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  1. Hatched loads of babies last night, to take advantage of the maturation speed boost, and only had 3 babies disappear into the abyss. I guess that's improvement. Would be cool if they'd finally fix tames falling through the map. No telling how many animals, counting towards my tame cap, just don't exist anymore. ?
  2. I was under the impression PC got Fear "on time", so I don't see why Xbox has anything to do with it. And if u really believe they're keeping us in the loop, u must not have noticed they announced it wouldn't be coming to Xbox, the day it was supposed to drop, as if they hadn't made that realization before hand. No they'd rather keep people interested and excited about content that MAY be actually added when they state it's supposed to. U and I must have very different definitions of transparency and being kept in the loop. I love this game. One of the best I've played in my decades of gaming. However, I'm not thrilled with the way WildCard handles certain things relating to their community. Been waiting 3 weeks to meet a Game Master, to address an issue of a lost character, only to be stood up this evening, with no response or explanation as to WHY. And that's the issue. I'd rather be left in the dark, then be told half-truths, because they equate to the same thing anyways. At least then I wouldn't feel jipped.
  3. I can believe it was rushed, it always seems to be. It not being on Xbox or PC doesn't change the fact it was stated those features would be available. Also doesn't change the fact, that if it wasn't ready, why bother? Do u honestly think people are happy with half-truths? I understand they have a lot to do, but perhaps that means they should be a tad less ambitious. It'd be one thing if this was a rare occurrence, but it's not.
  4. Not everything is functioning on The Island properly either. Couldn't help but notice the Titainboas aren't tamable like they should be, and the "spooky creatures" like bats, spiders aren't appearing above ground as advertised. Why add it to Xbox late, if they weren't going to add it all?
  5. I think the ideas for tree platforms is awesome. But couldn't someone just cut ur tree down?
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