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Early Birds
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Everything posted by Aamin

  1. Joint raids against one or more tribes (including cross-server) Sharing tame breeding lines between tribes Sharing tames between tribes I have actually no idea how you ever going to enforce these rules above. I would love to see exactly how you guys try to do that. Even on top of everything, if you guys figure out how to police all of those rules that legit would ruin the social aspect / political game. All of you would be killing the "political plays" that people could pull of in getting themselves out of bad situations or to get them into good ones. I see this game as a PVP game, PVE game, and a political game. You need all three of those aspects of the game to survive in the ARK community. Whenever you see anybody in open world flying on their argies / pteras / quetz. Most people will say "hey how's it going". To try and build a relationship and a reputation on the server to keep their tribe alive and healthy. If you take away the political game away from ARK you will be killing ones of the ways ARK is meant to be played. If you apply this rule, I ask one thing of you guys please up the amount of people in tribe to at least 8-10. Most tribes are having to make 2 tribes to play "together" to actually try and have fun on this server. Thanks, sincerely half of the damn ARK community
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