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Everything posted by LordSithe

  1. I just got in. so many deaths while I was locked out tho. it made me reinstall the mod
  2. Same issue. the required mod section is blank but the server is moded still so its trying to download a mod no longer there so its in a loop would love to know a fix
  3. IF that was the case it wouldn't be so bad. However its not. at least not for me. With all these random times they take the servers down each night you cant plan for it at all. 3 times Ive had either 145 or 150 dinos down and taming when the server goes down and each time they have been gone on log in.
  4. thats a really good point lol They gave a time for extra life and actually hit that time. so I guess I was hopefull. I want to go out taming. Ive seen a few 150s I want to get but Im afraid to start because as soon as I knock them out the server will go down for the event lol
  5. Does anyone know what time this starts today? Ive looked at all the announcements but I don't see a time. Also I see no mention of rates. Do we know if this is going to be x2 or is it going to be the standard 1x?
  6. Right? If they could make a schedule for the same time every day we can plan for that. ok servers go down at 5pm pacific no taming after 4 no boss fights. no baby hatching. one night it was 11 eastern the next 8 eastern the next 7 eastern and now 4 eastern. How hard is it to just say servers go down for maintenance every day at 8pm or what ever time they decide on
  7. WC Devs, what is going on with yall? Are you all so incompetent that you cant make a schedule when to take these servers down? Every day its a different time hours and hours apart from one another and the 10 min you give to prep is total garbage. Is there a bunch of toddlers running this company? the amount of dinos Ive lost do to taming on the shut down and the deaths that follow it due to being well away from base is unacceptable.
  8. Sooooo Ive tested a few times. Is it a bug or are we just not meant to be able to imprint? Ive tested this several time and if you miss the even by a mere 4 or 5 minutes you loose the ability for all future imprints on that dino. Anyone else dealing with this? Without cryopods its pretty unreasonable to set the penalty time to less than 5 minutes and for it to cancel out all future imprints
  9. Im getting really sick and tired of not being able to log into my server when Im forced to leave due to glitches. at this point I paid FULL price for a service I am not receiving. Might be time to report Fraud to my card.
  10. Yeah and I love pvp its a lot of fun but I also have to work for a living so offical PVP is a no go for me
  11. I hope your not waiting for PVE xbox servers. WC says they have no value so wont be adding those. Only PVP
  12. Yup I saw that. Dolly said that. its BS. I did find a decent crossplay without pillars anywhere. got a nice start going but no boosted rates. like at all. think it hit day 13 so its a brand new one wheres the boosts they said Xbox would be getting to catch up? Im getting like 4 hide per dodo lol
  13. Just saw were dolly said there will be no console only pve servers as there is no point. so now were being forced to play it PC players. Seriously considering refunding the game at this point. How freaking stupid is WC? its almost like they are trying to piss everyone off
  14. Still no xbox only servers? They said a few hours its been almost 24 hours lol. these new cross play servers are trash. 9 days old and pillared off already
  15. They literally said in their announcement they would be keeping the servers closed for a few hours so everyone has a chance to download and get into the game so some dont have a head start.
  16. tell me you didn't read the announcement without telling me you didn't read the announcement
  17. Doesnt work. bring it up on the app it only says launch on console click that console says see in microsoft store click that and Unavailable
  18. HOw are you downloading it? The app or from the console? my series X us updated and it still doesnt give me the option to download on console
  19. I mean your not wrong. They are kind of screwed each way they go if they cant get xbox ready by end of month. Put off sony launch to wait for xbox potentially get sued by Sony. Launch on PS and not xbox and potentially get sued for breach of contract Lose lose.
  20. So I think the delay for PS is just in hopes they can get Xbox squared away first. Kind of buying time. WC is partnered with Xbox I'm sure Microsoft wouldn't like it and would possibly pull funding if they released a product to a competitor before them. And that is 100% on WC. they lie and are so far from transparent it isn't even funny. Its shadow games they are playing right now. They are saying PS is on track still but no date for xbox If I'm right I'm betting if xbox isn't ready by the end of the month they will make up some excuse to delay PS launch. I truly hope I am wrong. I just cant see them releasing for ps before Xbox with who they are partnered with.
  21. First off never said I knew what I was talking about. its just my thoughts on the matter. Pull up the specs between the S and X series ( I own both as well) The series X is double what the series S is. In baldurs gate the issue was split screen multiplayer. well ASA has the same stuff. and ASA and ASE are far different in regards to being able to run them Series S running ASE has nothing to do with ASA They upgraded game engines. Even high end computers are struggling with the game. not saying it wont come out for Series S but its going to take a long time. we prob wont see ASA on console until Jan or Feb if at all. I hope im wrong tho
  22. Guys step back and think for a moment. I know WC is crap when it comes to deadlines but I think this one is out of their hands. Xbox requires games to be available to the series X and S to pass cert. Now look at the spec differences between the series X and the Series S. and look how hard it is to run on PC. There is no way this can play on the series S Microsoft needs to make it so games can be made soley for the series X or xbox is going to get left behind in so many games. Look at Baldur's Gate. Its out on PC and PS but not Xbox because the Series S cant run it. Its the Same with ASA it will play on the Series X but not the Series S. I think this is the exception 99% of the time is WC not being able to get their crap togther but this time I think its Microsoft making life miserable for them. PS does have the same requirements to play on older systems. So watch. ASA will launch on PS as stated but Xbox likly wont get it until next year if at all. If Microsoft doesnt fix this games will just stop developing for Xbox and well then the console dies. Just my 2 cents
  23. If I had to make a guess as to why no communication it would be for a few reasons. Mainly because if they don't say what people want to hear they get death threats which is so not ok. I hope everyone that made those threats against dolly get prosecuted and banned from all ark games.
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