the past).
  7. Wondering if you realize how many, "prehistoric animals," still are around today(Looking directly at you Coelacanth)I am pretty sure leeches have been around way longer than you give them credit for. Also I am pretty sure they get to add what they want and never said that the creatures wouldn't get odd at times because they do like the odd ones probably more than they do the mainstream rexes and what not.
  8. If only everyone would understand that the devs put a lot of work into this game and every creature no matter how silly or what size it is, it adds to the interest of the game. Personally I think that the game needs more small aquatic creatures (its pretty bare out in the deep guys). As for the basil not getting a dossier yet, it is literally I believe the most asked for creature to be in the game so just give it a little time. I promise the devs aren't blind, they just like creative and not highly asked for creatures that perk their interest also.
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